

23. 老师对你很满意. The teacher is you .

24. 这个书架是由木头制成的。


wood and bamboo。

26. 这台电脑是由日本生产的。

27. 动物的身体是由细胞构成的。



I am pleased my new friend.

29. 愿你的生日和所有的日子都充满快乐。



31. 他们从南方远道来看我。

They came from the South to see me.

32. 我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。

Let's hurry and the group ahead.

33. 盗贼们把他打昏,当他醒来时,他发现自己躺在黑暗中。

The robbers knocked him unconscious, and when he he

was lying alone in the dark.

34. 从十字架上下来。

from the cross.

35. 他的理想迟早会实现。

His dream will sooner or later.


He could not a proper answer.

37. 她现在正在打扫厨房。

She is the kitchen now.

38. 虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。

They managed to their experiments in spite of the difficulties.

39. 他们砍倒了那棵树。

They that tree.


41. 孩子们, 别瞎闹, 我想看一会儿书。

Stop messing about, boys! I'm trying to

42. 我经常读书来消磨时光。

to kill time

43. 我会尽最大努力学会英语。

I’ll do to learn English.


23.pleased with

24.is made of

25.is made from


27.up to


29.be full of或be filled with

30.came out


32.catch up with

33.came to himself

34.Come down或Get down

35.come true

36.come up with

37.cleaning up

38.go on

39.cut down


41.do some reading

42.do some reading

43.my best









7. 老师对你很满意. The teacher is you . 这个书架是由木头制成的。 wood. 纸是由木头和竹子制造而成的。 wood and bamboo. 这台电脑是由日本生产的。 动物的身体是由细胞构成的。 cells(细胞). 我对我的新朋友感到满意。 I am pleased my new friend. 愿你的生日所的日子都充快乐。


8.月亮从云后露出脸来。 The moon from behind the clouds.

9. 他们从南方远道来看我。 They came from the South to see me.

10. 我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。 Let's hurry and the group ahead.

11. 盗贼们把他打昏,当他醒来时,他发现自己躺在黑暗中。

The robbers knocked him unconscious, and when he hewas lying alone in the dark.

12. 从十字架上下来。 I _______ from the cross.

13. 他的理想迟早会实现。 His dream will sooner or later.

14. 他找不到一个合适的答案。 He could not a proper answer.

15. 她现在正在打扫厨房。 She is the kitchen now.

16. 虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。

They managed to their experiments in spite of the difficulties.

17. 他们砍倒了那棵树。 They that tree.

18. 他进来时我正在做作业。 I was doing homework while he came in .

19. 孩子们, 别瞎闹, 我想看一会儿书。Stop messing about, boys! I'm trying to 20. 我经常读书来消磨时光。 to kill time

21. 我会尽最大努力学会英语。 I’ll do to learn English.

22. 我们每个都应该尽最大努力去解决问题。Each of us should to solve the problem.

23. 我在打电脑游戏方面做得好。I in playing computer.

24. 这瓶碳酸饮料是给你的。 Here is

25. 你要去美国学习了,你一定很兴奋吧!Helen, you must going to America to study.

26. 另外,几周后还将种植一些有机苗菜。They will plant organic seedlings in weeks.

27. 妈妈,我想喝一杯牛奶。 Mom, I'd like milk.

28. 要一点糖,不要牛奶。 A sugar, no milk.

29. 这种类型的支撑可以承受很大重量。 weight.

30. 我在下一个站下车。I at next stop.

31. 我们彼此允诺要努力用功。 We promised to work hard.

32. 她的母亲正在厨房忙着做饭。 Her mother is busy

33. 坦白说,我觉得你们将会惊讶于你们看到的。

what you see".

34. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。 He will come on time it rains.

35. 从他去伦敦时起,我一直没看见他。 He moved to London, i haven`t seen him.

36. 我们的营业(开门)时间是从早上10点到下午6点。We are open 6 p. m.

37. 在秋天,很多叶子都从树上飘落。 Leaves from trees in autumn.

38. 这老人在街上跌倒,摔坏了腿。 down in the street and broke her leg.

39. 我们下个星期要去野外旅游。 We're going on a next week.

40. 因为我很疲劳,因此很快就睡着了。 Because I am tired, I asleep quickly.

41. 他看着书睡着了。 He over the book.

42. 突然我看到他从自行车上摔了下来。 Suddenly, I saw him off the bicycle

43. 如果你一直玩,你就会在考试中落后。You shall

44. 里面似乎装满了酒。 It seemed to wine.

45. 实验开始时,她帮我们侧方位。 ____ ____ ________ ____the test, she helped us to take bearings

46. 我想尽快从树上下去。 I wanted to from that tree quickly.

47. 首先,他们知道这并不真实。 ______ ____ _____ , they know it's not true.

48. 在哪里能找到关于历史的资料? Where can you about history?

49. 她活到四十岁还是很美。 She was still beautiful forty.

50. 你是知道的,我的船都在海上。 As you know, my ships are all 51. 至少人们不应该在公共场所吸烟。 ____ ______ people should not smoke in public.

52. 最后,他们到了那家餐馆 ____ ______ , they got to the restaurant.

53. 现在没有样品可以提供。 Samples are not available 54. 她把衣服口袋都翻出来找她的钥匙。 She turn all her pocket inside out her key.

55. 你不要逼我!你最好还是当心。 Don't you crowd me now; you better

56. 请检查一下引擎。 Please the engine.

57. 请查一下去里兹的快车。 Please a fast train to Leeds。

58. 我们永远都不应该轻视体力劳动。 We shall never upon manual labour。

59. 你朝窗外看,你会看到他的。 If you the window, you will see him.

60. 昨天保罗做了许多图画。 Yesterday Paul did of pictures

61. 你觉得你交朋友容易吗? 62. 你经常给你的朋友们打电话吗? Do you often to your friends?

63. 想要继续发展的话,公司就必须赚钱。 .

64. 好,我换了睡衣,就去把床铺整理好。 65. 吃饭时弄出声响是不礼貌的。It's bad manners to while eating.

66. 孩子们朝着我作鬼脸. The children to me.

67. 为了腾出地方开辟农场伐倒许多树木。They cut down a lot of trees to 68. 知道你的渴望,作出你的决定 . I hesitate to 69. 所以我想也许我可以为班级做点贡献。So maybe I can my class

70. 确保你具有自信的肢体语言。 ______ _______ you have confident body language.

71. 要下决心现在还为时过早。 It is early days yet to

72. 你有价值超过20xx美元货币的东西吗?。Do you have $20xx in monetary instruments?

73. 我锻炼的越来越多。 I train .

74. 对多数人来说,这里或多或少有个约定俗成的文法

For many, there is a unwritten code here

75. 这两个学生的成绩不分上下。 The two students study

76. 突然,一个粗壮的卡车司机在他身旁坐下。

Suddenly a burly truck driver sat down him.

77. 没关系。真的不要紧。 _____ _______, it doesn't really matter.

78. 不论在你身上发生了什么,都不是不公平的. ____ _____what happens to you, nothing is unfair.

79. 做出转会的决定并不容易,一点都不容易

Taking the decision to change clubs hasn't been easy easy 。

80. 有一天我在去我叔叔家的路上迷失了方向

One day I lost myself the way to my uncle's house.

81. 今天下午的会议得延期。 This afternoon's meeting will have to be

82. 把你的 铅笔盒 收起来! _____ ______ your pencil box !

83. 她结婚的时候穿的是自己最好的衣服。When she married, she her best clothes.

84. 咖啡相比,我更喜欢茶。 I tea coffee。

85. 婴儿不会说话,但能指东西。 Babies can't talk, but they can things.

86. 不要对你不认识的人开玩笑。 Don't on people you don't know.

87. 等待绝对不是浪费时间。 Waiting is never of time.

88. 把你的姓名、年龄和性别写下来 _____ _____ your name, age and sex.

89. 算出最老的陨石球粒的年龄,你就可以知道太阳是什么时候开始燃烧的。

how old the oldest chondrules are, and you know when the sun ignited.

90. 我们是不是为你们代表团制定一个观光计划?

Shall we out a plan for a sightseeing trip for your delegation?

91. 干得好!终于自由了! _____ done! Freedom at last!

92. 如果你经常爬,鞋就会很容易磨穿。If you climb a lot, your shoes will easily.

93. 请在候诊室等待。 Please wait in the

94. 不要非要找到一份最好的工作,才开始工作. Don't the best job to begin to work.

95. 当他们醒来的时候已经是晚上了. It is night when they .

96. 她放学后可以看电视吗? Can she after school?

97. 他们非常热爱自己的工作。 They love their jobs

98. 它过去常常是庆祝春天和新生命的开始.

It celebrate the start of spring and new life.

99. 鱼在水里能够上浮和下沉.

Fish can move in the water.


I want to this tape.


_____ _____ the radio, please. I want to ring Lingling up.

102.妈妈,请打开电视. Mum, the TV, please.

103.你可以关掉亮着的灯. You can the Bright light.

104.我能不能试一下你的新单车 Can I your new bicycle ?

105.我想要试穿那件毛衣. I want to the sweater.

106.有人会让那条电缆绊倒的. Someone will that cable.

107.他太小而不能搬那个箱子。 He is small carry that box.

108.他让我们不要乱丢废纸. He asked us not to waste paper.

109.现在想起当时的情景我还是不寒而栗. What do you health in your country? 110.考虑一下你真正需要的那种衣服 _____ ______the kind of clothes you really need 111.由于你的帮助,我完成了这项任务。 _______ ______ your helping, I finished this task. 112.你对这项技术了解得越多,就越好。

_____ ______ you know about them, 113.乔治看起来跟以前不一样啊. before. 114.我前天去看了我的朋友。 . 115.后天上午我就要离开这城市了. I'm leaving the city ____ _____ ______ _________.


I 117.星期五下午我将和外宾进行座谈

On Friday afternoon I will have a the foreigners.


Today we how to stay warm, dry and safe。


We telling jokes at Jim's birthday party.

120.没有人能够接替你们经理的工作。 No one can your manag.

121.很多人每天很早起床锻炼身体。 。 122.我去度假的时候,你可以照顾我的花草吗?

my plants while I'm on vacation?


Sixteen schools have agreed to

125.摩奇,请把你的书拿出来。 Mocky, 126.那些救生员真够从容不迫的。 .

127.客人要服务员为他照相. The guest asks the clerk to for him. 128.直升飞机能笔直地起飞。 Helicopters straight into the air.

129.关上门,别让那条狗进来。 Close the door. the dog coming in.























初中英语重要短语 填空

