



  水山水,有山有水才是好风光。水有水的飘逸灵动,但始终保持着一种单调的蔚蓝色;山有山的沉稳厚重,但一年四季却能以不同的色彩、风光展示山的美丽。活泼的有单调的一面,安静的有变换的色彩。山和水的融合,是静和动的搭配,单调与精彩的结合,也就组成了最美的风景。在青山间探索,在绿水间泛舟……多么美妙! 历代多少文人墨客,写尽了水的魅力,水的灵动,水的深邃,水的神韵。那以水为画、以水为歌、以水为诗、以水为曲的作品,不胜枚举。“水调歌头”的词牌,演绎出多少耐读的诗篇;“高山流水”之琴音,倾倒了无数天下知音…… 而赞颂山的诗句,抒写山的散文,描绘山的画卷也不在少数。泰山之雄伟,华山之峻峭,庐山之瀑布,衡山之烟云……让多少仁人志士倾倒,在青山之间留恋忘返。 水,那么灵动清丽,令人神往遐思;水,那么雄浑澎湃,充满了无限激情。有时人称柔情似水,有时又说咆哮奔腾,这就是水的个性。瀑布的壮丽,波涛的汹涌,泉水的叮咚,小河的潺潺,全都日夜永恒。 山,绵延绵亘;山,险峻挺拔;山,巍峨挺立……山,气势磅礴,让人想起五岳;山,新奇秀丽,令人忆起娥眉…… 山,犹如令万人敬仰的圣贤,沉稳是他的天性,不露声色地诠释着生命的博大,生命的肃穆,生命的庄严…… 水,可以化作古朴的“大浪淘沙”的雄浑与苍劲,也能够渲染出《枫桥夜泊》的万籁俱寂。衬托出“军港的夜啊静悄悄,远航的水兵头枕着波涛”的意境。水,那么气魄非凡,象征着不息的生命与灵魂,无穷的力量和信心。 山,好似让众人拥戴的伟人,仁厚是它的本色。它默默献出了喜马拉雅的皑皑白雪,献出了黄山的温泉、云海、奇松、怪石…… 山,相信沉默是金,它无语、无悔、无惧。然而冥冥之中,却永不停息地为世人演绎着动人的神话,最美的风景。 智者爱水,仁者爱山。我不是智者,我也不是仁者,但我却偏爱大自然的山山水水,在青山绿水、名山大川中找寻最美的风景。终于,我明白了,最美的风景不是灵动的水,亦不是沉稳的山,只有山水的融合才能交织出世间最美的景色! 山因水而巍峨,水因山而秀美;山有状而水无形,山有头而水无尽。山是静止的,水则奔腾不息;水是永恒的蔚蓝,山则色彩绚烂。山水相依便有了大自然的明丽。山水产生了文明,山水延续了生命。当沉稳的山与灵动的水交织在一起,山庇护起水,所以有了清潭,有了池塘;水滋润了山,所以有了花草,有了绿树;所以山明水秀,所以水秀山明! 山水山水,让山与水交融,让灵动与沉稳结合,让智者与仁者相辅相成!


  万物皆有性格,水有水的性格——灵动;山有山的性格——沉稳。文化亦应有其性格,但文化的性格是什么呢?是水的灵动还是山的沉稳? 一直向往只身前往大西北,在朔风呼啸中追逐那消失千载的驼铃声;一直向往着能独自下江南,在月光盈盈风拂芭蕉的夜晚,漫步在退思园中的小径上,贪婪地呼吸着晚风送来的檀木清香。旅游胜地、名山大川不可胜数,我之所以选择朔风呼啸的大西北和草长莺飞的江南,是因为我认为只有苍凉悲壮的西北文化与轻盈灵动的江南文化才能代表中国文化,才能代表中国文化的性格。 我谓江南文化以灵动,水的灵动;我谓西北文化以沉稳,山的沉稳。求之于诗,若江南文化是轻盈明快的七绝,西北文化则是古朴厚拙的五古;若江南文化是李白的清新俊逸,西北文化则是杜甫的沉郁顿挫。求之于词,若江南文化是柳永的缠绵悱恻,西北文化则是东坡的超旷豪放;若江南文化是“杨柳岸,晓风残月”,西北文化则是“大江东去,浪淘尽的千古风流人物”。求之于乐器,若江南文化是幽咽欲泣的二胡,西北文化则是悠扬嘹亮的唢呐。求之于人物,若江南文化是溪边濯足的浣纱女,西北文化则是鬓发染霜的牧羊人;若江南文化是活泼伶俐的黄蓉,西北文化则是端凝厚重的郭靖。求之于时序,若江南文化是朵花生树群莺乱飞的阳春三月,西北文化则是秋风萧萧雨雪霏霏的深秋严冬。江南文化若是温飞卿的鲜艳浓丽,西北文化则是王安石的朗肃内敛;江南文化如古筝独奏般的淡雅清丽,西北文化则如烽烟滚滚的战场杀伐;江南文化若……西北文化则……上天以水的灵动和山的沉稳分别滋润着江南文化和西北文化,使得中国文化不致于太单调,太寂寞。 我终于明白了。 文化的性格既有水的灵动又有山的沉稳。二者如鱼戏水,恰合无间,形成了辉煌灿烂的中国文化,中华文明! 水的灵动…… 山的沉稳…… 辉煌灿烂的中国文化……


  山是高大的,看着高大的山、高大的树,你会知道天空有多高;听着树叶宏亮的声音、鸟儿清脆的声音,你会知道云朵有多高;感受着树缝中的阳光,你会知道太阳有多高--全都在山顶,在树梢。因为高大,所以山明。 水是柔美的。那小镇中几曲几折的溪流,缓缓地欣赏着同样柔美的地方;那春雨一丝丝,柔柔地染湿脸庞;露珠一颗颗,依偎在草尖,久久不愿落下--是水的柔,水的美。因为柔美,所以水秀。 水是活泼的。那小河中的激流,那大江中的旋涡,是多么性急的孩子呀;显微镜下的分子们,又是多么淘气的互相追逐打闹的小宝贝。那哗哗的声音,是乐队的演奏还是嬉笑的响动?可是精灵藏在其中?水秀,因为精灵,因为活泼。 山是稳重的,那长满了青苔的石头,那挺拔高大的树木,甚至就是这山,多少年来也没走过半步;显微镜前也不能见到你的身影。稳重的你可是在思考该怎么做才好?山明,因为思考,因为稳重。 山是孤寂的。所以他时不时更换炫目的服装;那朝夕变化、季节更替,也只是为了吸引爱美的你去与他做伴。有孤寂,所以山明。 水是悲伤的,因为想家而悲伤。这远游的旅人,一刻儿也不停下匆匆的脚步,不换去风尘仆仆的蓝衣。因为这一停下,可就想要飞奔回故乡。有悲伤,所以水秀。 当孤寂的山融入活泼的水,就创造出了河底那些圆圆的小精灵。他们为了留住活泼的水,将所有艳丽的服装都展示了出来,反倒成了小丑一般,什么颜色都有了,却一件也没穿全。他们被叫做"雨花石"。有水(雨)有山(花),所以水秀山明。 当悲伤的水流入稳重的山,水这可怜儿的悲伤也勾起了山的悲伤,于是他们的心一齐碎了;水把头埋入地下,山却把心的碎片一块块收好。于是就有了迷乱复杂的溶洞,就有了千姿百态的石笋,就有了洞口突突的泉水。有山有水,所以山明水秀。 当高大的山与柔美的水交织在一起,高大的山庇护起柔美的水,所以有了清潭,有了池塘;柔美的水滋润着高大的山,所以有了花草,有了绿树;所以山水之间有了伊甸,有了桃园。有伊甸,有桃园,所以山明水秀。 有山,山明;有水,水秀;有山有水,所以山明水秀,所以水秀山明。



  Most people have their idols, be it scientists or pop singers. Many youngsters, in particular, worship stars in the sports and entertainment field, who catch most of the public attention.

  It is hard to say whether idol worshiping is good or bad, for it is not a black-and-white issue. For one thing, idols may inspire they young people in

  Different ways. Usually, these public figures walk into the spotlight after a great amount of hard work, therefore they set up role models as talented and industrious persons. But for another thing, it may not be wise to blindly admire anyone. Some youngsters try to imitate their idols——dressing, pronunciation, life style and everything. This is dangerous, because to err is human and stars have their weaknesses as well, and in some cases, even scandals.

  As I perceive this phenomenon, there is nothing wrong with idol worshiping inherently. What matter are the aspects in which we admire them and to what extent it goes. Even if a certain star always presents a good public image, the “worship” should not go to such extreme as pure imitation, otherwise there will be a lot of “carbon copies” lacking individuality. (196 words)


  The Prevalence of Western Holidays-it is noticeable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while Chinese traditional holidays are being somewhat neglected. Young people in China who are ignorant about Chinese traditional holidays are crazy about Christmas or Valentine's Day.

  There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon. First, western nations, such as the United States and Britain, are powerful and dominant in every aspect.

  Everything in these countries is assumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people. Second, the prevalence of English as a world language and the development of globalization enable western cultu

  re to prevail in China. Last but not least, some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign things while treating our own possessions with contempt.

  I am critical of this trend. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let us join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition, especially traditional holidays. (180 words)


  The English speech contest is always the focus in every university. It is not only a kind of heated competition to select a few students with the best English fluency , but a festival for English learners to get together and learn from each other.

  As a contestant,I think one should be confident and full of hope. Although there must be many competent candidates,you are one of them. Most of the time self-assurance will help you a lot to get to the very end of the game. Another important point one should bear in mind is that speech contest is a unique form of speaking. It involves many special techniques , such as advocating,stressing certain words,and make some gestures. After learning the article by heart,one should do more practice in performing,that is to say,in how to deliver the speech. Last but not least, one should have proper attitude towards the final results. You should not emphasize too much on the ranking. It will only exist for the time being. As long as you have learned something through the contest, it's not a waste of time, and you will be quite clear about the direction for your future efforts.

  To sum up,English speech contest is a kind of beneficial activity, which deserves the active participation of every college student.


  In recent years,more and more lectures are being given on campus. They are organized either by the departments or by the students' unions with an aim to improve the students' quality both mentally and academically. These lectures are usually in series and on different topics, such as arts, life, economy, psychology, world issues, etc.

  Generally speaking, the advantages of good lectures are various. First, they broaden the students’ horizon and cultivate interests in different fields. Second,they make the life of the students colorful and enjoyable. With these merits, lectures are just complementary and subordinate to our school work. If students spend too much time attending lectures, their regular study will be affected and disturbed.

  So,in my opinion, the students should, on the one hand, do their class work and homework well first, on the other hand, make good use of their spare time to attend instructive lectures so as to eich their knowledge.


  This is to announce that the university will organize a "Teach in the West" program. This program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. The volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the subjects are Chinese, English, Math, Physics and Chemistry. The specific locations of the middle schools are upon further notice.

  Each year, many students from other universities volunteer themselves to work in the poverty-stricken areas of the west to try to improve the education level there. We should also take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas. The children need us. Let us hold out our helping hands to them and do whatever we can to help them.

  Your participation will be very much welcomed. Anyone who is willing to apply for the program can contact either the Student Affair Office of the university or the Student Union office at working hours. For further information,please call 87653634 or 87653636.
























