


1)The flight of Apollo 11; lunar landing mission ,阿波罗11号的登月计划

另外,Apollo 13号的登月很惊险,大家可能都知道吧?看过电影“阿波罗13”的人都知道这段历史吧?不知道的兄弟姐妹上百度搜一下就知道啦!,还有,“挑战者号” Challenger;哥伦比亚号 Columbia

2)杨氏双缝实验(大学物理讲过的,呵呵):Young’ double-slit experiment,严格来说,这个实验是用classical theory cannot explain,这里面涉及到 quantum theory,即量子理论,我不是学物理的,但是据我查的资料上说,其实人类对量子理论并没有完全地明白,也没法用它解释一切,这个观点我觉得可能用来说明人类的认识过程是由不知到知的认识过程,要用发展的眼光来看问题。

3)火星登月计划:Mars Exploration Rover Mission which costs $425 million every year for the assembly, test and launch process which is just the same amount as it costs to the film Titanic and Pearl Harbor,哇,够狠,老美有钱!另外,moon rover是月球车的意思,同理Mars rover. 4)Manhattan Project,曼哈顿计划,就是当年Einstein 和 Oppenheimer(奥本海默,这小子狠,被称为原子弹之父,一定要记住,这小子在听说美国在对 Hiroshima,即日本广岛投原子弹之后,曾感叹自己当初不应该研制原子弹which给人类带来了灾难,科技与人性的题目能用到)

5)多利Dolly,不用说了,我想顺着这只名羊提一提关于基因工程( genetic engineering),转基因技术:transgenics,人体胚胎:human embryo,DNA分子双螺旋结构:the double-helix structure of DNA,还有两个牛人,就是发现DNA分子双螺旋结构的沃森和克里克,Waston and Crick

6)二战纳粹德国在活人上做实验,用大量的犹太妇女人活体实验为的是研制避孕药(oral contraceptive)

7)关于丑闻:Bill Clinton’s sexual scandal with Monica Lewinsky;Nixon’s Watergate scandal;兴奋剂:stimulant;猥亵(针对那个把自己黑皮染白的那个小子的):v. molest; n. molestation; Kobe Bryant Rape case;

8)垃圾邮件:不要再说junk mail啦,老土!有个更native的词:spam,记住哟! 9)环境问题:

氟利昂:freon,臭氧层:ozonosphere/ ozone layer,臭氧空洞:ozone hole;赤潮:red tide 10)关于美国总统:

刺杀总统;岂今为止,美国一共有四位总统被刺杀,第一位是Abraham Lincoln,最后一位是John F. Kennedy,还有许多刺杀未遂的,比如刺杀Roosevelt,Truman等等,这可以被用来例子表明领导者不可能让每一个人都满意.


11)北美最大范围的停电:blackout (or power failure )in eastern US and Canada,人类对科技依赖的例证.

12)巨牛的深蓝电脑,就是下棋的那个 Deep Blue,是IBM的电脑,有256个processor,

另外IBM还有个别称 Big Blue

13)直线加速器 linear accelerator,回旋加速器 cyclotron accelerator

14)永动机 perpetual motion machine


Albeit Einstein:photo electronic effect (光电效应) ;question classical mechanics, quantum theory,不要墨守成规 stick to conventions, 头脑要灵活,不能太固执 adamant/ obstinate/ stubborn/ headstrong,质能方程:mass-energy equation

Galileo: did experiment on Leaning Tower of Pisa to discover law of uniform acceleration of falling bodies; discovered that moon shines with reflected light; denounced for advocating Copernican system ;was later tried by Inquisition(宗教法庭) and forced to recant(改变信仰); 哥白尼Copernicus,日心说:sun-centered system地心说:earth-centered system, 布鲁诺Bruno,火刑be burned at stake

Isaac Newton :经典力学classical mechanics, 万有引力universal gravitation,be inspired by the falling apple; stand on the shoulders of giants

Hegel 黑格尔: 1770-1831 German philosopher; his dialectic process for reconciling opposites influenced Existentialists, Marx, etc.

Karl Marx 的辩证唯物主义来自于黑格尔的辩证法dialectic 和费尔巴哈Feuerbach的唯物论

Vincent van Gogh:梵高,作品 sunflower

Monet 莫奈 作品 sunrise His work influenced the development of the big bang(宇宙大爆炸理论) and black hole(黑洞) theory

(struggle against segregation in South Africa) the South African black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight againstSouth Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.

the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, forms a transition from classical to romantic composition. Individual, Companies, Leadership and Internal control

notebook computers it produced, one model had serious defect. Users in North America could choose either replacements with an upgraded model or full refund. However, no such offer for users in China. Chinese users were outraged at the company's discrimination and refused to use any of Toshiba's notebook computers. What the company lost is not only the temporary revenue but also the consumer's confidence, which contribute to the long-term success of the company.

reforms and projects known as the New Deal. Under his sagacious leadership, America successfully walked out the shadow of Recession and conquered the notorious fascism in the Second World War. And according to a poll conducted at Harvard in 1950, Roosevelt is highly renowned as one of the greatest president of American, ranking only after Washington and Lincoln.

shaped the character of the office of president; universally regarded as father of his country. Abraham Lincoln: 16th president of the U.S. (1861-65); successfully preserved the Union during the American Civil War; issued Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in rebelling states; made famous address dedicating cemetery at Gettysburg; assassinated five days after end of Civil War.

: chief author of Declaration of Independence (1776); 3d president of the U.S. (1801*09); purchased Louisiana from France, sent Lewis and Clark to explore it; prohibited importation of slaves; instrumental in founding U. of Virginia. From him we can see the importance initially laid upon education. He required his progenies to carve such epitaph on his tombstone as ‘chief author of Declaration of Independence; author of the Freedom Law of Religion in Virginia; Father of the Virginia Uni.’ Without mentioning of his presidency. It reflected vividly what a status of education in Jefferson’s heart and this status was inherited by his successors. It is why American’s being super power of the world today.

December 17, 1903, two brothers named Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first airplane flight 哥俩的飞机就在天上呆了12秒. : probed the mysteries of radioactivity and X rays. In 1903, she and her husband won the Nobel Prize in physics, one of the most important awards in science. In 1911, Marie Curie won a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry. She is one of very few people in history to win two Nobel prizes. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!” and New Zealand

Osama bin Laden

Confucius孔子,Mencius 孟子

16)偷窥:peep,窃听: wiretap

17)颁布法律:enact a law

18)弱肉强食:the law of jungle

19)路易十六 Louis XVI,就是被最终砍头(be guillotined)的那个法国国王


1. The saying is used to point out that …. 这个说法用来指出

[用法] 常用在引用的名人名言或者俚语之后,用以表达作者自己引文的目的,立场或观点。

2. This is nowhere more true than…. 没有比…再更正确不过的了

[用法] 用以强调在某个方面所表述或引用的论据得到了支持。聪明的读者应该马上就能举一反三,在ARGUMENT中,可将上句中的TRUE转换成ridiculous就可以用来攻击Arguer的ramshackle position了。

3. When faced with…. 当面临……

[用法] 常用来表达这样一种假设“遇到……,就采取……”在作文中十分常用。重复使用时,可以将face与confront, encounter, come across等替换,避免repetition。

4. It is presumptuous to judge……according to…… 根据……来判断……太武断

[用法] 该句型几乎是ARGUMENT作文中的上宾,一出手就力量惊人,具体操作相信并不困难。这里要补充一下的是,在ISSUE中该句也可用来攻击opposite points,为避免俗套以及丰富句型,presumptuous可以用arbitrary, ridiculous, illegitimate, unpersuasive等等来替换。

5. The only time a person can claim that…… 仅当……才能宣称……

[用法] 该句型常在ARGUMENT中用以纠正ARGUER的逻辑错误,在ISSUE分论中用来加固或者完善自己的观点。

6. Share a belief that…… 都相信……,都认为……

[用法] 常用来表达一个特点群体所共同秉持的意见或者看法。

7. in a not dissimilar way 同样

[用法] 用以事例论证或对照论证中,相当于in the same way,这里只是借用饿双重否定起到了强调,着重的浓墨色彩。类似的替换有similarly,contrarily

8. Whatever else may be said, most people would agree that…… 无论如何,大多数人认为……

[用法] 这个句型虽然简单,但用来引出结论,放在段末提出支持或变化为反对却是极为自然贴切的。

9. What is interesting is…… 有趣的是……

[用法] 这是个what is + adj. +is的结构套路,引导主语从句。千万别小看它,这比大多数immature的写作人滥用it is +adj.+ that 要妥当自然多了。

10. Turn our attention to…… 将注意力转到……

[用法] 常用在对比论证中,将此句置于短首或者转折处,由此引起对比于上文的论证或者辩驳。当然,更普遍用法等同于pay attention to。

11. If I were……, I would…… 如果我被……,我将……

[用法] 虚拟语气基本句型,前分句做出假设,后半句就前假设做出应对,句式中人称等可以替换变迁。

12. It is said that…… 据说

[用法] 在举例论证中引出事例,加固前面的论点。

13. At the even worse…… 更糟的是……

[用法] 在论证中用此句式引出“递进”的逻辑论证,程度上实现进一步深化,将worse改为better可以表达进一步向“好”的方面转变。

14. When it comes to…… 就……而言,谈到……

[用法] 引出一个论点,话题的经典句型,可以置于句首也可以置于句尾。

15. The chief reason is because…… 主要原因是……

[用法] 用以表达诸多原因中最重要,最首要的一点。

16. People in the West are growing concerned that…… 西方人越来越重视……

[用法] 常用在ISSUE首段用以引出话题。

17. This is not to say that…… 这并不是说……

[用法] 常常用在让步后的转折上,用以驳斥对方观点。

18. Whether rightly or wrongly…… 不管对错…

[用法] 一个约定俗成的惯用短语,用在对一个controversial issue探讨上,借此展开一个毋容置疑的共性讨论,即正、反方都承认的共性。

19. Without regard to…… 没有……,脱离了……

[用法] 表示后面论述的条件失去了,将产生什么后果,常用以反面论证来加固正面的论点。

20. Deep down…… 深入下去而言……

[用法] 用以将上面的论点拓深或彻底表白清楚。

21. There is no evidence to suggest that…… 无证据指出……

[用法] 常用在ARGUMENT中对于ARGUER提供的证据进行反驳,即批判其假性因果或空泛假设的逻辑谬误。

22. What is more…… 再者,更有……

[用法] 在举例论证或分步论证中,列举例子或理由的第二项。

23. To be sure…… 确定的是……

[用法] 导出结论,总结段落的经典句型,简短有力不拖沓。

24. Providing that …. 假使……

[用法] 提出假设,后半句就假设做出回应,常用于就另一方面加固正面论证。

25. A further solid argument for…… is that…… 更有力的论证是……

[用法] 在上一个论证的基础上扩展开去,提出第二个较第一个更加有力,更能让人信服的论证。

26. While……, we should not lose sight of the fact that…… 虽然……,但我们不能不无视这样的事实……

[用法] 常用在“以退为进”式的饿论证中,先承认部分对立观点成立,再转而攻其要害,推翻对方的论证。

27. The manifestation of…… is …… ……的体现为……

[用法] 就具体事物要表现其个性例子时的经典表达.

28. The same is true of…… 对于……而言同样正确。

[用法] 在举例论证中以次来表达由此及彼地多角度同中心论证。

29. …… be most likely to …… 最有可能……

[用法] 用此句型常用来表达在其假设条件下,相当可能会怎样。

30. The argument can be applied to…… 这个论题适用于…… [用法] 用此句型引出支持该ARGUMENT的论点与论据。

31. I follow the reasoning that…… 我的理由是……

[用法] 在论证中,用于中心论证,即论点给出后的紧接着的具体理由或论据的阐述。

32. ……rest on the assumption that…… ……基于……的假设

[用法] 在理论与假设间构筑此句型,用来表示理论成立的前提,而常用在ARGUMENT中用以攻击论者“假性因果”或“空泛假设”的逻辑谬误。

33. As a general rule,…… 一般而言,

[用法] 用以引出一般性的观点,大众的观点或自己的中心观点.

34. At the risk of sounding cold…… 说得不好听点……

[用法] 用以陈述一种极端或不好的方面,用来进一步加固正面的论证。

35. There is good sense in…… 在……方面是明智的。

[用法] 用以表出自己认为的具有说服力的观点。

36. If we cast a look back at…… 若我们回顾…… [用法] 在ISSUE开头论证的“由古至今”模式引出时可以用作经典句型。

37. around the corner 在墙角,就在手边。

[用法] 强调某物,某事就在眼前,身边,随手可得。

38. Nor……… 也不…….

[用法] 紧接上文的否定意义,注意使用时主谓颠倒。

39. Place emphasis on……. 强调…….

[用法] 引出论证的重心,攻击的中心,常用于段落主题句。

40. Again, there are parallels with……. 同在适用于…….

[用法] 相当于Likewise,the same as这类结构。

41. The Argument about … can be answered by …. 关于……的讨论能用……回答。

[用法] 在Argument的结论末尾段用此句指出中心谬误予以攻击,或在Issue中的结尾作出表态。

42. An analogy can be drawn with …. 引出了一个……的类比

[用法] 在原论述事物的基础上引出一个类比。

43. In order to……. 为了…….

[用法] 引出目的和结果。

44. … make demands on……. 要求

[用法] 此短语在句中用以表达主语对宾语作出的要求或条件。

45. It is claimed that ……. 据称……

[用法] 用以引出一个广为人知的流传说法,大众观点。

46. As the word implies 正如该词的含义所指….

[用法] 常用在一个相对文中有特殊意义的单词、组合词之后,一般放在括号内作为插入语。

47. There is no substitute for……. ……是独一无二的。

[用法] 强调所叙述之物优势明显,无可取代,加固正面论证。

48. Moving On to a wider theme……. 推广开来…….

[用法] 放在段落的开头,用以表述一个较前更大范围,更深层次的内容,一般用以引出主体论证的“末段”。

49. There is always a chance that……. 总有可能…….

[用法] 常用此句型引出可能存在的漏洞,隐患。

50. There is a time and place for……. 有……的时机。

[用法] 用此句表示某物/某事在一定时机下有用武之地,并非一无是处,常做总结总论时的让步分析。



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GRE北美范文 Issue 2


GRE北美Issue范文 知识进步某个程度上体现了政治权威





