


雅思口语方法在以往的雅思口语考试当中,学生与考官说面对面的交流,考官会问一下规定内的考试内容,当然在对话当中,外国考官也会问意向不到的事情。例如关于未来的梦想(Future dream),说一件让您难以忘怀的事情(Unforgettablething)等等。雅思口语练习方法有很多,但是在面对考官突然询问一些意外事情的时候,最有效的方法就是稳定心态,不慌不乱,才能够发挥出最佳的水平。因为传统中国的英语学习与国外的英语学习,是有着一定的区别。应试教育培养出了一大批的哑巴英语,所以这几年随着留学高潮的出现,中国的教育也慢慢注重口语话交流。

雅思口语方法的掌握首先考生要了解雅思口语测试目的,不仅考察日常生活学习对话能力,还有逻辑思维能力。经常听一些雅思口语MP3,多练习总是没有坏处的。雅思考试中,很多考生都会遇到无话可说的尴尬状况。这会直接影响考官的评分印象,导致自身口语能力无法完全展示。雅思口语考试方法之两个拓展思路的方法:口语考试中,考生常犯思考角度单一,内容不丰富的毛病。其实答题要从多角度思考,还要合理。需要先直接给明确答案,保证考官了解你已经领会了问题的用意。要学会主动性拓展答题,不要只回答考官提问,在考官问题基础上自己增加信息量。灵活套用自问自答方式,把所需回答内容的关键信息,连同发散开来的信 息一起传达给考官。切记,内容拼凑要合理完整,不要胡编乱造,没有逻辑性。另外,需要注意的是掌握适度原则,否则也可能被认定偏题。




1. Culinary arts student

2.描述一个家访的人--P2 an occasion when someone visited ur home


4. Describe meal you were invited to eat /your favorite meal /food/ a special meal

5. Describe a seaside place

6. Describe old person you know and respect

1.Describe a toy you enjoy playing with in your childhood(toy double-decker bus)at distance

2.描述一种你喜欢的公共交通/你想买的一辆汽车/一种交通工具(Describe a public transportation/vehicle/bicycle that you want to buy( Part 3家乡有哪些public transport? 公共交通的坏处? 政府怎么解决?

3. Describe one thing that makes you happy.

4. 描述你儿童时代听过的一个故事(describe a story you heard when you were a child)

5. 描述一老照片( describe an photography )( Part 3各种照片,儿童照,家庭照? 喜欢自己照还是摄影楼照?买东西受不受广告影响?

6.描述你用公共交通进行的一次旅行a travelling using public transport

7. Tell me about a child you know or knew

1. Describe an outdoor activity you never tried/outdoor activity you want to try at the first time

2. 描述一个重要的/错误的决定_Describe an important /wrong decision that you made

1. Describe a TV program make you laugh /A TV program you like

2. A useful website you like


I used to play with my toy bus which was my 5-year-old birthday present from dad. It was my only companion when my parents were away for work. Perhaps, you may think that I would feel lonely or bored, but just don’t get me wrong. When I was fiddling with my own bus, I would imagine myself as a bus driver, taking my parents to their work place and back home in time. And there is another reason why I liked my toy bus. Every time when we went for spring or autumn outing

I like to invite friends to my seaside house during weekends, not only because I am particularly fond of the atmosphere when having them around, chatting, playing card games, or enjoying the picturesque sunset scenery of the sea together, but also because I like to cook with gourmets, learning from them how to make a great variety of savory dishes. Last Friday, a friend of mine dropped by/ dropped me a visit and I would say, that it was really enjoyable. Well, you know, he is the chef at an Italian restaurant, but what makes him so special is that he is creative in making new cuisines. That day, he was thinking to try combine toast with seafood, taking the advantage of my house being near the seafood market by the port. In the market, He chose some fresh seafood, such as crab, oyster, and jelly fish as the ingredients and got some baguettes back home as well. And then, he started to make his masterpiece which impressed me a lot. Unlike the

traditional way of cooking in which the ingredients are put inside the baguettes after it is toasted, he preferred to toast them together. But the most interesting thing he did was to wrap them in the tinfoil, which helped ensure the baguettes to better absorb the flavors of the seafood inside as well as the butter. Finally, when he was done, my appetite was triggered and I just couldn’t wait to have a taste! And as I was about to eat it, he was just so considerate to remind me that It would taste better when served with a bit mustard. We enjoyed the food on the balcony during the sunset. I really can’t think of any other moment that would be as carefree as taking the view of a flaming sunset over the sea while enjoying tasty food with friends. (2 min)

The Aegean Sea in Greece is regarded as an ideal place for honey moon by lots of people. It is globally known that there are many romantic stories about it and many people strongly believe that if they spend time with their lovers there, their love will last forever. But to me, it’s the type of place that people can have a good rest and relieve themselves from stress in studies or work. To begin with, it is such a peaceful place where make you feel like being isolated from the noisy and busy world. There, you don’t need to get up early in order to catch up with the bus for work. Nor will you be disturbed by annoying calls from boss or clients, especially when sleeping or eating. So, you may even fail to perceive/ feel the time is running. Besides, it is also a nice place to enjoy seaside life which is a completely different experience from that in the city. People can enjoy the fantastic view of sunrise or sunset over the sea while having breakfast or dinner. Moreover, people can go on a cruise or go diving in the offshore area which provides them with a great chance to get close to nature.

There is a rule in my school that all students must go to bed by 11.30 and all the lights should be turned off. The school even cuts the electricity supply after 11.30 to prevent students from playing computer games for the sake of their health and studies. But I don’t think it will benefit all the students.

1. 我有美国室友要和家里人沟通(时差问题)

2. 我是一个努力学习的学生,没灯光看书,伤眼;我要用电脑查资料,学习

3. 手机充电

Personal Experience:

Tell me about a great change that occurred at some point in your life


1. 改变:前后的对比;要说以前和现在的不同

2. 改变的重要性:

3. 如何改变

4. 对于这个改变的感觉


After making the decision that I will study abroad for my first degree, I began to feel
























