



邹晓逸:Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!Welcome to the 17th “Foreign

Language Teaching and Research Press·DangDang Cup” National

English Debating Competition. Today it will be the final competition for

all the 8 contestants among whom will be chosen from to represent our

college for further competition. I hope everybody can value this

opportunity. I'm Zou xiaoyi from the foreign language department. I'll

be the chairman for today's events.

张 惠:尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们,大家下午好。这里是20xx年







邹晓逸:Firstly,I think it’s my great honor to introduce our excellent guests and


张 惠:下面由我来为大家介绍一下出席本次比赛的嘉宾及评委,他们是:


邹晓逸:Ok, Now let me introduce this competition briefly. The National English

Debating Competition is sponsored by the “Foreign Language Teaching

and Research Press”. By now, It has been successfully held for 16 years.

It is aimed to encourage the development of college students' critical

thinking and language skills. Since 20xx, It has employed the British

parliamentary debating style. And now, please let my paterner

ZhangHui introduce the rules of the competition.

张 惠:好的,下面就有我来向大家简单介绍一下本次辩论赛的相关规则。本



计时范围内。计时人员将在以下时间点向选手示意: 时间标示:

第一分钟末 响铃一次(允许开始提出“质询”)

第六分钟末 响铃一次(提出“质询”的时间结束)

第七分钟末7:00 连续响铃两次(发言时间结束)

超时15秒之后7:15 连续响铃(发言缓冲时间结束)





邹晓逸:All together, there are 24 teams through out the college joined this

competition. But after several days' debating, there are only 4 teams

coming to the grand final. Today's best two debaters will represent our

college to take part in the competition in Ji Lin province.

Now I will introduce the final 8 speakers for you.

, . .

from the institute of . ,

Ok, Now let's come back to our business.

And my dear debaters, Are you ready ?

Very good! Now let's begin our debating.

张 惠:相信大家都已经见证了各位参赛选手在英语辩论方面的娴熟技艺和精




邹晓逸:刚才 老师就本次比赛提出了自己的看法和见解,也充分肯定了


谢 老师为我们做的精彩点评!好的,随着比赛的激烈角逐,那




张 惠:获得优秀奖的是来自 学院的 。

掌声有请 上台为他们颁发奖品及证书。


下面,获得优秀辩手三等奖的是来自 学院的 。

掌声有请 上台为他们颁发奖品及证书。

张 惠:获得优秀辩手二等奖的是来自 学院的 。

掌声有请 上台为他们颁发奖品及证书。


英语辩论赛吉林农业科技学院总决赛优秀辩手一等奖的得主是来自 学院的 。掌声有请 上台为他们颁发奖品


张 惠:让我们以热烈的掌声对获奖的选手表示衷心的祝贺,同时也预祝我们

的 同学能代表我校取得更为辉煌的成绩。

邹晓逸:Ladies and gentlemen, before we end todays performance, I'd like to

张 惠:在此我宣布20xx年第十七届“外研社·当当网杯”全国大学生英语辩






Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s English debating competition. I’m the host ( ). First, it’s my great honour to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher(       ), welcome! our dear teacher(       ), welcome! our dear teacher(           ), welcome! Welcome you all!!

The debating topic of non-English major group is

___Men or women , who face greater pressure in modern life? ________________

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(  陈颖诗 ), the second debater(杨嘉豪), the third debater ( 叶颖欣), the forth debater( 柯 勃). They are from 化学与环境工程学院 They hold the view that

__In the modern world, women face greater pressure than men in life.________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 高原 ), the second debater( 刘烨婷 ), the third debater (张甄 ), the forth debater(吴晓玲 ). They are from 旅游与地理学院. They hold the view that

____In the modern world, men face greater pressure than women in life____________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.

The first part, give opening statement. Each team has 3 minutes to give their opening statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear one ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking.

The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3 minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up.Thank you, A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part, concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement,. (正方四辩总结)

Thank you!! Each team has done a good job, right??

Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want.

(Alright, back to the track. Let’s welcome___________to make some comments. Thanks for remarking.)


OK!Time’s up. Let’s begin the second group.

The debating topic of English major group is

___AIDS is a social issue, or a medical issue?____

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(余颖欣 ), the second debater( 林悦), the third debater (丁小龙), the forth debater( 钟怡 ). They are from class_1_ grade__3_. They hold the view that

 _______AIDS is a social issue, not a medical issue________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 伍结玲), the second debater(周华丽), the third debater ( 刘焕彬 ), the forth debater( 卢泳贝 ). They are from class_2_ grade_1__. They hold the view that

__AIDS is a medical issue, not a social issue________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.

The first part, give opening statement. Each team has 3 minutes to give their opening statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear a ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking.

The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has 5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3 minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up. Thank you, . A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part, concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement, welcome. (正方四辩总结)

Thank you!! Each team has done a good job, right??

Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want.

Alright, back to the track. Let’s welcome ____________ to make some comments

Thanks for remarking.

It is high time to announce who is the winner.

The winner of  non-English major group is______________ .Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.

The winner of English major group is________________. Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.

That’s all for today. Thank you for your attending.

最后,有请各位嘉宾和评委上台与选手合影留念。See you.





















大学生辩论赛主持词 院内总决赛版



