



  16 Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the two pictures;

  2. interpret their meaning;

  3. point out the consequences for this phenomenon.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  在写作中,审题这个环节是非常重要的。在图画作文中,我们不仅要仔细审视图画,还应将英文的提纲看清楚。这篇文章配了双图,双图多是表示对比关系,这里是凸显时间的先后。提纲包括三个部分:描写图画、阐释含义和指出后果,这就决定了我们文章的结构走向。Two pictures above describe a story which we would never wish to encounter. In the first one, a large crowd gathered around a man lying on the ground. One person said, “He seems to be drunk.” Another whispered, “His head and hands seem to be bleeding.” In the second picture, a policeman is asking those who were present, “Why didnt send him to hospital?” The first one said, “I was hurrying to work.” The second one said, “I was hurrying to school.”

  It is quite obvious that the drawer wishes to draw our attention to this most unfavorable social phenomenon. Many people are used to finding all kinds of excuses to shirk their responsibilities of helping those who are in need of help. In their eyes, their own daily businesses are always more important than those of the strangers, even their lives.

  This phenomenon will bring a series of harmful consequences. First, when people refuse to take care of the strangers, the danger of accidents will be much higher, because you have only a small group of people to rely on whenever emergency arises. Everyone may come across accidents from time to time, and mutual help will prevent most of them from being destructive. Second, the possibility of attaining a happy life will be much smaller. If everyone only takes his own interests into consideration in face of big events, the society will be full of selfish people. The social cost of achieving success will remain high before cooperation becomes a habit.

  If any one of us wants to enjoy a happy and secure life, we have to be prepared to extend our helping hands to others including strangers, for helping others is equal to helping ourselves. 这篇文章最终写成了四段,结构非常清晰。第一段分别描写了两副图画,语言简洁流畅。注意这一段不宜过长。

  第二段是测度作者的意图,共三句话,第一句是一个经典句型:It is quite obvious that the drawer wishes to draw our attention to… 这句话直指图画所揭示的社会现象,后面两句来具体说明:先说许多人千方百计找理由以逃避帮助他人;然后解释原因,他们认为……注意段中句子之间的逻辑关系,这是非常重要的。



  第二段的第二句中的shirk ones responsibility表示“逃避责任”。第三段第二句的emergency表示“紧急情况”。第三句的destructive表示“造成重大损害的”。第五句的in face of表示“面临”。最后一句的cooperation becomes a habit表示“合作成为一种习惯”。1.文章的结构层次一定要清楚,这是充分理解提纲与图画构成语境的结果。


  典型的条件状语从句:If everyone only takes his own interests into consideration in face of big events, the society will be full of selfish people.

  嵌套原因状语从句的条件状语从句:If any one of us wants to enjoy a happy and secure life, we have to be prepared to extend our helping hands to others including strangers, for helping others is equal to helping ourselves.




三种主题的第一段和和第二段的第一句的前半句都是一样的。第一段描述图画(As is illustrated in the eye-catching miniature above+描述图画)。第二段的第一句点明主题(Simply designed as the portrayal seems to be, we can find---after casting an attentive ponderation upon it---what the cartoon reflects in fact is+分别接下面的①②③后括号内的短语,短语不好表达出主题时就用从句)。 良好品质型(20xx爱心、20xx坚持前进、20xx自信、20xx合作、20xx乐观): ①(the significance of+品质主题词,an essential character required on the way to success/required in all walks of life. /从句)第二句写这种品质很重要,第三四句从个人及社会两方面写此品质的意义。(Couples with we entering a new era full of opportunities and challenges, 此品质becomes of vital importance increasingly in all walks of life. For one thing, it applies to us individuals in such a competitive world. For another, the society on the whole need carry forward this character in order to move forward in terms of politics, economy and culture.)

第三段:举出一个与此品质有关的例子并进行呼吁展望一下。(The list of exemplum to prove the significance of+品质can go on and on. A good case in point is Michael Jordan, a legendary basketball player,后面写他有此种品质并获得了成功. All in all, if everyone in the community can+拥有此品质,a happy, health and harmonious society may not be far behind.)


②(the tendency of+现象主题词,a universal social issue nowadays./从句)第二句写当今社会此问题很严重,第三四句写此问题引发的两点坏处(Coupled with the speedy improvement of contemporary society, a series of attendant issues have evoked the whole community’s concern,此问题is included. For one thing,写一点坏处. For another,写另一点坏处.)

第三段:针对此问题采取措施并呼吁展望一下(It is, hence, imperative that some countermeasures should be proposed and implemented effectively to curb this isse. To begin with, we individuals should enhance the awareness of+主题. Conspicuously, the obligation is never one-sided. The administration, in addition, should take legislative manners to+解决此问题. A campaign to+主题has began, a happy, health and harmonious society may not be far behind.)

一般趋势型(20xx文化交流、20xx追星、20xx网络、20xx文化融合): ③(the tendency of+主题, a universal social phenomenon nowadays./从句)第二句写此趋势在全社会引发很大争议,第三四句写有人认为此趋势有好处,有人认为有坏处 (Coupled with the speedy improvement of contemporary society, the advantages and disadvantages have arose a heated controversy throughout of the whole community. According to a survey conducted recently, some folks are of the opinion that+此现象好. While other people contend that+此现象不好)

第三段:对此趋势发表自己的看法,明确写出支持哪一方,最后呼吁展望一下。(Conspicuously,此趋势is a two-edged sword. But in my personal sense, I would hold that the advantages overweigh the disadvantages. What we must do is to encourage its merits and eliminate its drawbacks. If the tendency can be utilized appropriately, a happy, health and harmonious society may not be far behind.)
























