

1: A welcome speech

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon, welcome to my hometown Xi?an. Please sit back and relax, your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don?t have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Wang is our driver. He has 20 years of driving under his belt, so you?re very safe in your travel. I am Lihue. We are from China Youth Travel Service, Xi?an Branch. On behalf of CYTS Xi?an Branch and my colleagues, I?d like to extend a warm welcome to you.

Xi?an, an eternal city, records the great changes of Chinese nation just like a living history book. The cultural and historical significance of Xian, as well as the abundant relics and sites, help Shaanxi enjoy the laudatory title of 'Natural History Museum'.

I will be your guide during your stay in Xi?an. I will try my best to “warm the cockles of your heart”. We highly appreciate you understanding and cooperation. During your stay in Xi?an, we will visit some of highlights of Xi?an. Such as The Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty, Huaqing Pool and so on. You?re going to stay at the Oriental Hotel, a luxury hotel. Your dinner has also been arranged there. The hotel provides free laundry and dry cleaning, for giving your travel a little lighter.

Since your travel in a cold winter season, I suggest you wear more in case of taking cold. If you have any question about your travel, please ask me. I will try my best to satisfy your needs. I hope you will enjoy your stay in our city.

2:Xi?an in brief

Xi?an was known as Chang? an from the Han Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, since the early Ming Dynasty, it has been called Xi?an. Over1100 years, beginning from the 11th century B.C. to the late 9th century, 13 dynasties from Western Zhou to the Tang successively built their national capitals in Xi?an. Chang? an was not only the political, economic and cultural center of the country, but also an important international metropolis in the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. the famous “Silk Road ”,the key thoroughfare connecting the eastern and the western parts of the world, started from Chang? an and played an important role for the economic and cultural exchange between China and many countries at that time. With a history of over 3100 years, Xi?an ranks first in the seven ancient capitals in China and is known as one of the four major capitals with ancient civilization in the world, together with Ancient Rome, Athens, and Cairo. Hence the saying “There is Rome in the West, and Chang? an in the East”.

Xi?an, the capital of Shaanxi province, is situated in the middle of the Central Shaanxi Plains with beautiful landscape, fertile land and temperate climate. lt is rich in tourism resources. There are 98 historical monuments and cultural relics, more than 4000 ancient ruins, mausoleums and tombs, and 120,000 unearthed cultural relics in the city. In the center of Xi?an stands the Bell tower, built in 1582. looking from the tower, vistors can have a panoramic view of Xi?an city in different direction, 400 meters west of the Bell Tower is Drum Tower, constructed in 1380 in the Ming Dynasty. The big drums in the tower have witnessed the history of Xi?an.

In the southeast of the city of Xi?an stands the Province Museum of Shaanxi, exhibiting a collection of cultural relics through all the ancient time. The “Forest of Stone Tablets” is the most famous, which consists of more than 1000 invaluable steles produced from the Han Dynasty. The “Forest of Stone Tablets” has thus been acclaimed as the “stone library” and “treasure of Travel guide to Xi?an 西安导游词 1

calligraphic art” in China. Also in the east of Xi?an are the ruins of the Banpo culture, the Banpo men, a typical matriarchal clan commuity, lived in the Yellow River Valley about 6000 years ago. About 25 kilometers east of Xi?an stands Mount Lishan. Huaqing Pool (hot springs),at the foot of Mount Lishan,was the place for emperors to bathe and enjoy the scenic beauty, The water of the pool is clear and uncontaminated at a constant of 43℃,and contains various kinds of mineral salts and sulphates.now it is a favorite spa. In the north of Xi?an is a mausoleum district with 27 mausoleums of Han and Tang emperors as well as members of their royal families and meritorious officials, The most representative one of all those mausoleums are: Mao mausoleum, the tomb of Liuche.Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty;Zhao mausoleum, the tomb of the Lishimin,Emperor of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Qian mausoleum, the joint tomb where Emperor Gaozong of Tang and his queen---Empress Wuzentian were buried together. the three imperical mausoleums are grand in scale and magnificence in appearance, and contain a great deal of invaluable funeral objects that suggest the golden time in ancient China.

Xi?an is one of the most famous tourist resorts in china. There are a lot of cultural relics and historical sites preserved there. They reflect the different features of the ancient Chinese society. We could get a great deal of historical knowledge by visiting Xi?an.

3:Hot Itineraries

(1):Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses

The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses locates Lintong District, in the east of xi?an,is the most significant archeological excavations of the 20th century. It is praised as 'the eighth major miracle of the world' and becomes a sight not to be missed by any visitor to China.

In 246 BC, Qin Shi Huang, later the first Emperor of all China, had begun to work for his mausoleum. It took 11 years to finish. It is speculated that many buried treasures and sacrificial objects had accompanied the emperor in his after life. A group of peasants uncovered some pottery while digging for a well nearby the royal tomb in 1974. it caught the attention of archeologists immediately. The State Council authorized to build a museum on site in 1975. When completed, people from far and near came to visit. Xian and the Museum of Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses have become landmarks on all travelers' itinerary.

The museum covers an area of 16,300 square meters, divided into three sections: No.1 Pit, No.2 Pit, and No.3 Pit respectively. They were tagged in the order of their discoveries. No. 1 Pit is the largest, first opened to the public on China's National Day, 1979. There are columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots at the back.

No. 2 Pit, found in 1976, is 20 meters northeast of No. 1 Pit. It contained over a thousand warriors and 90 chariots of wood. It was unveiled to the public in 1994.Archeologists came upon No. 3 Pit also in 1976, 25 meters northwest of No. 1 Pit. It looked like to be the command center of the armed forces. It went on display in 1989, with 68 warriors, a war chariot and four horses.

Altogether over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots, and even weapons have been unearthed from these pits. Most of them have been restored to their former grandeur. The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses is a sensational archeological find of all times. It has put Xian on the map for tourists. It was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world cultural heritages.

(2):Xi?an City Wall

The Xi'an City Wall is not only the most complete architecture well preserved of ancient Chinese burghs but also the largest in size and integral ancient military fort of the world. in 1997, US Travel guide to Xi?an 西安导游词 2

President Clinton took the first stop of his China journey in Xi'an and sang high praise for the ancient city wall and the gates.

Early before founding the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang accepted his Secretary?s(Zhu Shen) proposal that the ambitious general should “build high walls, store abundant provisions and take your time in proclaiming yourself” ordered local governments all over the country build city walls as much as could after he spreads his power covering the whole country. Therefore the ancient Xi'an City Wall came into being on the original base of the capital of Tang Dynasty. it augmented in Ming Dynasty measures 12 meters high, 12 to 14 meters wide on the top, 15 to 18 meters wide at the bottom with a total length of 13.7 kilometers. There is a watchtower in every 120 meters, outstanding with a same height leveling with the wall to help soldiers kill enemies that are climbing the wall.

Due to the backward weapons of ancient time and therefore the gate provided the only way to enter the city, rulers of every period all put their emphasis on the gate. There are four ancient gates on east, west, south, and north of the burgh. Each has three gates belonging to the main tower, the arrow tower, and the Zhalou tower. The gate is of great importance to the defense systems of the city but is a weak part in strategy. In peacetime, it provides a way to relate the two areas separated by the wall and in wartime becomes the first target that both sides want to control.

Time passes quickly and things happen every day, it is common to see something be treat differently in different times. In early years, those ancient walls regarded as the obstacle to the modernization of the city, but now it is the pride, which brings great honor to the old city as the light of honor absorbing historical accumulation.

The ancient Xi'an fort has not only displayed the Chinese talent showing in military construction but also provided valuable information to study history, military developments and architecture structure. The ancient city wall and the city gates are not only the shining stars of history but also historic wonders attracting tourists.

(3): The Big Wild Goose Pagoda

Big Wild Goose Pagoda, situated in the Da Ci'en Temple, is one of the famous Buddhist pagodas in China about 4 kilometers from the urban center. Originally built in 589 A.D. in the Sui dynasty, the temple was named Wu Lou Si Temple till 648 A.D. when Emperor Li Zhi, then still a crown prince, sponsored a repair project on the temple. and gave orders to build a chamber for the translation of Buddhist scriptures in an effort to have the then widely renowned Master Xuanzang (Monk Tripitaka) agree to be the head of the temple.

The Wild Goose Pagoda was finished in 652 A.D. Its five storeys are 60 meters in height. The decay of the earth-cored pagoda caused the new construction of a 10-storey pagoda from 701 to 704. However, the winds of war, in the years to come, reduced the pagoda almost to ruins, which in turn resulted in the construction of a 7-storeyed, 64-meter-high structure today.

The pagoda was an architectural marvel. It was built with layers of bricks but without any cement in between. The bracket style in traditional Chinese architecture was also used in the construction, is indeed a good example of ancient people's wisdom and talent. Inside the temple, there are two small buildings: the one on the east side houses a bell, and the one on the west side a drum. The bell, an iron cast from the Ming dynasty, weights 15 tons. Together with the drum, the bell was used to strike time for the monks in the temple.

4: A farewell speech

Ladies and gentlemen,

Travel guide to Xi?an 西安导游词 3

Good afternoon, your visit to Xi?an is drawing to a close. It is a pity you can?t stay in China any more. Please allow me to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell. Three days have clasped so quickly and your have visited several tourist spots in our city----Xi?an. Such as The Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, the City Wall of the Xi?an,.Huaqing Pool and so on. Actually, we just looked at the flowers on the horses back.

I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support in the past three days. You are kind enough offer us suggestions how to do our tour guide work better. A Chinese saying goes” A friend from afar brings one boundless joy”. Two days? period was short.,but I think our friendly relation will last forever. I hope you will remember the days we are together in Xi?an and hope to be your tour guide for your next trip.


1:熊力游:旅游英语. 长沙:湖南大学出版社,2005

2:教育部《旅游英语》编写组:旅游英语. 北京:高等教育出版社,2002.

3: /en/index/index.jsp






很荣幸作为你们的导游,我将尽我所能使你旅途开心,舒适愉快,我们将高度赞赏你们对我们工作的理解与合作。您在西安的这段时间,我将带领你们参观西安一些旅游亮点。如兵马俑博物馆,明城墙,华清池等。你将被安排入住一家豪华酒店----新东方大酒店。你的饮食也将由这家酒店来具体安排提供。酒店提供免费洗衣及干洗服务,将会使你的旅行更加轻松。 由于冬季来临,我建议你们注意防寒保暖以防感冒。如果您在旅行中有什么疑问,请及时通知我。我将尽我最大努力,满足您的需求。最后我衷心祝你旅途愉快,一路顺心。


西安自汉代至明代一直被称为长安,而自明朝初年起,改名为西安。 历经1100多年(从公元前11世纪初至9世纪末),共计有13个朝代(西周到唐)先后在西安建都。长安不仅是当时国家的政治,经济和文化中心,而且还是汉唐时期重要的国际大都市。连接世界东方和西方的著名的“丝绸之路”,就起源于长安,它在促进中国和世界其他国家的经济和文化交流方面发挥了重要作用。在中国七大历史故都之中,西安以其三千一百多年历史而位居首位,并同古罗马,雅典,开罗等名城享誉全球。因此,有句古话说:“欲知世界之历史;在西方看罗马,而在东方则看长安”。

西安,陕西省省会,位于陕西省的中部平原,风景秀丽,土地肥沃,气候温和。旅游资源丰富。共计有98处历史文化古迹,4000多处古遗址,陵园,墓地等,及12万件出土的文物。在西安的中心矗立着钟楼,建于1582年。站在钟楼上俯瞰,可观西安全景。距钟楼以西400 Travel guide to Xi?an 西安导游词 4









博物馆占地面积16300平方米共分为三个俑坑,三个坑分别定名为一、二、三号兵马俑坑先后被发掘。:其中 1号坑是最大的,于19xx年国庆节向公众开放。其由前面的步兵方阵和后面的驷马战车方阵组成。2号坑,于19xx年发现,距东北方向的1号坑大20米。它由1000个陶制士兵和90两木质战车构成,于19xx年向公众开放。3号坑位于1号坑西北方向25米处,于19xx年被发掘。它似为统师三军的指挥部,由68个陶俑和4 个战马1 个战车构成,于19xx年对外展出。



西安古城墙不仅是中国保留至今最完整的古代城垣建筑,而且也是世界上不可或缺的规模最大的军事建筑。 19xx年,美国总统克林顿将西安作为访华之旅的第一站,在西安就高度评价了的古城墙和城门。


由于古代落后的冷兵器,而城门是敌人攻入城市的唯一通道。因此每朝封建统治者都会把加固城墙作为自己苦心经营的防御重点。西安古城共有东、西、南、北四座城门。而分别有正楼、箭楼、闸楼三重城门。城门是古代城池防御系统最重要的环节,却是战略上较为薄弱的环节。在战争年代,他是敌我双方都欲控制的目标,而在和平时间却连接着城内城外两个地 Travel guide to Xi?an 西安导游词 5












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