

Movie Report

The Count of Monte Cristo


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The Count of Monte Cristo


The Count of Monte Cristo is a 2002 adventure film directed by Kevin Reynolds,based on The Count of Monte Cristo (French: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) ,an adventure novel by French author Alexandre Dumas (père). He completed the work in 1844[1].

The film is the tenth adaptation of the book of the same name by Alexandre Dumas, père and stars Jim Caviezel, Guy Pearce, Luis Guzmán, Richard Harris, and Dagmara Dominczyk.[2] The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. An adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness.

Summary of the movie

Edmund Dantes' rise from a lowly sailor to the famed Count. Edmund is hopelessly devoted to Mercedes, but lacking money, he feels he is not in a position to marry her until he's able to afford a ring. She loves him no matter what his financial status (it's not about the money). In love, Mercedes is blissfully unaware of Edmund's best friend's lust for her. Jealousy rears its ugly head as Fernand, out of his mind with desire for Mercedes, schemes to get Mercedes no matter what the cost.

Imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, torn away from his family and his fiancée, Edmund spends 15 years locked away in a damp prison, most of which is spent learning fighting and survival skills from a wizened old criminal, played with gentle humor by Richard Harris. Meanwhile, Fernand and Mercedes marry despite the fact that she never got over her love of Edmund. The plot thickens with Edmund's escape from prison and his secret reemergence as the dashing, and wealthy, Count of Monte Cristo.

Then he arrange a series of traps to accomplish his revenge.Finally, he makes it,reuniting his fiancée and the brave son,living in peace then.

Theme analysis


When Dantes is unfairly given a life-prison sentence by his enemies (Villefort, Danglars, and Fernand), he spends every waking moment planning his revenge. As soon as Dantes miraculously escapes and returns to the world with riches, he sees it as a sign that God has opened for him the door of revenge.

No longer does the reader recognize the pre-prison Dantes. To reinforce this change, Dumas refers to Dantes as the Count of Monte Cristo once he returns to society. Though he rewards those who treated him and his father well, most of the story is devoted to Monte Cristo's desire for vengeance. Throughout the story, Dantes changes disguises in order to deceive those around him and further his own agenda of punishment for his enemies.

At first he hopes to punish himself by committing suicide, but when Haydee admits her love for him, the count takes it as a sign from God that he is forgiven. Monte Cristo concludes the book with these two parting quotes:

Count: "Tell the angel who will watch over your life to pray now and then for a man who,

like Satan, believed himself for an instant to be equal to God, but who realized in all humility that supreme power and wisdom are in the hands of God alone."

Comment on the performance

The fight scenes are amazingly fluid, swordplay seeming to come naturally to both Guy Pearce and Jim Caviezel. The film also features a humorous performance from the talented Luis Guzman as a man devoted to the Count/Edmund. While some of the lines used in both the prison scenes and the "buddy" scenes between Guzman and Caviezel are a bit unbelievable (there occasionally seems to be a tad too much of the new millennium in the way they speak), most of the scenes are true to the times and the scenery and sets are authentically breathtaking.

Ignore the fact that the posters for the film bare a greater resemblance to Antonio Banderas in "The Mask of Zorro" than Jim Caviezel and allow Caviezel the opportunity to impress you as the romantic leading man/action hero. He emerges as a first-class romantic leading man, and his action sequences are equally thrilling. Guy Pearce makes a wickedly good villain, the kind you actually want to hiss at while he's on the screen. Dagmara Dominczyk is perfection as the love interest, growing from an innocent young woman into a resigned wife and mother.


“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.[3]” Reference

[1]The Count of Monte Cristo(2002 Film).Wikipedia.

[2]The Count of Monte Cristo (2002). IMDb Pro.

[3]The Count of Monte Cristo.Alexandre Dumas.Wordsworth Editions Ltd,1999.



Scent of Women (《女人香》), Water World (《水世界》) , Air Force One (《空军一号》),Brave Heart(《勇敢的心》), True Lies(《真实的谎言》),Roman Holiday(《罗马假日》),Modern Times(《摩登时代》),The First Blood(《第一滴血》), Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears(《莫斯科不相信眼泪》),Pearl Harbor(《珍珠港》), Artificial Intelligence(《人工智能》), The Princess Diaries(《公主的日记》),Cider House Rules(《苹果酒屋的规则》)。另外一些片名,尽管由于译入语的特点,在词序、结构上稍微有所改变,但由于总体一致性,仍可看作直译,如:American Beauty(《美国大美人》),A Farewell To Arms(《向武器告别》),A Streetcar Named Desire(《欲望号街车》),Dances with Wolves(《与狼共舞》), The Silence of the Lambs (《沉默的羔羊》),The Grapes of Wrath(《愤怒的葡萄》), All Quiet on the Western Font(《西线无战事》)The Sound of Music(《音乐之声》)On the Golden Pond(《金色池塘》)A Room with a View(《看得见风景的房间》)。应该注意到的是,名著改变而成的电影名应尽量与原著靠拢,如:The God Father(《教父》),The Old Man and the Sea(《老人与海》)

The Wedding Planner(《爱上新郎》),The Others(《小岛惊魂》), 1

Cast Away(《荒岛余生》), Little Nicky(《魔鬼接班人》),Of Mice and Men(《芸芸众生》),Kate and Leopold (《隔世情缘》),The Mexican (《魔枪》),Glitter(《明星梦》),Serendipity(《缘分天注定》),In the Bedroom(《不伦之恋》),Rebecca(《蝴蝶梦》),Cleopatra(《埃及艳后》)

Jane Eyre《简爱》,Hamlet《哈姆雷特》,Macbeth(《麦克白》),Titanic(《泰坦尼克号》),Elizabeth(《伊莉莎白女王》),Tarzan (《人猿泰山》),Philadelphia(《费城故事》), Forrest Gump(《阿甘正传》),Joe Dirt(《乔德特历险记》),和Stuart Little(《小老鼠斯图尔特》)。

Ants《虫虫危机》,A Walk in the Clouds (《云中漫步》), Waterloo Bridge (《魂断蓝桥》), Madison County Bridge (《廊桥遗梦》),The Bachelor(《亿万未婚夫》),Bandits(《完美盗贼》),The Fugitive(《亡命天涯》),Pretty Woman(《风月俏佳人》), Speed(《生死时速》),The Net(《网络情缘》),First Knight(《剑侠风流》),The Piano(《钢琴别恋》), The Opposite of Sex《异性不相吸》, Blood and Sand(《碧血黄沙》),The Independence day(《独立日烽火》),The Three Musketeers(《豪情三剑客》),She is So Lovely(《可人儿》),In the Hear of Night(《炎夜》),The Wizard of Oz《绿野仙踪》, Volcano(《地火危城》), Ghost(《人鬼情未了》),The Legend of the Fall(《燃情岁月》),Best in Show 2

(《宠物狗大赛》),The Thomas Crown Affair(《天罗地网》)等。

Home Alone译成(《小鬼当家》),Cliff Hanger译为(《绝巅雄风》),Die Hard(《虎胆龙威》),Epicenter(《浩劫惊魂》);Twins(《龙兄鼠弟》),Sister Act(《修女也疯狂》),Bean(《憨豆先生》),Big Momma’s House(《超级奶妈》),Small Time Crooks(《业余小偷》),Baby’s Day Off(《超能塞豆隆》),Baby Geniuses(《强棒奶娃》),Blue Streak(《笨贼妙探》)等。

The Big Parade(《战地之花》),Enter the Dragon(《龙虎争斗》),Who Framed Rabbit Roger(《兔子罗杰》)。

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex but Were Afraid to Ask(《欲言又止》), A Time to Love and A Time to Die(《爱与死》),

翻译中产生异化是难免的。有时按原名形式也能很好地译出原作意图,同时使译名富于异域色彩,如:Romeo and Juliet(《罗密欧与朱丽叶》),Titanic(《泰坦尼克号》),Schindler’s List(《辛德勒的名单》), Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone(《哈利波特与魔法石》), The Lord of the Rings(《指环王》)等。

<Hilary and Jackie>她比烟花寂寞

这个杀手不太冷 Leon


a little romance 情定日落桥


夺宝奇兵 Indiana Jones(原意<印第安纳琼斯>) 谍中谍 Mission Impossible

变形金钢 Transformers (原意<变形者>)

玩具总动员 Toy Story

屋顶上的轻骑兵 the Horseman on the Roof (法国电影) 静静的顿河 Quiet Flows

看得见景的房间(窗外有蓝天) A Room with a View Legends of the Falls燃情岁月

不羁夜 Boogie Nights

《大智若鱼》(big fish)

the rock石破天惊

Amadeus (1985)莫札特傳----阿瑪迪斯

Clear and Present Danger (1994) 燃眉追擊--迫切的危機 Beautiful Things (1997) 愈愛愈美麗-萬事美好

Hand that Rocks The Cradle, The (1992) 搖籃驚魂----推動搖籃的手

Anaconda (1997) 狂蟒之災──神出鬼沒

Deep Rising (1998) 極度深寒-----深海攔截-大海怪 Commando (1986)獨闖龍潭 --魔鬼司令

Eraser (1996)蒸發密令---魔鬼毀滅者

Fortress (1993)天獄飛龍 --魔鬼武器

Kindergarten Cop (1991) 幼稚園特警---魔鬼孩子王 4

Last Action Hero (1993) 幻影英雄-最後魔鬼英雄 Specialist, The (1994) 炮彈專家-魔鬼專家

Terminator, The (1985)未來戰士-魔鬼終結者

Total Recall (1990) 宇宙威龍--魔鬼總動員

Under Siege (1993) 潛龍轟天 --魔鬼戰將

Universal Solider (1992) 再造戰士 -魔鬼命令

Johnny Mnemonic (1995) 非常任務-捍衛機密

Speed (1994) 生死時速--捍衛戰警

Top Gun (1986) 壯志淩雲--捍衛戰士

Sneakers (1993) 通天神偷-神鬼尖兵

Saint, The (1997) 俠聖-----神鬼至尊

Mummy(1999)盜墓迷城 ----- 神鬼傳奇

Gladiator(2000) 帝國驕雄----神鬼戰士

Breakdown (1997) 絕地危機-1997悍將奇兵

Edge, The (1997) 殺與捕-1997勢不兩立

Mr. Holland's Opus (1996) 生命因你動聽--春風化雨1996 Shawshank Redemption, The (1995) 月黑高飛-----刺激1995



《good will hunting》:《骄阳似我》

《Beautiful mind》:港译《有你终生美丽》


《Commander & Conquer: The far side of the world 》 怒海争锋:极地讨伐

《farewell my concubine》--《霸王别姬》

《ashes of time》--时间的灰烬《东邪西毒》

《all men are brothers: blood of the leopard》《水浒传》 《Chinese odyssey 1: Pandora‘s box》--中国的奥德赛1:潘多拉宝盒(《大话西游之月光宝盒》

An Exaggerative Story Of "The Journey To The West": The Moonlight Treasure Box

《Chinese odyssey 2: Cinderella》--《大话西游之仙履奇缘》 《dream factory》--《甲方乙方》

《steel meets fire》--《烈火金刚》

《third sister liu》--《刘三姐》

《in the mood for love》--《花样年华》

《from Beijing with love》--《国产007》

《flirting scholar》--《红楼梦》

《royal tramp》--皇家流浪汉《鹿鼎记》

《a better tomorrow》--《英雄本色》

《Savior of the soul》--《神雕侠侣》

《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》-- 三个王国的罗曼史《三国演 6


《Be There or Be Square》 《不见不散》

Casablanca(《卡萨布兰卡》), Ghost(《人鬼情未了》), Pretty Woman (《风月俏佳人》)。

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest(《飞越疯人院》),

Unforgivable (《未被饶恕》),The Age of Innocence(《纯真年代》),Human Factor(《人性因素》),Natural Born Killers(《天生杀手》),Coquette(《弄情女子》),The Perfect World(《美好世界》),Pearl Harbor (《珍珠港》),America’s Sweethearts(《美国甜心》),Original Sin(《原罪》),Training Day(《训练日》),Monsters. Inc.(《怪物公司》),Spy Game(《间谍游戏》);另一方面是,60 %的翻译有点鸳鸯蝴蝶派的味道:如:White Sister(《空门遗恨》), Lady Hamilton(《忠魂娟血离恨天》), You Can’t Take It with You(《浮生若梦》), Deeds Goes to Town(《富贵浮云》), The Story of Louis Pasteur(《万世流芳》), Lucky Lady(《风云龙虎凤》), The Equals(《雌雄宝刀》), The Divine Lady(《薄命花》), Cavalcade(《乱世春秋》)












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