


Unit 1 Friends

1. 朋友的重要性

2. 不真诚的朋友的表现

3. 真诚的朋友的表现

Friends are playing important roles in our life. It has often been said that,” no man can live like an island”. As our population increases in size, this is becoming increasingly true. A person will have trouble coping with society without friends. But we are supposed to make some true friends, but not Fair-weather friends.

The insincere friends, maybe, like to be with you, because you are popular. They are only interested in what they can get from you. However, true friends are always there when you need them. They are dependable(可靠的) and responsible(需负责任的) they share your sorrow(悲痛) and happiness. They also warn you when you are in danger of doing wrongly.

Yes, true friends are wonderful. It is nice to enjoy the warmth radiating(散发) form true friends.

Unit 3 Happiness Is a Journey

1. 我们总是希望将来的生活会更美好

2. 我们应该珍惜现在的生活

3. 快乐是个过程,不是终点

We always hope for better days to come. We may convince ourselves that life will be better after we get into college. Then we are frustrated because college life is not interesting enough, and we say to ourselves,” we will be happy when we graduate. “and we will frustrated when we come across, say ,interpersonal problem in our workplaces. Meanwhile, we always tell ourselves that our life will be complete when we marry a nice person and when we own a home of our own.

The true is that, there is no better time than right now. Our future life will always be filled of challenges. It’s best to admit this and decide to be happy anyway. Remember that time waits for no one .so stop waiting to be happy. Be happy now when you are a student, when you are having a low-paid job, when you go to work by bus or on foot. Be happy now before you own a big house and before you marry the right person.

Happy is a journey, not a destination. So study like you have never been bored, love like you never been hurt, work like you don’t need money. Then you are happy, for every moment of your life.

Unit 4 On Health

1. 健康的标准

2. 如何保持良好的健康

3. 结论

What are health standards? According to the world health organization to healthy definition, the person's health standards can be summarized into three: body health, psychology (mental) health and good social adaptability.

How to keep good health? Firstly, try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly to help us build a strong body. In order to eat healthily, we should avoid eating food high in fat and sugar, like hamburgers or cookies. We are supposed to eat more vegetables and fresh fruit rather than meat. And regular exercise also plays an important role in keeping our body healthy. Secondly, keep a positive attitude and a joyful outlook .Last but not least, try your best to enhance the social adaptability.

If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.

Unit 5 0n Lifelong Education

1. 终生教育越来越受到重视

2. 进行终生教育的方式多样

3. 你会选择哪种方式

With the development of society, the lifelong education becomes more and more important. There are much more competition in daily life, so we must keep on learning.

There are various ways of lifelong education .On one hand, we can learn all by ourselves, and share information with others. Also, in this way, we can enter for the self-education examination to test our learning results. On the other hand, we are supposed to join some evening classes to learn new contents, to improve our learning level.

As far as I am concerned, in order to learn more new things and to get some diplomas, I would like to enter for the self-education. Because I think it would help me to strengthen my ability and many diplomas will help me to get a better job.

Unit 6 Culture Shock

1.你对“culture shock”的理解

怎么解决“culture shock”


Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and

disorientation(迷茫)that one experiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations.

In an effort to get over culture shock, here are some suggestions. First, be aware that such a thing as culture shock exists, that it will probably affect you one way or another, but that it doesn’t last forever. Next, try to get to know the people of the host country and their language; find out what they do, how they do it, and what their interests are and so forth. And maybe you will develop a hobby in this process. Third, accept the idea that while it may be somewhat painful, culture shock can be a very valuable experience.

I should point out that the experience of culture shock need not be

negative. When you have completely adjusted to a new culture, you can more fully enjoy it.

Unit 8 Competition and Cooperation

Unit 8

1. 竞争是存在于如今社会的普遍现象。

2. 竞争的利与弊。

3. 竞争的同时不要忘记合作。

Competition is a common phenomenon in our society. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth.

Therefore,we can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of our modern society. In the meanwhile, there are some disadvantages about competition. In the process of

competition, time and resources usually will be waste. And sometimes the winners may hurt the losers' confidence and feeling.

As far as I’m concerned, I can’t agree more with the view that the

competition and the cooperation always stay side by side. In many case, we can not achieve anything if there is only competition and on cooperation. They are, so to say, equally important in the development of our modern society. While advocating competition, we should never forget cooperation.


模块话题 写作训练

1.假如你是Li Lei,你的笔友Paul要来中国游玩,他想了解长城的情况。请根据所给提示及你对长城的认识,发一封e-mail,向Paul做一下介绍。要求语句通顺、正确,词数80左右。

I’m very happy you are coming to China this summer! The Great Wall is very famous in the world. It’s about 6,35o km long with a history of more than 2,000 years. It was used for keeping off the enermies. The best-preserved section is at Badaling in Beijing. It is said that the Great Wall is the only man-made wonder on the earth we can see from the moon. It looks like a huge flying dragon. Welcome to China!

Li Lei 2. 请根据以下表格,以“My Favourite Book”为题,写一篇短文。要求语句通顺、

My favourite book is Harry Portter. It was written by J. K. Rowling. The story is about the adventures of Harry at Hogwarts. My favourite scene is when Harry is flying on a broom. Harry is the hero of the story. He is brave and clever. There are also other important charavters Ron and Hermione are his best friends. The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and bad people are published for bad behaviour.

I like it very much. The story is very interesting and exciting. Every time I read it, it always brings ,e into a magical world. 3.以“My School Sport”为题,写一篇有关你和你就读d饿学校开展体育活动的短文。



2.同学们通常进行早锻炼、做眼保健操、打篮球或踢足球。 3.介绍你最喜欢(faviourite)参加和观看的运动项目。 4.运动有益于身体健康(health),你准备进行更多锻炼。

My School Sport

I study at a middle school. There is a sports meeting in our school every autumn. I took the first place in the long jump last year. We usually take exercise in the early morning. We do eye excercise in the afternoon. After school we play basketball or football. My favourite sport is football. I often watch a football match on TV on Sundays. I think doing sport is good for our health. I’m going to take more exercise.

4. 根据中文大意,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词左右的短文。所给英语提示词语供选用。


提示词语:more and more, mobile phone, offer a lot of convenience(方便), send short message, bring some trouble, necessary

More and more people have mobile phones in China. Mobile Phones offer us a lot of convenience. We can call each other at any time. And also we use them to send short messages. However, mobile phones bring us some trouble. We have to pay for a wrong number, and using them too much is bad for our health. As a middle school student, I think we can have mobile phones, because our parents can easily know what happens to us. But I don’t think it is right to keep mobile phones on in class.

5. 假如你是英语课代表,请你向全班同学宣布语言实验室的注意事项如下: ①. 请提前两分钟来语言实验室; ②. 鞋进语言实验室;

③. 除教材外不要带其他东西;

④. 按老师的指令做,不要随便动机器; ⑤. 课上只能讲英语,不能说汉语; ⑥. 课后关机,按顺序离开实验室。


May I have your attention, please? I have a few things to tell you. If you have classes in the language lab, please be there a little earlier. Change your shoes before entering the lab. Don’t bring anything except your textbook. When you are in, please don’t touch the machines without permission. Always do as the eacher tells you. In class you should only speak English, not Chinese. When class is over, turn off the machines and leave the lab one by one. Thank you!

6. 随着社会的发展,世界环境污染日益恶化。为了人类的生存,如何保护我们的环境变得至关重要。请根据以下提示词写一篇80个词左右的英文博客,谈谈你对这个问题的看法。

提示词:protect the environment; throw away; instead of; turn off; recycle; reduce; waste.

There is too much pollution in the world. How can we save the world? There are some easy things you can do to protect the environment. Whenever you visit a park, don’t throw away rubbish here and there. Maybe some waste at your home can be recycled. If you do so, you can reduce much pollution. Turn off the lights or Tv sets when you leave the room. Give your old clothes to poor children instead of throwing them away. Try to use both sides of paper. Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the environment, the world will bwcome much more beautiful.
























