Unit12-话语节奏English Pronunciation and Intonation英语语音课文要点


Unit 12

Rhythm of English Speech



言语节奏指的是人们在说话时胸部肌肉收缩和放松产生的节奏, 是指人们感知为响亮高峰音或节拍的重音所形成的模式。语言学家将言语节奏分为音节定时节奏和重音定时节奏两大类:每个音节出现的时间间隔相等的为音节定时节奏,重读音节等时重复出现的为重音定时节奏。法语通常被认为属音节定时节奏语言,汉语的普通话也具有按音节定时的趋势。英语则通常被称为按重音定时的。

英语话语的重读规律是: 重读与非重读音节相间出现。重读音节与紧跟其后的非重读音节一起组成重音组。在不受迟疑(可使人说话速度放慢)或激动(可使人说话速度加快)等因素影响的情况下, 话语中重音之间的间隔时间大致相等。也就是说,根据英语的节奏规律,话语说起来所需的时间不决定于它有多少个词,多少个音节,而决定于它有多少个句子重音。假如句子重音之间的非重读音节数多,结果必然是说起来要快一些,含糊一些。同时,为了求得这种“大致相等”,话语中单词的发音也可能由于受到语言环境的影响而产生不同程度的变化。例如,在以下这个句子中共有重读音节四个,这些重读音节之间所含的非重读音节数分别为:两个、三个、四个,但在话语中,人们的感觉是:重读音节出现的间隔是大致相等的。

Do you 又比方,下列几个句子的音节数不同,但所含重读音节数相同, 因此, 在说话速度相同的情况下,完成句子所需的时间亦大致相等:

John is here now.

John will be at home tonight.

The professor is in London this evening.


一、 句中重读音节相继出现的地方,通常语速会慢一些, 音节听起来自


二、 重读音节之间拥挤着出现的非重读音节听起来轻快而且含糊。

三、 一句话说起来所需时间长短不取决于句中的单词数或音节数, 而



第二篇:Vowels-English Pronunciation and Intonation for Communication英语语音练习


1) Come to tea!

Come to tea with me!

Come to tea with me by the sea!

If you’re free, come to tea with me!

Do you agree, if you’re free, to come to tea with me by the sea?

2) A short poem

Blue is the sea,

Green is the grass.

White are the clouds,

Black are the crows.

Brown are the trees,

Red are the sails.

Of a ship in the breeze.

3) A song

Oh how lovely is the evening, is the evening.

When the bells are sweetly pealing, sweetly pealing.

Ding dong. Ding dong. Ding dong.

/ I /

1) He’s swimming in the river.

He’s swimming in the river with Tim.

Come in, he’s swimming in the river with Tim.

Will you come in, he’s swimming in the river with Tim.

2) A poem

“Tick” the clock says, “tick, tick, tick!”

What you have to do, do quick;

Time is gliding fast away.

For motherland let us do our bit.

3) A song

1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians,

4 little, 5 little, 6 little Indians,

7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians,

10 little Indian children.

10 little, 9 little, 8 little Indians,

7 little, 6 little, 5 little Indians,

4 little, 3 little, 2 little Indians,

1 little Indian child.


He sells eggs.

He sells hen’s eggs.

He sells the best hen’s eggs.

He sells the best hen’s eggs every Wednesday.

He sells the best hen’s eggs every Wednesday in the market.

1) A poem

Good, better, best,

Never let it rest:

Till good is better,

And better best.

2) A song

The more we get together, together, together.

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.


1) He attacked the man.

He attacked the man in the van.

He attacked the man in the van with a hammer.

He attacked the man in the van with a hammer which he held with both hands.

2) A poem

I met a little boy Jack Who came from another land. I couldn’t speak his language,

But I took him by the hand.

3) A song

This land is my land.

This land is your land.

This land belongs to you and me.


1) I shan’t.

I shan’t sing.

I shan’t sing at the garden party.

I shan’t sing at the garden party at my aunt’s farm.

I shan’t sing at the garden party at my aunt’s farm tomorrow afternoon.

2) A poem

Past barges and carts,

Past harbors and farms,

The cars go darting by;

Till after dark their sparkling lights

Startle the starry sky.

3) A song

Donna Donna

On a wagon bound for market,

There’s a calf with a mournful eye.

High above him there’s a swallow,

Winging swiftly through the sky.


How the wings are laughing!

They laugh with all their might.

Laugh and laugh the whole day through

And half the summer’s night.

Donna, donna, donna, donna, …

/? /

Where’s the watch?

Where’s the watch I put in my pocket?

Where’s the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop?

Where’s the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?

1) A poem

Froggy-boggy sat on a rock;

Froggy-boggy had a great shock!

Froggy-boggy fell off the top;

Into the pond he fell with a plop.

2) A song

Yesterday Once More

When I was young I listened to the radio,

Waiting for my favorite songs.

When they played I’d sing along,

It makes me smile.

Those were such happy times and not so long ago.

How I wondered where they’d gone?

But they’re back again just like a long lost friend.

All the songs I love so well.

Every sha la la la, every wo wu wo wu, still shines.

Every shingle lingle ling that they started to sing, so fine.

When they get to the part, where he’s breaking her heart.

It can really make me cry just like before.

It’s yesterday once more.


1) Paul called.

Paul called from the hall.

Paul called from the hall that he’d slipped on the floor.

Paul called from the hall that he’d slipped on the floor and couldn’t get to the door.

2) A poem

Good Morning to All

Good morning to all who walk,

Good morning to all who crawl,

Good morning to all who soar,

Or swim, good morning I call,

To broad and to small, to short and to tall,

Good morning, good morning to all.

3) A song

London Bridge

London Bridge’s falling down,

Falling down, falling down

London Bridge’s falling down

My fair lady.


1) Have a look at this good book.

Have a look at this good book which I found near a brook.

Have a look at this good book which I found near a brook and gave to our cook.

2) A poem

We should love if we could go to the wood

And look for the crooked may,

Where the cuckoo took the wood-lark’s nest,

And pushed her eggs away.

3) A song

I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail.

Yes I would, if I could, I surely would.

I’d rather be a hammer than a nail.

Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would.


I’d choose blue.

I’d choose blue shoes.

I’d choose blue shoes to take to school.

I’d choose blue shoes to take to school to wear.

1) A poem

At noon in June when the flowers droop,

And the roofing sky is blue;

When the doves croon through the gloom of the trees, What do we choose to do?

Why, to troop to the pool where the water cool Seems far too good to be true.

/ ? /

1) You must come.

You must come to supper.

You must come to supper with us.

You must come to supper with us and join in the fun.

2) A poem

There’s a mutter and grumble in the ground When thundering comes the train;

Then into the tunnel it rumbles on

And another comes thundering again.

3) A song

One Day When We Were Young

One day when we were young,

One wonderful morning in May,

You told me, you loved me,

When we were young one day.

You told me, you loved me

And held me close to your heart.

We laughed then, we cried then,

Then came the time to part.

Remember you loved me,

When we were young one day.


1) He searched and searched.

He searched and searched for the bird.

He searched and searched for the bird he heard.

He searched and searched for the bird he heard in the church.

2) A poem

Worms squirm in the earth

When first is heard

The murmur and chirp

Of the early bird.


1) normal [?]




above amuse

agree affirm

about assist

ahead attach

admire abroad advance attend

approve attempt asleep

2) lowered [?]

after fever color other

3) The girl at the counter.

The girl at the counter is the doctor’s daughter.

The girl at the counter is the doctor’s daughter, who is showing an old worker some sugar. The girl at the counter is the doctor’s daughter, who is showing an old worker some sugar and butter.

4) A poem

Butter and sugar and eggs and flour, Beat them again for half an hour, Bake the cake for an hour or more, But you never must open the oven door. …

doctor never

worker soldier paper


daughter danger

father sugar

mother picture

A song

To everything, turn, turn, turn,

There is a season turn, turn, turn

And a time for every purpose under heaven.

A time to be born, a time to die

A time to thank, a time to reap

A time to be killed, a time to heal

A time to laugh, a time to weep.

To everything, turn, turn, turn,

There is a season turn, turn, turn

And a time for every purpose under heaven.


1) No pains, no gains.(不劳无获) Call a spade a spade.(实事求是)

A penny saved is a penny gained.(省一文是一文) Haste makes waste.(欲速则不达)

2) A poem

To the Rain

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day. Little Johnny wants to play. Rain, rain, go to Spain.

Never show your face again. Rain on the green grass. And rain on the tree.

Rain on the house top

But not on me.

3) A song

Rain, rain, go away, go away. Rain, rain, go away.

Please come another day. Please come another day. Little Johnny wants to play. Wants to play, wants to play.


1) Little strokes fell great oaks.(滴水穿石)

A rolling stone gathers no moss.(滚石不生苔,转行不聚财) As you sow you shall mow.(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆) Roll my log and I’ll roll yours.(你捧我来我捧你,花花轿子人抬人) Home, home, sweet home, there is no place like home.

2) A poem

Show me where those roses grow,

Closed and cold as frozen snow,

Or slowly opening wide, and showing

How their golden hearts are glowing.

3) A song

Row, row, row your boat.

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is interesting.


1) Strike while the iron is hot.(趁热打铁)

Let bygones be bygones.(既往不咎)

Great minds think alike.(英雄所见略同)

Diamonds cut diamonds.(棋逢对手,将遇良才)

Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.(事不过二。/福无双至) Like attracts like.(物以类聚)

Out of frying pan into the fire.(甫出龙潭,又入虎穴)

2) A poem

My kite is white,

My kite is light,

My kite is in the sky,

Now low, no high.

You see the kite.

You see it, you and I.

3) A song

Silent Night

Silent night! Holy night!

All is calm. All is bright!

Round yon virgin mother and child!

Holy infant so tender and mild.

Sleep in heavenly peace!

Sleep in heavenly peace!


1) Without learning, without eyes. (不学习好比睁眼瞎) Better to wear out than rust out.(与其锈坏,不如用坏。/ 与其闲死,不如忙死) Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud.(知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲) Out of sight, out of mind.(眼不见,心不想。/久别情疏) Lazy youth makes lousy age.(少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤) Pour not water on a drowned mouse. (不要落井下石)

2) A poem

Cow, cow,

Friendly and brown,

Let down your milk,

For the hungry town.


1) Joys shared with others are more enjoyed. (与众同乐,其乐更乐) No joy without annoy.(有乐就有悲)

Choice of the end covers choice of the means.(只要目的正,手段不厌诈) Destroy the nests and the birds will fly away.(驱鸟要除巢,剿匪要除窝) There is no royal road to learning.(书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟)

2) A poem

Oh joy, oh joy,

A child with his toy,

Shouting at the top of his voice,

Making such a terrible noise,

Oh joy, oh joy!


1) He cannot hear on that ear. (置若罔闻) Success belongs to the persevering.(成功属于坚持不懈的人) Nearest the king, nearest the gallows.(伴君如伴虎) Experience teaches fools.(笨汉常错也学乖)


1) Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成) When the cup is the fullest, then bear her fairest.(满怀须端平。/富贵要谦恭) As your wedding ring wears, your cares will wear away.(夫妻生活越久,感情越深厚) He that lacks my mare would buy my mare. (一心想买下,故意说货差)

Spare to speak, and spare to speed.(口都不想开,事情怎能成?)

2) A poem

On a mare goes the mayor,

3) A song

This is the way we comb our hair,

Comb our hair, comb our hair.

This is the way we comb our hair,

At seven o’clock in the morning.

To the fair at the square, Prepared to buy a little bear, That will sit on his fair chair.


1) It never rains but it pours.(祸不单行) The fewer his years, the fewer its tears.(年少烦恼少,年老烦恼多) Curiosity killed a cat.(好奇惹祸)

A good conscience is a sure card.(白日不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊)

Better poor with honor than rich with shame.(宁可清贫而有德,不可为福而不仁)

2) A poem

Behold the furious dual

Between the casual tourist

And the rural jeweler

For a curious and luxurious jewel.

Comparison between long vowels and short vowels

/i:/—/I /, /з :/—/ ?/, /?: / —/? / , /ɑ: / —/?/, /u: / —/? / front vowels: /i:/ — /I //

leave — live

feel — fill read — rid deed — did heel — hill peach— pitch

central vowels: /з :/ — / ?/

shirt — away work— worker

back vowels: nurse — attack firm — further service — success return — correct /?: / — /? /

sport — spot chalk — chock caught — cot

cork — cock forks — fox naught — not /ɑ: / — /?/ harm — hum calm — come march — much barn — bun heart — hut dark — duck /u: / — /? / pool — pull cool — could fool — full shoed — should wooed — would food — foot

Comparison between other vowels

/e/ — /?/

bed — bad

lend — land beg — bag men — man met — mat send — sand

eat — ate

lead — laid

let — late

men — main

fat — fight

hat — height

raw — row

walk — woke

cool — coal

room — roam

loud — lord

house — horse

now — no

blouse — blows

hear — hair

cheer — chair

/i:/ — /ei/ see — say meet — mate heat — hate feed — fade /e/ — /ei/ pen — pain get — gate ate — eight wet — wait /?/ — /ai/ / cat — kite back — bike — like sad — side /?: / — /?u/ saw — so caught — coat ball — bowl call — coal /u: / — /?u/ grew — grow fooled — fold soup — soap flute — float /au/ — /?: / shout — short howl — hall down — dawn town — torn /au/ —/?u/ out — oat crowd — crowed couch — coach bow (v.) — bow (n.) /i?/ — /e?/ fear — fair beer — bear dear — dare really — rarely lack

/e?/ — /?/ rarely — rally paired — pad careless — callous Mary — marry glared — glad bared — bad /e?/ — /e/ vary — very Mary — merry fairly — felly shared — shed dared — dead barely — belly

Comparison of vowel sounds in phrases and sentences

/e/ —/?/

This bed is bad. / This is a bad pen. / I guess they want gas. / What daddy said made me sad. / Can you bend that iron band?

/u: / —/? /

At noon I took a book

And sat by the pool in the wood.

I soon took off my shoe

And put my foot in the pool.

Oh! How cool!

/e/ —/ei/ /u: / — /? / As a rule man is a fool. When it’s hot he wants it cool. When it’s cool he wants it hot. Always wanting what is not.

heavy rain / table tennis / a game of chess / a special case / a terrible headache / an ancient temple / a helpless case / April the second

Better late than never. / It’s never too late to mend. / You must hit the nail on the head. / I have a terrible headache.

/au/ — /?: /

the ground floor / a northern town / out of order / a morning gown / a thousand horses / a tall house / about the story / for four hours / the door of the house

























话语 英语(50篇)