英语技能大赛 主持稿




B: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the third English skills final contest in Sichuan Agricultural University Du Jiangyan campus.

G:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家(合)晚上好!欢迎来到四川农业大学都江堰校区第二届英语技能大赛决赛现场。I’m Cici.

B: I'm Mactavish., our competition is organized by the fundamental science department of the business school, joint by the Students' SD English Association.


B: First, We would like to introduce today's distinguished teachers and guests.



G:Welcome all the teachers and guests.

B:Then, we talk about the rules of the competition.

B:The final competition tonight make up by three parts. part one, we will enjoy the assigned topic speeches by eight contestants. Each contestant has 3min.

G: Part two, each contestant will have 5min to perform their talent show.

B:Part three, each contestant will choose a random topic for impromptu speech. Each contestant has a minute and a half.



B: In tonight's Final, there are 8 contestants; these contestants have given very impressive performance already in the knock-out stages. And we divide the 8 contestants into group A and group B.

G:通过层层选拔,有八名选手成功进入本次决赛。1至4号选手为A组选手,他们是:一号选手崔红梅;二号选手杨欢;三号选手田静,;四号选手,sunny 组合,他们是邓艳、崔春梅、陈真燕;

5至8号选手为B组选手,他们是:五号选手,阿牛日哈,;六号选手,陈玥文,;七号选手,Miracle组合,他们是肖遥 周翊君 周韵欣 齐伶俐;八号选手,Queen组合,他们是余珂希 赵晗伊。

B: They will now have the chance to show their proficiency in oral English. Certainly, they will do their best, and I'm sure we'll have a wonderful competition.


B:Here we are, please welcome contestant NO 1.崔红梅, -NO.2杨欢please get ready. G: What an amazing start! Then please welcome contestant NO.2 杨欢,contestant no.3 田静please get ready.

B: Thanks for the performance of contestant 2.杨欢 Now it’s show time for contestant 3

田静 ,group sunny please gets ready.

G:Nicely play,田静. group sunny, it’s your turn.

Talent show(5min)

B: The second part of the competition is the Talent Show, where the competitors will show their special talents.

G:古话说得好,文武之道,一张一弛,作为新时代的优秀人才,必须是全面发展的. B:没错,我们的选手又何尝不是这样呢?

G:那么,接下来让我们一起来欣赏选手们的精彩表演,掌声有请1号选手崔红梅带来歌曲《trouble is a friend》



B:下面有请4号选手,sunny组合带来诗歌朗诵《the most distant way in the world》


B:Thanks for the first 4 contestants fantastic performance! Then, it’s time to relax, let’s enjoy the IPA gymnastics performed by the Students' SD English Association.


B: Now it’s time for the rest of the contestants. First, let’s welcome contestant no.5,阿牛日哈.

Contestant no.6 陈玥文please get ready.

G:A splendid performance!

B:Then please welcome contestant NO.6 陈玥文. Group Miracle, please be prepared. G: Excellent, 陈玥文! Then, Group Miracle, Your time!

B: Now, the last one, group Queen, please.

Talent show(5min)

G: Now let’s enjoy the talent shows by the rest of the contestants.

B:接下来又到了我们的才艺展示环节,后四位选手将带给我们怎样的精彩表现呢? G:首先有请5号选手阿牛日哈与搭档秦枫,对唱just a kiss

G:现在,有请6号选手陈玥文带来歌曲,taking chances

B:接下来请欣赏七号选手Miracle组合带来的电影配音《the lion king》.

G:最后有请八号选手Queen组合带来歌曲《shining girls》


B: Everyone tonight is very good, but our competition is very serious. Now the final battle is coming, each contestant has a min. and a half to talk about a random topic.


请XXX 抽题(选手开始回答计时一分半钟开始)


G: Thanks for their wonderful show. Now it’s time to relax. Let’s appreciate a beautiful English song; we are the world, from the students of business English class1.

8、有请主办方代表黄昆老师讲话,并公布选手得分,宣布优秀奖及一二三等奖 G:I am so nervous now.


G: Because I think all of them are so excellent, I have no idea who will be the champion. B: Don’t worry. Let’s go on. The jury will give the answer.

G: All right! Whatever, this is really a wonderful night.


G:Let’s welcome Mrs. Huang.

B: Thanks Mrs. Huang! Now we will come to the last part of our today’s competition. Let’s welcome all the contestants come to the stage.


G: The prize of excellence goes to... Let's welcome to the stage to receive the cup from Mr. A.

B:The third prize goes to……Let's welcome to the stage to receive the cup from Mr. A. G:Thanks Mr. A, Congratulations to the 2contestents.

B:The second prize goes to….. Let's welcome to the stage to receive the cup from Mr. A. G:Thanks Mr. A, Congratulations to the 2contestents.

B:The champion goes to……Let's welcome to the stage to receive the cup from Mr. A. G:Thanks Mr. A, Congratulations to the 2contestents.



G:Congratulations to all the contestants!

B:Tonight there is no loser ,all of you are champions .

G:This was really a wonderful night, I hope you enjoyed it.

B:Thank you, thanks for your coming ! For now, The English Skills Competition has come to end .We are looking forward to next year's competition.


B:Good night! G:Good night!


开场白:Z:Good evening.Ladies and gentleman.W:Good evening.Welcome to Food Science Institute 's English speech fanal contest.It's my honoured to be the host for this competition.I'm CuimingZ:I'm Zhangnian.As you know,English is more and more popular with the internationalization.W:So,it's a best chance for you to display you English talent.Everybody genius,come on.Z:There are 8 excellent contestants stand out after strict selection.The theme is "Those things of dormitory".W:Roommates are lovely.Z:Roommates are selfless.W:Roommates are friendly.Z:Roommates are unforgettable.W:When we encounter difficulties in university, who first thought?Z:Roommates.I love them.W:Yes,I love them too.Z:So,at this moment,let us praise of our roommates.Now,let us introduce today attendance of judges and guests.W:They are………………Z:Let's welcome them.Dear friends,are you ready?W:Let's look forword to your wonderful performers.Z:Now,let's start.Let A group of players come first.Please give your speech.Go!!!串词11.Let's welcome Zhang Tingting,from Food science 1092. Thank you for you giving us a wonderful speech2.Let's looking forward to Huang Chuncui,from Food safety 1101. Good job.3.Welcome Chen Jiajie,from Food science 1106. Nice going.4.The next one will be Chen Zedan,from Food safety 1093. We are so proud of you.W:Let us into the second part "Compare everybody's talent".Z:Two contestants a group,there were two groups,on-site randomly video.A group of video first broadcast 3 minutes, players are preparing a minute, then dubbing.W:Welcome Zhang Tingting and Huang Chuncui,cheer up.Z:Very good.I wish you good luck.Let's welcome Chen jiajie and Chen Zedan.W:Thank you.You were great.W:Group A behaved very exciting.Let B group of players come then.Please give your speech.Start.串词25.Let's welcome Zhong Shaowen,from Food science 1106. Thank you for you giving us a wonderful speech.6.Let's looking forward to Yuan Jifan,from Food science 1084. We are so proud of you.7.Welcome Li Hui,from Food safety 1091. Oh,so wonderful.8.The next one will be Liang Weiyan,from Food science 1092. Really nice.W:Let us into the second part "Compare everybody's talent".Z:Ok,let's start.Everybody,come on.W:Welcome Zhong Shaowen and Yuan Jifan,cheer up.Z:Very good.I wish you good luck.Let's welcome Lihui and Liang Weiyan.W:Thank you.You were great.结束语:Z:The most stressful times come.Now declare the English speech contest final results.W:Honorable mention belong to…………Third prize belong to…………Second prize belong to…………First prize belong to…………Z:Let us again with warm applause welcome winners.W:How time flies. Our English competition has reached to the end.I'm sure that we have got a nice time here.Z:Thank you very much for judges and guests.Thank you for e

veryone's wonderful perfermer.W:Thank you again.See you.Z:See you.





















技能大赛颁奖 主持词



