英语翻译unit 1~4


1-1 对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。有的人认为对未来应该有一个明确的目标和详细的计划,为日后可能遇到的挑战做好充分的准备;有的人则认为不用过多考虑未来,因为未来难以预料。(map out; brace oneself for; uncertainty)

Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university. Some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future, because future is full of uncertainties.

1-2 经过仔细检查,这位科学家得知自己患了绝症。虽然知道自己将不久于人世,他并没有抱怨命运的不公,而是准备好好利用剩下的日子,争取加速推进由他和同事们共同发起的那个研究项目,以提前结项。(tick away; make the best of; have a shot at)

After a very careful check-up, the scientist was told he had got a fatal disease. Although he knew that his life was ticking away, instead of complaining about the fate, the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days, and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated, and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule.

2-1 在火车站上,一位老人给我讲述他参加解放战争的经历,那些战斗故事对我有着极大的吸引力。后来他上车,列车从我身边隆隆地开走了。可那些故事仍然是那么清晰可见,对于英雄们的壮举,我钦佩不已。(fascination; roar; marvel at)

At the railway station, an old man told me his experience in the Liberation War, the fighting stories of which were of great fascination to me. Then he got up on the train and it roared past me. But the stories were so real and definite that I greatly marveled at the courageous deeds of those war heroes.

2-2 行之有效的环保政策不仅能创造良好的生态环境,还能大大降低能源消耗。回顾这个地区近年来的发展情况,我们惊喜地发现地区政府强制实行的环保政策不但没有受到任何批评,还促使居民增强了环保意识,尽其所能节约能源。(consumption; impose; take exception to; prompt)

Effective environmental policy might bring about a good environment, as well as reducing energy consumption. Looking back on the recent development of this region, we find, to our pleasant surprise, that little exception has been taken to the environmental policy of the local government, and the policy has also raised the environmental awareness of the local residents and prompted them to save energy as possible as they could.

3-1 随着婚礼的临近,苏珊变得非常焦虑。她说不清楚是什么让自己如此烦恼。在同好友凯特长谈了一次后,她才意识到,尽管自己已经28岁了,但在情感方面还不够成熟,还没有为婚姻做好准备,也不知道这桩婚姻是否会给自己带来美满的家庭生活。 (pin down; guarantee)

As the wedding ceremony was approaching, Susan had become quite anxious. She could not pin down what exactly was troubling her. After a

long talk with her close friend Kate, she realized that, although she was 28 years old, she was not emotionally mature enough to be ready for marriage and she was not sure whether the marriage would guarantee her a happy family life.

3-2 她知道中国学生总是不愿意表达自己的情感和想法,这不仅仅因为他们对自己的英语口语不够自信,还因为他们相信稳重是一种美德。因此她特意设计了一些简单的话题,鼓励学生参与讨论,让他们增强自信心,拉近彼此间的距离。 (shy away; engage sb. in)

She knew that Chinese students had a way of shying away from revealing their feelings or opinions, due not merely to their lack of confidence in spoken English, but to their belief in the virtue of modesty. So she specially conceived a couple of simple topics and engaged them in the discussion, in order that they might become more confident and closer with each other.

4-1 我们根本就看不懂他们的计划书,因为他们的观点不太容易把握。这很可能是因为我们双方对于另一方的思维方式都感到同样的困惑。我认为应该安排一次面谈,让大家消除误会,扫除沟通的障碍。(make of; come to grips with; it’s a safe bet that; as baffled … as)

We couldn’t make of their proposal at all, because it was no easy job for us to come to grips with their perspective. It was a safe bet that we were as much baffled about their way of thinking as they were about

ours. I think we need to arrange a meeting to clear up

misunderstandings and to remove communication barriers.

4-2 从与他共事二十多年的一位同事所写的传记中不难得出这样的结论:他所代表的绝对是该国二战之后的精英阶层,他们在宗教和政治方面的观念较为保守。(nothing if not; in the wake of; in terms of)

From a biography written by one of his former colleagues who had worked with him for more than two decades, it is not difficult to conclude that what he represented was nothing if not the elite class of the country in the wake of World War II, who were rather conservative in terms of religious and political views.

第二篇:人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 B5(19页)

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 1 页 共 19 页

Unit 1


1、make flash cards 制作动漫卡

2、make vocabulary list 列词汇表

3、listen to cassettes/ tapes 听磁带

4、study for a test 备考

5、practice conversations with friends 与朋友练习会话

6、practice pronunciation 练习发音

7、speaking skills 口语技巧

8、more specific suggestions 更具体的建议

9、watch English movies/videos 看英文电影/录像

10、study grammar 学语法

11、not …at all 根本不

12、get excited 变得兴奋

13、end up doing sth 结束做某事

14、make mistakes in grammar 在语法上犯错误

15、get the pronunciation right 正确发音

16、first of all 首先

17、to begin with 首先、第一

18、later on 后来

19、dicide to do sth 决定做某事

20、take lots of grammar notes 做大量语法笔记

21、join the English club 参加英语俱乐部

22、do a survey 做调查

23、keep an English notebook 整理英语笔记

24、watch English-languge TV 看英文电视

25、try one's best 尽力

26、compare…to /with … 进行比较

27、break off 中断


1、How do you study for a test? I study by listening to tapes.

2、How do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group.

3、Do you learn English by reading aloud?

4、It improves my speaking skills.

5、Have you ever studied with a group?

6、Do you ever practice pronunciation?

7、What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

8、We asked students about the best way to learn more English?

9、Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language .

10、We get excited about something and end up speaking in Chinese.

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 2 页 共 19 页

11、I make mistakes in grammar.

12、I can't get the pronunciation right.

13、I was afraid to speak in class.

14、I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.

15、I decided to take lots of grammar notes every class.

16、Most people speak English as a second language .

17、How do we deal with our problems?

18、Unless we deal with our problems,we can easily become unhappy.

19、Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school.

20、It can also influence the way we behave with our families.

21、When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected.

22、This is an important lesson for us.

23、We can solve a problem by learning to forget.

Unit 2


1、play the piano 弹钢琴

2、be interested in 对-感兴趣

3、be afraid of sth./doing sth. 害怕某物、做某事

4、be afraid to do sth. 害怕要做某事

5、be alone 独处

6、fly in an airplane 乘飞机

7、be terrified of 害怕、恐惧

8、fill in the chart/the blanks 填表/空

9、gym/music class 体操/音乐课

10、in the past 在过去

11、all the time 一直

12、chew gum 嚼口香糖

13、be made up of 由……组成;由…构成

14、sound like 听起来像…

15、It takes sb. …to do sth. 花费某人(多长时间)去做某事

16、can't stop doing 禁不住做某事;忍不住去做某事

17、instead of 代替

18、make faces 做鬼脸

19、consist of 由…组成;由…构成

20、on the swim team 在游泳队

21、speak in front of group 在一群人面前说话

22、be afraid of the dark 怕黑

23、spend time (in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事

24、not…anymore 再也不

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25、go right home 立刻回家

26、chat with sb. online 更某人在网上聊天

27、take sb. to concerts 带某人参加音乐会

28、in the last few years 在过去几年中

29、daily life 日常生活

30、cause a lot of trouble/problems 惹很多麻烦

31、make notes 做记录

32、get bad grades 成绩很遭

33、afford to pay for 支付得起

34、to do this 为了这

35、get into trouble with sb. 与某人产生麽擦

36、in the end 最后

37、make a difficult decision 做一个艰难的决定

38、to one's surprise/excitement 令某人惊奇的/兴奋的是

39、even though 即使;纵然

40、no longer 不再

41、take pride in 对…感到自豪

42、be proud of 以…而自豪

43、pay attention to sth. 对某事注意/留心

44、give up doing sth. 放弃做某事

45、according to 根据


1、I used to be afraid of the dark.

2、I 'm on the swim team.

3、People sure change.

4、I'm terrified of the dark.

5、I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.

6、I didn't used to like tests.

7、Then I go right home.

8、I just don't have the time anymore.

9、These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts.

10、I really miss the old days.

11、My life has changed a lot in the last few years.

12、My daily life is different and I used to like different things.

13、It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot.

14、He often got into trouble with the police.

15、He would always take pride in everything good I do. Unit 3


1、be allowed to do sth. 被允许干某事

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 4 页 共 19 页

2、allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

3、have part-time jobs 做兼职工作

4、get one's ears pierced 打耳洞

5、choose one's own clothes 选择自己的衣服

6、get one's license 拿到驾驶证

7、cut one's hair 理发

8、seem to do sth. 似乎要做某事

9、spend time with friends 同朋友一起共度时光

10、instead of doing sth. 代替做某事

11、go to the movies 去看电影

12、worry about 担心

13、by the way 顺便问一下

14、face to face 面对面

15、save space /time/money 节省空间/时间/钱

16、a computer program called ICQ 一个名叫ICQ的电脑程序

17、send messages 发送信息

18、secret code 密码

19、stay up 熬夜

20、the other day 前几天

21、learn from 向…学习

22、at present 目前

23、be good for 对…有好处

24、developed country 发达国家

25、developing country 发展中国家

26、do homework with friends 和朋友一起做作业

27、clean up 把…打扫干净;梳理整齐

28、take the test 参加考试

29、pass the test 通过考试

30、fail a math test 数学考试不及格

31、be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

32、be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格

33、concentrate on 在…上投入精力

34、design uniforms 设计制服

35、keep sb. happy 使某人高兴

36、study in groups 小组学习

37、have an opportunity to do sth. 有机会做某事

38、at the local hospital 在当地医院

39、make a list 列表

40、at least 至少

41、old people's home 养老院

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 5 页 共 19 页

42、perform a play 表演话剧

43、write for a newspaper 给报纸写稿

44、at the newspaper office 在报社

45、agree /disagree with 同意/不同意某人的观点

46、get in the way of 妨碍

47、a professional athlete 专业运动员

48、achieve one's dreams 实现某人的梦想

49、have nothing against sth./doing sth. 反对某事/做某事

50、a recent survey on Yahoo.com 一个雅虎网站的近期调查

51、play games on mobile phones 在手机上玩游戏

52、as well (as) 也;又

53、give sb. some direction 给某人一些指导

54、be serious about sth./doing sth. 对某事/做某事是认真的


1、Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

2、Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

3、He should stop wearing that silly earring.

4、I'm not allowed to get my ears pierced yet.

5、Our teachers believe that if we did that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.

6、We should be allowed to design our own uniforms.

7、Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital.

8、I can' t choose which pair of jeans to buy. They both look good on me.

9、We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.

10、Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others.

11、Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?

12、Sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of homework.

13、Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.

14、Many students often complain about school.

15、Education is an important part of our development.

16、As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.

Unit 4


1、give it to charity 捐给慈善机构

2、medical research 医学研究

3、what if 如果…将会怎样

4、get pimples 起疙瘩

5、too…to 太…而不

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 6 页 共 19 页

6、help with this problem 帮助解决这个问题

7、take a long walk 进行一段长距离的散步

8、in public 当众公开的

9、give a speech 发表演说

10、in front of the whole class/school 在全班/校同学面前

11、without permission 没经允许

12、be in a movie 演电影

13、in the slightest 丝毫;根本

14、plenty of 很多的。足够的

15、get along with 与…相处

16、get on/along (well/badly) with 与…相处(融洽/不好)

17、rather than 宁可;宁愿

18、would rather do…than do…宁愿做某事也不愿做某事 相当于would do …rather than do

19、introduce myself 自我介绍

20、right away 立刻;马上

21、all day 整天

22、annoy sb. 使某人烦恼;生气

23、fairly confident 相当自信

24、friend circle 朋友圈

25、represent the class 代表班级

26、in fact 事实上

27、come top 名列前茅

28、come out 出版;发表;出来

29、let…down 使…失望;沮丧

30、come up with (针对问题等)提出;想出

31、fall down 摔倒;跌倒

32、in lots of different situations 在许多不同情况下

33、first-aid book 急救书

34、by accident 偶然的

35、in history 在历史上

36、add…to 把…加到

37、win the lottery 中奖

38、take a big exam 参加大考

39、drink lots of water 多喝水


1、What would you do if you had a million dollars?

2、I would give it to medical research.

3、I get nervous before big parties and then I get pimples.

4、The food you get could help with this problem.

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 7 页 共 19 页

5、What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?

6、Social situations don't bother you in the slightest.

7、You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group.

8、You have a small circle of very good friends.

9、Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest.

10、In fact, she always comes top in the school exam.

11、You always come up with good situations to people's problems.

12、It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations.

13、What would you do if you cut yourself by accident?

14、You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.

15、Then put the burned area under cold running water.

16、What would you do if you injured your knee while running?



1、fun things 有趣的事

2、kitchen things 厨房用具

3、belong to 属于

4、take/have a picnic 去野餐

5、at the picnic 在野营中

6、listen to classical music 听古典音乐

7、thank-you message/letter 感谢信

8、drop sth. 掉落某物

9、drop by/in 顺便/偶然访问

10、drop out 退出

11、during the concert 音乐会期间

12、in the symphony hall 在交响乐大厅中

13、at one's optometrist appointment 在约好的验光师那儿

14、make up 30% 占30%

15、the final exam 期末考试

16、be late for 迟到

17、a strange creature 一个奇怪的生物

18、catch a bus 赶公交车

19、extremely worried 极其焦虑

20、have fun 闹着玩

21、call the police 报警

22、at first 一开始

23、make speeches 做演讲

24、escape from 从…逃跑

25、an ocean of paper 试卷海洋

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26、get on the plane 登机

27、be careful of 当心

28、be anxious about 为…担忧

29、pretend to do 假装做某事

30、talk in front of many people 在许多人面前讲话

31、English speech contest 英语演讲比赛

32、the rest of the students 其余的学生

33、run for exercise 跑步锻炼


1、It must belong to Carla.

2、He might be running to catch a bus.

3、He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.

4、In my dreams, I was swimming in an ocean of paper.

5、Be careful of the dog that doesn't bark.

6、Fred is afraid of flying.

7、I am very anxious about my cat.

8、There is a strange smell in the house.

9、One finger can not lift a small stone.

11、It's less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.

12、Be careful of the person who doesn't talk ,and the dog that doesn't bark.

13、You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

14、Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.

Unit 6


1、prefer… to… 与…相比更喜欢…

2、sing along with 伴唱

3、have/has great lyrics 抒情

4、dance to 随着… 跳舞

5、write ones own lyrics 自己作词

6、remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事

7、play different kinds of music 演奏不同种类的音乐

8、play quiet and gentle songs 演奏轻松优雅的歌曲

9、be important to sb. 对某人重要

10、scary monsters 怪兽

11、latest movies 最新电影

12、over the years 近年来

13、look for entertainment 寻求娱乐

14、Yellow River 黄河

15、have a few good features 有些好的方面

16、on display 展览;陈列

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 9 页 共 19 页

17、catch up with 赶上;追上

18、the best known Chinese photographer 最有名的中国摄影师

19、in this exhibition 在这次展览上

20、have sth. for sb. 对某人有影响

21、less successful 不够成功

22、interest sb. 吸引某人

23、have /lose interest in 对…有/失去兴趣

24、world class 世界级别

25、miss the exhibition 错过展览

26、musical groups 音乐组合

27、come and go 纷纷呈现

28、great place to visit 旅游胜地

29、to be honest 说实话

30、six-months English course 六个月的英语课程

31、Chinese music concert 中国音乐会

32、suit sb. fine 适合某人

33、host family 房东

34、Indian film festival 印度电影界

35、taste good 口感好

36、stay /keep healthy 保持健康

37、French fries 炸薯条

38、fast food 快餐

39、care for 关注

40、stay away from 远离

41、be in agreement 同意

42、cause cancer 引起癌症

43、increase the risk of 增加…的风险

44、even if 即使

45、have a good balance 保持良好的平衡

46、a strict vegetarian 严格的素食主义者

47、mind doing sth. 介意做某事

48、be shocked by 被…震惊


1、I like music that I can dance to.

2、Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music.

3、The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.

4、It does have a few good features.

5、Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery.

6、The few city photographs are less successful.

7、What ever you do, don't miss the exhibition.

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8、Few have stranger names than this band.

9、As the name suggests, the band has lots of energy.

10、I prefer classical music to pop music.

11、I'm lucky to be here for my six-month English course.

12、I prefer quiet traditional music so the concert suited me just fine.

13、I only eat food that tastes good .

14、I prefer not to eat too much food that is fried.

15、I'd stay away from coca and sweet desserts if I were you.

16、I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetable are good for health.

17、I've heard eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer.

Unit 7


1、go on vacation 去度假

2、trek through the jungle 长途跋涉穿越热带丛林

3、some day 有一天

4、somewhere relaxing 放松的地方

5、consider doing sth. 考虑做某事

6、fantastic sights 奇妙的景观

7、travel around China 畅游中国

8、take the underground train 乘坐地铁

9、in general 总的来说

10、pack light clothes 带轻便衣服

11、great entertainment 精彩的娱乐活动

12、lots to do 很多事去做

13、wonderful galleries 绝妙的画廊

14、fantastic beaches 迷人的海滩

15、at a travel agency 在旅行社

16、take a trip 旅行

17、provide sb. with some information about向某人提供关于某方面的信息

18、outdoor activities 户外活动

19、give sb. some suggestions 给某人一些建议

20、vacation spots 度假场所

21、be away 出行

22、students exchange programs 学生交换项目

23、sail across the Pacific 驾船横跨太平洋

24、dream about sth. 梦想某事

25、in the future 在将来

26、hundreds/thousands/millions of 成百上千的/数以千计的/数以万计的

27、as soon as possible 尽快的

28、so that为了

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 11 页 共 19 页

29、provide better lives 提供(过上)更好的生活

30、continue doing sth./to do sth. 继续干某事

31、go to university 上大学

32、computer programming 电脑编程

33、quite a few 相当多

34、be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事

35、have a good education 接受好的教育

36、on the other hand 另一方面

37、hold on one's dreams 坚持某人的梦想


1、I hope to visit Hawaii some day

2、Why not consider visiting Paris?

3、It is usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places.

4、The room needs to be big enough for three people.

5、Could you give me some suggestions for vacation spots?

6、We all dream about things that we would like to do, and things we hope to achieve in the future.

7、They can provide better lives for their parents.

8、According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming.

9、They are willing to work hard to achieve their dreams.

Unit 8


1、clean up 打扫干净

2、give out 分发

3、.cheer sb. up 使某人高兴

4、help sb.with sth. 帮助某人干某事

5、come up with … 想出

6、put off doing sth. 推迟做某事

7、write down 记下;写下

8、put up 张贴

9、hand out 送出;分发

10、call up 号召

11、set up 建起

12、think up 想出;想起

13、put sth. to use 把…投入使用;利用

14、feel good about sth. 对某事感觉良好

15、run out of 用光

16、take after (长得)像(父母等)

17、fix…up 组装;修理

18、give away 赠送

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 12 页 共 19 页

19、be similar to 与….类似

20、work out 解决(问题)

21、hang out 游荡;闲逛

22、offer sth. for sb./offer sb. sth. 提供某人某物

23、fill…with… 用…装满…

24、face challenges 面对挑战

25、because of … 因为…

26、at once 立刻;马上

27、help sb. out 使某人脱离困境


1、I?ll help clean up the city park.

2、We need to come up with a plan.

3、We can?t put off making a plan.

4、We?re going to set up a food bank to help hugry people.

5、These students all voluteer their time to help other people.

6、Huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by working in the

after-school care center at her local elementary school.

7、He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital.

8、Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.

9、The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.

10、I?m going to give out your test papers.

11、On weekends I like to hang out at the sports club with my friends.

12、Jim takes after his father.They?re both clever and a bit quiet.

13、You have helped make it possible for me to have “Lucky”, who has filled my life with pleasure.

14、I?m only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your kind donation!

Unit 9


1、be used to … 被用做…

2、be used for … 用来做…

3、all day 一整天

4、by mistake 错误地

5、in the end 最后;终于

6、by accident 偶然地;意外地

7、be in a bad mood 心情不好

8、sprinkle …on … 撒…在…上面

9、the western world 西方世界

10、not …until… 直到…才…

11、according to 根据

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 13 页 共 19 页

12、an ancient Chinese legend 一个古老的中国传说

13、boil drinking water 烧沸饮用水

14、fall into 落入; 陷入

15.produce a pleasant smell 发出好闻的气味

16、taste the hot mixture 品尝这些混和物

17、in this way 就这样,用这种方式

18、prefer A to B 比起B更喜欢A

19、divide …into … 把…分成…

20、knock into 与…相撞

21、fall down 跌倒

22、dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事


1、Tea wasn?t brought to the western world until 1610.

2、This beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.

3、According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.

4、Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.

5、Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.

6、Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams.

7、It?s believed that on December 21 st,1891, the first bastketball game in history was played.

8、A team from China took part.

9、Since then, the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide.

10、Many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.

Unit 10


1、take a shower 淋浴

2、get back 回来

3、be late for … 迟到

4、go off (闹钟)发出响声

5、run off 跑掉;迅速离开

6、on time 准时

7、give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车

8、break down 损坏;出故障

9、show up 出席;露面

10、get , dressed 穿衣服

11、stay up 熬夜

12、invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事

13、land on the earth 在地球着陆

14、across the whole country 遍及整个国家

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 14 页 共 19 页

15、set off 激起;引起

16、flee from one?s home 离家出逃

17、sell out 卖完;售光

18、get married 结婚

19、play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑

20、leave sth, at home 把 某物落在家里


1、By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.

2、I ?ve never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close.

3、Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dad?s car and they gave me a ride.

4、He described where they had landed and told how they were moving across the United States.

5、Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story, and panic set off across the whole country.

6、In 1938, a radio program by actor Orsen Welles announced that aliens fron Mars had landed on the earth.

7、I was waiting for the school bus but it didn?t come. Then I realized it was Saturday.

8、I woke up late this morning, I had to really rush to get to school on time.

9、Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didn?t show up.

10、When she was got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. Unit 11


1、make a telephone call 打电话

2、save money 存钱

3、between …and … 两者之间

4、go past the bank 走过银行

5、exchange money 换钱

6、take the escalator to the second floor 乘电梯上二楼

7、turn right /left 向右/左拐

8、go ahead 向前

9、hang out 游逛;闲荡

10、prefer doing sth. 喜欢做某事

11、spend too much money 花费太多钱

12、walk about three blocks 走大约三个街区

13、a good place to eat 一个吃饭的好去处

14、look for 寻找

15、at the corner of … 在…的角落

16、take a vacation 度假

17、the world?s largest water slides 世界最大的水滑道

18、dress up as clowns 装扮作小丑

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 15 页 共 19 页

19、take dance lessons 上舞蹈课

20、walk through the History Museum 步行穿过历史博物馆

21、ask for information politely 有礼貌地咨询信息

22、depend on 依赖

23、on the other hand 另一方面

24、in a way 在某种程度上


1、Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some shampoo?

2、Could you tell me how to get to the post office?

3、Do you know if there are any public restrooms around here?

4、The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore.

5、There?s always something happening.

6、They have organized games and the stuff dress up as clowns.

7、Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum.

8、Sometimes we might even need to spend some time leading into a question or request.

9、It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct ,and in a way this may be true.

Unit 12


1、be supposed to 应该。。。;被期望(做)。。。

2、shake hands 握手

3、make mistakes 犯错误

4、drop by 访问;拜访

5、make plans 制定计划

6、be on time 准时

7、after all 毕竟

8、invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人干某事

9、get angry 生气

10、plan to do sth. 计划干某事

11、pick up 捡起;拾起

12、make noise 发出声响

13、point at sb.with your chopsticks 用你的筷子指向别人

14、have a great time 过得很高兴;玩得很痛快

15、go out of one?s way to do sth . 特别费心做某事

16、be /get used to sth./doing sth. 习惯干某事

17、cut up 切开;切碎

18、at first 最初;首先

19、behave at the dinner table 就餐行为举止

20、introduce other people 介绍别人

21、make appointments 约会

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 16 页 共 19 页

22、offer tea 上茶

23、get bored 厌烦

24、make faces 扮鬼脸

25、send a message 发信息

26、make a toast 敬酒

27、be relaxed about time 对时间宽松

28、walk around the town center 在市中心逛街

29、allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人干某事


1、In your country, what are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?

2、I made some mistakes.

3、It?s very important to be on time.

4、We usually make plans to see friends.

5、In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.

6、Can you tell me the things I?m supposed to do?

7、The first thing is to greet the teacher.

8、It?s rude to stick your chopsticks into your food.

9、They go out of their way to make me feel at home.

10、I find it difficult to remember everything, but I?m gradually getting used to things and don?t find them so strange any more.

11、E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. Unit 13


1、make food 做饭

2、make money 赚钱

3、learn from 向…学习

4、stay long 待长(时间);待久

5、join a clean-up campaign 加入卫生清理运动

6、keep out the sun 遮阳

7、aim at 瞄准;针对

8、for instance 例如

9、the quality of the product 产品质量

10、at times 有时;偶尔

11、lead sb. to do sth. 引导某人去做某事

12、tell the truth 说实话

13、to start with 首先

14、invite sb. for lunch 邀请某人吃午饭

15、ask sb. for sth. 要求某人某事

16、feel embarrassed 感到尴尬

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 17 页 共 19 页

17、to be honest 坦白说;老实告诉你

18、feel guilty 感到愧疚


1、I?d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I?m eating.

2、Loud music makes me tense.

3、Sad movies make her want to leave.

4、Here are some things they?ve learned from scientific studies.

5、Many ads are aimed specifically at teenagers.

6、For instance, they can help you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really need.

7、At times an ad can lead you to buy something you don?t need at all.

8、When prices are listed, you can go to the store with the lowest price.

9、Working hard at english can lead to a good job.

10、It?s the thought that counts.

11、I pretended that I liked it because I knew it would make my parents happy.

Unit 14


1、clean out 清理、清除

2、put in 放进;插入;进入

3、turn on/off the radio 打开/关掉收音机

4、get back 回来

5、in a minute 过一会;很快

6、take out the trash 倒垃圾

7、do one?s homework 做作业

8、take the dog for a walk 带上狗去散步

9、do some shopping 购物;买东西

10、love talking 爱说;健谈

11、light the fire for breakfast 生火做早饭

12、feed the animal 饲养(喂)动物

13、chop wood 劈柴

14、original songs 原创歌曲

15、win an award 获奖

16、make a music video 制作音乐磁带

17、be on TV 上电视

18、in the last twelve months 在过去12个月中

19、go on a world tour 去进行一次世界旅行

20、homeless children 无家可归的儿童

21、good luck 好运

22、be off 离开

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 18 页 共 19 页

23、play a musical instrument 演奏一种乐器

24、the last person to leave 最后一个离开的人

25、in the front hall 在前厅

26、one more thing 还有一件事

27、live outside China 住在国外

28、in search of 寻找;寻求

29、so far 至此;到现在为止

30、thanks to 多亏;幸亏

31、look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事

32、say goodbye to sb. 跟某人道别

33、some day 来日;将来某一天


1、I ?ve already bought the travel guidebook, but I haven?t got the street map yet.

2、Sounds like you are on your way.

3、I have so many chores to do today.

4、I haven?t done any of those things yet because my grandfather came to chat with me.

5、We?ve had a few songs in the top ten, but we really hope to have a number one hit some day.

6、 Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for homeless children?

7、Don?t forget to lock the door if you are the last person to leave.

8、Have you ever been back to the place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played?

9、Thanks to In Search Of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am.

10、It has been a great trip, and I have so many memories of China to take with me.

11、This has been a big step for me, and I?m looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here.

12 、Have you packed yet ?

Unit 15


1、kind of 有几分;有点

2、on earth 在地球上

3、in a hurry 匆忙

4、save eletricity 节电

5、be against 反对

6、be suitable for 对…适宜;合适

7、be surprised to do sth. 做某事感到吃惊

8、provide sth.for sb. /provide sb.with sth. 供应某人某物

9、care for 关怀;照顾

人教九年级各单元短语句子Unit 1~15英汉互译 第 19 页 共 19 页

10、take care of 照看;照料

11、hear of 听说

12、a most unusual woman 一位极不寻常的女子

13、recycled material 回收再利用材料

14、pull down 摧毁;推翻

15、be made from 由…制成

16、in one?s spare time 在某人的业余时间里

17、raise money 集资;筹款

18、10 feet long 十英尺长

19、weigh 1000 pounds 重一千磅

20、100 pounds of food 一百磅食物


1、I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town.

2、Zoos are terrible places for animals to live.

3、I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.

4、She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash.

5、The windows and doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down.

6、There used to be a lot of manatees.

7、In 1972, it was discovered that they were endangered.

8、Why are you wearing a coat? It?s not very suitable for this hot weather.

9、Pandas are endangered animals .There aren?t many of them left .

10、Can you see me riding 45 minutes to and from school every day ?



【微语录】时间就是金钱,学会珍惜时间Time Is Money


面包语录知多少Bread Time


【微语录】青春不再来,学会珍惜时间Cherish Youth, Cherish Time












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