



1、早操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑步 (此项由体育委员负责执行,由值周班长记录)。

2、两操时有病有事必须向班主任或班长请假,没有请假做旷操处理,罚跑足球场5圈,并写500字犯错误检讨书。( 此项由班长负责执行,由该周值周班长记录)

3、无故不出操者,罚跑步,并写500字犯错误检讨书。 (此项由体育委员负责执行,由值周班长记录)。

4、集会,升旗等活动的队列由体育委员负责整理,不按要求排队,迟到,中途早退,聊天等违纪行为罚跑足球场两圈。 ( 此项由体育委员负责执行,由值周班长记录)。


1、每天早读前前5分钟,迟到后与改组最后一名同学调换位置,一星期迟到3次,永久坐在最后一排,不作改动。 ( 此项由值周班长负责执行,由该周值周班长记录)。

2、提前到教室后,不能大声说话,,不能在教室和走廊追逐打闹,影响他人学习( 此项由全体同学执行,值周班长记录)。

3、上课过程中不专心听课,如有聊天,睡觉,看课外读物,乱走动等扰乱课堂纪律的每人每次扣一分。 ( 此项由值周班长和纪律委员负责执行,由值周班长记录)。

4、课堂上必须尊重老师,如有故意顶撞老师,打断老师讲课,不接受老师的批评等不尊重老师的行为,酌情扣个人德育量化分,情况严重者写检讨书 ( 此项由值周班长负责执行)。

5、每节自习课要保持安静,讨论问题要小声,不能聊天,不能乱走动位置,不能睡觉,要听从班干部的劝戒,违反规定者酌情扣个人德育量化分,情况严重者写检讨书。 ( 此项由值周班长和纪律委员负责执行)。


7、作业必须自己完成,不能抄袭,如发现抄袭他人作业者一次扣一分,给别人抄作业者一次写扣两分。 (此项由学习委员和值周班长负责执行,由值周班长负责记录)

8、旷课一节写300字检讨书并扣两分,旷课四节以上写1000字检讨书,并通知家长。 ( 此项由值周班长负责执行并记录)。

9、课间时间不能在教室,走廊,楼梯等地方追逐打闹,违者酌情扣个人德育量化分。 ( 此项由全体班干部负责执行)




3、清洁区的打扫必须在早读进行,如不按时打扫或打扫不干净的组员酌情扣个人德育量化分。 ( 此项由组长、劳动委员负责执行,由值周班长负责记录)

4、负责垃圾桶的倾倒的同学必须按要求完成任务,违者重做一天。 ( 此项由卫生委员负责执行,由值周班长记录)


1、男生不留长发如长发超过学校要求的标准,要及时修剪,否则将强行帮其修剪。 ( 此项由班长负责执行,由值周班长记录)。

2、衣服穿戴整齐,符合本校相关规定,不得带饰物,否则一经发现一律没收,不得敞胸露怀。 ( 此项由班长负责执行,由值周班长记录)

3、男生,女生不能染发,如有发现必须马上染黑,并写检查。 ( 此项由班长负责执行,由值周班长记录)

4、在教室内语言要文明,不能讲粗话,一经发现,酌情扣个人德育量化分。 ( 此项由全体同学负责执行,由值周班长负责记录)


1、班干部要带头认真遵守本班的班规,严格要求自己的一言一行,如有违反班规者,一律按要求处罚,不能有特权,要一视同仁。 ( 此项由全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)

2、班干部所负责执行的班规,必须严格公正公平的执行,如不认真执行,或徇私舞弊,包庇他人者,按所执行的条例处罚。 ( 此项由班主任和全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)

3、班干部在处理事情的过程中不能侮辱同学,语言要文明,否则将写500字道歉书。 ( 此项由班主任和全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)


1、教室内所有课桌椅、灯具、音箱、电扇、黑板、电视、电脑、电视柜、门窗等一切设施,一旦损坏一律照价赔偿。谁损坏谁负担,如教室内已损公物查无责任者,由班费负责赔偿;一经查清由损坏者承担,并酌情从重赔偿,并扣德育考评分。( 此项由班主任和全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)

3、教室的墙壁及公共设施按责任区承包,如有刻画、污染、损坏,由该周打扫卫生小组负责清理,一旦查出责任人酌情扣德育考评分。( 此项由班主任和全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)

4、爱护校园的花草树木,随意攀折、践踏或损坏,酌情扣德育考评分。( 此项由班主任和全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)

5、节约能源,杜绝长明灯、长流水现象。特别注意放学后要关好电扇、日光灯等电器及门窗,凡有长明灯、长流水及门窗不关等现象,酌情扣德育考评分。( 此项由班主任和全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)

6、凡借学校的衣物、体育器材、乐器,或租用的教室等设施,如有损坏、丢失或设施破坏都要照价赔偿。( 此项由班主任和全班同学负责执行,由值周班长记录)


1、有打架斗殴,赌博,爬墙外出,抽烟等严重性违纪行为的一次写1000字犯错误检讨书,并通知家长到学校处理。 ( 此项由班主任负责执行) 2、尊重他人,团结同学,和睦相处,热心帮助他人,凡出现打骂侮辱同学的行为一次写1000字检讨书,严重的通知家长到学校处理。 ( 此项由班主任负责执行)

3、凡破坏公物者(包括桌椅板凳,门窗,电视,电条,电扇,水龙头等)一律照价赔偿损失,爬围墙外出者,赔偿损失30元。 ( 此项由班干部负责执行)

本班规自颁布日起开始实行 初2011届二班班委会全体成员

The culture of the United Kingdom is rich and varied, and has been influential on culture on a worldwide scale.

It is a European state, and has many cultural links with its former colonies, particularly those that use the English language (the Anglosphere). Considerable contributions to British culture have been made over the last half-century by immigrants from the Indian Subcontinent and the West Indies. The origins of the UK as a political union of formerly independent states has resulted in the preservation of distinctive cultures in each of the home nations.


Main article: Languages in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has no official language. English is the main language and the de facto official language, spoken monolingually by an estimated 95% of the UK population.

However, some nations and regions of the UK have frameworks for the promotion of their

autochthonous languages. In Wales, English and Welsh are both widely used by officialdom, and Irish and Ulster Scots enjoy limited use alongside English in Northern Ireland, mainly in publicly commissioned translations. Additionally, the Western Isles council area of Scotland has a policy to promote Scottish Gaelic.

Under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which is not legally enforceable, the UK Government has committed itself to the promotion of certain linguistic traditions. Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Cornish are to be developed in Wales, Scotland and Cornwall respectively. Other native languages afforded such protection include Irish in Northern Ireland, Scots in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where it is known in official parlance as "Ulster Scots" or "Ullans" but in the speech of users simply as "Scotch", and British Sign Language.

The Arts


Sherlock Holmes, played here by Jeremy Brett, was created by British author Arthur Conan Doyle.Main article: British literature

The earliest native literature of the territory of the modern United Kingdom was written in the Celtic languages of the isles. The Welsh literary tradition stretches from the 6th century. Irish poetry also represents a more or less unbroken tradition from the 6th century to the present day, with the Ulster Cycle being of particular relevance to Northern Ireland.

Anglo-Saxon literature includes Beowulf, a national epic, but literature in Latin predominated among educated elites. After the Norman Conquest Anglo-Norman literature brought continental influences to the isles.

English literature emerged as a recognisable entity in the late 14th century, with the rise and spread of the London dialect of Middle English. Geoffrey Chaucer is the first great identifiable individual in English literature: his Canterbury Tales remains a popular 14th-century work which readers still enjoy today.

Following the introduction of the printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, the

Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the fields of poetry and drama. From this period, poet and playwright William Shakespeare stands out as arguably the most famous writer in the world.

The English novel became a popular form in the 18th century, with Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719), Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740) and Henry Fielding's Tom Jones (1745).

After a period of decline, the poetry of Robert Burns revived interest in vernacular literature, the rhyming weavers of Ulster being especially influenced by literature in Scots from Scotland.

The following two centuries continued a huge outpouring of literary production. In the early 19th century, the Romantic period showed a flowering of poetry comparable with the Renaissance two hundred years earlier, with such poets as William Blake, William Wordsworth, John Keats, and Lord Byron. The Victorian period was the golden age of the realistic English novel, represented by Jane Austen, the Bront? sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne), Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy.

World War One gave rise to British war poets and writers such as Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves and Rupert Brooke who wrote (often paradoxically), of their expectations of war, and/or their experiences in the trench.

The Celtic Revival stimulated new appreciation of traditional Irish literature, however, with the

independence of the Irish Free State, Irish literature came to be seen as more clearly separate from the strains of British literature. The Scottish Renaissance of the early 20th century brought

modernism to Scottish literature as well as an interest in new forms in the literatures of Scottish Gaelic and Scots.

The English novel developed in the 20th century into much greater variety and was greatly enriched by immigrant writers. It remains today the dominant English literary form.

Other well-known novelists include Arthur Conan Doyle, D. H. Lawrence, George Orwell, Salman Rushdie, Mary Shelley, Zadie Smith, J. R. R. Tolkien, Virginia Woolf and J.K. Rowling.

Important poets include Elizabeth Barrett Browning, T. S. Eliot, Ted Hughes, John Milton, Alfred Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Alexander Pope, and Dylan Thomas.


Main article: Religion in the United Kingdom

Although today one of the most 'secularised' states in the world, the United Kingdom is traditionally a Christian country, with two of the Home nations having official faiths:

Anglicanism, in the form of the Church of England, is the Established Church in England. The Queen is Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

Presbyterianism (Church of Scotland) is the official faith in Scotland.

The Anglican Church in Wales was disestablished in 1920.

The Anglican Church of Ireland was disestablished in 1871.

Other religions followed in the UK include Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism. While 2001 census information [2] suggests that over 75 percent of UK citizens consider themselves to belong to a religion, Gallup International reports that only 10 percent of UK citizens regularly attend religious services, compared to 15 percent of French citizens and 57 percent of American citizens.

A 2004 YouGov poll found that 44 percent of UK citizens believe in God, while 35 percent do not [3]. The disparity between the census data and the YouGov data has been put down to a phenomenon described as "cultural Christianity", whereby many who do not believe in God still identify with the religion they were bought up as, or the religion of their parents.



Main article: British cuisine

Although there is ample evidence of a rich and varied approach to cuisine during earlier historical periods (particularly so amongst wealthy citizens), during much of the 19th and 20th century Britain had a reputation for somewhat conservative cuisine. The stereotype of the native cuisine was of a diet progressing little beyond stodgy meals consisting of "meat and two veg". Even today, in more conservative areas of the country, "meat and two veg" cuisine is still the favoured choice at the dinner table.

Traditional British fare usually includes dishes such as fish and chips, roast dishes of beef, lamb, chicken and pork, as well as regional dishes such as the Cornish pasty and Lancashire Hotpot.

On 8 January 1940, four months after the outbreak of World War II, a system of food Rationing was introduced to conserve stocks and feed the nation during the critical war years. Rationing persisted until July 4, 1954 [4] when a fourteen year period of relative privation (which profoundly affected a generation of people attitude to 'a culture of food') finally came to an end. With the end of rationing, Britain's diet began to change, slowly at first during the 1950s and 1960s, but immeasurably by the closing decades of the 20th century.

During the transitional period of the 1970s, a number of influential figures such as Delia Smith

(perhaps Britain's most famous homegrown exponent of good food), began the drive to encourage greater experimentation with the new ingredients (e.g. pasta) increasingly being offered by the

supermarkets. The evolution of the British diet was further accelerated with the increasing tendency

of the British to travel to continental Europe (and sometimes beyond) for their annual holidays, experiencing new and unfamiliar dishes as they travelled to countries such as France, Italy, and Spain.

Towards the mid to late 1990s and onwards an explosion of talented new 'TV chefs' began to come to prominence, (with figures as diverse as Jamie Oliver, Ainsley Harriott, Ken Hom, Nigella Lawson, Madhur Jaffrey, Nigel Slater, and Keith Floyd) this brought about a noticeable acceleration in the diversity of cuisine the general public were prepared to try and their general confidence in preparing food that had would once have been considered pure staples of foreign cultures, particularly the Mediterranean European, South and East Asian diets. As a result, a new style of cooking called Modern British emerged.

This process of increased variety and experimentation in food inevitably dovetailed with the very profound impact that the post-war influx of immigrants to the UK (many from Britain's former colonies in the Caribbean and Indian sub-continent) had on the national cuisine. The new

communities propelled new and exciting dishes and ingredients onto restaurant tables and into the national consciousness. In many instances, British tastes fused with the new dishes to produce entirely new dishes such as the Balti, an English invention based on Indian cuisine that has since gained popularity across the world. Many of these new dishes have since become deeply

embedded in the native culture, culminating in a speech in 2001 by Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, in which he described Chicken Tikka Masala as 'a true British national dish' [5].

With the rich diversity of its peoples and its (arguably) relatively successful attempts at creating a true multicultural society, married to a reputation as an experimental and forward thinking nation, the future of British cuisine looks positive.



University College, Oxford was founded in the 13th centuryMain article: Education in the United Kingdom

The education system in the United Kingdom varies in important respects between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Education is devolved to the Scottish Parliament and the assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland.

Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of five and sixteen. Most children in the UK are educated in state funded schools financed through the tax system and so parents do not pay directly for the cost of education.

Less than ten percent of the UK school age population attend independent fee-paying schools. Many prominent independent schools, often founded hundreds of years ago, are known as public schools of which Eton, Harrow and Rugby are three of the better known.

Most primary and secondary schools in both the private and state sectors have compulsory school uniforms. This is a contentious point with generations of school children who would like to see them abolished, only to support their retention once they become parents, this is due to people wanting to have a 'uniform' appearance in schools and it reduces the brand logo culture from coming out in educational establishments. Due to the multicultural nature of England, some allowances have had to be made in the uniform regulations to accommodate the needs of some children's religious beliefs.



Main article Education in England

Most schools came under state control in the Victorian era, a formal state school system was

instituted after the Second World War. Initially schools were separated into infant schools (normally up to age 4 or 5), primary schools and secondary schools (split into more academic grammar schools and more vocational secondary modern schools). Under the Labour governments of the 1960s and 1970s most secondary modern and grammar schools were combined to become comprehensive schools.

Although the Minister of Education is responsible to Parliament for education, the day to day administration and funding of state schools is the responsibility of Local Education Authorities.


Northern Ireland

Main article Education in Northern Ireland



Main article Education in Scotland



Main article Education in Wales


Higher education

The United Kingdom includes many historic universities. These include the so-called Oxbridge universities (Oxford University and Cambridge University) which are amongst the world's oldest universities and are generally ranked at or near the top of all British universities. Other universities include the University of St Andrews, the oldest university in Scotland. Academic degrees are

usually split into classes: first class (I), upper second class (II:1), lower second class (II:2) and third (III), and unclassified (below third class).


Main article: Sport in the United Kingdom

The national sport of the UK is football, and the UK has the oldest football clubs in the world. The home nations all have separate national teams and domestic competitions, most notably the

Scottish Premier League, the FA Cup and the FA Premier League. The first ever international football match was between Scotland and England in 1872. The match ended goalless.

Other famous British sporting events include the Wimbledon tennis championships, the Grand National, the London Marathon, the ashes series of cricket matches and the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge universities.

A great number of major sports originated in the United Kingdom, including: Football (soccer), squash, golf, boxing, rugby (rugby union and rugby league), cricket, snooker, billiards, badminton and curling.


National costume

The kilt is a traditional Scottish garmentThere is no specifically British national costume. Even individually, England, Wales and Northern Ireland have only vestiges of a national costume;

Scotland has the kilt and Tam o'shanter. In England certain military uniforms such as the Beefeater or the Queen's Guard are considered by tourists to be symbolic of Englishness, however they are not official national costumes. Morris dancers or the costumes for the traditional English may dance are cited by some as examples of traditional English costume.


Naming convention

The naming convention in most of the United Kingdom is for everyone to have a given name,

usually (but not always) indicating the child's sex, followed by a parent's family name. This naming convention has remained much the same since the 15th century in England although patronymic naming remained in some of the further reaches of the other home nations until much later. Since the 19th century middle names have become very common and are often taken from the family name of an ancestor.

Traditionally given names were largely taken from the Bible however in the Gothic Revival of the Victorian era Anglo Saxon and mythical names became commonplace. Since the middle of the 20th century however given names have been influenced by a much wider cultural base.


来源:互联网 作者:未知 日期:

20xx年02月20日 访问次数:106

Visitors to Britain may find the best

place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub. But these friendly hostelries can be minefields of potential gaffes for the uninitiated.



An anthropologist and a team of

researchers have unveiled some of the arcane rituals of British pubs——starting with the difficulty of getting a drink. Most pubs have no waiters——you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. A group of Italian youths waiting 45 minutes before they realized they would have to fetch their own. This may sound inconvenient, but there is a hidden purpose.



Pub culture is designed to

promote sociability in a society known for its reserve. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and rea1ly quite normal behaviour. "If you haven't been to a pub, you haven't been to Britain." This tip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub: The Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers' code of conduct for those wanting to sample "a central part of British life and culture". The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules, the experience may fall flat. For example, if you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks. Nothing irritates the regular customers and bar staff more than a gang of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and dither about what to order.







来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 日期:

20xx年03月09日 访问次数:110

An American friend has invited you

to visit his family. You've never been to an American's home before, and you're not

sure what to do. Should you take a gift? How should you dress? What time should

you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Glad you asked. When you're

the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That's what hospitality is all about:

making people feel at home when they're not.





The question of whether or not

to bring a gift often makes guests squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social

nicety in some cultures-it's expected. But in American culture, a guest is not obligated

to bring a present. Of course, some people do bring a small token of appreciation to

their host. Appropriate gifts for general occasions might be flowers, candy or-if the

family has small children-toys. If you choose not to bring a gift, don't worry. No one

will even notice.



American hospitality begins at

home-especially when it involves food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day. When invited for a meal, you might ask, "Can I bring anything?" Unless it's a potluck, where everyone brings a dish, the host will probably respond, "No, just yourself." For most informal dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes. Plan to arrive on time, or else call to inform your hosts of the delay. During the dinner conversation, it's customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal. Of course, the biggest compliment is to eat lots of food!



When you've had plenty, you

might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you're the guest, your hosts may not let you. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee. After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it's probably time to head for the door. You don't want to wear out your welcome. And above all, don't go snooping around the house. It's more polite to wait for the host to offer you a guided tour. But except for housewarmings, guests often don't get past the living room.



Americans usually like to have

advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced. This is especially true if the guests want to stay for a few days. Here's a good rule of thumb for house guests: Short stays are best. As one 19th century French writer put it, "The first day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest." Even relatives don't usually stay for several weeks at a time. While you're staying

with an American family, try to keep your living area neat and tidy. Your host family will appreciate your consideration. And they may even invite you back!



Most Americans consider

themselves hospitable people. Folks in the southern United States, in particular, take pride in entertaining guests. In fact, "southern hospitality" has become legendary. But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms. So don't be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you. Just don't forget to wipe your feet.



English style of eating habits is also easy, pay attention to nutrition. Breakfast is usually

porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eggs. At noon, the children eat lunch at school, adults at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee on, just kill. Only to the weekend, the British people will be rich on a table. Usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so on. A wide variety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so on. Vegetables in general are no longer processed, mounted on a tray, poured from the supermarket to buy ready-made sauce will be consumed. After the main course there will always be together digestible of sweets, such as cooking fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream and so on.

Fried fish and fries (Fish and chips)

This is the traditional British fast food nation (fast

food). It is in the 19th century 60's pop up. At that time, the railway put start fresh fish one night directly (direct) transported from the east coast to London. English at the fish paste on top ofgood

deep-fried in oil, and fried potatoes be eaten together. People put a mixture of salt and vinegar

sauce and pour it into the article on fish and potatoes, with a newspaper bag, and then eat from the paper in hand. Today, people often use a clean paper packaging, and to provide a fork (fork).

Cha (Tea)

British National enjoy a cup of tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.

Coffee (Coffee)

Now in the United Kingdom, as popularity of coffee and tea. People either do not add milk or add milk, or drink coffee or preparing a new instant coffee.

Wine (Wine)

English wine industry is very strong. More and more of the many vineyards are producing wine and red wine (red

wine). English pubs everywhere, has several flavors, each with 10,000 large and small pubs, which have many hundreds of years of history, this old pub is usually haunted legends, it is interesting that not only did not care about the owner, but also his house ghost Li Chuan-story as the general put on a table in each. Something fishy about the pub business better and sell more expensive. Eating habits with knife and fork pyronaridine ~

British people generally preferred way of cooking there is: cooked in soy and vinegar, barbecue, fried and fried. Of meat, seafood, game cooking methods are unique; However, the categories of the beef they have special preferences, such as barbecue beef (ROASTED BEEF), is attached not only in the consumption of seasonal vegetables, baked potato, but also will add some steak on the mustard sauce; at the use of seasoning on the butter and liquor preferences; at spice up the taste of meat Kou, cinnamon and other spices fresh.

The more well-known British cuisine has: beef kidney allocation (STEAK KIDNEY PIE), fish Pai (ENGLISH FISH CHIP), the Royal butter chicken (CHICKEN A LA KING) and so on. British people enjoy hunting, only once a year at the hunting period, there is much of the hotel or restaurant will be introduced to game meal, such as deer (VENISON), rabbits (HARE), pheasant (PHEASANT),, such as cooking. General cooking game when using some gin or berries and wine, this approach is in order to remove the smell of mutton flavor of the food itself.

Breakfast is very important to the British people, British restaurants in the supply of a wide range of meals, have fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat porridge category, bread, jam and coffee.

Nowadays the popular afternoon tea (HIGH TEA) is the mass from the United Kingdom, and its more famous there is Victoria-style VICTORIAN STYLE), the contents can be said to be

all-inclusive, including all kinds of small points, muffin, fruit tarts (TARTE ) and sandwiches. Supper on the daily lives of English is also one of the most important part of the meal of their choice is usually late, and are eating betterto promote friendship between meals can imagine they belong to are very autonomous nation, and a supper for them could take hours.

The United Kingdom at the local, there will be lot of people who love to drink, mainly because it itself is also a wine producing country. English at the cost of alcohol consumption on the expenditure than the other also to the many.

Nobu Restaurant

This is a world-renowned Japanese-style sushi restaurant, perfect interpretation of the cultural

diversity of London. Enjoy the best way is to let the staff recommend, another is called a reversal of the world's black cod, point of confusing the champagne glass. Of course, the best have someone else foot the bill! Remember the location you want in advance, otherwise.

St. John's Restaurant

Very authentic British restaurant, under the name of the solemn nostalgia,thick sauce,

verytraditional British dishes. Pig here are LOGO, shows a simple kick! Have to roast whole pigs, Yorktraditional rural English dishes. Confections are a weight of more down 2,3个. Good to eat! Ensure that you spot, the United Kingdom must go FREE to try!

Hakkasan Restaurant

An average consumption of 60 pounds in London's top restaurants. Is not a false faceskill,

newspapers comment on is "the history of the sexiest Chinese restaurant", are impartial appraisal. Hot and sour soup, pipa duck, pork Doo British sparkling wine, Greece white Portuguese. It seems that Chinese and Western, at tip of tongue on an.



鱼和油炸土豆条(Fish and chips)






现在在英国,咖啡和茶一样受欢迎。人们或是加牛奶或是不加牛奶,或是喝新泡制的咖啡或速溶咖啡。 酒(Wine)




英国人一般较喜爱的烹饪方式有:烩、烧烤、煎和油炸。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调均有独到的方式;然而,他们对牛肉类方面又有特别的偏好,如烧烤牛肉(ROASTED BEEF),在食用时不仅附上时令的蔬菜、烤洋芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥茉酱;在佐料的使用上则喜好奶油及酒类;在香料上则喜好肉寇、肉桂等新鲜香料。

较为人知的英国料理菜名有:牛肉腰子派(STEAK KIDNEY PIE)、炸鱼排(ENGLISH FISH CHIP)、皇家奶油鸡(CHICKEN A LA KING)等。英国人喜欢狩猎,在一年只有一次的狩猎期中,就有许多的饭店或餐厅会推出野味大餐,如野鹿(VENISON)、野兔(HARE)、雉鸡(PHEASANT)、野山羊(WILDSHEEP)等的烹调。而一般烹调野味时,均采用些杜松子或浆果及酒,此做法是为了去除食物本身的膻腥味。

英国人对早餐非常讲究,英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等。 时下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多莉亚式VICTORIAN STYLE),内容可说是包罗万象,包括各式小点、松糕、水果挞(TARTE)及三明治等。 晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,而一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头。





很正宗的英国餐厅,顶着怀旧庄严的名字,汁浓酱稠、入味十分的传统英式菜。猪是这里的LOGO,透着一股纯朴劲儿!有转烤全猪、约克夏布丁等传统的英国乡村菜。甜点的分量更是一份打倒2、3个。 很好吃的!保证让你过瘾,有空去英国一定要尝一尝!




English style of eating

habits is also easy, pay attention to nutrition. Breakfast is usually

porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eggs. At noon, the children eat lunch at school, adults at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee on, just kill. Only to the weekend, the British people will be rich on a table. Usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so on. A wide variety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so on. Vegetables in general are no longer processed, mounted on a tray, poured from the supermarket to buy ready-made sauce will be consumed. After the main course there will always be together digestible of sweets, such as cooking fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream and so on.

Fried fish and fries (Fish

and chips)

This is the traditional British

fast food nation (fast

food). It is in the 19th century

60's pop up. At that time, the railway put start fresh fish one night directly (direct) transported from the east coast to London. English at the fish paste on top ofgood deep-fried in oil, and fried potatoes be eaten together. People put a mixture of salt and vinegar sauce and pour it into the article on fish and potatoes, with a newspaper bag, and then eat from the paper in hand. Today, people often use a clean paper packaging, and to provide a fork (fork).

Cha (Tea)

British National enjoy a cup of

tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.

Coffee (Coffee)

Now in the United Kingdom, as

popularity of coffee and tea. People either do not add milk or add milk, or drink coffee or preparing a new instant coffee.

Wine (Wine)

English wine industry is very

strong. More and more of the many vineyards are producing wine and red wine (red

wine). English pubs everywhere,

has several flavors, each with 10,000 large and small pubs, which have many hundreds of years of history, this old pub is usually haunted legends,

it is interesting that not only did not care about the owner, but also his house ghost Li Chuan-story as the general put on a table in each. Something fishy about the pub business better and sell more expensive.

Eating habits with knife and

fork pyronaridine ~

British people generally

preferred way of cooking there is: cooked in soy and vinegar, barbecue, fried and fried. Of meat, seafood, game cooking methods are unique; However, the categories of the beef they have special preferences, such as barbecue beef (ROASTED BEEF), is attached not only in the consumption of seasonal vegetables, baked potato, but also will add some steak on the mustard sauce; at the use of seasoning on the butter and liquor preferences; at spice up the taste of meat Kou, cinnamon and other spices fresh.

The more well-known British

cuisine has: beef kidney allocation (STEAK KIDNEY PIE), fish Pai (ENGLISH FISH CHIP), the Royal butter chicken (CHICKEN A LA KING) and so on. British people enjoy hunting, only once a year at the hunting period, there is much of the hotel or restaurant will be introduced to game meal, such as deer (VENISON), rabbits (HARE), pheasant (PHEASANT),, such as cooking. General cooking game when using some gin or berries and wine, this approach is in order to remove the smell of mutton flavor of the food itself.

Breakfast is very important to

the British people, British restaurants in the supply of a wide range of meals, have fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat porridge category, bread, jam and coffee. Nowadays the popular afternoon tea (HIGH TEA) is the mass from the United Kingdom, and its more famous there is Victoria-style VICTORIAN STYLE), the contents can be said to be all-inclusive, including all kinds of small points, muffin, fruit tarts (TARTE ) and sandwiches. Supper on the daily lives of English is also one of the most important part of the meal of their choice is usually late, and are eating betterto promote friendship between meals can imagine they belong to are very autonomous nation, and a supper for them could take hours.

The United Kingdom at the local,

there will be lot of people who love to drink, mainly because it itself is also a wine producing country. English at the cost of alcohol consumption on the expenditure than the other also to the many.

Nobu Restaurant

This is a world-renowned

Japanese-style sushi restaurant, perfect interpretation of the cultural diversity of London. Enjoy the best way is to let the staff recommend, another is called a reversal of the world's black cod, point of confusing the champagne glass. Of course, the best have someone else foot the bill! Remember the location you want in advance, otherwise.

St. John's Restaurant

Very authentic British

restaurant, under the name of the solemn nostalgia,thick sauce, verytraditional British dishes. Pig here are LOGO, shows a simple kick! Have to roast whole pigs, Yorktraditional rural English dishes. Confections are a weight of more down 2,3个. Good to eat! Ensure that you spot, the United Kingdom must go FREE to try!

Hakkasan Restaurant

An average consumption of 60

pounds in London's top restaurants. Is not a false faceskill, newspapers comment on is "the history of the sexiest Chinese restaurant", are impartial appraisal. Hot and sour soup, pipa duck, pork Doo British sparkling wine, Greece white Portuguese. It seems that Chinese and Western, at tip of tongue on an.




鱼和油炸土豆条(Fish and chips)


















烩、烧烤、煎和油炸。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调均有独到的方式;然而,他们对牛肉类方面又有特别的偏好,如烧烤牛肉(ROASTED BEEF),在食用时不仅附上时令的蔬菜、烤洋芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥茉酱;在佐料的使用上则喜好奶油及酒类;在香料上则喜好肉寇、肉桂等新鲜香料。



A LA KING)等。英国人喜欢狩猎,在一年只有一次的狩猎期中,就有许多的饭店或餐厅会推出野味大餐,如野鹿(VENISON)、野兔(HARE)、雉鸡(PHEASANT)、野山羊(WILDSHEEP)等的烹调。而一般烹调野味时,均采用些杜松子或浆果及酒,此做法是为了去除食物本身的膻腥味。


中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等。 时下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多莉亚式VICTORIAN STYLE),内容可说是包罗万象,包括各式小点、松糕、水果挞(TARTE)及三明治等。 晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,而一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头。









2、3个。 很好吃的!保证让你过瘾,有空去英国一定要尝一尝!




British food culture

Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the traditional fast food of fish and chips.

Because of the climate and the Germanic origins of many of its early people, the UK has been a traditionally beer drinking rather than a wine drinking country. Nevertheless, in recent years, vineyards in the south of England have proved successful. In the west of England the traditional drink is cider, rather than beer. Over Britain as a whole, however, the traditional drink is tea.






In many European countries it is normal to have a long break in the middle of the day when all members of the family return to their houses to eat together. This is not very common in Britain because normally it is a long way from the place of work or school to the home. Consequently the Britsh people tend to have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at midday is not spent with the members of the family but with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally eaten between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often takes at least an hour to get home from the school or workplace so people tend to eat their evening meal or "dinner" between 6.30pm and 8pm.

On Sundays people don't have to work so they take the opportunity eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is usually the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered typically British are eaten for Sunday lunch. For example roast beef and yorkshire pudding.

This is a typical British family eating together on Sunday.

After lunch the father will smoke his pipe and read the newspaper sitting on his favourite armchair while his wife washes the dishes. The children will play traditional English games such

as hopscotch, skipping or doctors and nurses.

Although everyone in Britain understands that "breakfast" is the first meal of the day. There is a lot of confusion about the words for other meals such as "dinner, lunch, tea, high tea , elevenses,

brunch, supper" and if you ask a British person what these words mean, most of them will give you a different answer according to what part of the country they are from or from what social class they are from. Another example of this is the pronunciation of the word "scones" ( a type of cake eaten with Devonshire clotted cream, strawberry jam and cups of tea, known as a "cream tea")


Generally speaking the British breakfast is much bigger than in most other countries. Many people like to have a fried breakfast which can consist of fried bacon and eggs with fried bread and possibly fried tomatoes or black pudding. Of course not everybody wants to eat a lot early in the morning and many people prefer to just eat toast and marmalade with tea or coffee. Cereals are also very popular. The most common is cornflakes. They are made with different grains such as corn, wheat, oats etc. If you go to a Britsh supermarket you will see that there are many types of cereals available. In Scotland many people eat "porridge" or boiled oats. Porridge is very heavy but in the winter it will keep you warm on your way to school.


If you go to Britain to study English and you stay with a family you will almost certainly be given a "packed lunch" to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have canteens where you can eat but the packed lunch is the most common thing to eat. A packed lunch normally consist of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple and a can of something to drink, for example, coca-cola. The contents are kept in a plastic container and you take it with you when you go to

school or work. The quality of the packed lunch can vary from terrible to very good, it all depends on who makes it.


Things are changing and most British people eat meals from many different countries for example spagetti or curry. In fact you could even say that the British don't eat much British food. However the most typical thing to eat for dinner is "meat and two veg". This consists of a piece of meat

accompanied by two different boiled vegetables. This is covered with "gravy" which is a sauce

made with the juice that was obtained when the meat was cooked. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. The British eat a lot of potatoes.

Glossary of typical English food.

Baked Beans

Baked beans are beans cooked in a tomato sauce. They come in cans and are normally eaten on toast. The Britsh are very fond of baked beans.

Bangers and Mash.

This is mashed potatoes with sausages.

Black Pudding.

A thick sausage made with blood and fat.

Yorkshire pudding.

A batter made with flour, eggs and milk and cooked in the oven. This is most often eaten with roast beef for Sunday lunch. (Batter is the same mixture that is used to make pancakes)

A Ploughman's Lunch

This is a very popular thing to eat if you go to eat in a "pub" at midday. It normally consists of a bread roll with a piece of cheese and a pickled onion. By the way there are many very good pickles that you can buy at the supermarket for example "branston pickle". Branston Pickle is not sold in

any other countries but it is the perfect companion to cheese. (I always buy a jar when I go to England) British cheeses are very good. The most famous is Cheddar. Most of the cheeses are named after the region from where they come from eg. Red Leicester, Cheshire etc. There is a very good British blue cheese called Stilton although it can be rather expensive.


This is only normally eaten in Scotland. It is sheep's intestine stuffed with meat and vegetables.

The Fish and Chip shop.

You will almost certainly go to a fish and chip shop when you visit Britain. It is a shop which cooks fried potatoes called chips. They are usually accompanied by fish, pies, mushy peas, etc. The chips used to be wrapped in newspaper but now white paper is used. They often ask if you want salt and vinegar to be sprinkled over your chips. Be careful because sometimes they give you too much!


A pie is some food surrounded by pastry (pastry is a mixture of flour and butter). It is normally baked in the oven. The content of the pie can be sweet or savoury. Typical examples of pies are "steak and kidney pie" or "apple pie". There are variations of the pie such as cornish pasties. Pasties were originally invented so that working men could take their food to work with them. Someone told me that miners in the Cornish tin mines invented the cornish pastie. I suppose that if you work in a mine it is too much trouble to come to the surface to have lunch.

Bread and Butter

When the British eat bread they almost always cover it with butter or margarine. It is very common to see a plate of bread and butter on table when you eat. You can use it to soak up the gravy or juices left on your plate.

British Bread.

British bread is very good and if you go to the baker there are many different types of bread to

choose from. However, although the bread is very good, the most popular type of bread in Britain is sliced white bread. This is sold in plastic packets and is not half as good as the bread which you must cut yourself.

The author of this text is

English although he doesn't spend much time in Britain. If you disagree with what is written please add your own opinion or tell us about the food in your country.





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