







四年级: 小学课堂网 http://www.xxkt.cn

四年级共有学生153人,四(2)班 刘鑫因病缺考,考试总人数为152人。总分13065分,平均分为86分,除了2班,1班和3班均有不及格学生且不及格学生的分数极底,存在的问题还是很多的。




六年级共有184名学生参加考试,六(3)班陆佳铃  六(4)班夏琳、夏芹为随班就读生。总分16530,平均分91.3,不及格人数比上学期有减少了。总的来说成绩有了明显的进步。





   从本次测试情况来看,教师对字母的教学比较重视,而且能重视单词和句子的认读,教师比较注重对对话、单词的朗读,因而学生对字母的认读和书写以及听录音给图片标上序号、写颜色、听句子排列顺序等得分率都较高,相对来说这一部分知识也比较简单。第八项(选择与其他三个单词不同类型)得分率较去年得分率提高了4个百分点,这是由于教师在平时的教学中,不仅重视了学生对图片的识记,重视了每个单词的音、义的掌握,而且重视了单词形的识记,学生都能认识单词和句子。另外,学生对听录音对图片的判断和句子的判断这两部分内容掌握得不够好,得分率都在90%以下,这部分内容对学生来说有一定的难度,有些图中和句子中关键的地方学生不容易发现,如his和her、 apple和pineapple、turn on 和turn off、pen和pencil等词语容易混淆,学生很容易就判断错误。教师在今后的教学中,要加强对音近词的辨析,人物性别的辨析,加强学生这方面的能力。







其三,在平时的课堂教学中,一些语言拓展得还不够,要在真实的语言情景中培养、提高学生的语言能力和语言水平。所以完成对话这一块做的也比较差。特别是那一句:Whose_______ _______?书本中没有出现类似句型,教师平时也没有讲过。学生在做题时没有讲究方法,不能真正联系上下文去想和做。



















总之应从每个学生的实际出发,因材施教。分层教学,分层练习,分层辅导,分层评价,让每个学生都能感受到成功的喜悦,增强学生学习的信心和积极性, 力争使每个学生都所进步,不断提高英语教学质量。








   1、英汉互译:1)去问他  有部分学生忽视了两个动词连用的规则,少了and或 to的连接  7)我们的和他们的  这一题错误率相对较高,学生缺少分析试题或者关注试题特殊性的细节辨别能力,把“和”翻译成“or”。

   2、选择题:3)When’s your father’s birthday?It’s on the       of February.学生在选择时,注意了序数词的运用,却忽略了二月的特殊性,因为看到第一个答案是序数词,就仓促下笔,没有仔细而完善的检查出问题所在,今后应注意引导学生观察答案,分析答案给出的信息。

   3、完成对话和首字母填空:除了一些细节上的问题,如现在分词忘加ing,过去式忘加ed,复数忘加s或es,单词拼写错误newspapers,单词开头字母大写Maths等,失分较多的是以下两处:1)A:David,             did you go to bed yesterday?B:I    to bed at      . 部分学生没有正确理解答句,填入了at night,at home,导致特殊疑问词找错,缺乏英语语感。 2)They were all in nice b   .学生没有联系下文,胡乱猜测,bags,birthday;…there was a pair of sun g     .学生没有注意sun或者课外知识不足,缺少sun glasses的词汇积累。

    4、阅读短文也是学生一个弱点,本次试题中第二篇失分较多:5.Lingling is now      .这道题反映出学生对英语书信格式没有充分的认识,教师在教学第七单元E时,对书信格式没有进行强调,没有展开能力训练(练习写信)。








平时我们教研组六位老师能定期开展教研活动,在有限的时间内相互探讨教学中存在的问题,平时在办公室里也会就某节课的教学重点、作业的布置进行相互的交流。我想:这也是英语教研组能维持不断发展的生命力。虽然面临种种困难但我们会发扬集体的智慧,在下学期的教学中找准目标,从每一件小事做起,      加强针对薄弱方面的训练,努力改变学生学习的不良态度,提倡学生适量阅读课外杂志、报纸,增加阅读量。另外,我们学校外地学生的比率占得较高,我们发现他们的英语成绩相对较差,究其原因,是学生家长的素质普遍不高,而且忙着工作,在英语学习的起始阶段就没有督促学生养成良好的学习英语的习惯,特别是对于口头作业的完成,更是关心得较少。今后,我们要加强这方面对家长的宣传,争取取得他们更多的关心与支持。




英 语 试 卷(1)







1.How will Barbara get to the place tomorrow?


2.Where will they meet tomorrow?


3. What time will they meet tomorrow?


4. Why does the man need his notebook.?

A. To study about the show.

B. To study for the test.

C. To bring to the dinner.

5. When does the talk take place?

A. Before the show.

B. During the show.

C. After the show.

6. What will the man and the woman do after the show?

A. Have dinner together.

B. Go to the man' s home.

C. Go to the woman' s home.


7. How old is the woman now?

A. Ten years old.

B. Nineteen years old.

C. Nine years old.

8. Why does the woman like playing the piano?

A. She can make a lot of money out of it.

B. She has nothing else to do.

C. She can do what she likes to do.

9. When did Cheryl begin to learn playing the piano?

A. When she was nine years old.

B. When she was ten years old.

C. When she was eight years old.


10. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A. At a bus stop.

B. Beside a pool.

C. On the campus.

11. According to the conversation, when is the second bus leaving?

A. In twelve minutes.

B. In twenty minutes.

C. In six hours.

12. Where will the man wait for the bus.'?

A. Beside the pool.

B. In the waiting room.

C. Outside the school.


13. What was the most wonderful piece of machinery on show.'?

A. The steam boat.

B. The steam engine.

C. The steam hammer.

14. How many visitors had been to the Crystal Palace altogether.'?

A. 6,000.

B. 60,000.

C. 6,000,000.

15. What happened to the Crystal Palace in 1936?

A. It was destroyed in a fire.

B. It was destroyed in a flood.

C. It was destroyed in an earthquake.





第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. ------ Whose suggestions should be taken?

------ ___________.

A. That’s OK B. Up to you C. I’m sorry D. It’s your turn

22. He seems to be a learned man. ___________, he knows nothing at all.

A. Indeed B. Surely C. Truly D. Actually

23. ------Anything I can do for you, Jim?

------ Yes, my wife is turning her back to me again.

------You ____________your temper.

A. are always losing B. have always lost C. always lose D. were always losing

24. I think you have got to the point _______ a change is needed, or you would fail.

A. when B. that C. where D. which

25. ------ I saw Annie in the market yesterday.

------ You __________ her; she is still studying abroad.

A. mustn’t see B. couldn’t see C. mustn’t have seen D. couldn’t have seen

26.The world of plant exploration was completely changed with Dr. Nathaniel Ward’s invention of a _______sealed portable glass container.

A. perfectly B. magically C. tightly D. fiercely

27. Jack’s business is not as good as before, so he has to ___________ the expenses of his company.

A. cut off B. cut away C. cut up D. cut down

28. ___________ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.

A. Having suffered B. Suffered C. Being suffered D. Suffering

29. ------ What made her so sad?

------ __________ she failed in the examination.

A. That B. Because C. As D. Since

30. Not until the early years of the 19th century ___________.

A. man did know heat is what C. man know what is heat

C. did man know what heat is D. didn’t man know heat

31. He betrayed his country __________ the enemy and all his friends hated him.

A. to B. for D. with D. in

32. ------ Hi, Tracy, you look tired.

------ I am tired. I _________ the living room all day.



A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted

33. After his journey from abroad, Richard Johns returned home, __________.

A. exhausting B. exhausted C. being exhausted D. having exhausted

34. ------ Will you be on holiday soon?

------ Well, I’m too busy to take a holiday now. I’ll be able to take _________ in five months.

A. this B. that C. it D. one

35. -----Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?

-----He rushed out of the room ________ I could say a word.

A. before B. until C. when D. after

第二节:完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


Our neighbour’s son was getting married in 1991 at an out-of town church, and my husband and I were invited. We immediately rushed out to a , and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket. The dress was a little tight , but I had a month to go before the June 30 wedding and I would a few pounds.

June 29 came and, of course, I hadn’t lost a single pound; in fact I had two. But I figured a nice new girdle (紧身内衣) would cure everything. So on our way out of the city we once again at the store. I ran in and told the clerk I needed a large party girdle. The clerk found the box with the describe girdle marked “LG”, and asked if I wound like to try it on. “Oh, no, a large will fit just right. I try it on.”

The next morning was rather hot, one of those thirty-four-degree days, I suppose, so I to get dressed until about 45 minutes before time to go. I popped open the box only to find a new girdle in a small size. Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn’t right without a girdle, a fight in the hotel room between me and the girdle. Have you ever tried to 20 pounds of potato into a five-pound bag? That’like crazy, got hold of each side and shook me down into it. At once I put on the pink dress, which didn’t very well with my red face, and was ready to go.

Finally we got to the church. I heard one of the people say that they were having a High Mass (大弥撒). I turned to my husband and asked, “What is a High Mass?” he shrugged his . seconds─the priest (神甫) was going to bless except my girdle.

36. A. church B. store C. hotel D. office

37. A. wear B. put on C. lose D. miss

38. A. lost B. won C. gained D. receive

39. A. went B. arrived C. stopped D. entered

40. A. size B. width C. depth D. length

41. A. should B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. can’t

42. A. tried B. expected C. wanted D. waited

43. A. use B. work C. fit D. wear

44. A. broke away B. broke out C. broke down D. broke up

45. A. lay B. put C. push D. shake

46. A. laughing B. crying C. smiling D. shouting

47. A. work B. go C. do D. look

48. A. shoulders B. hands C. eyes D. arms

49. A. Luckily B. Happily C. Certainly D. Unfortunately

50. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything






A small town in Tasmania, an island off the south coast of mainland Australia, is making itself an environmental role model by becoming the country's first plastic bag-free town.

Since April 28, Coles Bay's population of 175 and its tourist shoppers have been using reusable paper or cloth bags to carry their shopping.

Ben Keamey, a local businessman who supports the bag ban, said it would cut the amount of waste and prevent damage to native wildlife that try to eat the plastic.

"Most businesses here come from the tourism and that's all based on the environment, so people were pretty supportive," he said.

Every year Australians use more than six billion plastic bags. More than half of these come from the supermarket. Since it takes years for the bags to biodegrade(生物递减分解), tens of millions end up polluting the environment. They kill about 100, 000 sea-birds and animals, which mistake bags for food, every year.

Only in the past few months have major Australian supermarkets begun cutting on their use of plastic bags. Environmental groups are pushing for a plastic bag fee like that in Ireland. There, since plastic bags cost 10 pence (about 1 yuan) each, their use has been cut by 90 per cent.

Pollution caused by plastic bags is a big headache for countries all over the world. As early as 1999, Beijing said that only plastic bags of certain thickness could be used. This was to encourage them to be used again and again, since an average of six million plastic bags are used there every single day.

51. Which might be the best title for this passage?

A. Deadly Plastic Bags

B. The End of Plastic Bags

C. How to Reuse Plastic Bags

D. The Present Situation of Plastic Bags

52. Plastic bags will not be used by the native people of Coles Bay because they__________.

A. cause the environmental pollution

B. are not easy to be reused

C. are not as good as cloth bags

D. are not strong enough

53. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Plastic bags kill many animals in Australia each year.

B. Most Australian supermarkets have begun cutting on their use of plastic bags.

C. People at Coles Bay think poor environment may affect their tourism.

D. You have to pay for the plastic bags if you go shopping in Ireland.

54. The example of Coles Bay is to show that___________.

A. people take serious actions to deal with the plastic bag problem

B. people begin to realise the harm of using plastic bags

C. Australia is the first country in solving the plastic bag problem

D. Australians are aware of the importance of protecting the small town

55. Which of the following measures on plastic bags is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. To forbid to use them by law.

B. To charge fee for plastic bags.

C. To make them thick enough to be reusable.

D. To make them environmentally friendly.



Can a person make it rain? Many people believed that Charles Hatfield could. In the early 1900s, Mr. Hatfield traveled through the United States, Canada, and Mexico bringing rain to farms and cities that suffered from drought. For 30 years, people considered him the greatest rainmaker in North America. In order to make it rain, he used a secret mixture of chemicals that he placed high on wooden towers in special trays(盘). As the chemicals evaporated(蒸发), they attracted rain clouds to the area. Over his career, Mr. Hatfield even offered to help clear the fog from London and to water the Sahara Desert.

One of Mr. Hatfield's most amazing rainmaking accomplishments happened in southern California in 1916. Because he knew that the city of San Diego did not have enough water, Mr. Hatfield offered to give the city a hand with its water problem. He planned to create enough rain to fill the lake behind Morena Dam near the city. Since the time the dam was built, the lake had never been more than half full, but the lake could hold 57 billion liters of water if it were full. Filling the lake would help the city of San Diego with its constant water problems. Mr. Hatfield suggested that if he succeeded in filling the lake with rain water, the city would pay him $10,000. If no rain fell, the city would pay nothing. The city agreed because they had nothing to lose from the business deal, and only paying $10,000 for that much water seemed to be a steal.

On January 1, 1916, Mr. Hatfield began his rainmaking procedure. It began to rain four days later The rain continued for the next five days. On January 10, it began to rain more heavily, and the rain continued for the next 10 days! The city of San Diego was flooded. Fifty people died. More than 200 bridges were washed away, and many miles of train tracks were destroyed. However, Mr. Hatfield did succeed in filling the lake. The water was within 12 centimeters of the top of the dam. Mr. Hatfield thought that he had completed his job, so he went to collect his money from the city. However, the city of San Diego backed out of the deal. They said that the rain was an "act of God" and not the work of the rainmaker. Mr. Hatfield tried to sue the city, but he never collected any money for his work.

56. Charles Hatfield was __________.

A. a man who made a lot of money B. a man who sold water

C. a man who made rain D. a man who traveled a lot

57.What "made" the rain?

A. chemicals B. a dam C. a deal D. fog

58.What happened when it rained in San Diego in 1916?

A. Bridges fell down. B. People died.

C. The city flooded, D. all of the above

59. It rained in San Diego for ________.

A. 10days B. 1month C. 15 days D. 2 months

60.The city didn't pay Mr. Hatfield because they thought that______.

A. he didn't fill the lake. B. the rain was an "act of God."

C. the city was destroyed D. people died.


You've got a problem. You're going to go to university in a different town and you need somewhere to live. Or perhaps you just don't get on with your parents. What can you do? Have you ever thought of sharing a flat? I know all about it because I've been sharing flats for the past four years, since I moved to Edinburgh to study. I must admit my first experience was a bit of a disaster. I saw an advert in the newspaper from a girl who had a flat and was looking for a flat mate. When I met her, she seemed really nice, and I noticed that she had lots of great CDs I wanted to hear and a big TV. However, I changed my mind about her a few days after I moved in. I came home from college one day and threw my books and jacket onto the living room sofa. My flat mate looked at them, looked at me and shouted: "I hope you're not going to leave those there!" It was then I found out that she was absolutely obsessive(着魔似的) about being tidy. It was obvious that we were incompatible(合不来), as I'm definitely not the world's tidiest person. I moved out after the first month.


I then decided to try sharing a house with several people. I rented a room in a big old house, which I shared with four other girls (two Brazilians,a Russian, and an Italian). It was great because the house was always full of young people from all over the world and we had lots of parties. However, there were three problems. Firstly, it was almost impossible to do any work because the house was so noisy. Secondly, there was only one bathroom, and there was always someone in it, especially first thing in the morning when I was already late for class. But the biggest arguments we had were always the day the phone bill arrived!

After a year the foreign girls went home, and I decided to look for a new, preferably quieter flat! This time I decided to share with a friend, somebody I already knew well. We’ve been living here now for nearly a year and we get on really well -- except for her irritating(气人的) habits of eating my yogurts(milk) and finishing the coffee! But it's great having someone else to help pay the rent, to share their dinner with you when you're too left your bedroom in a mess. And best of all, when you've had a bad day or you've broken up with your boyfriend you know there's always someone to talk to.

61. Why did the writer move out again from the big old house?

A. Because she couldn't do any homework due to the noise.

B. Because she was always late when she lived there.

C. Because she always left the room in a mess.

D. Because the foreign girls had left.

62. What does the underlined "partner" mean?

A. Friend. B. Roommate. C. Husband/Wife. D. Parent.

63. We can know from the passage that

A. the writer is a college student

B. the writer is a foreigner

C. the writer can't get along well with others

D. the writer doesn't like to live with her friend

64. What is the intention of the author?

A. To persuade the reader not to share a flat.

B. To tell us how to get along well with the flat mate.

C. To show her opinion about sharing a fiat.

D. To tell us the university life.

65. What is the attitude of the writer towards flat-sharing?

A. She is against it. B. She is for it.

C. She is upset with it. D. She is worried about it.





Read about the lives of real detectives. This monthly magazine brings you up -to -date true stories about real life of detectives as they chase criminals across continents. Find out how some of the most dangerous criminals in the world are caught by some of world's finest detectives. Follow their routes on the free map which comes with every issue.


This weekly magazine can bring the world to your home. Have you ever wondered what the Chinese eat for breakfast? Did you know that the Sahara Desert is getting bigger every year? This fascinating magazine, full of colour photographs, is your window on the world.


C. ONLY 16

Every week well - known writers bring you the latest teenage love stories. Each magazine carries three full - length stories as well as cartoons and colour pictures of your favorite film stars.


The weekly magazine keeps you in touch with what's happening. Filled with facts and figures about almost everything you can think of, plus articles by our regular writers on the week's most interesting news stories. Special back page sums up the news for the busy readers.


The weekly magazine tells what you need to know if you're thinking of traveling. Helpful advice on what to pack and what to buy once you're there. Lots of colour photos to help you choose the best hotel, the cheapest flights and a special guide to different climates each week.


These exciting short stories are written by well - known crime writers. Every magazine brings you the best in criminal thrillers, stories are so good that you won't be able to put the magazine down. And every month we leave one crime unanswered so that you, that reader, can play detective.

The people below want to buy a magazine. Read the descriptions and help each person make the right decision.

66.Emi is a university student studying Italian and Polities.She doesn't have much time to read anything very detailed but she is looking for something with plenty of news and information.

67.Carrie is sixteen years old and loves spending time listening to pop music and lying On her bed reading. She is always interested in finding out more about some of the stars in the world of pop and fashion.

68. Bill travels a lot when he was younger. Now that he has stopped his work, he enjoys reading about foreign people, places and customs even if he has already visited that part of the world.

69. Leroy used to be a detective. He still takes an active interest in the work of the police, but these days he enjoys reading fictions after years spent chasing real criminals.

70. Up till now Brigitte has never traveled far so this year she has decided to go abroad for the first time. The travel agent suggests that she reads about various countries first before choosing her holiday.


67. Carrie B .WORLD TRAVEL

68. Bill C. ONLY 16

69. Leroy D. EUROPE NEWS

70. Brigitte E. FOREIGN PARTS


第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分40分)







1. 情况介绍必须采用短文形式;

2. 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容;

3. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文;

4. 参考词汇:陶瓷 porcelain;



第二节:读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Fifteen years ago, the Internet was unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources.

Many fear the Internet because of its disadvantage. They claim not to use the Internet because they are simply not interested or are afraid of the possible consequences. Children using the Internet has become a big concern. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a person who may harm them later. There are many examples that children have been convinced (说服) to meet people they have talked with online.

The most common thing the Internet is used for is research. Children and students are among the top ones who use the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students use the Internet for research. Another popular thing to do on the Internet is to check out the news. Almost all-local news can be got through the Internet.





a)因特网给人们带来的好处; b)举例说明迷恋上网的害处; c)你的建议。






选择题(满分100分) 注意:请用2B铅笔涂卡 (听力每小题1.5分;单选每小题1分;完形每小题1.5分;阅读每小题2分;)




非选择题(满分50分) 注意:请用黑色钢笔或签字笔在规定的区域内作答。 第一部分:第二节听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

16.____________________ 17.___________________ 18.___________________

19._______________________ 20._________________________








参 考 答 案


第一节 听力理解(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

1-3 BAC 4-6 BAC 7-9 BCA 10-12 CBA 13-15 CCA


16.Greece 17. next Friday 18. the airport 19. 8:45 20. travel documents


第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21-25 BDACD 26-30 CDAAC 31-35 ACBDA

第二节:完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

36-40BCCCA 41-45 BDCBD 46-50 ABADD


第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

51-55 BABAD 56-60 CADCB 61-65 DCACB

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

66-70 DCBFE

第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分40分)




I’m Li Hua, born in Chaozhou in February 1987. From 1994 to 2000 ,I studied in Guangming Primary school and I went to No. 2 Middle School of Chaozhou the following six years. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. In my spare time, not only do I enjoy listening to music, collecting stamps, but also I love making porcelain .(83字)




As everyone knows, People can get much information through the Internet. Meanwhile, people are also clearly aware of its disadvantages, but some children don't realize they sometimes make friends with bad people online.(33字)

In my opinion, people can use the Internet to make friends, download useful materials and go shopping online. It's really very helpful. However, there are also many disadvantages about the Internet. If you can't use it correctly, it may be harmful to you. In junior middle school, I was once crazy about playing online games and I couldn't control myself. As a result, my study results were getting from bad to worse. Besides, if you believe whatever your friends say online, you will be cheated by them some day, I think.

As a student, we should spend more of our time on studying and less time on the Internet. Of course, if we can control our time of surfing the Internet, we surely can use it after school.(128字)






(Text 1)

M: Hi, Barbara. Have you decided where to go tomorrow?

W: Yes, I'd like to go to Camden Town to shop. Would you like to go there with me?

M: Yes, I'd love to. That's a good market. Mary is here with me now. She wants to go there too. Shall we meet at Camden Town Station?

W: OK. How are you going there?

M: We will go there by bus. It's only three stops from my place. Well, we might walk there if the weather is fine. How will you get there?

W: I think I'll have to take the underground. I'm at Bond Street and I'll take the Central Line first and get off at Tottenham Court Road.

M: OK. Then you want the Northern Line to Camden Town. It's only four stops. Make sure you get a northern train though. OK?

W: OK. I think I shall find the way. I have an underground map with me now. What time shall we meet tomorrow ?

M: How about ten thirty?

W: Well, I think it’s a bit too late. It might be crowded by that time.

M: How about one hour earlier, say nine thirty?

W: That will be too early. How about half an hour later?

M: See you then.


(Text 2)

M: Hi ! Carole !

W: Hi, Bill! This should be a great show. Let's go in,

M: Sure. Did you bring my notebook?

W: Your notebook? Oh dear! I completely forgot.

M: You forgot? But you promised! I need it to study for the test. Oh, I know I never should have asked you to do it.

W: Calm down, Bill. I just forgot. Look, after the show, we can drive by the house and pick it up.

M: It' s pretty far out of the way, but I guess we' 11 have to.

W: Don' t worry. I' 11 invite you to dinner tomorrow and make it up to you.

M: Well, OK.


(Text 3)


M: Cheryl, you are certainly good at playing the piano. That' s a lovely song, too.

W: Thank you. I' m glad you like it. I have a good time playing the piano.

M: How long have you been playing?

W: I' ve been studying the piano for ten years, since I was nine years old.

M: really! I didn't know that. Ten years!

W: Oh, yes. Learning to play the piano takes a lot of work. But it' s all worth it.

M: Worth it? Do you make money playing the piano?

W: I didn' t mean it that way, but I do make some money. Sometimes, I play at wedding receptions or at parties. I get paid for doing what I like to do. I never had it so good.

听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 4)

M: Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me. I' m a new comer here.

W. Sure, I'll be very glad to. What do you want to know?

M: Can you tell me what time the school bus leaves for town? I don' t have the timetable.

W: Hmm... Let me see. The first bus leaves at 7:. 00 in the morning. The second at12:00 noon and the last at 6:00 in the evening.

M: Thank you very much. What time do you have now? I want to take the second bus.

W: 11: 40. You' ve got plenty of time.

M: And could you tell me where I should wait for the bus?

W: Over there, beside the pool. There is a sign. You can' t miss it. And you can also find the timetable on the sign. 听下面一段独自,回答第13至第15个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 5)

Do you know what was the most unusual building of the nineteenth century? Perhaps it was

the Crystal Palace. It was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world. It was made of iron and glass. It was one of the biggest buildings of the time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from all parts of the world.There was also a great deal of machinery on show. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth' s steam hammer. Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, steamboats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all, and the money gained from the exhibition was used to build museums and colleges. Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.




Good morning everyone. I am getting very excited about this trip to Greece, and I am sure you are too. We'll leave London Airport on British Airways next Friday. Please be sure to be at the airport by 6: 30. I know it is early, but our departure time is 8: 45. We are quite a large group, and we don't want to have any hassles. Please be sure to have all your travel documents ready. We'll arrive in Athens at 12:25 in the afternoon, and there will be a coach there to meet US.

That's all. Thank you. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Have a nice trip !

























