







如今,犯了大错,我深深懊悔不已。我会以这次违纪事件作为一面镜子时时检点自己,批评和教育自己,自觉接受监督。我要知羞而警醒,知羞而奋进,亡羊补牢、化羞耻为动力,努力学习。我也要通过这次事件,提高我的思想认识,强化责任措施。自己还是很想好好学习的,学习对我来是最重要的,对今后的生存,就业都是很重要的,我现在才很小 ,我还有去拼搏的能力。我还想在拼一次,在去努力一次。

希望老师给予我一个做好学生的一个机会,我会好好改过的,认认真真的去学习 ,那样的生活充实,这样在家也很耽误课程,学校的课程本来就很紧,学起来就很费劲,在今后的学习生活中,我一定会好好学习,各课都努力往上赶记得刚进入学校时,班主任老师和副班主任对我抱有很大的期望,学习还能接受,可在纪律方面却出现了问题,在学校三令五申的铁律下,在严明校纪校规的大环境下,我犯下这么严重的错误,学校对我是应该严惩的。



所以我在今后学校的学习生活中更加的努力,不仅把老师教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人 ,犯了这样的错误,对于家长对于我的期望也是一种巨大的打击,家长辛辛苦苦挣钱,让我们可以生活的比别人优越一些,好一些,让我们可以全身心的投入到学习中去。

但是,我犯的错误却违背了家长的心愿,也是对家长心血的一种否定,我对此很惭愧。相信老师看到我这个态度也可以知道我对这次事件有很深刻的悔过态度,相信我的悔过之心,我的行为不是向老师的纪律进行挑战,是自己的一时失足,希望老师可以原谅我的错误,我也会向你保证此事不会再有第二次发生。 对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请老师相信我能够记取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。同时也真诚地希望老师能继续关心和支持我,并却对我的问题酌情处理。


万能检讨书2000字 Universal review writing 2000 characters

亲爱的老师: Dear teacher:

今天,我怀着愧疚和懊悔给您写下这份检讨书,以向您表示我对上课讲话这种不良行为的深刻认识以及再也不在上课的时候讲闲话的决心. Today, I am guilty and sorry to write this report, to say to you me to speak in class. The bad behavior of deep understanding and no class time gossiping determination. 这是一次十分深刻的检查,我对于我这次犯的错误感到很惭愧,我真的不应该在早自习的时候说话,我不应该违背老师的规定,我们作为学生就应该完全的听从老师的话,而我这次没有很好的重视到老师讲的话。我感到很抱歉,我希望老师可以原谅我的错误,我这次的悔过真的很深刻。 This is a very deep inspection, I have this for my mistakes to feel ashamed, I really should not be in the morning study time to speak, I should not be contrary to the provisions of the teacher, we as students should complete follow the teacher's words, but I this not very good value to the teacher words. I feel very sorry, I hope that the teacher can forgive my mistake, I this really deep repentance. 不过,人总是会犯错误的,当然我知道也不能以此作为借口,我们还是要尽量的避免这样的错误发生,希望老师可以相信我的悔过之心。“人有失手,马有失蹄”。我的不良行为不是向老师的纪律进行挑战。绝对是失误,老师说的话很正确,就是想要犯错误也不应该再您的面前犯错误,我感到真的是很惭愧,怎么可以这么的。 However, people will always make a mistake, of course I know that cannot use this as an excuse, we must as far as possible to avoid such mistakes, I hope that the teacher can believe my contrition. " People have missed, horses all stumble". My bad behavior is not to the teacher's discipline challenges.

Absolute error, the teacher said is very correct, just want to make mistakes should not again before you make a mistake, I felt really ashamed, how can it be so. 相信老师看到我的这个态度也可以知道我对这次的事件有很深刻的悔过态度,我这样如此的重视这次的事件,希望老师可以原谅我的错误,我可以向老师保证今后一定不会在早自习及其他任何课上说闲话的。 Believe that the teacher saw me this manner may also know about this event has a profound regret my attitude, so the importance of this event, I hope you can forgive my mistake, I can ask teacher to ensure the future will not be in the morning study and any other class of gossip.

今天我真的是很深刻的认识到了我的错误,知道老师说的话就要听从,老师说的话也绝对会实现她的诺言,老师所要管的一定是为了我们学生好,所以我们不用挑战老师的纪律,我们还是学生,没有能力对老师说出来的话产生不听从的想法,我们学生唯一可以做的事情就是好好的听从老师的话,好好的学习好,让老师可以放心,让老师可以信任。 Today I is really very aware of my mistake, know what the teacher said to listen to, what the teacher said is absolutely will make her promise, the teacher should tube must be good for our students, so we do not challenge the teacher's discipline, we are still students, do not have the ability to say to the teacher it would have to listen to the ideas of students, we only can do is good to listen to the teacher's words, learn good, let the teacher can rest, let the teacher can trust. 犯了这样的错误,对于家长对我的期望也是一种很大的打击,家长辛苦的赚钱,让我们孩子可以生活的好一点,让我们可以全身心的投入到学习当中,可是,我却违背了家长的心意,我犯了这样的错误,简直是对于家长心血的否定,我对此也感到很惭愧,家长的劳累是我们所不知道的,每天为了生存而忙碌,为了家庭而承受着巨大的压力,这一切的一切都是我们所不能够了解的,我们唯一可以做的就是做他们的乖孩子,听从家长的话,家长是我们最亲的人,也是我们在现在这个社会上最可以信任的人,所以我们就要尽量的避免家长生气,不给他们带来不必要的烦恼。而我们作为他们最亲的人也不能够惹他们生气,这个都

是相互的,当我们伤害到他们的心时,也是对于自己心的伤害,因为我们是最亲的人。没有任何人可以取代。 Such a mistake, for parents to my expectations is a big blow, the parents hard money, let our children can live better, so we can put heart into learning, but, I have rebelled against the parents heart, I made such a mistake, it is for parents painstaking efforts of the negative, I also feel very ashamed, parents is tired of what we don't know, every day in order to survive and busy, for the family and under enormous pressure, all this is what we can know, the only thing we can do is to do them good children, obey parents say, parents are our most pro-people, but also in our society now most people can trust, so we will try to avoid parents angry, do not give them unnecessary trouble. But we as their most pro-people not to cross them, this is mutual, when we hurt their hearts, but also for my heart hurt, because we are the best. No one can replace. 这次的事件我真的感到抱歉,希望老师可以原谅我,可以认可我认错的态度,我真的已经深刻的反省到我的错误了,希望老师再给我知错就改的机会。也希望同学也要引以为戒,不要犯和我一样愚蠢的错误了,这次的教训真的很大很大。 This incident I really am sorry, I hope you can forgive me, can be recognized me mistake attitude, I really have a deep introspection to my mistake, hope the teacher give me Zhicuojiugai opportunity. Also hope that the students have to take warning, don't make me a stupid mistake, this lesson is really great. 错误的性质是严重的。我在上课的时候讲闲话,并且影响了其他的同学,其结果损害了多方利益,在学校造成极坏的影响。这种行为,即使是并没有影响课堂纪律,仍然是不对的,此举本身就是违背了做学生的原则。我只是顾着自己的一时高兴,和一时的想法,完全不理会老师的感受。这也是不对的,人是社会的人,大家不应该只是想着自己,我这么做,害的那个是那些和我一起讲话的同学,我这样做,看似和他很好,实际上是在害他。而且,在上课的时候讲闲话也是对老师的不尊重。所以,老师把让我写检讨,也是

为了让我深刻的认识到这点。 The nature of the error is serious. I was in class to gossip, and affected the other students, the results of damage to the interests of many parties, in the school caused extremely bad influence. This kind of behavior, even did not influence the classroom discipline, is still wrong, it is contrary to the student's principle. I just care about their momentary pleasure, and the idea of the moment, completely ignoring the teacher's feelings. It is also wrong, people are social beings, we should not only think of ourselves, I do, and that is that I with classmates and talk, I do, and he seems very well, is in fact harm him. Also, in class when the talk is also a lack of respect for the teacher. Therefore, the teacher let me write a review, but also to let me deeply aware of it. 其次,我在上课的时候讲闲话的行为也是一种对老师的工作不尊敬的表现。中国是一个礼仪之邦,自古就讲究尊师重道,这是一种传统的美德,过去我一直忽视了它。抛开着一层面,不单单是老师,无论对任何人,我们都应该尊重他,尊重他的劳动,他的劳动成果。我这样做,直接造成了不尊重老师,不尊重他人,不尊重他人劳动的恶劣影响。作为一名当代中学生,一名正在接受教育的人来说,这种表现显然不符合社会对我们的要求。 Secondly, I was in class gossiping behavior is the teacher's work is not respectable performance. China is a state of ceremonies, since ancient times, pay attention to honour the teacher and respect his teaching, which is a traditional virtue, I used to ignore it. Throw a level, is not only a teacher, no matter to anyone, we should respect him, respect for his labor, the fruits of his labor. I do, the direct cause of not respecting teachers, do not respect others, do not respect the labor of others bad influence. As a contemporary middle school students, one is receiving education's people, this obviously does not meet the demands of our society.


互相促进,纪律良好,而我这种表现,给同学们带了一个坏头,不利于学校的学风建设。同时,也对学校形象造成了一定损害,“第八中学”在人们心目中一直是一个学术严谨的学校,我们应该去维护这个形象而不是去破坏它!虽然我在考试的时候写答案给别的同学,这是作弊行为,我和那个同学关系很好,他找我讲话,当时我的也想讲话和认为老师不会发现的侥幸心理之下酿成了现在的后果。虽然与人为善是中华民族的优良传统美德,是当代中学生理应具备的品质。但是现在我才深刻的意识到这不是与人为善。我在在上课的时候讲闲话,还传染其他同学一起,这并不是真的和别人好,而是在害自己和同学们,晚自习是让学生复习一天的学习的课,不论是什么原因在上课的时候讲闲话都是很不对的,违背了做学生的原则。当然,我不能说我是为了和别的同学讨论什么问题才在上课的时候讲闲话,这是不能成为我作弊的理由。鲁迅先生说过:不友善的帮助就是恶意的伤害。我只有认真反思,寻找错误后面的深刻根源,认清问题的本质,才能给集体和自己一个交待,从而得以进步。做为一名学生我没有做好自己的本职,本应该在上课的时候决不讲闲话,而我却在上课的时候讲闲话了,辜负了老师平时对我的教育之恩,老师含辛茹苦的把知识教会我们,是想让我们做一个对社会有用的人,而我却在上课的时候讲闲话欺骗把知识无私的教给我们的老师,我现在已经彻底认识到我的行为不仅没有起到帮助同学的目的,反而是害了他,也对老师是一种欺骗行为.自从接受了老师对我的批评教育,我已经深刻认识到这件事情的严重性,老师教育我说明 老师是非常的关心我,爱护我,所以我今后要听老师的话,充分领会理解老师对我们的要求,并保证不会在有类似的事情发生,如果在上课的时候别的同学找我讲话,我不再参与,而是在主动的去告诉他这样是不对的,这样就可以帮助老师分忧了,帮助老师给班里营造良好的学习的气氛。望老师给我改过自新的机会.老师是希望我们成为社会的栋梁,所以我在今后学校的学习生活中更加的努力,不仅把老师教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人 ,做一个对社会有用的人,一个正直的人,使老师心慰的好学生,老师如同父母对我们的爱都是无私的,所以我 也要把老师对我们的无私精神去发扬,通过这件事情我深刻的感受到老师对我们那种恨铁不成钢的心情,我所犯的错误的性质是严重的。我在上课的时候讲闲话实际上就是在班上和系里面造成极坏的影响。这种不择手段的行为,即使老师允许,此举本身就是违背了学生的道德和专心治学的精神、

违背了公平竞争的原则。这样一种极其错误的行为就是典型的锦标主义。尤其是发生在我这样的二十一世纪的一代少年身上。弘扬第八中学的拼搏精神,走顽强拼搏进取之路既是我的责任,也是我坚定不移的前进方向。然而,我的行为却背道而驰。一个优秀上进的学生当然要努力争取好的成绩,但不能不顾一切、不择手段地去达到目的,这是一个关系到如何成人,如何成才的一个重大原则问题。一个人的成长和进步,不仅仅是学业上的提高,更重要的是思想、作风方面上的培养和锤炼。我忽视了这样一个重要的问题,为此而犯了方向性的错误。我所犯错误的影响是很坏的。在上课的时候讲闲话,在上课时就直接造成不尊重同学、不尊重老师、不尊重父母的恶劣影响。过去,第八中学不仅是成绩好、思想好,在精神风貌、队纪礼仪、学术建设等方面也享有较好的声誉,而由于我的错误,大大损害了某某中学的形象;本来,老师是对我很器重的,然而,我的错误深深地伤害了他们的心;我所犯的错误,无疑产生了很大的负面影响,带了一个坏头;其他的同学在她们成长的过程中,由于我所犯错误,给她们带来了不应有的负面影响和不应承受的思想压力。总之,们为自己所犯的错误而带来的这一切而深感痛心和后悔。 我所犯的错误教训是深刻的。上级老师,同学都委以重任并寄予厚望,我自己也一直感到责任重大不敢苟且,认真学习,全力投入。但事实证明,仅仅是热情投入、刻苦努力、钻研学业是不够的,还要有清醒的政治头脑、大局意识和纪律观念,否则就会在学习上迷失方向,使国家和学校受损失。我知道,造成如此大的损失,我必须要承担尽管是承担不起的责任,尤其是作在重点高校接受教育的人,在此错误中应负不可推卸的主要责任。我真诚地接受批评,并愿意接受处理。对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请老师相信我能够记取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。同时也真诚地希望老师能继续关心和支持我,并却对我的问题酌情处理。 Once again, the act also created the school students and its bad influence, damage to the school's image. Students should learn from eachother, promote each other, disciplined, and I am such a performance, to students with a bad head, does not favor the school tradition construction. At the same time, also caused some damage to the image of the school," eighth high school" in people's minds has been an

academically rigorous schools, we should try to maintain this image and not to destroy it! Although I when the examination to write the answer to give other students, this is cheating, I and the schoolmate relations are very good, he speak to me, then I want to speak and don't think the teacher will find chances are now under the consequences. Although for the good of others is a traditional Chinese virtue, is the contemporary high school students should have the quality. But now I realize this is not for the good of others. I am in class when gossiping, also infect other classmates, this is not true and others, but to harm themselves and students, the night is for students to review a day learning classes, no matter what the reason was in class to talk is wrong, against doing the principle of student. Of course, I can't say I is in order and the other students discuss the question of what is in the class to gossip, it is can't be my reason for cheating. Mr. Lu Xun said : no friendly help is malicious damage. I only think over seriously, search errors behind the deep roots, understand the nature of the problem, can give collective and an account of his own, in order to progress. As a student I did not do a good job, should be in the class never to gossip, and I was in the class time to gossip, and live up to the teachers usually to our education-yan, teachers bear bitter hardships the knowledge taught us, want us to be a socially useful man, I was in class time gossiping deceit knowledge selfless giving our teacher, now I've completely aware my behavior not only failed to help the students to aim, but is killed him, the teacher is a kind of cheating. Since accepted the teacher 's criticism of me education, I have realized the seriousness of this matter, my teacher education that teachers are very concerned about me, love me, so I will continue to listen to the teacher, teacher fully understands our requirements, and to ensure that similar incidents will not happen, if in class when the other students looking for me speak, I no longer participate, but on the initiative to tell him that this is wrong, it can help teachers to share, to help the teacher to the class to create a good learning atmosphere. Hope the teacher to give me the opportunity to start with a clean slate. Teacher is we hope

to become the pillars of society, so I in the school study life in more efforts, not only to the teacher to teach us the knowledge to learn, but also to learn how to behave, to be a useful person to society, a person of integrity, so that the teacher was relieved a good student, the teacher as the parents of our love is selfless, so I will give to our teacher selfless spirit to develop, through this thing I deeply felt the teacher told us that turn iron into steel mood, I made the mistake of nature is serious. I was in class to talk is actually in the class system and inside caused extremely bad influence. This use unscrupulous divisive tactics behavior, even if the teacher allowed, it is contrary to the students' moral and concentrate on the spirit of teaching, contrary to the principle of fair competition. Such a wrong behavior is typical of the tournament. Especially in my so the generation of twenty-first Century boy. Promote eighth school spirit, tenacious enterprising go road is my responsibility, I also not to move or retreat in the forward direction. However, my behavior has draw further apart. An excellent motivated students certainly to strive for a good result, but not fling caution to the winds, use unscrupulous divisive tactics to achieve the goal, it is a matter of how adult, how to become a major issue of principle. A personal growth and progress, notonly academic improvement, more important is thought, style on the training and exercise. I overlooked the importance of such a problem, this misguided. My mistakes is very bad. During the class time to gossip, in the class will directly cause does not respect the students, respect teachers, respect for their bad influence. In the past, the eighth middle school is not only good grades, good ideas, in the spirit of etiquette, academic discipline, team building and also enjoy a better reputation, and because of my mistake, greatly damaged the image of certain high school; originally, the teacher is right I will soon, however, my mistake deeply hurt them heart; my mistakes, will undoubtedly have a great negative impact, with a bad head; other students in their growth process, because of my mistakes, has brought them due to the negative influence and should not bear the thought of pressure. In conclusion, for their

own mistakes and bring it all and deeply sad and regret. The mistake I made is a profound lesson. The superior teacher, classmates are entrusted with the responsibility and great expectations, I always feel a great responsibility careful, serious study, dedication. But the fact is, just enthusiasm, hard work, research study is not enough, but also have clear political head, overall situation consciousness and discipline idea, otherwise it will in learning disorientation, make the country and school from loss. I know, cause so much damage, I must take even to bear responsibility, especially in key college educated person, this error should be inescapable responsibility. I sincerely accept criticism, and are willing to accept the deal. For all this I will also further thorough summary, introspection, ask the teacher to believe that I can learn, correct mistakes, to redouble their efforts to do things in the future. Also sincerely hope that the teacher can continue to care for and support me, and gave me a question the discretion.

















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