Labor contract 模板(中英文)



Labor Contract

劳 动 合 同 书

Part A: (Employer)

甲方:(单位名称) Legal Representative or Authorized representative: 法定代表人或主要负责人姓名:Position:

职务: Address:


Part B: (Employee)

乙方:(职工姓名) ID card No.

身份证号: Permanent Registered


Home Address:

家庭现住址: Tel:



This Contract is signed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between the following Employer and Employee in accordance with the Labour Law of People's Republic of China." 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及有关法律、法规的规定,经甲乙双方协商一致达成如下协议:

1. Term of the Contract: The term of this contract is for _____ years and shall commence on _____,_____, and shall continue until _____,_____, unless earlier terminated pursuant to this Contract. The Employee shall undergo a probationary period of ___months, starting and ending on term of this Contract.

第一条 劳动合同期限 本合同为 期限的劳动合同。自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,期限为 年;其中试用期为 个月,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。

2. Job Description and Location: Part A agrees to employ part B as ________(job title) in ________Department, located in ________(office location and city). Party A can change Party B’s work and location due to the needs of work or change of circumstance with both partys’ approval.

第二条 工作内容和工作地点 甲方安排乙方在 岗位工作,工作地点 。因工作需要或客观情况发生变化,经双方协商可以变更乙方的工作内容和工作地点。

3. Working protection, working conditions and protection against occupational hazards: There maybe ______________occupational hazards during the employee work. The Employer should provide the Employee with occupational safety and health conditions conforming to the provisions of the State and necessary articles of labor protection to guarantee the safety and health during the working process.

The Employee is entitled to all legal holidays and other paid leaves of absence in accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC and the company 's work rules. The Employer may extend working hours due to the requirements of its production or business after consultation with the Employee.

第三条 劳动保护、工作条件和职业危害防护 乙方所从事的工作过程中,可能产生危害。甲方为乙方提供符合国家生产安全、防止职业危害规定的劳动环境和必要的劳动保护用品,提供必须的生产工具和工作场所。


4. Remuneration:accordance with applicable laws and regulations of P.R.C, that is RMB$ _____ per month after the probationary period. It shall be paid by legal tender and not less than the standard minimum salary. The adjustment of the salary shall be accordance with Chinese labor law and the provisions of collective contract.


第四条劳动报酬 甲方依据按劳分配原则实行工资制度,试用期满后月基本工资为 元,并执行最低工资保障制度。工资的调整依据国家规定和集体合同的约定执行。

The probationary salary shall be no less than the standard stipulated in item 20th of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>


The salary shall be paid on ___(date) every month in cash. The breakdown of the payment including income standard, item and deduction shall be provided to the employee.

If the employer arrange overtime or extend working hours, overtime premium should be paid according to the law.

工资支付日期为每月 日。支付工资应向乙方提供工资清单,列明支付标准、支付项目和工资的扣除项目。


5. Social Security & Welfare: The Employee will enjoy the stipulated allowance, statutory leave, visiting family leave, marriage leave, condolence leave, maternity leave and annual leave.

The sick leave wages, allowance and medical treatment will be treated according to national, government and VVR related regulations.

The wages and medical treatment of employee’s occupational disease or on job injury will be treated according to national and government regulations.

The employer has right to revise related benefit according to process. The revised benefit policy applies to all employees.

第五条保险福利 在劳动合同期间,乙方享受统一规定的有关津贴、补贴以及法定的公休节假日、探亲假、婚丧假、产假和甲方规定的职工休假等。




6. The implementation of the labor contract. Both the employer and the employee should implement this labor contract. The content of the labor contract can be modified after the two partys’ consultation. Any one breach the liability should compensate the other party according to related law.

第六条劳动合同的履行 甲乙双方应全面履行劳动合同。经双方协商可以变更劳动合同的相关内容。任何一方违法解除劳动合同,都应依法承担赔偿责任。

7. Conditions of cancellation the contract. The labor contract can be cancelled by the two partys’ consultation.

第七条 解除合同条件 经双方协商协商一致,可以解除劳动合同。

The labor contract can be terminated by the employee conforming to the 37th and 38th clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>.



The labor contract can be terminated by the employer conforming to the 39th , 40th and 41st clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>.


The labor contract cannot be terminated by the employer according to the 40th and 41st clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law> if conforming the 42nd clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>.


8. Conditions of terminate the labor contract: The labor contract can be terminated conforming to the 44th clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>.

第八条 终止合同条件 符合《劳动合同法》第四十四条规定情形之一的,劳动合同终止。 The labor contract should be renewed to the disappearance of the relevant conditions conforming to the 45th clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>.


The renewal of the labor contract should be consulted 30 days in advance from the labor contract expiry date. The termination process should be executed if the labor contract is not renewed. The open-term labor contract should be adopted if the employee is eligible for the open-term labor contract.


9.Dismissal Wage: The Employer shall pay the dismissal wage to the Employee if the Contract is terminated conforming to the 46th clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>. The standard of the dismissal wage refer to the relevant national regulations.

第九条 经济补偿金 解除、终止合同时,符合《劳动合同法》第四十六条情形之一的,甲方应当向乙方支付经济补偿金。经济补偿金的支付标准按国家规定执行。

10. Special agreement: If the employer paid the employee for special training, the special agreement with service period and breach Liabilities can be signed according to the 22nd clause of the <Chinese Labor Contract Law>.

第十条 专项协议 如甲方向乙方提供专项培训费用时,双方可以根据《劳动合同法》第二十二条规定订立专项协议,约定服务期限和违约责任。

If the employee is categorized to hold the employer’s commercial secret, the employer can sign the special agreement for the non-compete clause, the commercial secrets and intellectual property protection clause, termination compensation or dismissal wages and breach liabilities.

甲方可以与负有保密义务的人员,就保守甲方的商业秘密和与知识产权相关事项签订专项协 4


The special agreement shall be executed as the attachment of the labor contract. 专项协议作为本劳动合同的附件一并执行。

11. Other clause

第十一条 双方约定的其他条款。

12. The matters that are not covered by this agreement or not complied with the law of state or local government should be executed as the law.

第十二条 本合同未尽事宜及遇有国家有关政策调整时,依照国家有关规定执行。

13. This agreement shall be executed in duplicate with one copy held by the Part A, one copy held by Part B. It shall be effective after both party’s sealed or signed.

第十三条 本合同一式二份,甲乙双方签字(章)后各执一份。

14. Labor Disputes: Where a labor dispute between the parties takes place during the performance of this Contract, the parties concerned may seek for a settlement through consultation; or either party may apply to the labor dispute mediation committee of their unit for mediation; if the mediation fails and one of the parties requests for arbitration, that party may apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration. Either party may also directly apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration within 60 days starting from the date of the occurrence of a labor dispute. If one of the parties is not satisfied with the adjudication of arbitration, the party may bring the case to a people's court.

第十四条 双方因履行、解除或终止劳动合同发生争议时可协商解决,也可按有关规定向企业劳动争议调解委员会申请调解或在争议发生之日起60日内直接向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁,对仲裁裁决不服的可向人民法院起诉。

甲方:(盖章) 乙方(签字)

Part A (Seal) Part B (Signature)


Corporate representative Seal or Signature

年 月 日 年 月 日

Date: Date


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