


Agreement on Joint Education Program in International Nursing (3+1)

第一条 总则

Article 1 General Terms

_________学院(甲方)和_贝特福特大学(乙方)根据《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例》及中国的有关法规,经过友好、平等协商,在平等互惠、共同发展的基础上,双方同意开展合作办学项目,为此签订本合作协议。 Acting on the principle of sincere cooperation and common development, _________University (Party A) and University of Bedfordshire (Party B) have agreed to enter into the following Agreement for the purpose of carrying out a joint education program in nursing on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

第二条 合作双方

Article 2 Both Parties

2.1 法人代表和地址Legal representative and address

学院University (Party A):__________________

地址Add.: __________________

电话Tel.: __________________

传真Fax: __________________

法定代表人Legal representative:_____________


大学University (Party B):University of Bedfordshire

地址Add.: Park Square, Luton, Bedfordshire United Kingdom. LU1 3JU

电话Tel.: _01234 400 400

传真Fax: __________________

法定代表人Legal representative:Professor L. Ebdon CBE

职务Position:Vice Chancellor & Chief Executive

2.2 合作双方性质 The nature of the Parties


Party A is a full-time university approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education with the qualification of issuing nationally recognized Bachelor’s degree certificate. Party

B is a legally registered higher educational institution in UK with the qualification of issuing Bachelor’s degree certificate.

第三条 合作办学项目

Article 3 Joint Education Program



Name: Agreement on Sino-UK Joint Education Program in International Nursing (3+1),hereinafter referred to as “the Program”

第四条 合作办学项目的实施 The Implement of the Joint Education Program

4.1 办学宗旨 The Aim of the Program


Both Parties shall abide by the Constitution, Laws, Regulations and Rules of People’s Republic of China while seeking cooperation in education, bringing both parties’ advantages into full play in building modernization of nursing education. The Program is designed to train students with international competitiveness, to explore the diversified nursing education and school system, and to cultivate highly qualified, professional, bilingual, international nursing talents for the growth of China’s nursing industry and the development of the society and economy.

4.2课程设置Curriculum Plan


The teaching plan is designed by both parties on the basis of producing highly-qualified, professional, bilingual, and international nursing talents.

4.3学生来源、学制和规模 The Resource and Scale of Students and the Length of Schooling


The Program’s targeted students are high school graduators who have passed the national university entrance examination and who are to be admitted by Party A within the national planned enrollment quote. The total period of the Program is for 4 years. The 4-year Program recruits 50 students per year, during which students study with Party A in the first three years and with Party B in the fourth year. Bachelor 2

degrees from both Party A and Party B shall be issued after students’ successful completion of the Program.

4.4学生的培养目标 The Student Cultivating Aim

1. 具有国际理念的护理人才。

Bearing international nursing philosophy

2. 熟练掌握中英两种语言的高端护理人才。

Mastering both Chinese and English skills

3. 有较宽的专业知识面,包括对相关的学科有基本的了解。

Broadening professional scope of knowledge and having a basic understanding of related disciplines

4. 在社交、礼仪等方面具备应有的素养,有较强的独立解决问题的能力。 Having necessary accomplishment in social contact and etiquette and sound ability in solving problems independently.

5. 服务我国未来医疗卫生发展的护理事业。 Serving the development of the nursing industry of China

4.5学生的毕业去向 Graduates Employment

对毕业学生甲方将根据“择优推荐”的原则,向中外企事业单位和其他用人单位推荐录用。有条件自费出国继续深造学历者,学院将提供相应的咨询服务。 Excellent students can be recommended by Party A to work in state-owned or foreign or jointly owned entities, organizations or companies. Those who are financially capable of and plan to further their studies abroad, Party A will provide them with relevant consultant services.

4.6合作项目的师资 Teaching Resources of the Program


Party A shall select qualified teachers to undertake the major part of the teaching work. Party B shall send or recruit qualified and highly experienced teachers to undertake its part of the teaching work.


第五条 合作双方的责任和义务

Responsibilities and obligations of the two parties

5.1 甲方责任 Responsibilities of Party A


Responsible for such affairs as application to relevant Chinese government authority for approval and registration, etc. of the said Sino-UK joint education program in international nursing in China.


Responsible for providing classrooms, offices, special classrooms, teaching equipment and all other necessary facilities.


Responsible for carrying out teaching activities and students management, selecting qualified teaching staff and providing assistance for the teaching staff sent by Party B as well as conducting quality supervision.

4)负责合作项目做好招生和毕业生推荐工作,保证每年的招生不低于50名。 Responsible for recruitment and recommendation for employment, ensuring that annual enrollments are no less than 50 students.


Responsible for sending academic teachers or other relevant teachers to Party B for them to receive relevant trainings and ensuring that its teaching resources meet the requirements of the joint education program.


All advertisements and promotional materials about this Program shall be approved by Party B by fax or email before being used.



Assisting managerial and teaching staff sent by Party B with visa applications for the purpose of delivering teaching with Party A as well as assisting its teachers or students with their visa applications for the purpose of attending trainings or further studies with Party B.


Responsible for any other affairs related to the joint education program;

5.2乙方责任 Responsibilities of Party B


Sending qualified teachers to deliver the required teaching, providing teaching materials, assisting Party A in teaching and management as well as inspecting and evaluating teaching regularly to guarantee the teaching quality. Ensuring that its teaching covers 1/3 of the core courses for the Program. The details of the teaching arrangement and syllabus shall be decided by two parties and attached with this Agreement.


Providing supervision and support to its teachers in their coming to Party A to handle the required teaching and relevant activities;


Providing trainings for teaching staff of Party A twice a year;


Providing online teaching guidance for Party A;


Assisting those students who are preparing for further studies with Party B in their 5

entry and visa applications;


Responsible for any other necessary affairs related to joint education program; 第六条 联合管理委员会

Article 6 Joint Management Committee


The two Parties agree to set up a Joint Management Committee which consists of seven members, of whom four come from Party A and three from Party B, with its Director to be appointed by Party A.


The Joint Committee is the highest authority of the cooperation Program, determining all major issues for the Program. Unanimous agreement must be reached by the Committee for the following major issues before any of such decision being put into force:


Any amendment to the agreement of the cooperation program


Termination and dissolution of the cooperation program


The education policy of the cooperation program


The following issues shall be subject to consent of more than three-fifth of members of the Committee before being put into effect.


The appointment of the Program leader and recruitment for other major positions;


Reports and recommendations from the program leader


Formulation and revision of the major rules and regulations governing the cooperation program


Development plans for the cooperation Program



Any other issues which should be adopted by the Committee


The Director shall convene the Joint Management Committee meetings twice each year. If the Director cannot attend the meeting, its Deputy Director shall be authorized to chair the meetings and keep a record of the minutes of meetings.


Cooperation program may set up appropriate departments to be in charge of any specific aspect of the Program.

第七条 招生数量Number of Enrollment

第一年招生数量在50人左右(人数少于50人,由双方协商开班的必要性),从第二年起招生数量在 100人左右。

There should be around 50 students in the first year of the Program (If the number is less than 50, the two parties shall decide the possibility of running the Program). From the second year on, there should be around 100 students.

第八条 财务、审计

Article 8 Finance & Audit


A special account shall be set up for the Program and shall be managed by Party. Party A shall report to the Joint Management Committee.

8.2合作项目的经费使用The using of income for the cooperation program


Tuition fees collected from participating students must be used for running the Program, teaching activities and development of the Program without any abuse.


Article 9 Liabilities for Breach of the Agreement


If either party fails to perform the responsibilities and obligations under the Agreement and still does not fulfill its responsibilities and obligations after receiving 7

a written notice from the other party for 20 days, the other party has the right to take relevant measures to implement the program, and claim for the economic loss from the delinquent party.

第十条 争议的解决

Article 10 Dispute Resolution

10.1 谈判:凡因执行本项目所发生的一切争议,双方首先通过友好协商和谈判解决;

Negotiation: All disputes arising during implementing the program shall be negotiated and discussed friendly by the two Parties to in order to reach an agreement. 10.2 诉讼及法律适用:如果争议不能通过10.1条款所规定的友好协商和谈判得以解决,任何一方均有权向甲方所在地的管辖法院提起诉讼。

Litigation: If the disputes cannot be resolved through friendly negotiation and discussion under the terms of 10.1, either Party has the right to seek legal resolution via courts located in the same jurisdiction of Party A and litigations are to be governed by the Chinese laws.

第十一条 协议的生效、修改和终止

Article 11 Commencement and Termination of the Agreement

11.1 本协议自双方签字之日起生效,协议有效期为8年;

The agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both parties and be valid for 8 years.

11.2 任何对本协议的改变或修改须经双方以书面形式表示同意,方可有雨本协议同等效力。

Any changes or amendments to the Agreement shall be agreed upon by both Parties in writing and shall constitute part of this Agreement.

11.3 如一方提出终止协议,需提前6个月以书面形式通知对方。双方须按照本协议妥善安置在校参加本合作课程的学生并处理好各种财务等事宜后,方可终止协议。

Either party, which terminates the Agreement, should give a 6 month written notice to the other Party. Both Parties shall make proper arrangements or placements for the participating students as well as settle all relevant financial matters before the Agreement may be terminated.

第十二条 其他条款

Article 12 Other Items

12.1 本协议中英文两种文本具有同等法律效力。


The agreement is written in both the Chinese and the English languages. Both

versions have equal legal effects.

12.2 通知:本协议履行中所有通知和联系均以书面形式为准,并按照本协议2.1



Notice: During the valid period of the agreement, all the notices and contacts shall be

in writing forms. Written notices shall be sent via the addresses and fax numbers in

accordance with the provisions of clause 2.1 or via other noticed addresses and fax


12.3 本协议为中英文版本,一式肆份,甲乙双方及主管部门各持一份。 The English-Chinese Agreement shall be provided in quadruplicate, with each party

and their relevant authorities holding one copy respectively.

甲方(盖章):_____________学院 Party B(Seal): 英国贝德福特大学

校长(签字):_____________ President (Signature):____________ _________年______月______日 Date: _______________

签订地点:_____________ Venue of Sign: ______________

























