



第一章 公司名称和住所

第一条 公司名称:XXXX车宝贝汽车美容有限责任公司

第二条 公司住所:XXXXXX镇广场区S229路后坎

第二章 公司经营范围

第三条 公司经营范围:汽车美容服务及汽车零配件销售;民族工艺品制作、销售。

第四条 公司可以修改公司章程,改变经营范围,但是应当办理变更登记。公司的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规规定须经批准的项目,应当依法经过批准。

第三章 公司注册资本与实验资本

第五条 公司注册资本:人民币3万元。

股东以货币出资的,应当将货币足额存入有限责任公司在银行开设的账户;以非货币财产出资的,该出资需未设定任何担保、质押或抵押,已依法办理其财产权的转移手续,并经评估作价。 股东缴纳出资后,必须经依法设立的验资机构验资并出具证明。


第六条 公司实收资本:人民币3万元。


第七条 公司增加注册资本,股东应当自足额缴纳出资之日起30日内申请变更登记,公司以法定公积金转赠为注册资本的,公司所留存的该项公积金不得少于转增前公司注册资本的25%。




第四章 股东的名称、住所

第八条 股东的名称、住所如下:




第五章 公司类型

第九条 公司类型:有限责任公司

第十条 公司变更类型的,应当按照拟变更公司类型的设立条件,在规定的限期内向公司登记机关申请变更登记,并提交有关文件。


第六章 股东的出资方式、出资额和出资时间

第十一条 股东的出资方式、出资额和出资时间



第七章 公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则 第十二条 公司不设股东会。股东依照《公司法》行使下列职权:












第十三条 公司不设董事会。


第十四条 公司设经理。经理行使下例职权:







第八章 公司的法定代表人

第十五条 经理为公司的法定代表人,任期三年,任期届满,可连选连任;现任法定代表人XXXXX。

第九章 公司的股权转让

第十六条 公司股东可以依法转让其全部或者部分股权; 第十七条 公司股东转让股权的,应当自转让股权之日起30日内申请变更登记。

第十章 财务、会计、利润分配及劳动用工制度

第十八条 公司应当依照法律、行政法规和国务院财政部门的规定建立本公司的财务、会计制度。公司应当在每一会计年度终了时编制财务会计报告,并经会计师事务所审计。

第十九条 公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金。公司法定公积金累计额为公司注册资本的百分之五十以上的,可以不再提取。

公司的法定公积金不足以弥补以前年度亏损的,在依照前款规定提取法定公积金之前,应当先用当年利润弥补亏损。 4

第二十条 公司必须保护职工的合法权益,依法与职工签订劳动合同,参加社会保险,加强劳动保护,实现安全生产。

第十一章 公司的经营期限

第二十一条 公司的营业期限为10年,从《企业法人营业执照》签发之日起计算。

第二十二条 公司延长营业期限,股东必须于营业期限届满前作出股东决定,修改公司章程并办理相应的变更登记手续。

第十二章 公司的解散与清算

第二十三条 公司因下列原因解散:






第二十四条 公司解散,依法应当清算的,清算组应当自成立之日起10日内将清算组成员、清自组负责人名单向公司登记机关备案。

第二十五条 清算组应当自成立之日起10日内通知债权人,并于60日内在报纸上公告。

第二十六条 有下列情形之一的,公司清算组应当自公司清算结束之日起30日内向原公司登记机关申请注销登记:








第二十七条 清算期间,公司存续,但不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。公司财产在未依照《公司法》规定清偿前,不得分配给股东。经公司登记机关注销登记,公司终止。

第十三章 特别规定

第二十八条 股东不能证明公司财产独立于股东自己的财产的,应当对公司债务承担连带责任。

第二十九条 公司可以向其他企业投资,但除法律另有规定外,不得成为对所投资企业的债务承担连带责任的出资人。

第三十条 本章程未规定的其他事项,适用《公司法》的有关规定。公司章程条款如与国家法律、法规相抵触的,以国家法律、法规为准。








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作者:成都名律师 发表日期:2009-2-1 21:29:00


The Article Of Association of Guangdong XXX company of limited libiability (drafted by lawyer LuYu)

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 The article is formulated according to the provisions of china-foreign cooperative enterprises law of people's republic of china(hereinafter refered to as cooperative enterprises law), Company Law of the People's Republic of China(hereinafter refered to as company law) and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.

Article 2 Where the Article Of Association conflicts with the provisions stipulated by the state laws and regulations, such provisions shall apply.

Article 3 The Type of Business is limitied liability company jointly invested by investors from mainland of China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan province. Chapter 2 the title and the domicile of the company

Article 4 The title of the company is Guangdong XX company of limited libiability(hereinafter refered to as the company) .

Article 5 The domicle of the company shall be

Chapter 3 Business scope

Article 6 The business scope of the company is limited in ……….

Chapter 4 The total investment and the registered capital

Article 7 The total investment of the company is ……HK dollars and the registered capital is …HK dollars.

Chapter 5 the name (or title) of the company and the registered place Article8 The two collaborators of the company are:

(1) The……company (hereinafter referred to as party A) registered in china with a legal representative named ……, and which is domiciled in ………with a business license numbered ………

(2) The……company (hereinafter referred to as party B ) registered in Hongkong with a authorized signatory named ……, and which is domiciled in ………with a business license numbered ………

Chapter 6 The Type Of Investment Or Conditions for Cooperation and the corresponding time limit

Article 9 The type of investment or Conditions for Cooperation and the corresponding time limit shall be:

(1) The party A shall be responsible for going through the formalities of transportation permit for the vehicles and corresponding responsibilities.

(2) The party B makes its captical contributions by contributing RMB XXX yuan in currency and by contributing non-currency property as material objects which takes up XX percent and XX percent of the total registerd capital respectively. The said captical contributions shall be Fully paid once in six months after the establishment of the company.

Article10 The conversion between the foreign currency conducted as the registered captal and RMB or between different kinds of foreign currency shall be accounted according to the middle price of the exchange rate, made known to the public by the central bank, of the day on which the investment is made.

Article 11 The Chinese and foreign partners shall perform the obligations of making a full contribution and providing cooperation conditions as scheduled according to the provisions of the laws and regulations and the agreements of the contract. Where either of the parties fails to perform the contributive obligations the Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce shall set a restricted duration for them to perform and the examination and approval authorities shall handle and punish it where it fails to ferform during the restricted period in accordance with relevant regulations of the state.

Chapter seven Equity Transfer

Article 12 The permit and the approval shall be obtained from the other party and the examination and approval authorities before where the transfer will occur between the parties and between one party of the cooperators and a third party and such transfer shall go through a formality of change registration.

Chapter 9 Organizational Structure

Article 13 The cooperative company shall has a board of directors which is the organ of power making decisions on the major issues in accordance of the article of association of the company.

Article 14 The board of directors shall be composed of three persons, two of them shall be appointed or replaced by party A and the other one by party B. Each service term for a director may not exceed 3 years and the director may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term.

Article 15 The meeting of the board of directors shall be convened at least once a year and the meeting shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the

board, where the chairman can not perform the duties for special cause the chairman shall appoint a vice chairman or one of the other members of the board to convene and preside over the meeting. The meeting may be convened upon proposal made by directors presenting more than one-third of directors of the board.

The meeting of the board of directors can be held only when more than

two-thirds of the directors attend. And an authorized man shall be entrusted in writing form by the absent director to attend and vote as the representative of him. Any decision made by the meeting requires affirmative votes by more than half of all the directors. Where a director who neither attends nor entrusts a delegate to attend the meeting shall be deemed as having attended the meeting and waived his right of voting in resolving.

A notice shall be made to all the directors ten days before the meeting is convened.

The meeting of the board of directors may make decisions by means of communication.

Article 16 Any of the following resolutions may be adopted only when a affirmative votes is made by all of the directors presenting the meeting.

(1) to adopt resolutions on amending the articles of association of the company;

(2) to adopt resolutions on the increase or reduction of the registered capital of the company;

(3) to adopt resolutions on dissolving the company;

(4) to adopt resolutions on setting a mortgage on the assets of the company;

(5) to adopt resolutions on matters such as merger, division and transformation of the company;

(6) to adopt resolutions on other matters agreed by the parties.

Article 17 The board of the directors has one chairman delegated by party A and has two vice chairman delegated by party B. Each service term for them may not exceed 3 years and the director may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term.

The chairman of the board shall be the legal representative of the company. Article 18 The company has a general manager who is in charge of the daily affairs of the company operation and management and shall report to the board of directors. The general manager shall be appointed and dismissed by the board. Appointed by the board of directors the directors may hold a concurrent post as the general manager or other senior officer.

The board of the directors may adopt a resolution on dismissing the general

manager and other senior officers if they are unfit for the job, conduct malpractices or

neglect their duties. And they shall bear legal liabilities according to the law where any loss is caused thus.

Article 19 The company has no board of supervisors but has two supervisors, delegated by party B, whose service term may not exceed 3 years but they may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the

expiration of his term. Here the directors, senior officers or the finance manager may not hold a concurrent post as a supervisor.

Article 20 The supervisors shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) to check the company fiance;

(2) to supervise the conducts of implementation of the company office of the directors and the senior officers, and to put forward the proposal of removal where a director or a senior officer breaches the law, administrative regulations or the articles of association.

(3) to ask the directors or senior officers to rectify their conducts where the conducts of the directors or senior officers cause damage to the company.

(4) to bring an action against the directors or senior officers according to the provisions of the article 152 of the company law;

The supervisors may sit in the meeting of the board of directors and may bring up a interpellation or a proposal to the resolutions adopted by the booard of the directors.

Article 21 The qualifications for the position of directors, supervisors and senior officers shall meet the requirements stipulated(provided) by the company law. Chapter 8 The Share Of The Incomes, Products, Risks And Losses

Article 22 The style of the cooperative enterprise shall be a company if it meets the qualifications of a Chinese legal person. The parties of the cooperation shall be liable for the company’s debts to the extent of their respective investment or the cooperative conditions except as otherwise agreed by the contract.

Article 23 The share of the parties of the incomes, products, risks and losses shall be ………………………………….

And the party B shall pay the party A, on the basis of the number of the vehicles obtaining the entrance permission, a fixed profit per vehicle monthly.

Chapter 9 The duration, dissolving and liquidation

Article 24 The duration of the cooperation shall be XXX years which shall be counting from the date when the business license issued.

Article 23 If both of the parties agree to extend the duration of cooperation, an application shall be submitted to the examination and approval authority 180 days in advance before the expiration of the contract after the a resolution to the matter has

been adopted by the board of directors.

Article 25 The cooperative company may be dissolved for any one of the following reasons:

(1) the term of cooperation expires;

(2) the cooperative company suffers serious losses in operation or incurs a big loss for force majeure and thus makes it difficult to continue the operation;

(3) it is difficult for the cooperative company to continue the operation for one or more parties fail to perform the obligations provided by the contract or the articles of association;

(4) any other causes for dissolution prescribed by the cooperative contract or the articles of association has occurred;

(5) or the cooperative company has been ordered to terminate for the reason of breach of the laws or administrative regulations.

Article 26 A liquidation procedures shall be carried out when the term of the cooperative company expires or when it is dissolved in advance. The assets of the cooperative company shall be distributed by the cooperative parties according to the agreements of the contract.

An application for company de-registration shall be submitted to the

administrative agency for industry and commerce where the cooperative company expires or dissolves in advance.

Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions

Article 27 The matters such as………………………, herein not referred to, shall under the govern of the laws and administrative regulations of the people’s republic of China.

Party A (signature and seal):


Party B (signature and seal):














法人独资章程范本 (1)











