The United States Military Academy at West Point Orders


The United States Military Academy at West Point Orders














































第二篇:United States Naval Academy American Association for Applied Corpus Linguistics

Truncated First Draft1 Please Do Not Quote Without Permission!!

?2001-2002 William H. Fletcher

All Rights Reserved

Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder William H. Fletcher

United States Naval Academy

American Association for Applied Corpus Linguistics

Third North American Symposium on

Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching, Boston, MA,

23-25 March 2001

Size and Composition of the Web

The World Wide Web is a wondrous place, with an overwhelming variety of information in countless languages and domains. Just how many webpages there are and how they are distributed by language and content are not easy questions to answer. The Web is constantly growing and changing, and even the best estimates can only approximate its extent and composition. Studies of the nature of the Web echo the story of the blind men and the elephant: each extrapolates from different samples of an ever-evolving entity taken at different times and by divergent means. The most reliable estimates suggest that the number of publicly-indexable webpages in mid-2001 falls in the range of three to five billion (i.e.

thousand million = 109), a number projected to grow to 10-15 billion by mid-decade; others believe these figures too conservative and place the actual numbers at two to three times as many.

These two billion-plus pages are only the visible tip of the iceberg. For a page to be indexable, there must be a valid HTML link to it from another publicly accessible site, which excludes the many pages with restricted access. Far larger is the vast “invisible web” of content in databases, which can only be evoked by entering relevant queries in a text box, and text materials stored in formats which are not typically indexed, such as word processor, Post Script and Adobe Acrobat files.2

Despite the overall size of this corpus, one language, English, continues to predominate. Studies conducted in 2000 by Inktomi and Cyveillance conclude that over 85% of publicly-accessible webpages are in English, but here again even the best-informed estimates vary widely. In the summer of 2001 the Agence de la Francophonie released L5: the Fifth Study of Language and the Internet, based on these studies and the one by Global Reach cited below, complemented by research into the numbers of

webpages in various languages returned by search engines. This report investigates the relative presence of the Romance languages, German, and English among online documents. It shows strong growth among the non-English languages in the proportion of webpages found relative to English, concluding that the number of webpages in each is roughly proportional to the number of Web users with that 1 This rough draft was originally submitted for publication in a volume of selected papers from the conference, a project which has since been abandoned. It will be updated and revised in December 2002, then submitted for publication elsewhere. has recently started indexing other online document formats such as Adobe Acrobat, PostScript, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, and continues to add more word processor and spreadsheet file types;

unfortunately, incomplete stripping of formatting codes and imperfect reconstruction of text in columns can interfere with word matching and automatic text analysis.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


language as native tongue. Data from these and other studies of linguistic diversity on the Web are summarized in this note.3

Historically English-language users and content have overshadowed other languages on the Internet, but the trend away from the preponderance of English seems clear. Statistics compiled by Global Reach illustrate the long-term development. In 1996, four-fifths of the 50 million Internet users were native speakers of English. By September 2001 Anglophones constituted only 43% of the world’s online

population of 503 million. Global Reach expects their share to fall below 30% of the 850 million Web users projected for 2005.4 The anticipated phenomenal growth in this non-Anglophone Web population should spur tremendous expansion of online resources in tongues other than English, particularly the smaller non-Western ones, to the benefit of those who teach, learn, and investigate these languages.

The Web as a Corpus for Language Learning

The abundant and varied texts of the World Wide Web tantalize linguists and language instructors alike: the Web’s ever-expanding, self-renewing machine-readable body of Web pages in scores of languages are easy to retrieve, but they are also challenging to sift through and exploit efficiently. Yet there are compelling reasons to supplement existing corpora with online materials. Once compiled, a corpus represents a snapshot of language usage and issues at the time the content was produced. The great expense of setting up a large corpus precludes frequent replacement or updating, and content can age surprisingly quickly. In contrast, countless new documents appear on the Web daily, so examples of current language usage and contemporary issues abound. In addition, even a large corpus might include few examples if any of a relatively infrequent expression or construction that would not be difficult to

locate online. Furthermore, certain domains or text genres may be underrepresented or missing entirely in an existing corpus. Using the Web as a source one easily can compile an ad-hoc corpus to meet the specific needs of groups of learners or translators. Finally, while off-the-shelf corpora and corpus tools may entail significant fees and often require expensive hardware, the Web is virtually free, and desktop computers to perform the necessary processing are now within the reach of researchers and students alike. 3Percentage of webpages by language. Based on’s current figures, Alex Franz (2001) reports the following distribution of webpages, round to the nearester full percent: English 58%, Japanese 9%, German 7%, Chinese 6%, French 4%, Russian 3%, Spanish 3%, Italian 2%, Korean 2%, Portuguese 2%, other 4%. The Cyveillance study based on a sampling of 350 million webpages estimates that as of 10 July 2000, 84.7% of

webpages were U.S.-based and the rest “international”; presumably many of the remainer would be in English as well (Moore and Murray 2000). In a telephone interview on 8 November 2000 Julie Keslick of Inktomi indicated that language count was not a primary goal of the January 2000 Web Map study. According to the Inktomi tally, the top ten languages were: English 86.55%, German 5.83%, French 2.36%, Italian 1.55%, Spanish 1.23%, Portuguese 0.85%, Dutch 0.54%, Finnish 0.50%, Swedish 0.36%, Japanese 0.34%. Since the figures add up to about 100%, these languages apparently were the only ones identified. Grefenstette and Nioche (2000) offer a methodologically interesting study to estimate the number of words (not webpages) in a number of Latin-alphabet European languages, but it makes no attempt to estimate numbers for other languages.

4 Number of Internet users by language. Global Reach frequently updates its estimates of the global online population and fully discloses the methodology used to derive them. Its data from September 2001 show the

following percentages of users for the top ten languages: English 43%, Chinese 9.3%, Japanese 9.2%, Spanish 6.7%, German 6.7%, Korean 4.4%, Italian 3.8%, French 3.3%, Portuguese 2.5%, Dutch 2.2%, Other 8.9%. Another interesting source of this data is the Nua Internet “How Many Online” page listed in the bibliography. Current

estimates of number of webservers and users per country (not identical to the number per language) can be found at /daily/TopCountry.html.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


While the Web does not constitute a corpus in the classical sense, as a foreign language instructor I use my concordancing Web search agent KWiCFinder (described in detail below) several times a week to access it as if it were one, for developing instructional materials and as well as for my own edification and research, at both the micro- and macro-levels. Let me illustrate how with a number of concrete examples.

To teach grammar or vocabulary, the Web is my primary source of eloquent examples. When I examine examples from the Web, they often force me to refine my understanding of how the language works. For example, textbook chapters on German conjunctions always teach the contrast between aber ‘but,

however’ and sondern ‘but, rather’; I have tired of the small range of examples of sondern I can contrive for my students. When I turned to the Web for variety, a sample of 50 passages with sondern included none of the pattern “not A but B”. In most cases but or even rather were not acceptable translations for sondern; instead, a reformulation with instead (as in this sentence) was most appropriate. (Once again one wonders why textbooks concentrate on the least frequent use and ignore the others?)

The Web also allows me to verify current and possible usages and to obtain a rough indication of their relative prevalence and distribution. For example, I was astonished to encounter the phrase los sesentas ‘the sixties’ in a Latin-American text; I teach and normally would expect los (a?os) sesenta, without the plural marker on the numeral; the former has the overtones of an Anglicism. A series of KWiCFinder searches revealed that this usage is common and locally predominant in Latin America, yet virtually unattested in Spain.

The Web also permits my students and me to confirm and acquire vocabulary not yet found in

dictionaries – nor in off-the-shelf corpora. Once I came across the word privacidad ‘privacy’ in Spanish-language software instructions. My unabridged dictionary from the early nineties was ignorant of this neologism, so I again suspected a blatant Anglicism, but a KWiCFinder search proved that it is indeed used throughout the Spanish-speaking world, even by authoritative sites like IBM and Microsoft. In another case, when I was invited to give a keynote speech on technology in Dutch at a conference in

Belgium, I initially felt insecure: while I have near-native fluency in the language, I have not kept up with the vocabulary of technology. By reading excerpts from webpages that dealt with related topics I could fill in the lexical gaps with minimal effort.

Working with an ad-hoc corpus can help students develop discovery skills and reinforce linguistic

content. For instance, one intermediate German textbook I have used taught the passive voice – formed most frequently with the auxiliary wurde + past participle – right after the subjunctive, which is formed with würde plus infinitive for most verbs. Anglo learners tend to disregard both diacritics and details of form, so some students became confused. To help contrast the two constructions I built a pair of keyword-in-context (KWiC) concordances on wurde and würde plus personal endings from the Web and had the students analyze these constructions in context.5 This enabled them to understand and contrast the building blocks of these two constructions better and to observe dozens of examples of each in action.

Concordancing techniques are also beneficial at the text level. When searching for online documents which will be linguistically accessible to my students, I display the query terms in large chunks of context, up to a couple of hundred words. These long excerpts enable me to evaluate the language and content of the texts quite efficiently. I have learned to skim through excerpts from scores of documents and identify the most appropriate ones quickly. This text-level approach is useful for discerning both 5KWiCFinder supports exporting search reports to an HTML file. Various interactive tools programmed in JavaScript are incorporated into this file, permitting browser-based stand-alone analysis; for details refer to

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


content and form, i.e. documents on a given topic or from a desired domain as well as those exemplifying a given construction or register. With judicious choice of search terms one can locate texts rich in e.g. past tense forms or subjunctives to serve as readings to reinforce acquisition of structures and forms. Students can also follow this technique to locate relevant online resources for Web-based reports and research projects. Those who do tend to consult a greater variety of sources; those who choose not to often rely on the first few links found on Yahoo or Google.

Approaches to Exploiting the Web as a Corpus A well-known model for finding and using information distinguishes three basic approaches: hunting, or searching directly for specific information, grazing, or using ready-made data sets which are composed and updated by an information provider, and browsing, or finding useful information by

serendipity.(Hawkins 1996) Each of these approaches can serve as a model for corpus building or utilization; a melding of these techniques is most typical-- and most successful.


Due to the Web’s size and lack of organization a search engine provides the most effective entry point for hunting information. There are dozens of general Search engines with world-wide reach, and thousands of others which concentrate on specific geographic regions, knowledge domains, or languages. Since the dawn of Web civilization, Anne Salzman and Doug Mills have sent their ESL students at the University of Illinois on “Grammar Safaris”. With their online assignment sheets as guide and armed only with a web browser, they use a Search engine to track down webpages with examples of the structures they are studying. Then they use the browser’s Find function to locate the examples within the documents and they copy and paste them into a word processor document to bring them to class. According to Salzman and Mills (2001), this approach from the Info-Stone-Age yields plenty of meat for classroom discussion. The hunting model is also being followed to exploit the Web as a corpus for linguistic research. Hans Bickel (2000) reports that investigators at the universities of Basel, Duisburg, and Innsbruck are trolling the Web for examples of regional usage in the various German-speaking countries to complement the material they have gleaned from other sources.6 Other powerful solutions built on Web searching techniques include using the Web to disambiguate natural language confusion sets (Banko and Brill 2001), as a resource for example-based machine translation (Grefenstette 1999), and, building on

Grefenstette's proposed techniques, to resolve prepositional phrase attachment ambiguities for parsing (Volk 2000, 2001).


A hunting party sometimes returns empty-handed, and how much time and effort it will take to bag useful citations is rarely predictable. In contrast to the safari model, Jeremy Whistle (1999) turns his students loose in a ready-to-graze pasture where he controls the kind and quality of the fodder that awaits them. He has selected texts from the “Label France” series published online by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since these texts are intended for foreigners learning about French civilization and culture, both the language and content is suitable for his students. As government-sponsored instruments of cultural diffusion, the documents entailed no difficulties in obtaining the rights to incorporate them into an offline corpus for desktop use. (The question of developing offline corpora from online documents is addressed 6See the project description “W?rterbuch Nationale Varianten des Deutschen” online at

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


extensively below.) With a search agent like KWiCFinder this approach could easily be implemented in the online-mode: searches could be restricted to a known site or range of sites with appropriate content and language. This extends the very focused and productive grazing model to webpages for which one cannot (or lacks the time to) obtain permission for offline use.


Browsing is central to the Web – indeed, the unplanned discovery of information and insights lies at the heart of learning and research, and both hunting and grazing demand fortuitous finds to succeed. When consciously searching the “World Wide Haystack”, most experienced “hunters” use search-engine hits merely as a point of departure for further browsing; they then typically follow several additional layers of links before reaching their goal. (K?rber 2000) My hard drive preserves scores of documents I have chanced upon while looking for something else online and have saved for possible use in teaching or

research. More frequently I rely on the “applied serendipity” approach described above: sending a search agent to retrieve and excerpt large numbers of documents, then scanning the results to winnow out the chaff and keep the grain. Silvia Bernardini (2001) has written of a systematic approach to increasing the number of serendipitous finds by having students work with a number of different corpora and analytical tools. Jennifer Pearson (2000) stresses that one must guide students to recognize true serendipity, i.e. to determine consciously whether an online document meets the essential criteria of reliability and appropriateness for one’s purposes, in this case to serve as a model for translation7

Search Engines Present and Future

Unless one has already chanced upon suitable pastures for grazing, Search engines remain an essential tool for building any extensive corpus of online documents. The challenges are to ensure that a search yields maximally relevant results and to separate out irrelevant and uninteresting documents efficiently.

The dynamic, increasingly market-driven nature of the Web entails significant challenges and frustrations for efficient online concordancing. The large general-purpose search sites are commercial ventures, set up and maintained at enormous expense. They exist to generate advertising and sales revenues for their owners in exchange for providing a useful service. Merely by coincidence they also can serve serious research purposes, but their owners have no incentive to address the specific needs of academics. In order to maintain or attain profitability, many search sites are evolving into marketing sites: through policies of paid inclusion or paid positioning they can steer searchers away from more relevant results toward their advertisers.

Search engines target the average searcher, whose requirements are quite different from those of a scholar or student. Casual users typically have a well-defined information need such as locating a specific site, finding a valid answer to a question, or finding a well-stocked site meeting their search criteria. In contrast, scholars and teachers must examine and evaluate a range of resources to find the most reliable sources and the most useful texts. Search engines excel at returning large numbers of hits (documents matching one’s query), but not at optimizing their relevance to the searcher’s intent. Frequent changes in document content and “link rot”—the tendency of webpages to move without a forwarding address, or 7In a very revealing study Hildreth (2001) investigated the factors underlying “false positives” in information

seeking, i.e. user satisfaction with poor search results. He concludes: There appears to be little interaction between these two variables [actual search performance, i.e. quality and relevance of results, and user satisfaction]. Searchers may express satisfaction with search results even when the results are far from optimal.”

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


disappear from the Web altogether—can diminish the usefulness of search results even further.8 Studies of typical user’s search behavior and preferences have strongly influenced the evolution of online searching and suggest what kinds of search engines will thrive in the years to come.9 In general, users show a marked preference for directories with pre-selected links organized by topic or for sites with a natural-language interface such as AskJeeves over full-text search engines like AltaVista or Google. At sites like the latter, 80%-90% of all queries consist of a single word or phrase. While AltaVista supports complex queries with Boolean operators (logical operators like AND, OR, NEAR, NOT) and bracketing, up to 25% of such queries submitted are ill-formed and thus return no results. Users tend to follow up only the first few hits in the search results, calling them up one for one in the same window, then returning to get the next link.

Extrapolating from such studies and from current trends in user figures, it appears that “geek seek” full-text search sites like AltaVista will decline to the benefit of less powerful search engines which offer cleaner, more accommodating user interfaces and higher ranking for the results with the greatest likely relevance. Unfortunately for language professionals, it is precisely the complex queries rooted in the arcane world of Unix and grep that facilitate targeted online linguistic research. AltaVista’s successful challenger Google10 has prospered because its link popularity ranking usually yields relevant results—and because its coverage of the Web is vast and up to date. While it is a full-text search engine, its support for Booleans is limited to AND, OR and NOT; it lacks NEAR, wildcards and bracketing, and its distinction between lower and upper case and between plain characters and those with diacritics is inconsistent. Worse yet, Google’s link popularity ranking works against diversity in the search results. Perhaps the most unsettling trend for linguistic investigation is the development of information retrieval search models and natural language user interfaces. While a boon for novice searchers (and NLP researchers), these approaches will favor the largest languages from the wealthiest countries, excluding those for which linguistic data are already most difficult to obtain.

Genesis and Development of KWiCFinder

After the launch of AltaVista in 1995 I became an intensive search-engine user. Soon I learned how to maximize online search efficiency despite a slow connection: I would get a page of hits, open each in a new window, go back to the search engine for more hits, then evaluate the pages that had loaded in the meantime. Occasionally I would go off leaving a couple of dozen documents to load in my absence for subsequent perusal. Only a small percentage of students and colleagues to whom I tried to teach my multitasking method adopted this approach; the rest continued to express frustration with the large amount of time spent sifting through hits to find relevant webpages. It occurred to me that I could

automate the process of search and retrieval by writing a program to submit the query to AltaVista, then retrieve the pages and save them to disk automatically. This first step, dubbed WebFetch, satisfied my own immediate needs, but had little appeal for my students, since they still had to open and peruse numerous downloaded files. To expedite evaluation of those webpages, I started excerpting the webpages 8The Web Archive “Wayback Machine” launched for public access in October 2001 preserves 10 billion webpages that have changed or vanished.

9Relevant user studies include K?rber 2000; Jansen, Spink and Saracevic 2000; Silverstein, Henzinger, Marais and Moricz 1999.

10The author's webpage details the primary differences between Google and AltaVista.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


and producing reports with KWiC display, resulting in KWiCFind, which several volunteers from my students evaluated in the spring of 1997. When our institution finally left Windows 3.1 behind, I reprogrammed it from the ground up for 32-bit Windows, providing the specific enhancements for foreign language users and linguists detailed below. At the 1999 CALICO Conference the reborn KWiCFinder was shown for the first time outside my classroom (Fletcher 1999). The current version of KWiCFinder can be downloaded free of charge at

AltaVista offers a combination of features that make it the most powerful search engine to support. Unlike many others, it indexes all words, including the frequent “stopwords” ignored by others which may be the focus of linguistic investigation. To a certain extent it allows queries which distinguish upper-case letters from lower-case ones and “special” characters with diacritics from their “plain” counterparts. It even has some language-specific knowledge, for example about the equivalence of ? and ae, ? and ss in German. It provides true world-wide coverage and was the first to offer search by language. Essential for targeted searches, it supports Boolean operators, bracketing, and wildcards, and imposes no limits on the length or complexity of a query. Finally, AltaVista performs literal text matching, without attempting to “second guess” the user’s intent. After having been sold and reorganized several times, AltaVista's market share has diminished significantly, especially in the USA. It lags far behind some rivals in size and freshness of its content, and stands out with the highest percentage of dead links among the major search engines.11 Nonetheless its support for complex queries still makes it a very useful tool.

Daily experience with KWiCFinder and frustration with search engines led me to refine wildcard

matching strategies to reduce false matches. “Wildcards” permit a search term to match likely variants of a given word without the user’s entering each alternate form. For example, the AltaVista wildcard symbol * matches any sequence of zero to five characters, so the search term nation* would match singular / plural forms like nation, nations, as well as derived words like national, nationalism, nationality,

nationalize/ise etc., and labo*r matches both American labor and British labour. Furthermore, AltaVista automatically matches a plain character in a search term with any corresponding accented character, and lower-case letters also match their upper-case counterparts (e.g. a in a search term would match any of aá??à???A???????). These “implicit wildcards” ensure that many paradigmatic and graphic variants of a given word match a single search term, despite the differences introduced by factors like sentence-initial capitalization; required, omitted or misused diacritics; or alternate spellings due to keyboard limitations.

While wildcards increase the efficiency of entering search terms, they can also lead to many irrelevant matches which must be sifted out individually. To address this problem I implemented single-character wildcards and the “sic” option in KWiCFinder. Borrowing from standard concordance practice, I added the wildcard characters ? and % to the inventory to match either one (no more, no less) or zero to one character respectively. KWiCFinder’s “sic” option forces a plain or lower-case character in a search term to match only that exact character. Similarly, to AltaVista’s native NEAR Boolean operator, which requires only that one search term be within ten words on either side of another term, I added BEFORE and AFTER operators, and permitted users to specify a shorter distance between the terms. All these enhancements reduce the likelihood of unwanted matches.

These refinements—single-character wildcard and “sic” matching as well as specifying relative order and degree of proximity of two terms—do come at a significant price. When a query is submitted, it can only be as specific as the search engine’s conventions allow. A more general search may match many 11 tracks numerous search engine developments and statistics.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


documents which must be discarded after retrieval and analysis because they do not actually meet the user’s more specific criteria. In one intentionally extreme test I invoked “sic” to seek examples of the German verb form (ihr) fahrt ‘you (plural) go’, far less frequent than either the special-character third-person singular f?hrt or the capitalized noun Fahrt. KWiCFinder had to retrieve over 200 documents matching the search term fahrt according to AltaVista’s criteria to find a single citation of the desired form!12 However, since the program automates the entire process, even in such an extreme case it does use human time very efficiently.

The most efficient searches result from queries which avoid wildcards and specify every alternate search term completely. Nevertheless, entering all desired variants of a given form can be daunting and highly repetitive, especially in languages with richer morphology than English. To transfer this tedious task to the machine, I introduced “tamecards”, a shorthand for generating alternate forms. For example,

KWiCFinder expands the tamecard notation s[iau]ng[,s,ing] to all forms of the verb sing: sing, sings, singing, sang, sung (as well as the nonsense forms sangs, sungs, sanging, sunging, which fortunately yield no false matches). Each of these forms is then submitted to the search engine so that only perfect matches are retrieved. Since derivational and inflectional patterns typically apply to many words, such tamecard formulas can be saved, then pasted in as needed. A further refinement is the “indexed tamecard”, in which every nth field in curly braces corresponds to the corresponding field in other sets of curly braces within the same search term, so that {me,te,se} lav{o,as,a} expands to me lavo, te lavas, se lava. Such shorthand for fully-specified alternate forms would be a boon to searching on sites which do not support wildcards such as Google.

Another pair of KWiCFinder tamecard conventions addresses orthographic inconsistency in compounds which can be written as one word or two, either joined by a hyphen or separated by a space. A hyphen or apostrophe in a search term is expanded to alternate forms with or without a space.13 Consequently, on-line matches any of the interchangeable spellings on-line, on line, or online, and German ich hab’s

matches both ich hab’s and ich habs. This shorthand is particularly useful for contemporary German (as is AltaVista’s lower-case / upper-case equivalence), which now is in a ten-year period of transition to a new spelling. The reforms permanently separate many words formerly written as one, while fusing some former phrases into single words; they also allow individual discretion in breaking up German’s

notoriously long compounds with hyphens, leading to even greater orthographical variation. While the media and most schools are implementing the new spelling, many online sources will continue to reflect traditional orthography for years. With KWiCFinder, the search term kennen-lernen matches both old-style kennenlernen and reformist kennen lernen. This tamecard convention provides a simple means of matching both variants with a single entry.

In addition to these enhancements to query formulation KWiCFinder introduces a further means of narrowing a search, “inclusion” and “exclusion” criteria. These may be words whose appearance on a webpage helps target a specific domain or, alternatively, disqualifies that page from further consideration; these terms are submitted to the search engine as part of the query, but do not appear in KWiCFinder’s search report. Other selection criteria include date, Internet domain (a rough guide to country of origin), as well as host, i.e. a specific Web server, and URL. As exclusion criteria these latter parameters help one filter out unwanted material.


13Searching for ihr fahrt OR fahrt ihr would be the efficient way to do this. Like other search engines, AltaVista treats punctuation marks as spaces.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


Once launched, KWiCFinder works without further attention, retrieving five to ten documents a minute, excerpting them, and finally producing a search report which displays the key search terms in the amount of context specified by the user, along with information on and links to the source documents. Multiple independent searches can be carried out simultaneously, which is especially beneficial for long

unattended searches. To expedite later review, one can choose to save the original documents on the hard drive in HTML and / or text format. These original texts are then instantly available offline for perusal, editing and reproduction, or for further analysis by a full-featured concordancing program, and they remain accessible even if the online version is changed or removed.

KWiCFinder’s user report options have always offered various ways to set off the keywords from the surrounding text, and allowed a choice between a single report document per search and individual reports per document, practical for rapidly evaluating documents in a more extensive search. Recent stabilization of the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) encoding and XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) rendering standards have permitted KWiCFinder to offer an additional highly versatile report format since mid-2000.

XML provides a standard method for tagging structured data in a text file format that can be easily understood by both humans and computers. While HTML offers the page designer (in this case the

KWiCFinder programmer) reasonable control over page appearance, its formatting markup tags furnish no clues to the structure of the information on the page; once an HTML page has been completed, its form is basically set. In contrast, XML has no built-in display formatting, but provides a standard

approach to defining and encoding the structure of the information, essentially as a user-defined database. Consider this simplified snippet of a citation from an XML-encoded search report. Programmer-defined tags identify components as “<precontext>”, “<matchingtext>”, or “<postcontext>”. <cite citeID="8.1.1">


Da das LRZ anfangs mit ?hnlichen Ger?tschaften zu tun hatte

der erste Rechner hie? PERM, natürlich nicht nach dem Erdzeitalter, </precontext>





als Abkürzung für "programmgesteuerte elektronische Rechenanlage München"- k?nnte man hier den ersten Zusammenhang sehen.



All of the data from a KWiCFinder search are stored in this way in an XML file. To generate a useful report, KWiCFinder applies an XSLT “stylesheet” to this database to select which information to display, insert appropriate text labels in the desired language, and format the result as an HTML document for display in its browser window.

The advantages and power of XML encoding becomes clear from the samples of an actual search report accessible via this link. Display form is perfectly separated from search report content, and it can be

modified as needed. To change the display format or the language of the text labels, KWiCFinder merely applies a different stylesheet to the same XML file; there is no need to reanalyze the original documents. With appropriate knowledge of XSLT and browser scripting techniques, an end user could create new report formats or apply other stylesheets to annotate, merge, prune, or restructure XML search reports.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


There are numerous instructive examples of these manipulations online (at sites like , and /xml/) and in books, such as Britt and Duynstee (2000); Kay (2000) provides a comprehensive reference to XSLT. While learning to work with these technologies is not a trivial enterprise, the growing commercial enthusiasm for XML promises that this expertise will continue to become more readily available. The ability to perform sophisticated database and report display manipulations in a current-generation browser points the way to a future cross-platform approach to learner concordancing.


Some searchers have been intimidated by the effort required to download, install, and learn to use KWiCFinder, yet they still can benefit from automation of search and retrieval. To lower the entry

threshold for such users I created WebKWiC,14 a light-weight, fully browser-based JavaScript application. It capitalizes on Google’s “Document from Cache” feature, which serves up a copy of a webpage matching a user’s query from Google’s archives, highlighting instances of the search terms with color codes. WebKWiC retrieves several of these cached pages at a time and adds buttons so the user can navigate easily among citations and windows, greatly enhancing the efficiency of previewing large numbers of documents. WebKWiC also adds a means of entering “special characters” to the user interface and gives certain essential search options greater prominence than does Google’s original page. Google is an ideal partner for an entry-level search agent like WebKWiC. Its straightforward approach to advanced search with “implicit Booleans” is easy to learn, so users either come equipped with or acquire readily transferrable skills. Since Google indexes major non-Western European / non-Roman orthography languages, this approach allows me to meet the needs of a population which KWiCFinder does not support yet.15

Webidence as Evidence

We all know (and may ourselves have voiced) the complaints about online information: there is too much ephemeral content of dubious reliability; journalistic, commercial and personal texts of unknown

authorship and authority abound; assertions are intermingled with and represented as established fact, and details of sources and research methodology are documented haphazardly at best. For linguistic research even more caution is essential for numerous reasons. The Internet domains in a URL (e.g. .ca, .uk, .de, .jp, .com, .edu) are only a rough guide to provenance. In addition, many webpages consist primarily of fragments–titles and captions, supplemented by the occasional imperative (“click here for more

information”, “buy now”). As the lingua franca of the digital frontier, English is both the target and 14

15 Recently a couple of alternatives to KWiCFinder and WebKWiC have appeared. Two online pages produce KWiC concordances from search results: WebCORP (.uk), which uses various search engines and provides a number of analytical tools, and WebCONC (, which works with Google only. Both offer a distinct advantage: processing takes place on the server, so no software needs to be downloaded, and users with slow connections can concordance large numbers of documents in a relatively short time; neither has the search-engine extensions, language enhancements or reporting flexibility of KWiCFinder. A third possibility, TextSTAT, (http://www.niederlandistik.fu-, will retrieve and create a simple concordance of a URL entered by the user. Finally, the search agent Copernic (, available in a free “basic” version) performs searches on multiple sites simultaneously and shows one instance from each document of a search term in a very brief context.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


source of contamination: non-Anglophones often translate their webpages into Info-Age pidgin English, at the same time fusing creolized Web English into texts in their native tongue. Similarly, while searching for linguistic examples I often have stumbled upon compositions by learners with imperfect mastery of the language (many language courses post student work for peer review) as well as numerous baffling documents that turned out to be machine translated.16 In many online discussion groups, sloppy spelling and careless language appear to be the norm. With its frenetic pace of development, the Web typically values content creation above content perfection and tolerates ill-formed language–after all, those who are upset by it can find relief a click away.

In light of these pitfalls our profession needs to develop “Standards of Webidence” to guide the selection and documentation of online language for linguistic research. We also must understand and beware of the limitations of search engines. In particular, the number of pages matching a query reported by a search engine gives a rough numerical indication at best; comparison of these numbers does not constitute

statistical proof.17 Search engines report the number of pages matching a query, not the actual number of citations on those pages. A single page may contain several alternate usages (as in the los sesentas example above), thus appearing in more than one count. On the other hand, numerous pages may

propagate verbatim a formulation originating in a single document, thus multiplying its frequency, as in copied quotations, song lyrics, aphorisms, anecdotes, and jokes; online forums in which an original

posting and all subsequent comments are repeated in each successive posting; and mirror sites for FADs (frequently-accessed documents). Furthermore, a single site may be responsible for most or all the hits of a query for a spurious or unusual usage.

AltaVista itself warns not to trust its figures: when its servers experience heavy traffic, generating result pages receives priority over producing hit counts, so numbers for the same query easily vary by an order of magnitude over the course of one search session.18 Finally, the fact that a given form or construction can be found on the Web does not amount to proof of its existence in a language: many hapless hapax legomena born of input error or syllable stranding by hyphenation wait on the Web for an unsuspecting searcher to united them with their orphaned siblings.

KWiCFinder facilitates responsible online linguistic scholarship in several ways. It allows one to review large numbers of documents and citations efficiently, with each keyword shown in sufficient context to evaluate its relevance and validity. It can tally the number of instances of each keyword in a document for calculation of its relative frequency. The user can choose to save the documents to a local file to permit further analysis or independent verification of results. It incorporates tools to annotate, classify and delete individual citations or entire documents from a search report. Finally, complementary corpus 16One machine translation was so artless that even the HTML tags were rendered in Spanish, with <CABEZA> and <CUERPO> replacing <HEAD> and <BODY>!

17 It is unclear how many linguists are aware of these limitations. I have seen postings in scholarly fora such as Linguist List citing hit counts from AltaVista as evidence prevalence of a given form over another with no

indication that the poster either has followed up to verify a substantial number of the hits or is even aware of the limitations of this method.

18 The page “AltaVista Advanced Search Tutorial--About the Page Count” cited in the bibliography explains this limitation of AltaVista’s hit counts. Brekke (2000) and Meyers et al. (2001) note this problem as well. I have even received negative hits counts like “We found -40,000,000 results.” To ensure the most accurate counts, follow

AltaVista’s advice by accessing it at off-peak times, e.g. on weekend mornings. Note that specifying “one page per site” does not affect total counts, so it provides no indication of how widespread a given form or construction is.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


analysis tools now under development enable one to eliminate unrepresentative, redundant or repetitive documents from further consideration.

Representativeness of the Web as a Linguistic Corpus

In the five years I have been developing and using KWiCFinder it has shown me excerpts from an

estimated quarter million online documents, and I have viewed many of these as complete webpages. My cumulative impression of these documents informs both my concerns about the use of webidence and my conviction that the Web can yield linguistic data which are both useful and reliable.

To proceed from qualitative impressions to quantitative conclusions I compiled a series of pilot corpora with KWiCFinder of Web documents in English for analysis offline. This allowed me to gauge how suitable and representative these texts could be for research or learning and to evaluate techniques to identify webpages with a high proportion of connected text. My goal was to sample language from the Web, not investigate the language of the Web.

A major objective of this pilot study was to develop procedures and tools to automate or expedite identification of the most useful texts. Some steps toward this can be taken when formulating the query, by choosing selection criteria which either exclude a range of texts or favor inclusion of more relevant results. For example, by excluding documents with “copyright” or “all rights reserved” one can screen out commercial and journalistic texts while allowing most academic material to be downloaded. Another simple indicator of likely usefulness is document size: a query to the server can reveal how large a

webpage is before the search agent “decides” to download it. With guidelines for rejecting a page a priori because it is relatively unlikely to contain useful text, the agent could save both bandwidth and processing time.

Web documents typically contain “noise”: headers and footers that identify the document, declare who owns it and reserves rights to it, links to other documents, media and sites (especially advertisers), and other formulaic boilerplate material. Unfortunately HTML provides no consistent way to distinguish such boilerplate elements from the unique textual content of each page.19 Without insight into the structure of a webpage, a search agent has no criteria for excluding any portions of it, and thus must include everything. Obviously, the shorter the webpage, the lower the “signal to noise” ratio, and the less likely it is to contain more than a few sentences of connected text; practical guidelines for a cutoff point are needed. At the other end of the spectrum, the very largest webpages tend to consist of lists and fragments: server logs and statistics, indexes, glossaries, discussion group message headers and

“linketeria” pages. Such webpages can be enormous–up to several megabytes–while pages of that length with coherent text are quite rare.20 Since downloading long documents consumes significant bandwidth, an upper size limit would be useful as well.

For my pilot study I chose as search terms very high frequency words likely to occur in any extended text 19Many websites do use custom templates with comments or element tags which allow one to find page elements like headers, footers, advertisements and contents automatically. While useful for analyzing numerous documents from a single site, parsing heuristics are rarely transferrable from one site to another.

20 There are notable exceptions to this general principle. Once I found all the works of a German author combined into a huge HTML file 4.5 MB in size. Other files can be exceedingly large for the number of words they contain, especially PDF files that incorporate graphics and HTML files exported from Microsoft Word, which can easily be five to ten times the size of a generic HTML file with the same content.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


in order to obtain the widest range of documents. For the first 100 texts the query submitted to AltaVista was “the OR of OR a”, i.e. match any document in English containing any of these three words. This round of search results yielded almost pure commercial language of the Web. After tallying up the

collocations, I found that “all rights reserved” was the most frequent trigram (43 times), and “copyright #”21 fell among the top ten bigrams, indicating a high proportion of commercial texts. In a second

sampling I ran a series of queries for a maximum of 1000 documents each for ten high-frequency words.22 Among the 5859 documents these searches yielded were 2277 or 39% duplicates. Since AltaVista had instituted preferential treatment for paying customers early in 2001 and had hardly updated the rest of its database all year, I determined which hosts (webservers) were “overrepresented” in the results and which had yielded the “noisiest” documents. Finally I conducted a third round of searches with twenty high-frequency words, explicitly excluding the overbearing and noisy hosts. To reduce the commercial bias of the sample, these searches were limited to documents last visited by AltaVista before 1 January 2001,

since any clients who paid for their services would have been updated since then. This third round yielded 11,201 documents, 7294 of which were unique.23

After downloading every document matching my queries and eliminating duplicates, I examined those with the most frequent longer n-grams, in this case where n was equal to 20, 12 and 8, to reduce the number of “anomalous” documents further. Since any text with several instances of such an n-gram is repetitive, it deserves close scrutiny. I developed a program to locate files with frequent long n-grams and display their contents for individual examination; this allowed me to determine the source of the redundancy and to judge whether to eliminate them. In a number of cases the repetition came from document-internal navigation links and other boilerplate material; in some transcripts of legal and legislative proceedings repetition of formulaic elements was common. Generally such repetition was deemed minimal in the context of a longer text, so the documents were retained. On the other hand, discussion group threads which repeated the original posting and all subsequent reactions in each

succeeding response were usually marked for elimination. While one could devise a program to weed out the repeated passages in such “fugues on a theme”, the careless language samples rarely appear worth the effort of salvaging.24

After automatically sifting out duplicate and repetitive documents, 7038 remained and the drudgery began: I viewed each of these survivors briefly and eliminated those in which coherent text was not “predominant.” The principle of “predominance” was at best vaguely defined–a major purpose of this exercise was to arrive at guidelines–and since I reviewed about 12 documents per minute I claim no rigorous consistency. I allowed each document a “reasonable amount” of overhead for its size–headers, footers, links, bibliography, lists, non-English text–but not exceeding 20% of content for short

documents, dwindling to about 5% maximum for longer ones. 21

22As a “noise filter” all numbers were mapped onto #, so copyright years are all tallied together. Currently AltaVista limits each search to a maximum of 1000 hits. Since many pages may have changed or become unavailable since AltaVista’s last visit and multiple links in a search report may refer to to the same document, the actual yield of unique webpages was less than 60%.

23Texts were normalized and tokenized by removing all formatting, case distinctions and non-alphabetical characters. The program then compared the file contents and moved duplicates to a separate directory.

24Ironically, search-term ranking algorithms favor such mindless repetition, since it makes a search term very

prominent within a document. Furthermore, in a very short document every word is salient. These two factors raise the “noise level” of search hits considerably.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


Since I typically conduct narrowly-defined searches with criteria conceived to limit results to a single domain, I was struck by the variety of content I found. Among the shorter documents–those of a few hundred to a couple of thousand words–commercial and personal text prevailed. At the other end of the scale–up to 60,000 words–legal texts and government proceedings were well represented. The middle range was filled with academic texts–papers, theses, syllabi and course materials, some computer

hardware and programming documentation, other expository prose, drama (including Shakespeare) and fiction, and personal interest pages, as well as a surprising number of religious documents and

commentaries in the Christian, Islamic and Hindu traditions. As expected, it was this middle range that yielded the most useful texts.

The cursory examination of the documents described above led to elimination of roughly 30% of the pages, leaving 4949 documents totaling 5,248,929 words and 34,995,762 bytes. As anticipated, the shortest and longest documents bore the brunt of this pruning. Half of all documents were under 3330 bytes long, and of these about 40% were rejected. Only 10 documents were longer than 100 kb, and more than half of these were deemed primarily nontextual; in fact, no documents over 200 kb were retained. In the range of 5-100 kb, over three-quarters of the documents consisted primarily of text. The optimum size seems to fall around 50 kb, where only 17.8% of documents were rejected. Nevertheless, owing to the far greater number of smaller files, the median size of texts retained was only 3770 bytes!

So what size HTML files are most worth downloading? Unfortunately the file size gives only a rough indication of how much text it contains. Some HTML editors grossly inflate the files (Microsoft Word is the greatest offender here), and included stylesheets and scripts add bulk but no textual content. Stripping out such formatting elements typically reduces files to 40-65% of the HTML size; here again shorter files have greater overhead. This signal-to-noise ratio and the observations in the previous paragraph suggest the following rule of thumb: to maximize the “yield” of coherent text, download HTML files only between 10 and 150 kb in size.

Had we programmed KWiCFinder to follow this rule of thumb in this pilot study, we would have

downloaded only one-third of the final number of files, but that would have yielded a corpus two-thirds of the size of the current one with enormous savings in bandwidth and analysis time. The capability to exclude files below a given size is now on my KWiCFinder “to do” list; currently one can only opt to avoid excessively large files.

Copyright Considerations

Having compiled a corpus of webpages, instructors or investigators may wish to share it with students or colleagues. The daunting effort required to obtain permission from all webpage creators to incorporate their material into instructional or research works–and the typical low response rate for such requests–raises the question whether every Web-based ad-hoc corpus is automatically destined for disposal, not distribution. Clearly including entire webpages without permission in a corpus distributed on CD-ROM would be prohibited. Nevertheless, I would argue that providing a KWiC concordance via the Web of brief excerpts from webpages cached in their entirety on a “corpus server” falls within currently accepted practice. While I lack legal expertise, I do note that for years search engines like AltaVista and Google have included brief KWiC excerpts from documents in their search reports with impunity. In fact, both Google and Web Archive serve up entire webpages and even images on demand from their cache.25 Both 25Indeed, to reduce bandwidth requirements, many large national Internet service providers save copies of webpages and serve them up from their cache rather than fetching the original document whenever requested.

William H. Fletcher Concordancing the Web with KWiCFinder


these sites have policy statements suggesting that there is implied consent from the webpage creator to cache and pass on content if the site fails to have a “robots.txt” file prohibiting it and the document lacks a metatag specifying limitations on caching. Web Archive’s FAQ explicitly claims that its archive does not violate copyright law, and it provides a mechanism for copyright holders to request removal of their material from the site.26 Eventually common practice will demand clarification of this legal gray area through legislation or litigation.27 Then my optimism that a Web-accessible corpus derived from online documents retrieved by a search agent in ad-hoc searches can be set up legally may well be vindicated. Meanwhile, our discipline should dare to set precedents and test the limits while scrupulously respecting any restrictions a webpage author communicates via industry-standard conventions (meta-tags, robots.txt).


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Bernardini, Silvia. (2000). Systematising Serendipity: Proposals for Concordancing Large Corpora with Language Learners. In Burnard and McEnery, 224-34.

26 This excerpt from the Internet Archive's FAQ asserts that serving cached copies of webpages is legal: Are you violating copyright laws?

No. Like your local library’s collections, our collections consist of publicly available

documents. Furthermore, our Web collection (the Wayback Machine) includes only

pages that were available at no cost and without passwords or special privileges. And if

they wish, the authors of Internet documents can remove their documents from the Wayback Machine at /internet/remove.html.


See also “The Internet Archive Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Copyright Policy”


27Alternatively, one could reason that a KWiC concordance falls under the fair-use provision of United States copyright law. Crews (2000) and Hilton (2001) both argue for more liberal interpretations of this law than one usually encounters in the copyright policies. of academic institutions.

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The cop and the anthem鉴赏


The Cop and the Anthem读后感


The Cop and the Anthem警察与赞美诗读后感


The Cop and the Anthem读后感


An Analysis of the Cop and the Anthem


The Cop and the Anthem


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The Semiotic Square in the Cop and the Anthem Word 文档


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欧.亨利(O.HERRY) --The Cop and the Anthem


6人左右的英文剧本 The cop and the anthem


警察与赞美诗The Cop and the Anthem (2)


the cop and the anthem读后感(18篇)