























两手自然弯曲,放腰间两侧,前后摆动。 直道(主干道旁),班主任组织学生调整好步伐,喊口号,每圈至少一遍。 1、班主任加强与体育老师配合,班主任提前将口号、领操员及队列名册交给体育老师,2、本周晚自习前(6:00—6:25),组织学生进行晨练强化训练,班主任及相应体育老3、本周七八年级内宿班体育课的重点是训练晨练:原地踏步、踏步走、跑步。注重提八、喊口号位置 九、要求 无课情况可以跟班上体育课,向体育老师请教学习及培训,提升自己的带跑业务。 师到场。训练合格的班级可提前结束。 升领操员业务能力的训练,步伐、队形、口号的训练。




你要让一个人听你的话,最好的办法就是让他开心。人开心的时候,他是完全没有抵抗力的。管理就是让他开心,然后他就全面向你投降。让一个人开心,也是很了不起的事情。中国人连打仗都是谈笑用兵,谈笑之间就把敌人歼灭掉了。他开心的时候,就把心交给你,然后你再把它关起来,它就跑不掉,跟你同心了。如果你好好去利用,就可以得到很多利益。 想想吧,怎么才能让他们开心!

1、多表扬,少批语,多用鼓励性语言,少用严厉性语言,要让学生喜欢聆听班主任讲2、小结,点评晨练及班级管理中表现好的方面和不足之外,必要时刻集体鼓掌。 话。



Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 目 录Catalogue Business greetings商务问候 At the airport在机场 In the hotel在宾馆 In the restaurant在餐馆 Product introduction产品介绍 Visiting factory参观工厂 Size尺码 Quality质量 Quantity数量 color颜色 Making a call打电话 Inquiry and offer询盘 Bargaining讨价还价 Place an order下订单 Packing包装 Delivery送货 Shipment装运 Payment付款 Sight-seeing观光 Say goodbye道别

Lesson 1 Business greetings商务问候

Part one. Words & phrases 单词

1. how [hau] 怎样 2. may [mei] 可能

3. have [h?v] 有 4. name [neim] 名字

5. nice [nais] 好的 6. meet [mi:t] 碰见

Part two. Conversation对话

A: Hello 你好

B: Hello , how are you.你好,你还好吗?

A: Fine,thank you ,and you?

B: I am fine too. 我也很好

A: May I have your name ? 请问你叫什么名字

B: Frank, and you ? 弗兰克,你呢? 我很好,谢谢!你呢?

A: I am Susan. 我叫苏珊

B: Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你

A: Nice to meet you too.我也很高兴见到你

Part three. Daily idioms习语

Seeing is believing 眼见为实

Lesson 2 At the airport

Part one. Words & phrases 单词

1. airport ['e?p?:t] 机场 2. Canada ['k?n?d?] 加拿大

[nais] 好的

[iks'kju:z] [ mi:] 请见谅 3. have [h?v] 有 4. nice 5. meet 在机场 [mi:t] 碰见 6. excuse me

Part two. Conversation对话

A: Excuse me,are you Mr.Smith from UK? 请原谅,请问您是来自英国的史密斯先生吗? B: Yes, I am.是的

A: I am Frank from ABC company.我是来自ABC公司的弗兰克

B: Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你

A: Me too .Let's go! 我也是,我们走吧!

B: Ok 好

Part three. Daily idioms习语

Everything comes to him who waits.机会是留给有准备的人

Lesson 3 In the hotel 在宾馆

Part one. Words & phrases 单词

1. evening ['i:vni?] 晚上 2. help [help]帮助

3. would like [wud] [ laik] 想要 4. single room ['si?gl] [ru:m] 单人房

5. ID card [ka:d] 身份证 6. room card [ru:m] [ka:d] 房间卡 Part two. Conversation对话

A: Good evening. Can I help you? 晚上好,有什么可以为您服务的? B: Yes, I'd like a single room 我想要一个单人间

A: Please show me your ID card. 请出示您的身份证

B: Here you are.给你

A: Here is your room card.Your room number is 606这是您的房间卡,您的房间号是606

B: Thank you 谢谢

A: You are welcome不用客气

Part three. Daily idioms习语

One is never too old to learn 活到老,学到老

Lesson 4 In the restaurant

Part one. Words & phrases 单词

1) restaurant [rest?'r?:nt]参观

2) menu ['menju:] 菜单

3) recommend [rek?'mend] 建议

4) something ['s?mθi?] 某人/某事

5) special ['spe??l]特别的

6) delicious [di'li??s]美味的

7) wait a moment [weit] [?] ['m?um?nt] 等一会

Part two. Conversation

A: Excuse me. 对不起,打扰下.

B: Yes,sir. Can I help you? 好的,我能为您做些什么吗?

A: Yes, please show me the menu.

B: Here you are.给您

A: Can you recommend something special?

A: I'd like one 我想要一份

B: Please wait a moment请稍等 你能推荐一些特色吗? B: Sure.We have "Peking Duck" 当然,我们有“北京烤鸭” 是的,请让我看看菜单 在餐馆

Part three. Daily idioms习语

Be down-to-earth 低调做人

Lesson 5 Product introduction产品介绍

Part one. Words & phrases 单词

1. product

3. anything ['pr?d?kt] 产品 2. introduction [.intr?'d?k??n] 介绍 ['eniθi?] 任何事/物 4. new [nju:]新的

['s?mpl]样品 5. latest ['leitist] 最近的 6. sample

7. sell well [sel] [wel] 畅销 8.middle-east ['midl] [i:st]中东 Part two. Conversation

A: Hello, do you have anyting new? 你好,您有什么新产品吗? B: Sure.We have many new samples. 当然,我们有很多新样品 A: Show me!让我看看

B: This is our latest sample. 这是我们最新的样品

A: Does it sell well?这个畅销吗?

B: Yes,it sells well in the middle-east Countries 是的,在中东国家非常畅销 Part three. Daily idioms习语

Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧

Lesson 6 Visiting Factory参观工厂

Part one. Words & phrases单词

1.visit ['vizit] v. 参观 2.factory['f?kt?ri] n.工厂

3.how [hau] far [fɑ:] 多远 4.minute ['minit] n.分钟

5.near [ni?] adv. 附近 6.worker ['w?:k?] n.工人

7.show [??u] around [?'raund]转转

8.showroom ['??urum] n.样品室

Part two. Conversation对话

A: Can we visit your factory?我们能参观你的工厂吗?

B: Of course.I’ll show you around.当然,我将带你去转转

A: Thank you. How far is it from here?谢谢,那里离这里有多远 B: It’s near here.Ten minutes.离这很近,十分钟就到

A: Good.Do you have any showroom?好的,你这里有样品间吗? B: Sure,we have 2 big showrooms.当然,我们有两个大样品间

A: How many workers are there?这里有多少工人?

B: About 100.大约100个

Part three. Daily idioms习语

Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗

Lesson 7 Sizes尺寸

Part one. Words & phrases单词

1.size [saiz] n. 尺寸 2.small[sm?:l]adj.(S)小的

3.medium['mi:di?m]adj.(M) 中号 4.large[lɑ:d?]adj.(L)大号

5. extra ['ekstr?] large (XL)加大的 6. free [fri:] size [saiz]通号

7.try [trai] on试穿

Part two. Conversation对话

A: What size do you want/need?您要哪种尺寸的?

B: Oh, how many sizes do you have?你们有多少种尺寸?

A: We have four sizes, small,medium,large and extra large.我们有四个型号,小号,中号,大号,加大号

B: Well, please give me a medium.好的,请给我一个中号的

A: May I try it on ?我可以试穿一下吗?

B: Sure. It looks nice on you.当然,它穿在你身上一定很漂亮

A: Ok, I’ll take it.好的,我要这件

Part three. Daily idioms习语

A miss is as good as a mile!失之毫厘,谬之千里。

Lesson 8 Quality质量

Part one. Words & phrases单词

1. guarantee n.&v. [g?r?n’ti:]保证 2. according to prep.根据

3. faith n. [feiθ] 信任 4.satisfactory adj.[s?tis’f?kt?ri]满意度

5. definitely adv. [‘definitli] 明显的 6. regular adj. [‘reɡjul?]定期的

7. initial adj. [i’ni??l]最初的

Part two. Conversation对话

Buyer: So how can you guarantee the quality of the goods is of no problem?


Seller: Our customers always have faith in the quality of our products. Our price is a little bit higher, but the quality is definitely better. Prices are fixed according to the qualities, as we all know.


Buyer: If the quality of your initial shipment is satisfactory, large repeats will follow.


Seller: Then we will wait for more regular orders from you in the near future.


Part three. Daily idioms习语

Well begun, half done.好的开始是成功的一半

Lesson 9 Quantity数量

Part one. Words & phrases单词

1. order n. & v. [‘?:d?]订单 2. carton n.[‘kɑ:t?n] 箱

3. supply v.[s?’plai] 提供 4.maximum n. [‘m?ksim?m] 最大

5. issue vt.['i:?ju:] 发行 发布 6. certificate n. [s?'tifikit] 证书

7. weight n.[weit] 重量

Part two. Conversation 对话

Seller: How many would you like to order?你要订购多少?

Buyer: 20,000,000 cartons. It’s not a small order. 20,000,000 箱,这不是一个小订单 Seller: I’m afraid we can’t supply so many this time. 1,000,000 cartons is the maximum quantity we can supply at present.

我恐怕我们不能提供这个多的货物这个时候,1,000,000箱是我们目前提供的最大的数量 Buyer: OK. You’ll issue a certificate of quantity and weight.


Part three. Daily idioms习语

Love me ,love my dog.爱屋及乌

Lesson 10 Color颜色

Part one. Words & phrases单词

1. color[?k?l?]颜色 2. want[w?nt]想要

3. popular[?p?pjul?]流行的 4. different[?dif?r?nt] 不同的

5. any other 其它的 6. name[neim]名字

7. white[wait]/black[bl?k]/blue[blu:]/green[gri:n]/red[red]/yellow['jel?u]/ purple['p?:pl]… 白色/黑色/蓝色/绿色/红色/黄色/紫色……

Part two. Conversation 对话

A: What color do you want?您要什么颜色的?

B: This blue one looks good.那个蓝色的看起来不错

A: Yes, blue is very popular this year.是的,蓝色的今年非常流行

B: Do you have any other colors? I want five different colors你有其它别的颜色吗?我要五种不同的颜色

A: You name it, we have it.你告诉我名字吧,我们我能有的

Part three. Daily idioms习语

Opportunity knocks only once.机会只会来临一次

Lesson 11 Making a telephone call打电话

Part one. Words & Phrases单词

1. call[k?:l]电话 2. telephone[?telif?un]电话

3. moment[?m??m?nt]时刻 4. out[aut]出去

5. hold on[h??ld]稍等 6. take a message[?mesid?]捎口信

Part two. Conversation 对话

A. Hello.你好

B. Hello, may I speak to John, please?你好,我能与john说话吗?

A. This is John speaking /Hold on, please/Just a moment, please.我就是john/请稍等/一会就到

B. Ok好的

A. She is out . Can I take a message?她出去了,我能捎口信吗?

B. No, thanks.不用了,谢谢

Part three. Daily idioms习语

Nothing is impossible.一切皆有可能

Lesson 12 Inquiry and offer询盘

Part one. Words & phrases单词

1. inquiry [in'kwai?ri]询问

3. require [ri'kwai?] 需要

5. reply [ri'plai]回复 2. offer ['?f?]报价

4. catalogue ['k?t?l?ɡ]目录 6. minimun ['minim?m]最小的 8. reasonable [’ri:z?n?bl] 合理的

7. maximun ['m?ksim?m]最大的 Part two. Conversation 对话

A: Excuse me,may I have an idea of your prices?打扰下,我可以询问下你的价格吗? B: Thank you for your inquiry.Please tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers.谢谢你的询盘,请告知你询盘所要的数量,我们方能算出后报价

A: 1000 pcs for women’s dresses.1000件女装

A: Sorry, our minimun order is 5000 pcs.对不起,我们最小起定量是5000件

B: It's too much, I won't buy it. Thanks. 那太多了,我不买了,谢谢

Part three. Daily idioms 习语

Bad news has legs 好事不出门,坏事行千里。

Part one. Words & phrases单词 1. bargain ['bɑ:ɡin]争论

Lesson 13 Bargaining讨价还价

2. cheap [t?i:p] 便宜

3. expensive [iks'pensiv]贵的 5. possible ['p?s?bl]可能的 7. deal [di:l]交易

4. discount ['diskaunt]折扣 6. range [reind?]范围 8. cost [k?st]花费

9. afraid [?’freid]恐怕

Part two. Conversation对话

A: How much is this bicycle?这辆自行车多少钱? B: 500 yuan 500元.

A: That's too expensive.Can you give me a discount? What about 300 Yuan? 太贵了,可以给我打个折吗? 300元怎么样?

B: I'm afraid that's not really possible. The lowest price is 300 Yuan. 我恐怕那可不行,最低级是300元

A: That's out of my range. I'll go somewhere else. 那超出了我的承受范围,我要到别处去看看

Part three. Daily idioms习语

No pains, no gains.一分耕耘,一份收获

Part one. Words and phrases单词

Lesson 14 Place an Order下订单

1.order ['?:d?] n.&v. 订单 2.minimum quantity ['minim?m] ['kw?ntiti] n.最小数量 3.purse/wallet [p?:s] ['w?lit] n.钱包 4.each [i:t?] adj.每个

5. reduction [ri'd?k??n] n.减少 6.trial order ['trai?l] ['?:d?] n.实验单 7.future ['fju:t??] adj.未来

Part two. Conversation对话

A: How many do you want to order?您要订购多少? B: What’s the minimum quantity?最小起定量是多少?

A: The minimum quantity of an order for this purse/wallet is 1200.这个钱包的最小起订量是1200个

B: That’s 20 yuan each.每个20元

A: Yes,but if your order is large, we’ll make a 5% reduction.但是如果你的单子大的话,我们将减少5%的折扣

B: Well, let me place a trial order of 1200, we will give you large orders in the future. 好的,我先订购1200的实验单,好的话以后会下大订单

Part three. Daily Idioms习语

Do it now!立即行动!

Lesson 15 Packing包装

Part one. Words and phrases单词

1.packing ['p?ki?] n. 包装 2.T-shirt ['ti:.??:t]n.T-恤衫 3.plastic bag ['pl?stik, plɑ:stik] [b?g] n.熟料带 4.dozen ['d?zn] n.几打 5.cardboard box ['kɑ:db?:d] [b?ks] n.硬纸盒 6.sound [saund] 听起来 7.better ['bet?] 更好 8.problem ['pr?bl?m]问题

Part two. Conversation对话

A: How do you pack the goods?你是怎么包装货物的?

B: We pack each T-shirt in a plastic bag ,and ten dozens to a cardboard box.


A: That sounds good, but I think if we put each T-shirt in a small plastic bag, and one dozen in a large plastic bag,it will be better.那听起来不错,但是我想如果我们一件体恤衫放一个小袋子,一打放入一个大熟料带,那样可能更好些 B: That’s no problem.没问题 A: Thank you so much.非常感谢

Part three. Daily Idioms习语

A good beginning makes a good ending.一个好的开始孕育一个好的结果

Lesson 16 Delivery送货

Part one. Words and phrases 单词 1. deliver [di'liv?]传送 3. late [leit] 迟的 5. try [trai] 尝试 7. day [dei]天

2. goods [ɡudz]货物

4. urgent ['?:d??nt] 紧急 6. address [?'dres]地址 8. week [wi:k] 星期 10. year [ji?]年

9. month [m?nθ]月 11. before [bi'f?:]之前

Part two. Conversation对话

A: When can you deliver the goods?你什么时候可以送货? B: How about in 10 days? 10天之内怎么样?

A: It’s too late. Can you deliver in 7 days? It’s urgent.太迟了能不能在七天内送到?有点紧急 B: I’m not sure if I can, but I’ll try.


A: Here’s my business card. And this is the address. 这个我得名片,这是我的地址 B: OK好的.

Part three. Daily Idioms 习语

Actions speak louder than words.行动胜过一切言语!

Lesson 17 Shipment装运

Part one. Words and phrases单词 1. shipment ['?ipm?nt]装运 3. deliver [di'liv?]传送

2. charge [t?ɑ:d?] 费用 4. advance [?d'vɑ:ns]提前

6. quickly ['kw?kl?]快的

5. earliest ['?:li?st]最早的

Part two. Conversation对话

A: When is the earliest shipment?最早的装运是什么时候? B: At the middle of October, I think. 我想大概在十月中旬

A: It's too late.You know, November is the season for this commodity. Can you advance it? 太迟了,你知道十一月是小商品的月份,能提前一点吗? B: Well ,we will try our best to advance that.


A: All right. Thank you very much.好的,非常感谢 B: You're welcome.


Part three. Daily Idioms

A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

Part one. Words & phrases单词

Lesson 18 Payment付款

1. telegraphic[,teli'gr?fik]电报 2. transfer [tr?ns'f?:] 转账 3. deposit n.& vt.[di'p?zit]定金 4. balance n.['b?l?ns] 余额 5. account n. [?'kaunt]账户 Part two. Conversation 对话

Seller: So let’s talk about the payment.我们谈论下付款吧 Buyer: Can we pay by T/T?我们可以通过电汇来付款吗?

Seller: Yes, you can. But you need to pay a 10% deposit in cash firstly.当然可以,但是你必须支付10%的现金定金

Buyer: OK. How much is that? 那要多少钱?

Seller: That’s 3000 RMB 3000人民币

Buyer: ok. No problem. What about the balance? 好的,没问题,那么余额呢?

Seller: This is my bank account number. You can transfer the balance to it.这是我的银行账户名,你可以把余额转账上去

Buyer: Sounds fine. I’ll put the balance into your account next week.听起来不错,我将于下周把余额打入你的账户

Part three. Daily idioms

A light heart lives long.豁达者长寿

Lesson 19 Sight-seeing观光

Part one. Words & phrases单词

1. welcome[?welk?m]欢迎 2. commodity[k??m?diti] 小商品

3. Internet [?int?net]因特网 4. be famous for [?feim?s]以。。而著名

5. heard about[h??d] [?'baut] 听说 5. show around [??u] [?'raund] 转转看看 Part two. Conversation

A. Welcome to Yiwu.欢迎来到义乌

B. I’ve heard a lot about Yiwu. Can you show us around the city? 久仰义乌大名,能否带我们在城市逛逛?

A. Yiwu is famous for all kinds of commodities.义乌是以各种小商品而出名的

B. Yes, I learned it from Internet.是的,我是从因特网上得知的

A. Let’s go to the International Trade city.我们去国际贸易城看看吧

Part three. Daily idioms习语

Business is business.公事公办

Lesson 20 Say goodbye说再见

Part one. Words & Phrases单词

1. hope [h?up] 希望 2. enjoy[in'd??i]享受

3. touch[t?t?] 触摸 4. pleasure['ple??]欢乐

5. stay[stei] 保持 6. keep in touch[ki:p]保持联系

Part two. Conversation对话

A. I hope you enjoyed your stay in Yiwu.希望您在义乌玩的愉快

B. Sure, I hope to see you again.当然,希望再次见到你

A. It’s my pleasure to do business with you.很高兴能与你做生意

B. Let’s keep in touch 让我们保持联系

Part three. Daily Idioms习语

A barking dog seldom bite.吠犬不咬人
























