

新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》教学设计与反思 ----------- 胡文娟








教材内容:本课教学内容是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的文章相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。



教学难点:①对课文内容中细节的理解。②对网上各种信息源的比较筛选,及学生易受无关因素的干扰而导致的学习效率问题。【难点突破】 设置情境,循序渐进,层层递进。设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题 , 激发学生的创造思维,层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。


【教学策略①本节课的教学以建构主义学习理论为指导,以学生为中心,以问题为出发点,使课堂教学过程成为学生自主地进行信息加工、知识意义构建、创新能力发展的过程。教师在教学过程中则适时介入,引导、启发、组织、帮助、促进。②设计创造性思维问题。所谓创造性思维问题即是指有利于学生创造性思维发展的问题。创造性思维问题的设计应遵循这样几个原则:题型具有开放性、解题富有挑战性。 】:




第二步:读前活动(一):自由展示。在上这一课之前,我给学生布置的预习任务是介绍你最想去的地方。Which country or place would you like to visit most? Why?学生们自由组成小组,上网查找相关资料,然后对所搜集的信息进行整理,最后形成自己的powerpoint展示文件。在课堂上,由本小组的发言代表上来进行展示和介绍。这一环节是这节课的重头戏。

第三步:读前活动(二):自由交谈。给学生提出这样一个问题:如果你有机会去加拿大,你最想看什么?If you have a chance to visit Canada, what would you expect to see there? 先要求他们在小组内讨论,然后再在全班同学面前发言。

第四步:读前活动(三):小组讨论。经过了前面的大量的有关加拿大的信息的冲击,你愿意用哪三个词语来描述加拿大?What three words would you use to describe Canada? Why? 请小组代表发言。

第五步:加拿大概况综述。这一步骤是对上几个步骤的总结,同时也是教师整合并优化了有关加拿大的各种信息所进行的展示。目的是进一步加深同学们对加拿大的了解,对他们所获取的知识进行 梳理,也为下一个步骤展开铺垫。

第六步:略读课文。(first reading)在这个步骤中,我给出了8个问题,让同学们带着这8个问题来阅读课文。读完后回答问题。

1.Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?

2.What is the continent they are crossing?

3.What is “The True North”?

4.Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?

5.What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

6.Where does wheat grow in Canada?

7.Why would ship be able to reach the centre of Canada?

8.Name two natural resources that Canada has.

第七步:精读课文。(second reading) 在这个步骤中,我给出了5个跟课文内容有关的句子,让同学们判断正误。如果该句是错的,请给出正确答案。

1.The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.

2.Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.

3.You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.

4.The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.

5.Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto. 第八步:复述课文(retelling) 给出课文中的关键词汇,让同学们用自己的话来复述课文。

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery

second largest

go eastward


5,500/from west to east

here in Vancouver

surrounded by


第九步:口头作文(oral practice) 设定一个情境,给出一些关键词汇,让同学们模仿课文来编一段对话或一篇短文。

Suppose two of your cyber pals in Canada come to visit Shenzhen and you are meeting them at the airport. While you are driving them home, you are telling them something about China and Shenzhen, just as what Danny Lin said in the text.

Work in groups. You are required to present either a short passage or a short dialogue.

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery

third largest

go northward


from south to north

here in Shenzhen

along the coast

theme parks


Write down the short passage or the short dialogue that you’ve just worked out.


本节课是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,我将本节课设计为竞赛、导入、个人探究、互动交流、协作探究和讨论及口头作文等九个步骤。我充分发挥自制网络课件的优势,使本节课的内容更加充实,容量更多。既贯通了所要学的知识,又拓展了课外知识,使得本节课学生在学习过程中兴趣更加浓厚 , 积极地自主探究,讨论问题热烈,课堂气氛活跃!现将课堂教学反思总结如下:


1、信息技术与英语学科内容的整合。网络是信息的海洋、包罗万象的课本 , 把信息技术作为英语教学的认知工具和知识载体,围绕英语学科知识进行整合实验,不仅可以扩大英语阅读的“面”和“量”,而且也培养了学生诸如“信息的获取、信息的重组和加工以及信息的交流”等多种信息素养。



本节课英语教学中以问题为线索,采用“任务驱动”方法,让学生自主探究和协作探究为主,培养学生的自主学习能力。故本人在这节课中通过安排学生的个人探索、协作学习、讨论等各种形式来激发学生学习兴趣,主动阅读,有创造性的完成任务。让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践,参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功:在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 采用师生交流方式导入自然亲切,拉近了师生之间的情感距离,营造出宽松的学习气氛,同时让学生了解有关加拿大的相关内容。根据教师提出的一系列问题,学生自主搜索与加拿大相关的信息资料,然后以个人探究和协作学习相结合,并以各种的形式展示交流成果。本人这节课安排探究和讨论过程中的观点汇总等形式鼓励学生借助小组活动的形式来合作,来表达,来思考。能使学生在活动中互相学习、互相帮助,互相鼓励,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神。





Unit 5 Music


Contents: (1) Enable students to appreciate and classify different kinds of music by doing the

exercise in Warming up

(2) Developing their abilities to express their feeling on music and enlarge their

knowledge on music

(3) Moral aim:


Step1 warming up

1、Introduce the topic of music through asking some question such as “Are you fond of

music ,Are you good at singing, Can you play a musical instrument”

Ask students to answer the 4 questions in groups actively while introducing different

kinds of music in the world.

Step2 pre—reading

(1) Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners and then ask them to

report their work.. Encourage them express their opinion freely

1、Have you heard about any of famous bands in the words, please list them if you

have (Beatles, Back—street boy, West—life )

2、Which one do you like best?

(2) Introduce something about “The Monkeys”

Step2 skimming

Let the students listen to the tape and find out the answers to the following two


1、 What are the benefits if students former a band to play in the street?

2、 When did “The Monkeys” break up and when did it reunite?

Step3 Second reading

In this part, students will read the text again and try to understand the sentences and

the main idea of each paragraph, and then finish the exercise 2 and 4 in Comp rending

Step4 Homework: Fin out some language points in Reading and recite the new words in unit 5 Step5:Feedback

Period 2

Contents: Deal with the language points in the text

Aim: Master the usage of the important points


Step1: Ask students to retell the story

Step2: Deal with the following language points.

(1) famous adj well or widely known

He is famous as a teacher

Be famous for

This town is famous for its beautiful buildings

(2) dream of sth/doing sth梦想

dream of a better future

dream of becoming famous

when she was young, she dream of being a doctor in the future.

(3) with +n + 现在分词或过去分词 构成复合结构在句中做状语

With winter coming it’s time for us to prepare for oust final exam.

With she was young, she dream of being a doctor in the future.

With +n/pron doing sth (伴随的动作)

Done (已经完成被动的动作)

To do (将来执行的动作)



Pre phrase

The professor came in with a lot students following.

With the problem solved, we all feel very happy.

With lily to help us, we can finish the work in an hour.

He likes to sleep with the door open.

With her son away from home, the girl went home happily.

With a bag on her back, the girl went home happily.

(4) clap(clapped, clapping) vt 拍,轻拍,振翼,拍翅膀 vi 拍手

They clapped their hands.

The audience clapped after his speech.

(5)pretend “假装,假扮”.后面常跟不顶式作定语

He pretend not to know the faces.

He pretend to be reading an important when the boss entered.

He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home.

(6) be honest with 对….说老实话,对…诚实

I shall be quite honest with you.我会跟你说实话的.

(7) extra adj 剩余的,特别的

adv 剩余地,特别地

He is strong enough to carry the cargo , I don’t think he need some extra help. I bought this picture at an extra high price.

(8) play jokes on sb : speak highly of or amusingly about sb/sth 拿某人开玩笑,与某人


He is a serious , don’t play jokes on him

Don’t play jokes on the disables.

(9) be based on: use something as grounds 根据….以….为基础.

The story is based on real life.

The news repose is based on entirely on fact.

(10) at first,起初,开头,含有后来不好的意思

At first, she was afraid of water, but she soon later to swim.

(11) attractive adj 有吸引力的,有魅力的.

Attract vt 吸引力,引起

Attraction n 吸引力

The girl is very attractive

Like attracts like 物以类聚

(12)even +比较级

It’s even colder than yesterday

Even/much/a lot/far+比较级

The garden is much more beautiful than one

(13) break up: make something separated using force 解散,分裂,解体,驱散 The crowd started to break up when the night fell

Their marriage broke up a few years later.

(14) by chance=by accident 偶然地,意外地 反义词on purpose

I met her quite by chance

(15) sort out: separate from a mass or a large group 分类,拣出

The farmer sorted the best apples for eating


1、 Use the language points in this period to make sentence

2、 Exercise1,2,3 in using language


Period 3

Contents: (1)Learning about language

(2)Grammar: Discovering useful structure

Aims: (1)Let Ss can use correct words and expressions to finish the exercise

(2)Master the grammar on P36-37


Step1、Dictate the new words and phases which we learnt in the last period

Step2、Check the answer of the Ex 1,2,3and explain some language points

Step3、The Attributive clause with preposition ahead of the relative clause

Ask students to find the Attributive clause out of text

Finish the exercise on P36

Summary up the usage of the Attributive clause with preposition ahead of relative

clause with help of teacher

Step4、Homework: preview the Using language on P37


Period 4

Contents: Listening and Reading on P37

Aims: Train the students to listen to the story about Freed

Train the students’ abilities to express the advantages and disadvantages of being


Moral Aims: Tell students everything has both advantage and disadvantage ,just like every

coins has two sides

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions

1、 Let’s listen to the story about Freed and see what Freed found when he swam

slowly towards the sound

2、 Listen to for the detail information and decide which of the statements are true

or false on P37

Step2: Fast reading

Read the text, then answer the following questions

1、 Did Freedy and his hand get a great success in Britain?

2、 What disadvantages of Freed become famous?

3、 Did Freedy and his band leave Britain at last? Why

Step3: The language points in the reading

1、 be confident +从句 对---有信心

be confident of (about, in)对---有信心

He is quite confident that he’ll pass the driving text

Don’t be too confident in your own opinion

Tom is confident of his ability to overcome the difficulty

2、 afterwards v: Later, after that 以后,后来,然后

We saw the film and afterwards home together.我们看完电影后一起走回家

3、performance n 表演

performer n 表演者

perform v 表演,履行,执行,表现

perform one’s promise履行

perform one’s duties 尽责任

perform an operation 施行手术

perform an experiment 做实验

You should always perform what your promise 你永远履行你的诺言




He has successfully performed a brain

operation on the patients他已成功为病



Step4: If time permitted deal with the exercise on P38

Step5: Homework

Translate the five sentences on P71

Step6: Feedback:

Period 5

Contents: Speaking and writing on P38

Aims: (1)Get students to be familiar with the steps to write an e—mail

(2)Enable the students to write an e—mail to ask for advices

Step1: Retell the story of the Freedy with the help of the following chart

Step2: 1、Ask the students to list of the things they have to consider when forming a band

2、group work: form the band and out the most difficult thing for them to decide while

discussing the questions , students have to give out the information why it’s hard for

them to decide and why they need help

Step3: Read the freed reply and explain some language points

1、stick to sth 信守,遵守,坚守 stick to rules =obey the rules

We said we’d give her the cash , and we must stick to our agreement

2、above all 首先,首要的是

Step4: Read some saying about music

Step5: Homework

Write a letter to the Freedy to ask for help

Step6: Feedback

Period 6

Contents: Listening on P69 and Reading task on P72


Step1: Listening

Step2: Reading task

1、 Introduce the background: cat’s in the cradle was Harry Chapin’s most popular

song ,becoming the biggest hit of 1974 and one of the best ---loved songs of the 1970s,It is about the relationship between a father and son and the missed opportunities or them to be together.

2、 Get the main idea of each part

Step3: Feedback

Period 7

A quiz on vocabulary and deal with the exercise in the newspaper



(1)教学是建立在科学的基础之上的艺术(be based on)

(2)这两个孩子计划捉弄一下他们的父母亲(play tricks on)

(3)警察驱散人群以防斗殴(break up)

(4)如果你坚持真理,你就会无所畏惧(stick to)

(5)我年轻时经常梦想成名(dream of)


Key to translations

(1) Teaching is an art based on a science

(2) The two children planned to play tricks on their parents

(3) The police broke up the crowd to stop the fighting

(4) If you stick to the truth, you will have nothing to fear

(5) I often dream of being famous when I was young

(6) With the baby lying on the bed, I can’t go to bed

Unit 5 Useful expression

1、hear about 听说 42、cross out划出

2、want to do 想要做….. 43、hate doing讨厌干某事

3、dream of 梦想 44、give advice给建议

4、in front of 在…..前面 45、would like to愿意干…

5、be honest with对…说实话,对….诚实 46、share…with…和…分享

6、most of大多数 47、add…to…增加…到…

7、get to do 48、ask sb for advice向…要建议

8、pass-by过路人 49、agree with同意..意见

9、earn some extra money赚额外的钱 50、comp up with提出想出,赶上

10、give sb a chance 给某人一次机会 51、stick to坚持

11、play jokes on sb戏弄某人 52、above all首先,最重要的是

12、look for寻找 53、decide to do决定干…

13、make good music熟练地演奏音乐 54、pay for付款

14、put an advertisement登广告 55、leave a note留言

15、be able to do sth 能够干某事 56、help sb do sth帮助某人干…

16、at first起初,首先 57、according to根据

17、pretend to do sth 假装干某事 58、pay attention to注意

18、or so大约,…..左右用于数词之后 59、as a result of由于…结果

19、start to do/doing sth开始做某事 60、as a long as只要

20、break up打碎,分裂,解体 61、a piece of一段音乐

21、join….together把…连接在一起 62、be ready to 准备

22、get together聚在一起 63、in church在教堂

23、come true变成现实 64、in the cradle在摇篮里

24、by chance偶然地,无意地

25、in different directions朝…不同方向

26、get out of从小汽车里下来

27、expect sth to happen期望某事发生

28、send message传递信息

29、mix up迷惑,弄错,搅和,搅拌

30、sort out分类,拣出,整理,解决

31、change from…to…从…变成…

32、as well as和…一样好

33、not long after在…之后不久

not long before在…之前不久

34、on a tour观光,巡回演出

35、be confident of/about对…有信心

36、enjoy doing sth喜欢干某事

37、go wrong出了毛病

38、try to do试图干…

39、as if好象,似乎

40、at last最后

41、go back to 返回

65、the other day前天 66、learn to do学会 67、have a good time玩的开心 68、walk away走开 69、be proud of以..为自豪 70、move away走开 71、call up(给)..打电话 72、have the flu流感 73、hang up放下听筒挂断电话 74、occur to sb (想法)被想起 75、grow up长大











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