





所谓的灾难片,一定会给人带来思考。特别是在影片重演一贯的拯救时,我们看到这样一些场景,是科学家的不断努力, 对科学的笃信,是不断尝试科技创造奇迹,甚至诺亚方舟的出现,都是科学的出位。但是也有众人在耶路撒冷的祈祷,手禀蜡烛的壮大景象,这是对信仰的甚至在神台即将崩塌时遗留的最后一个画面,也是一家人虔诚的模样。我不是反科学者,但是我也不相信科学万能,我不是个虔诚的信徒,但是我相信在某些时候信仰对人的拯救和人们灵魂的寄托。或者,还有影片中所表现的不离不弃的爱,和总统表现的大公无私的大爱,一个科学家和几个老政客的比喻,我相信爱对人类的作用,相信情感的作用,但是我也不相信所谓的大爱无疆就能拯救世界。我不知道要怎么探讨解决整个世界,但是我相信,真正的拯救,所谓的,用科学来拯救人的身体,用信仰拯救人的灵魂,那爱是用来拯救什么,我想,应该是拯救彼此的平衡。影片中对昂贵的诺亚方舟的票价的讽刺也是显而易见的,在最后灾难后的重生,好像连悲痛都没有了,是不是真的人们的感情被生命的留存所掩盖呢。是不是,很多人都在渴望一个重生,很多人,都在希望着有着一个崭新的世界,还是,只是表达对现在世界的不满呢?



Several touching scenes

----the Comments on The 2012

A Paper for Appreciating English Movies

May 20011

Several touching scenes

-----A Brief Comment on The 2012


It is a disaster movie about the global destruction, it tells us the end of the world is coming. All the things happened are proved that the Maya people’s prediction is right. When the disaster is coming how should we do? And what is your attitude to face up them?

We must be union together and brave. In this movie there are many moving scenes

Key words: disasters、destruction 、 pain 、 union 、 touching


2012 was an exciting movie. It told us that everything would be destroyed in a disaster in the year of 2012; the weather has become extremely abnormal in the world.

All these happened to hold the same view with the Maya’s prediction. In ancient times, the Maya people were the first civilization to discover that this planet had an expiration date. According to their calendar, in 2012 a cataclysmic event would unfold, caused by an alignment of the planets in our solar system. According to the prediction, on the 21 December 2012 the end of the world would come. And the world would fell into the darkness and the world would be flooded. All the people would be panic and turbulence. So terrible things we would face up.

In this film the leading character Jerk brought his kids to spend their holidays in the Yellowstone. And they found the lake which they had wonderful memories now became deadly and restricted zone. Jerk confused about all these and then he met independent radio producer Charlie. Charlie told him the Mayas had predicted the earth would be destructed. Some countries were making arcs in union to avoid disasters. Charlie had a map of the arc’s location and people should pay for 1billion Euros to aboard the arcs. At first, Jerk didn’t believe Charlie’s words. But after experienced much disasters he believed. And then there were so many terrible things happened like earthquake, blood, volcanic eruption, seaquake and landslide. People felt so hopeless and despair. At last the director wanted to discuss people how to face up themselves and others in the extremely environment. Whether should we sacrifice ourselves or escape for ourselves. The answer was from Jerk’s one word: when we not struggle for others, which means we had lost human nature. When the disasters were coming we should get together to conquer them.

The touching scenes:

The first one is: When Jerk had finished the holiday with his kids, he planed to go back. At that time he found the earthquake was coming and he was driving back to his former wife’s home immediately. At that time, the situation was so urgent. The road was broken, the trees fell down, the houses were ruined and the people were so scared. He ran the risk of life to save them. That’s the power of family. The love of family, Just like the end of the film Jerk said :Wherever we’re all together. That’s home. It showed the leading character Jerk’s spirit of brave and love.

The second one is: When the arcs were going to move, suddendly the American president

didn’t want to leave. And he would stay with their people. He would tell the truth to everyone and then people can say goodbye to each other. He was so great. His daughter was crying in the phone and president said your survived is the biggest surport to me. He is the president he want people knowing the the truth. People had the right to know.

The third one is: When Yuri’s plane crashed the group of people was abandoned in the snow. When they felt so upset there were some helicopters coming. Jerk and his family coudn’t boarded the helicopter without the tickets. Fortunatly they met some warmhearted zang people. Jerk and his family slipped into the arcs with the help of the zang people. And at this time, there was a quarrel in the arcs about if the leaders would permit more people come into the arcs. There were the contents of the arguing: Dr.Adrian Helmsley Chief Science adviser to the late President Wilson. Here was the words: I know we’ve all been forced to make difficult decisions to save our human civilization.But to be human means to care for each other and civilization means to work together to create a better life. If that’s true, then there’s nothing human and nothing civilization about what we’re doing here. So many leaders of the countries joined it. Finally, most leaders agreed let more people come in so there were more people survived. All these scenes showed to us people’s attitude to the disaters


The scenes were so scared and terrible, I was so nervous and moving when watched this movie. There were so many touching scenes in it. I was crying when I watched Jerk fell into the precipice. After watched this film it brought us so much deeply thinking. There were so much anxieties, helpless, scary and despairation. They were so hopeless and paidful after losing relatives and their loves. So many people died for others. So many great persons contributed themselves. When people faced disaster and huge disasters, maybe they had no choices and there’s no other way. Maybe we must come together as one can face up the entire happened things well. And the next step was we should know how to prevent and stop the disasters. It told us that we should protect the earth and the environment. Don’t let the same terrible things happened again. Those were what we should do and learned in this movie.




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