影评:楚门的世界 The Truman Show (19xx)


影评:楚门的世界 The Truman Show (1998)







"如果再也见不到了,那就下午好!晚上好!晚安!" 这种诙谐的问候在影片一开始更多是折射出楚门内心的不安和恐惧,到了结尾,则是另一种味道。

Yggdrasilgungnir 发布于: 2012-06-28 00:04

第二篇:Truman show(楚门的世界)剧本最终稿

Who’s written our script? (楚门的世界)

The main characters(主要角色):毕楚门(Truman Burbank),克里斯托弗(Christof), 罗兰/施维娅(Lauren/Sylvia),美露(Meryl)

prop(道具): 一张桌子一把椅子一直放在舞台中央偏左,桌子里有报纸,圆盘,收音机,咖啡,咖啡杯,筷子




开场时站左边的人:美露,店主,操作员B(Camera man),其他人站右边


Truman: And in case I don't see ya'! Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight!


SCENE1 每一个场景都是旁白先上,然后演员就摆好造型。Camera man 就一直跟着楚门。在导演说台词时用自己的DV示意。

Voice-over: Day 10909 action. At home


Meryl: Truman, you're gonna be late!

Truman: Okay!(rush to his wife), let me say goodbye(a deep hug)

Meryl: Enough my honey, bye.


Voice-over: At the Newspaper Stand


Customer: Dog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank you very much.


Truman: Morning!

Winnie: Morning! Truman.

Truman: Oh. Get a paper there, will you, Harold? Oh, and uh...one of these - for the wife. Love her fashion magazines.

Winnie (: Will that be all for you, Truman?

Truman: That’s the whole caboodle.

Winnie (: Catch ya' later.


Truman: Goodbye. And in case I don't see ya'! (不动)Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight!


Christof: We've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions. So we have Truman show, Truman’s true man’s show. The world is counterfeit, but he is real. It isn't always Shakespeare, it’s a life. (手掌向外,自然指向楚门) Truman Burbank, as himself.

楚门从左下。店主(带报纸),Camera man从右下。

SCENE2楚门拿一个高脚杯(盛葡萄味美年达)从左上,在旁白念词时坐在椅子上喝酒。侍者怀抱菜单从左上,拿一把椅子,向楚门微鞠躬后从左退场(在旁白退场之前退场)。施维Written by John C3 S1


Voice-over: No scripts, no cue cards. Truman has been the actor without awareness from the birth. He can’t be a true man till the death, if the light were blocked. Day 10910 action Truman: Lady, you`re so…pretty, I am Truman, Truman Burbank.

Sylvia: Yeah, I know. Good evening Truman.

Truman: Good evening! And in case I don't see ya'! Good Afternoon and Goodnight! (Pause) And I know you are Sylvia, here on your coat, and I like it. (作交谈状)


Voice-over: that’s about how a man and a woman mix together……so let’s see the things afterward.

Sylvia: How do you feel, Truman?

Truman: I am wondering myself, can`t really tell.

Sylvia: Truman, I’ve got something to tell you……


Mr. David: Lauren, sweetheart. Out again?

Truman: Who are you?

Mr. David: Her father.

Sylvia: l’ve never seen him before. Truman, don't listen to him! Truman, listen. lt's all for you. The sky and the sea, everything is a set! Please, don't listen to him. He’s gonna lie to you.

Truman: I don`t understand.

Mr. David: Schizophrenia. We've tried it all. Don’t worry, you're not the first. She brings all her boys down here.

Sylvia: Truman, he's lying! Get out of here. Come and find me.


Truman: fake……


SCENE 3 旁白从左上,从左下。在旁白念词时,楚门从左上,把右边的椅子靠拢桌子,坐在椅子上,把高脚杯放进桌子,拿出桌子里的圆盘与收音机,做开车状。

Voice-over: on the way home, Truman is absent-minded in driving. But he soon finds that there are much more things to thought of……

悠扬的音乐突然变成杂音,然后没了声音。楚门很奇怪的看着收音机,上下鼓弄。 Broadcast: Wait for the cue, wait for the cue。


Christof: He's heading west on Stewart. Going to turn right.


Operator A: he’ll be on you in about 90 seconds, Bob, lead that dog away.


Christof: Oh God! He knew we were following, change frequencies!


SCENE 4 旁白从左上。美露从左上,把收音机收下去,从桌子里拿出咖啡杯,筷子与咖啡,把左边的椅子靠拢,坐在右边的椅子上作调制咖啡状。

Voice-over: Run, run. He has no alternative but to come home. Home is always warm and safe. Written by John C3 S1

But when it is disguised on purpose, will it be Truman’s steady nest?


Truman: Listen. I’m being followed.

Meryl: Who?

Truman: it’s hard to tell. The radio starts following me, talking about everything I’m doing. Meryl: This is one of your fantasies.

Truman: Dare you follow with me.


Meryl: Truman...

Truman: In just a moment, we'll see a lady, with a man following her, and a boy with upside-down newspaper in hands

Meryl: Truman.


Truman: Look! Lady...Flowers!...


Meryl: Truman, this is silly.


Truman: There it is! There it is! There's that boy! Yes! Ha-ha! Ha.......Do you wanna know how I did that? I'll tell ya'. They're on a loop. They go around the block. They come back. They go around again. They just go 'round and 'round! (Almost singing)Round and round!

M: That`s coincidence! Well, Truman, stop playing detective games. Look what l got free at the checkout. Naturalcocoa beans from Mt. Nicaragua. No artificial sweeteners. l've tasted other cocoas. This is the best.

Truman: What does this do with anything? Tell me what's happening! (肢体语言要大) Meryl: Well, you're having a nervous breakdown, that's what's happening.

Truman: I see, you`re part of it, right?

Meryl: No, Truman, please. There isn`t any "it".

Truman: That`s enough! Goodbye, and in case I see you again, good evening and good night! 楚门从右下。

Meryl: Do something, Christof, do something! (Cry to the air)


SCENE 5 旁白从左上,从左下时交话筒给B。操作员B(Camera man), A与导演从右上。导演站在桌子左侧,A,B一坐一站。

Voice-over: Truman has gone. He runs out of the public’s sight for the first time, also the last. But the runaway consequence can’t be allowed. Find him, find him. (最后一个重音) Christof: what's going on?

Operator A: There are rumors that he's dead. The media's having a feeding frenzy.

Operator B: The sponsors are threatening us.


Christof: We aren't watching the sea. Long lens, short-base cameras.


Christof: Truman, where are you going? (自言自语)

Operator A: How do we stop him?

Written by John C3 S1

(Christof looks at B, B stops, and nods)

Operator B: Okay ... We're going to access the weather programme now.



Christof: Give me some lightning


(停顿一会)Again! Hit 'im again! (有力,愤怒,有起伏)



Operator A: For God's sake, Chris! The whole world is watching! We can't let him die in front of a live audience!

Christof: He was born in front of a live audience! (十分激动)


Truman: Why……

Christof: That's enough. I want to talk to him.


Truman ... You can speak. I can hear you.

Truman: Who are you?

Christof: I'm the creator of a TV show.lt gives hope and inspiration to millions.

Truman: Then who am l?

Christof: You're the star.

Truman: Was nothing real?

Christof: You were real. That's what made you so good to watch. Listen, Truman. There's no more truth out there than in the world l created for you. The same lies, the same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear .I know you better than you do.

Truman: You never had a camera in my head.

Christof: You're afraid. That’s why you can't leave. It’s okay, Truman. I understand. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. l watched you on your first day of school. The episode when you lost your first tooth. You can't leave, Truman.

Christof: Talk to me. Say something. Say something, damn it! You’re on TV. You're live to the world!(出离愤怒,掷地有声)


Truman: I am 30. But till now I really know who I am. I am not Meryl’s husband. I am not an accountant. I am not Truman Burbank.(平静) I am a true man! Christof, you can’t stop me!(两句连着快速说完,由平静转为激动)


Christof:No, Truman, you can’t leave!(想去追楚门)

Truman: in case I don't see you, good afternoon good evening and good night.



Written by John C3 S1

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