


大多数实习生往往刚刚或者即将从海事院校毕业,考虑到这些人并没有什么船上工作的实践知识,任何船东在面试实习生时都不会提问船上实际工作遇到的问题,而主要是考察实习生的专业知识、英文水平、身体素质、精神面貌、个人性格、人品等等。 扎实的专业基础知识表现在所修过的课程的内容,所取得的成绩等方面。为了给船东一个良好的印象,最好能基本说出所学课程的英文名称、该门课程的主要内容,以及通过学习某门课程的收获等。我们在这里特别提醒您的是,不要对学校和学校所开设的课程有太多的抱怨,因为学校那么差怎么能培养出什么像样的学生呢。船东多数是外国人,过多批评本国或本学校的不足也是一种妄自菲薄的表现。此外,船东还可能认为,你这个人可能会对所有的事情都很挑剔,很难和他人合作,也很难适合团队的工作氛围,因为他们可能会想,你有可能认为船东公司及船上的管理规定也一无是处。


另外,在面试前千万不要放弃英文的学习。对中国学生而言,我们英文学习的环境的确稍微差了一些。原因是如果自己不利用课堂、教科书、媒体等学习英文,几乎很难遇到其他讲英文的环境。所以建议大家在待派期间,选上一两本好的英文教材在家系统的学习。《走遍美国》、PRESON TO PERSON、SIDE BY SIDE等教材都是很好的练习听力和口语的教材,这些教材系统性强,语言活泼生动,有利于自学。当然,

如果经济条件允许,参加一些短期英文学习班系统学习更好。此外,利用电视、收音机等英语教学和新闻节目听英语也非常不错。还有,若想纠正自己的发音和提高自己的听力,应该经常收听美国之音(VOA)和英国广播公司(BBC)的节目,当然最好是收听他们提供的SPECIAL PROGRAMS(特别节目),以及他们提供的英文教育节目。总之,英语学习决不是一朝一夕的事情,而是一个持之以恒,不断提高的过程,应该利用一切时间和机会,时时不可懈怠。

有的船员,特别上刚刚毕业的学生,觉得应该在船东面前显得谦虚一点为好,因此可能会对船东说, “ I am sorry, my English is not very good.” 这也许并不是一句好话。这里有一个东西方文化差别的问题。对于台湾、香港、新加坡以及韩国等亚洲国家的人来说,谦虚是个美德,他们绝大多数人也许不喜欢善于外露和夸张自己的人;而对于西方人来说,他们并不理解谦虚这种我们东方人所认可的美德。换句话说,你如果在西方人面前表现的十分谦卑的样子的话,他可能会认为你这个人对自己没有信心,或认为你真的干不好什么似的。所以,针对来自不同地区的船东,要有不同的策略。也就是说,在亚洲船东面前,稍微显得谦虚一点并没有害处;而在欧洲和美洲船东面前,要显得有自信心,要让对方觉得你能干什么,并且能干好。但是,值得一提的是,随着全球化和一体化的趋势的加强, 不同文化和文明的人们的接触和沟通越来越多。不同的文化融合越来越明显,人们的思想和思维方式也越来越接近。总的来说,在接受面试时,自信的人还是绝大多数考官喜欢的。






1. Please briefly introduce yourself (as a deck cadet) to us. Or tell us

something about yourself.



Good moming/aftemoon/evening. Sir (gentlemen)! It is nice to meet you here, Sir (gentlemen). My name is Wang liqin, from (Henan) Province. My hometown is in a small village in Henan province. In 1998, I was admitted by Jimei Navigation

University and I have been studying for nearly four years as navigation major there. I have got (am going to get) my diploma and bachelor's degree in July, 2002. During

my 4-year studies in Jimei, I have learned such courses as navigation theories, marine telecommunication, marine English, and so on.

I like sailing very much. When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a sailor and traveling around the world on board ships. Besides, my family is not rich. So by

working as a sailor, I can make some money for my brothers and sisters. At the same time, I can lessen my parents' burden in supporting us. I will work as a seaman until I become a master.


2. Please tell me what major you had in me marine university/



I majored in navigation/engineering/communications for four years/ three years.

3. What courses (subjects) have you learned during your studies there? Which courses do you like most? Why?


Well, quit a lot, including some basic courses such as mathematics, physics, politics, and some specialty courses such as ...


公共课: Common English (普通英语), Engineering English (轮机英语), Advanced Mathematics (高等数学), Chinese Revolution History (中国革命史), Computer

Operation Skills (计算机操作), Physical Training and Education (体育), Engineering Chemistry (轮机化学) , College Physics (大学物理) .Computer Software Knowledge

(计算机软件基础), Political Theories (政治理论) , Military Training (军事课).

专业课及专业基础课: Engineering Mathematics (工程数学), Electric Circuit and Electronic Technology (电路及电子技术), Theoretic Dynamic (理论物理) ,

Hydrodynamics (流体力学), Material Dynamic (材料力学) , Mechanic Designing (机械设计) , Engineering Thermodynamics (工程热力学^) , Vessel Making Fundamental Knowledge(船舶制造基础), Vessel Navigational Safety (船舶运输安全) ,Engineering Materials (轮机材料) , Engineering automation (轮机自动化) , Diesel Engine (柴油机) , Main Engine, Vessel Auxiliary Engines (辅机), Vessel Repair Technology(船舶修理技术)。

实践课:Boat and Raft Operation (艇筏操纵), Fire Fighting (海上消防), Engine Room Simulator (机舱模拟器), First Aid (海上急救), Marine Life Saving (海上救生), Welding Skills (电焊技术), Comprehensive Operation Skills (综合操作技术). 选修课: 文学知识(Literature) , 化学实验(Chemistry Experiment),航海史

(Navigational History),科技史(History of Science) , 文献检索(Reference Searching). 驾驶专业部分课程的英汉名称对照:

公共课: Common English (普通英语), English Reading and Writing (英语读写), English Listening and speaking (英语听说),Advanced Mathematics (高级英语听写), Chinese Revolution History (中国革命史), Computer Operation Skills (计算机操作), Physical Training and Education (体育), College Physics (大学物理), Computer Software Programming, English Typewriting(英语打字), Experiment Physics (实验物理), Navigational English Reading (航海英语阅读), International Relations (国际关系), Art Appreciation (艺术欣赏), Philosophy (哲学), Health and Sanitation Education (健康教育)。

专业基础课及专业课:Navigational Chemistry(航海化学),Electrician Technique

(电子技术), Mechanical Picture Making (机械制图), Navigation Theories and Practice (航海理论与实践), Vessel Structure (船舶结构), Engine Profile (轮机概论), Vessel Signals and VHF (船舶信号与VHF), Vessel Operation and Anti-collision (船舶操纵与避碰), Vessel maneuvering (船舶操纵), Vessel Cargo Transportation Theories and Practice (船舶货物运输), Navigation Appliance (航海仪器), GMDSS Equipment, Radar and ARPAR, Simulator Drills (模拟器练习), Marine Legal Case Study (海事案例分析), Navigational Automation (驾驶自动化), Vessel Agency and Chartering (船舶代理与租赁)。

选修课:Literature (文学知识), Chemistry Experiment (化学实验), Navigational History (航海史), History of Science (科技史), Reference Searching (文献检索)。 笔者在面试迎接毕业生时发现,很多考生说不出来究竟在大学里学了多少门课程,也说不出来学过的课程名称,更谈不上一些非常重要课程的主要内容。这是非常糟糕的。因为如果你对自己曾经修过的课程一无所知的话,你可能在学校根本就没有关注自己的学业。船东会想,这样的船员上船后可能对自己的工作也很马虎大意。

4. Why do you want to be a sailor?


Well, I like sailing and traveling very much. When I was a child, I had great

admiration for the capable master, whose stories always moved me very much. I love challenging the sea, so if I am a sailor, I will have the chances to work under the waves and challenge the rough sea and weather. I also want to put my knowledge learned in school into practice. Otherwise, it will make no sense for my knowledge learned in school. Besides, I am a village guy and my family is poor. I was told that sailor could get more than those in other fields.



5. How long do you want to be a sailor?


It is hard to say. But I wish to work as long as possible, maybe until I become a master/chief engineer. To work as a chief engineer/ a master is a long-cherished dream for me.

6. What other plans do you have for the coming 5 or 6 years?


I shall work as a seaman. During this time, I will work hard to get the C/0

certificates and wish I would work as a C/0 five years after.


7. Do you think that sailing is a very ideal job for you?


Yes, because I love the job very much.

8. When do you want to get married?


I have not got a definite idea on this. But I wish to get married at least after I finish this term.

9. Do you have any hobbies? What hobbies do you like best, why?


I like soccer very much, and I was a member of school soccer team. I also like basketball and football very much.

I like football best because I think the football sports can help us provide a team spirit. Every body should do his best in his position we just can win the game, same as on board ship, we will make good work skill and good maintenance at any where and any time.


10. If you work on board for one year, will you be very home sick?


No, not very. I have stayed away from my parents for several years, so I can not be very home sick. I think working together with so many officers and engineers must be a fun for me.


11. Have you got a girlfriend? If you have, will you miss your girl friend when you work on board for a whole year?


Probably, I will miss her very much. But I know that it is not easy for me to get the job and I should treasure the job opportunity very much. And my girl friend will give me understanding on my job.


12. If you are asked to do a lot of jobs on board, will you have some



I won't. But it depends. If the job assignment is reasonable, and if I can manage it, I will have no complaint. But if the jobs are too hard and too much for me, I may tell my superiors that I am not in the capability to finish it within a certain time. But anyway, I will not quarrel with my superiors on these. Instead, I will try my best to communicate with him.

13. In your opinion, how can you get along well with other in the work team? 在你以为,怎样才能在工作团体中和别人处好?

Well, I think it is very important to trust others, give other tolerance, be kind to others and try to help other in daily life. Besides, friendship and frankness are also important in daily life. I think I can get along well with other if I work on board because I had very good relationship with my classmates when I was in the university. 通常,船东想通过此问题来了解一下毕业生是否有团队工作的准备和精神。

14. How many departments are there in a vessel, and what are they? As far as you know, what equipments are there in the bridge/deck/engine department? What positions are mere on board?


As far as I know, usually, a ship has three departments: the deck department, the engine department and the catering department. There used to be a radio

department on board, but now, this department's functions are implemented by the deck officers.

In the deck department, there are the C/0, the 2/0, the 3/0 and bosun, AB and OS, mass boy; in the engine department, there are the c/e, the 1st engineer, the 2nd, the

3rd engineer, the oiler No. 1, the ordinary oilers, the fitters, and possibly the carpenters.


15. What is main engine? What are subsidiary engines? Tell me the names of some auxiliary engines.


Main engine is the engine that provides propulsion and power for the whole ship; while auxiliary engines, on its narrow definition, refers to the generator. However, theoretically, auxiliary engines refer to all those engines in the engine room other than main engine, such as generator engine, generator, fuel oil purifier, emergency generator, life boat engine, emergency fire pump, fuel oil control, air-conditioner, refrigerator and so on.


16. Tell me how the fresh water is produced through the fresh water generator?


(1) Start the sea water pump and supply sea water to the fresh water generator heating chamber;

(2) Start the ejector pump and provide the chamber vacuum up to 93% about;

(3) Open the condenser sea water inlet and outlet valves;

(4) Open the jacket water inlet and outlet valves;

(5) Keep the heating chamber temperature at 451;

(6) When the condenser distilled water level increase to up level, start the distilled water pump and keep it's pressure don't less than 0.2 MPa.

(7) Switch the salinity monitor on and set the salinity content don't more than 0.6%.

(8) Open the fresh water tank inlet valve;

Now, the fresh water generator is in normal running condition.

17. If you work as a 3rd officer, what is your duty hours every day? And if you work as a 3rd engineer, what are your duty hours? What are the duty hours for the 3rd officer and 3rd engineer?


As a third officer: (1) The third officer shall perform the necessary duties as

required, such as those relating to navigational watch (0800-1200; 2000-2400) and cargo watch; (2) to fix the position of the ship and other navigational calculations every day when the ship is underway and reports to the master. (3) To prepare the reports, navigational statistics conditions and report the necessary items to the

master. (4) To help the C/0 in supervising cargo handling operation; (5) to measure the draft at the discretion of the C/0 or master; (6) to the master on the bridge with anchoring and mooring and unmooring work; (7) before leaving port or shifting anchorage, to inspect communication systems and important items related to the navigational system and other department; (8) to maintain and mange the life boat saving appliance and fire fighting equipment maintenance log and inventory and

prepare records when instructed to do so. (9) To do some paper work and other jobs

that is assigned by the master

As a 3rd engineer: I may have the following dudes:

(1) Watch keeping from 0800 to 1200, and from 2000 to 2400;

(2) Assisting the Second Engineer in all technical aspects;

(3) Be responsible for operation and maintenance of other auxiliary machinery except those taken over by the Third Engineer;

(4) Be responsible for taking positive measures in the safe and efficient operation of all machinery, and guarding against fire and oil pollution;

(5) Be responsible for safety procedures and maintenance of all safety equipment, and engine control system in a thoroughly efficient state;

(6) Be responsible for assisting in bunkering and fuel transfer operation under the direction of the Second Engineer;

(7) Be responsible for carrying out instructions relating to ballasting and

deballasting, and recording the operation;

(8) Be responsible for testing the telegraph before departure and recording all engine movement in the Bell Book for staying in the engine room when vessel is entering or leaving a port or when the engine is on stand-by or in maneuvering;

(9) Be responsible for assisting the second Engineer in testing of emergency fire pump and lifeboat engine.


18. Please name some types of vessels in me world.


General cargo ship, bulk carrier, car carrier, log and timber vessel, oil tanker, chemical tanker and LPG ship, container vessel, V1CC (very large container carrier) and some other purposed vessels.


19. Tell us some very important canals/straits in the world.


Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Kiel canal (基尔运河) , Bosporus Channel (博斯普鲁斯海峡) , Gibraltar (直布罗陀海峡), English Channel (英吉利海峡) , Mozambique Channel (莫桑比克海峡) , Malacca Strait (马六甲海峡) , Taiwan Strait, Berlin Strait (白令海峡), etc.

20. Tell me the whole names of the following anonyms: IMO, STCW78/95, SOLAS74, ARPA, RADAR, GMDSS, MARPOL73/ 78, IOPP, GMDSS, GPS, ISM. IMO is International Maritime Organization whose headquarter is in London. IMO is the organization under the United Nations.

IOPP means International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate. (国际防止油污染证书)

STCW95 means International Convention on Standards of Training, Certifications and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1995. (19xx年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约) SOLAS means International Convention for the Safety at Sea. (国际海上人命安全公约)

MARPOL (国际防止船舶造成污染公约) means International Convention on the prevention of Marine Pollution.

GMDSS is Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. (全球海上遇险和安全系


GPS mean Global-positioning System, (全球定位系统)

ISM means International Safety Management code.


21. Have you ever worked on board the training vessel of your university or school? If you have, what have you learned from your training vessel, and with whom did you work together on board the training vessel?


Yes, I have worked on board the training vessel for about two weeks. During my training there, I learned a lot about a real vessel. But basically, I just did some odd jobs, including helping the chief cook to wash the vegetable, chipping, painting and so on. But this is very important to me, because I knew roughly how the work on board is carried out and the engineers and officers told me a lot about the practical jobs on board. Anyway, is a great benefit to me.


22. (For deck cadets) How do you get the weather information on board vessel?

We can get the weather information through Inmarsat communication, Navitex, email in the net etc. But the Navitex can provide much more up to dated information. 这是考察驾驶专业毕业生的一个很基本问题,主要看是否了解学过的一些基础知识的内容。

23. (For engine cadets) What are the rough differences between the diesel oil and fuel oil?

The biggest difference between the two is that of the special gravity and viscosity. The diesel oil is mainly used when the vessel maneuvering and in emergency

condition. But for some new engine, they need not be change to diesel oil when she under maneuvering condition.










指导老师对实习生的评语 合集















