

Lesson TenDiogenes and AlexanderI.Teaching Objectives: . After learning this unit, students are supposed to: 1. get familiar with the rules of word formation ; 2. get familiar with some grammatical points; 3. retell the text as a whole; 4. have a thorough understanding of the whole text: Diogenes and Alexander 5. get a list of the new words and expressions and be able to use them freely in writing and daily conversation; II. Listening and speaking activities 1. Listen to the recording of the text and fill in the blanks about the main ideas of the article. 2. Talk about this passage with your friends ,and talk about what you think of Diogenes. III. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities 1. Pre-reading discussions: 1) What do you think of the person who lying on the street , shoeless, bearded, half-naked ? ? 2) Are you a cynic person?. 2. Background knowledge : 1) Cynic and Cynicism (愤世疾俗者与犬儒主义 : 愤世疾俗者与犬儒主义) 愤世疾俗者与犬儒主义 The Oxford English Dictionary describes a cynic as a person “ disposed to find fault “ and as one who “shows a disposition to disbelieve in the sincerity or goodness of human motives and actions, and is wont to express this by sneers and sarcasm.” In short ,the cynic is “a sneering fault-finder” The ancient school of Cynicism was founded in the fourth century BC by Antisthenes. The Cynics urged both men and women to follow a way of life in harmony with nature and to reject all unnecessary civilized luxuries. They also rejected all social conventions ,customs and laws. 2)Diogenes (第欧根尼) 第欧根尼) Diogenes was a famous Cynic philosopher living during the time of Plato ( the 4th century BC ). Having to flee from Sinope because of charges against him and his father for debasing the public coin , Diogenes went to Athens where he studied under comforts of civilized life , and lived an extremely ascetic lifestyle. Later on the captured by pirates and sold into slavery in Crete to Xeniades, who was so impressed by the philosopher that he made him the teacher of his children. He is said to have died of old age in the same year as Alexander the Great in 323 BC. ﹡3). Alexander the Great A brilliant tactician and leader, but could also be ruthless and cruel Sleep with Iliad under his pillow, identify himself with Achilles War against Persia in 334 BC: Troy→Egypt →Babylon →defeated Persian king Darius and Married the Persian princess →India →died of fever ﹡Plato, ancient Greek philosopher Academy, near Athens, the most influential school of the ancient world, Aristotle being his famous pupil His work is in the form of epistles(letters) and dialogues Early works: the Apology, presenting Socrates in conversations that illustrate his major ideas--the unity of virtue and knowledge and of virtue and happiness Middle works: the Republic, discussing the relationship between the soul, the state, and the cosmos Later works: the Laws and

Parmenides, containing treatises on law, mathematics, technical philosophic problems, and natural science ﹡Plato’s Teaching ’ Plato regarded the rational soul as immortal, and he believed in a world soul and a Demiurge 造物主, the1 creator of the physical world. He argued for the independent reality of Ideas, or Forms, as the immutable archetypes of all temporal phenomena and as the only guarantee of ethical standards and of objective scientific knowledge. Virtue consists in the harmony of the human soul with the universe of Ideas, which assure order, intelligence, and pattern to a world in constant flux. Supreme among them is the Idea of the Good, analogous to the sun in the physical world. Only the philosopher, who understands the harmony of all parts of the universe with the Idea of the Good, is capable of ruling the just state. ﹡Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher At the age of eighteen Aristotle came to Athens from Macedonia in the north for the purpose of studying with Plato. Although he was an original thinker who made great contributions of his own, he remained a student in Plato's Academy for twenty years. his own school Lyceum an original and deep thinker, an observer, an organizer, a systematizer of knowledge. He laid the foundation of all sciences and philosophies by defining and classifying the various branches of knowledge: Psychology, Metaphysics, Politics, Rhetoric and Logic. ﹡Hercules(Roman name); Heracles(Greek name) A hero noted for his strength and courage and 12 labors As a baby, strangle two serpents sent by Hera; as a young man, cloak--the skin of a lion, helmet—its head; conquer a tribe and marry the princess of Thebes; in a fit of madness sent by Hera, kill his wife and 3 children, then told by the oracle at Delphi to perform 12 labors: Kill a lion that could not be wounded by any weapon; kill a monster in the swamp that has 9 heads, one immortal; capture alive a stag 雄鹿 with golden horns and bronze hoofs sacred to Artemis 狩猎 神; capture a great boar 公猪; ﹡Twelve labors of Hercules (continued) clean up in one day the 30 years of accumulated filth of the Augean stables; drive off a huge flock of man-eating birds with bronze beaks, claws and wings; capture a mad bull that Poseidon 海神 had sent to terrorize Crete 克里特岛; bring back the man-eating mares of Diomedes; get the girdle 腰带 of Queen Hippolyta; capture the oxen of the 3-headed monster Geryon; support the world on his shoulders while Atlas helps him fetch the golden apples of Hesperides 金苹果乐园; bring back the 3-headed dog Cerberus from the lower world with the permission of Hades 冥神 ﹡Homer, Iliad and Odyssey Iliad, the 9th year of the war between the Argives led by King Agamemnon and the Trojans led by King Priam with participation of many gods and goddesses Showing values of the Bronze Age: honor and bravery "Always be the best, my boy, the bravest, and hold your head up high above the others. Never disgra

ce the generation of your fathers." ﹡Odyssey In Northern Africa, Odysseus and his men encounter the Lotus-Eaters. Some of the crew eat the temptful fruit. Aeolus, king of the winds, gives him a wind bag The island of cannibals destroy 11 of his 12 ships Go to the underworld and seek the advice from Hades on how to go home The island of the Sirens; bypass a whirlpool and a 6-headed monster; live with a nymph for 9 years; After a tempest by Poseidon, he finally gets to Ithaca, defeating the suitors of his wife Penelope and taking back his kingdom 3. Text analysis: Part One (para.1-10) Description of Diogenes as a beggar, a philosopher and a missionary, his lifestyle and doctrine: Cynicism. Part Two (para.11-12) Description of Alexander the Conqueror, who was the greatest man of the time .2 Part Three(para.13-17) The dramatic encounter of the two , revealing that only these two men were the real free man in the world . 4. Language points: 1)Words and expressions 1) to scratch each other’s backs : 互相挠背(串通一气做互相有利的不正当的事情) . 2) to do business with that country : 和那个国家做生意. 3) publish or perish : 不出版,就完蛋。 (西方学界口号) . 4) to found a new religion : 建立一个新的宗教 5) to convert RMB into foreign currency : 将人民币换成外币 6) to seek the truth : 寻找真理 7) to discard the old traditions : 抛掉旧的传统 8) to satirize human vanity : 讽刺人的虚荣 9) to inhabit that island : 在那岛上住人 10) to neglect one’s duty : 玩忽职守 11) to escape the consequences : 逃避后果 12) to erase it from one’s memory : 从记忆中消除 13) to take command : 负责指挥 14) to block one’s way : 挡路 15) to ruin one’s reputation : 毁掉名誉 2)Difficult sentences and structures: ﹡he had opened his eyes with the sun at dawn… … 副词的位置: (一)方式副词+地点副词+时间副词(句首或句末), 如: She sat quietly in the room for an hour. Jane played the piano wonderfully at the school concert last night. 或 Last night, Jane played the piano wonderfully at the school concert. ﹡TOEFL exercises: 1. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building_______. c A. sent faithfully flowers each week to the cemetery B. sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully C. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery n. 墓地;公墓 ['semit?ri] each week D. sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers. 2. “_______.” “So did I.” b A. I saw them last Saturday at the game. B. I saw them at the game last Saturday C. At the game I saw them last Saturday D. At the game last Saturday I saw them 等动作动词后面,地点副词或状语通常置于方式状语前面, ﹡(二) 在 go, run, drive 等动作动词后面,地点副词或状语通常置于方式状语前面,这是因为这些动 二 词与地点副词关系甚为密切之故。如: 词与地点副词关系甚为密切之

故。 They went to school hurriedly after breakfast. He went to the market alone this morning. ﹡TOEFL exercise: “What did the mother say?” “She said that _______.” d A. her son went every day to school very slowly B. her son went slowly every day to school3 C. her son went every day slowly to school D. her son went to school slowly every day 尤指动物)吞吃 火灾等)毁灭 ﹡— vt.(尤指动物 吞吃 狼吞虎咽 挥霍 (火灾等 毁灭 破坏 吞没 贪看 贪听 尤指动物 吞吃, 狼吞虎咽, 挥霍, 火灾等 毁灭, 破坏, 吞没, 贪看, The lion devoured the deer. (eat up greedily) The boy devoured the books he could get about the author in the kitchen. (喻) (read eagerly) The fire devoured the forest. (destroy) be devoured by 心中充满(好奇心, 焦虑等); 全部注意力为...所吸引 Syn: devour/ bolt/ wolf/ gobble/ gulp/ swallow Devour—eat hungrily or greedily 吞咽 The hungry boy devoured his supper. Bolt—swallow food quickly 仓促吞咽 We bolted a few mouthful of food and hurried on. Wolf—eat quickly and greedily 狼吞虎咽 He wolfed his jam roll, wiped his mouth, and said: “ I move we have our tea.” Gobble—eat (up) fast, noisily, and greedily 狼吞虎咽 Li sat down and gobbled (down) his supper. Gulp—swallow food or drink quickly or greedily 吞食 I gulped down a few mouthfuls and decided to leave the rest. Swallow—cause or allow to go down the throat 吞食 He swallowed his food too quickly. ﹡Elaborate: complicated because of being planned in great detail The company has worked out an ~ management training scheme for graduates. He is known for his ~ costume. (~ clothing or material is made with a lot of detailed artistic designs) ﹡sophisticated — worldly-wise; showing knowledge of the world Richard was still young, but he was sophisticated enough to know when people were not telling the truth. — advanced or complicated The missile has a sophisticated guidance system. ﹡complexities vs. complications Complexities: Many complicated factors involved in Complication: A problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with Complex: having many different parts so difficult to understand; 复杂句;建筑群;综合体系;情结; Complicated: having many parts or aspects so difficult to understand or deal with ﹡keep us warm 现在分词用于 set, catch, start, make, have, get, keep, leave 等词后表示“致使”,“使役” The joke set us all laughing. Tom is a lazy boy. I often catch him dozing off in class. The mechanic managed to start the machine running again. I won’t have you cleaning the room. My typewriter is out of order. I can’t get it going again. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. His equivocal remark left me wondering what he was driving at. 他的话模棱两可,使我摸不清是什么意思 American superhero series: “Superman” (1938- ), “Batman” (1939- ),4 “The Amazing Spider-Man” (1962- ) Superman is a native of

the planet Krypton, but he grows up on a farm in rural America. He moves to the big city and gets a job as a reporter. At the newspaper, he is known as mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent, but when he puts on his cape and fights crime, he becomes Superman. ﹡restrain / curb /check – hold back or keep under control. Restrain implies restriction or limitation, as on one's freedom of action: curb is to restrain as if with reins: 象用辔头那样来约束: Check implies arresting or stopping, often suddenly or forcibly: 意为通常是突然或强有力地停 止或阻止: (economical) a wise and frugal government, which shall _________ men from injuring one another(Thomas Jefferson). “明智而节俭的政府会阻止人们彼此间的伤害” 。 He had difficulty ______________ his curiosity. 他难以抑制住好奇心。 You might _________ your magnanimity(John Keats). “你可以收敛一下你的宽宏大量”(约翰·济慈) 。 a light to guide, a rod to __________ the erring(William Wordsworth). “一束引路的光,一根/防止犯错误的棍”(威廉·华兹华斯) 。 ﹡his invasion of Persia 动名词的特殊句型“the +动名词(名词化动词)+of+宾语” 名词化动词(verbal noun)是指丧失动词特性的只起名词作用的动名词。它没有 完成时态的 形式和被动态的形式,可以有自己的冠词和定语来加以修饰。 the setting up of modern factories the drawing up of the plan ﹡of debate Note: debate 的动词和名词同形 3)Grammatical structure (1) Not only do we want it now; we don’t even want to be kept waiting for it . A phrase of negative form or meaning occurs at the beginning of a sentence/clause. (2) Robert never forgot that blessed Christmas. Neither did his father. An elliptical sentence begins with so, or nor, or neither (3) Only after much persuasion did Lao Liu agree to be our coach. A sentence begins with only when followed by an expression of manner, place ,time, or reason (4) At the head of the parade marched the guards of honor. A sentence / clause begins with an adverbial of place or position 5. Post-reading discussions: (1) If the world were to follow Diogenes, what would be the result? (2)What does the brief dialogue mean to you? Why did Diogenes say that Alexander was blocking the sunlight? Did Alexander know what he mean? Why did Alexander say that if he were not Alexander, he should be Diogenes? Did the two have anything in common?6Exerxises:II Vocabulary Exercises:5 Translation a. From Chinese to English: 1) 3) 5) 7) 9) to scratch each other’s back publish or perish to convert RMB into foreign currency to discard the old traditions to inhabit that island 2) 4) 6) 8) to do business with that country to found a new religion to seek the truth to satirize human vanity10) to admire their courage 12) to escape the consequences 14) to take command 16) to ruin one’s reputation 2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14)

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 和那个国家做生意 建立一个新的宗教 寻找真理 讽刺人的荣誉 钦佩他们的勇气 逃避后果 负责指挥 毁掉名誉 擅自占用土地的人 容易变质的商品 摇摇晃晃的酒鬼 当前的风云人物 一种带有历史使命感的神态 战争引起的恐慌 一小撮捣乱分子 a squatter’s hut perishable goods tottering drunks the man of the hour an air of destiny a war scare a handful of trouble -makers11) to neglect one’s duty 13) to erase it from one’s memory 15) to block one’s way Original items: 1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 相互挠脊背 不出版,就完蛋 将人民币换成外币 抛掉旧的传统 在那岛上住的人 玩忽职守 从记忆中消除 挡路 年久失修的防御工事 储物缸 社会习俗 隐士住的山洞 英雄人物 犀利的眼光 如雨点一般的石头 Original items neglected fortifications a storage jar conventions of society a hermit’s cave heroic figures a fiery glance a shower of stoneb. Into Chinese:3. Translate: 1) How do you account for his strange behavior? 2) Let’s form a circle so that we can see each other when we talk. 3) He appointed five people to handle the case. 4) she claims to possess an unusual ability-the ability t cure diseases simply by her magic hand. 5) In the story, this evil spirit often appeared in the form of a pretty lady. 6) Where can I get a roll of film/ 7) He rolled up the painting and said that he wouldn’t part with it for anything less than half a million. 8) A woman layer has been recently appointed to the Supreme Court. 9) Poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate. 10) A big stone suddenly rolled down the hill. 11) He just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled. 12) Let’s roll up our sleeves and start working.6 13) He hoped that he would be appointed (as) the deputy general manager. 14) Just give us a brief account of what actually happened. 15) The police found a lot of valuables in his possession which he could not account for. 16) Our two countries should never fight again o any account. III Grammar Exercises: 4. Translate the sentences into English: 1) Never before in history has the country been s prosperous as it is now. 2) Not a single word did he utter throughout the half –day debate. 3) At the head of the parade marched the guards of honor. 4) Hardly had the two of them met when they began joking about each other. 5) Not until Liu Bei visited Zhge Liang’s hut for the third time did the later agree to give up his life as a hermit. 6) Not only did she refuse to accept the award for the best director, she also refused to give any explanation. 7) Nowhere else in the country have I seen such beautiful gardens as in Suzhou. 8) At one end of the room is a CEO –type of desk, behind it stands a large bookcase. 9) Present at the commencement were teachers, parents and a vice –minister of education. 10) Only at

home does he feel at ease though he’s a great traveler and has been to many countries. 6. Complete eah of the following sentences with the most likely answer: 1-10. d a c b c b d a c b 11-15. d d a c b 7Assinment: 1. Discuss : If the world wore to follow Diogenes,what would be the results? 2. Go over the whole text and answer the required questions 3. Do all the key exercises. Unit10 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) n. 欢呼,喝彩;鼓掌欢呼表示通过 acclamation [,?kl?'mei? n] ? automating adj. 自动化的 v. 使自动化;自动操作;采用自动化技术(automate 的 ing 形式) barrel ['b?r?l] vt. 把……装入桶内 n. 桶;枪管,炮管 vi. 快速移动 cask [kɡ:sk] n. 木桶,桶 vt. 装入桶内 chivalrous ['? iv?lr?s] adj. 侠义的;骑士的;有武士风度的 cloak [kl?uk] n. 斗蓬;宽大外衣;托词 vt. 遮掩;隐匿 commander [k?'mɡ:nd?] n. 指挥官;司令官 commander in –chief 统帅,总司令 contented [k?n'tentid] adj. 满足的; v. 使…满足;使…安心(content 的过去式和过去分词) convert [k?n'v?:t] vt. 使转变;转换…;使…改变信仰 vi. 转变,变换;皈依; corps [k? :] n. 军团;兵种;兵队; (德国大学的)学生联合会[ 复数 corps ] corrupt [k?'r? pt] adj. 腐败的,贪污的;堕落的 vt. 使腐烂;使堕落,使恶化 creed [kri:d] n. 信条,教 currency ['k?r?nsi] n. 货币;通货 diplomat ['dipl?m?t] n. 外交家,外交官;有外交手腕的人;处事圆滑机敏的人 discard [dis'kɡ:d, 'diskɡ:d] vt. 抛弃;放弃;丢弃 vi. 放弃 n. 抛弃;被丢弃的东西或人 doctrine ['d? ktrin] n. 主义;学说;教义;信条 earthenware ['?:θ?nwε?] n. 陶器;土器 elaborately adv. 精巧地;苦心经营地 elbow ['elb?u] n. 肘部;弯头;扶手 vt. 推挤;用手肘推开 adj. 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的 vt. 仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同…竞争 n. 仿真;仿效721) elegant ['eliɡ?nt] 22) emulate ['emjuleit] 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41)erase [i'reiz, i'reis] vt. 抹去;擦除 vi. 被擦去,被抹掉 expedition [,ekspi'di? n] ? n. 远征;探险队;迅速 n. 奢侈,浪费;过度;放肆的言行 extravagance [ik'str?v?ɡ?ns,-ɡ?nsi] fiery ['fai?ri] adj. 热烈的,炽烈的;暴躁的;燃烧般的 flatter vt. 奉承;谄媚;使高兴 fortifications n. 防御工事(fortification 的复数) garment ['ɡɡ:m?nt] n. 衣服,服装;外表,外观 vt. 给…穿衣服 guffaw [ɡ? ? 'f :] n. 哄笑;狂笑 vi. 哄笑 vt. 大笑着说 hermit ['h?:mit] n. (尤指宗教原因的)隐士;隐居者 hollow ['h? l?u] adj. 空的;中空的,空腹的;凹的;虚伪的 n. 洞;山谷;窟窿 vt. 使成为空洞 Iliad n. 伊里亚特(相传为荷马所做的古希腊史诗) imprint [im'print, 'imprint] n.

印记;痕迹;特征;版本说明 vt. 加特征;刻上记号 inhabit vt. 栖息;居住于;占据 vi. (古)居住;栖息 kennel ['ken?l] n. 狗屋;养狗场;阴沟;一群狗 vt. 把…关进狗舍;宿于狗舍 vi. 呆在狗舍里 lunatic ['lju:n?tik] adj. 疯狂的;精神错乱的;愚蠢的 n. 疯子;疯人 Macedonia n. 马其顿(巴尔干半岛一古国) magnificent [m?ɡ'nifis?nt] adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 Mediterranean n. 地中海 adj. 地中海的 mighty ['maiti] adj. 有力的;强有力的;有势力的 adv. 很;极;非常 n. 有势力的人adj. 淘气的; (人、行为等)恶作剧的;有害的 42) mischievous ['mist? iv?s] 43) mock [m? k] vt. 嘲弄;模仿;使…失望;使…无效 vi. 嘲弄,嘲笑 n. 44) monarch n. 君主,帝王;最高统治者 45) neglect [ni'ɡlekt] 46) nudge [n? ] d? vt. 疏忽,忽视;忽略 n. 疏忽,忽视;怠慢 n. 推动;用肘轻推;没完没了抱怨的人 vt. 推进;用肘轻推;47) occasionally [?'kei? n?li, ?u-] ? adv. 偶而,间或 48) olive ['? liv] n. 橄榄;橄榄色;橄榄树 adj. 橄榄的;橄榄色的 49) page boy 听差的男孩 50) paradox ['p?r?d? ks] n. 悖论,反论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事 51) pebble ['pebl] 52) perishable ['peri? bl] ? 53) poetry ['p?uitri] 54) privacy ['praiv?si, 'pri-, 'prai-] 55) procure [pr?u'kju?] 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) n. 卵石;水晶透镜 vt. 用卵石铺 adj. 易腐坏的;易毁灭的;会枯萎的 n. 容易腐坏的东西 n. 诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术 n. 隐私;秘密;隐居;[古]隐居处 vt. 获得,取得;导致 vi. 取得purple ['p?:pl] adj. 紫色的;帝王的;华而不实的 n. 紫色;紫袍 vi. 变成紫色 vt. 使成紫色 quantity ['kw? nt?ti] n. 量,数量;大量;总量 ragged ['r?ɡid] adj. 衣衫褴褛的;粗糙的;参差不齐的;锯齿状的;刺耳的;不规则的 realm [relm] n. 领域,范围;王国 restrain [ri'strein] vt. 抑制,控制;约束;制止 satirize ['s?t?raiz] vt. 讽刺;挖苦 vi. 写讽刺作品 scant [sk?nt] adj. 不足的;缺乏的;勉强够的 vt. 减少;节省;限制 vt. 掘;舀取;抢先获得;搜集 n. 勺;铲子;独家新闻;凹处 n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写;碰巧的 vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂63) scoop [sku:p] 64) scratch [skr?t? ] 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70)Shah of Persia n. 伊朗国王 sober ['s?ub?] adj. 冷静的,清醒的;未醉的 vt. 使严肃;使醒酒,使清醒 spring [spri?] n. 春天;弹簧;泉水;活力;跳跃 adj. 春天的 vi. 生长;涌出;跃出;裂开 n. 存储;仓库;贮藏所 storage ['st? rid? ] jar [d? ɡ:] n. 罐;广口瓶;震动;刺耳声 vi. 冲突;不一致;震惊;发刺耳声 stroll [str?ul] n. 漫步;闲逛;巡回演出 vi. 散步;闲逛;巡回演出 vt. 散步;闲逛8 71)

titter ['tit?] 72) toil [t? il]n. 傻笑;窃笑;嗤笑 vi. 吃吃地笑;傻笑;偷笑 n. 辛苦;苦工;网;圈套 vi. 辛苦工作;艰难地行进 vt. 费力地做;使…过度劳累 adj. 蹒跚的;动摇的 adv. 全体一致地 77) 人多好办事。 80) 读书长见识。73) tottering ['t? t?ri?] 74) unanimously 75) 66 78) 67 81) 84) 69 87) 70 90) 71 93) 72 96) 73 99) 102) 75 105) 76 108) 77 111) 78 114) 79 117) 8076) Many hands make light work. 79) Reading makes a full man.82) The best horse needs breeding, and the aptest child 83) 最好的马要驯,最伶俐的孩子要 68 needs teaching. 教。 85) Learn young, learn fair. 88) Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 91) Once bitten, twice shy. 94) Sound in body, sound in mind. 97) Seeing is believing. 86) 学习趁年轻,学就要学好。 89) 胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。 92) 一次被咬,下次胆小。 95) 有健全的身体才有健全的精神。 98) 百闻不如一见。100) Dogs wave their tails not so much in, love to you as 101) 狗摇尾巴,爱的是你的面包。 74 your bread. 103) Money is a good servant but a bad master. 106) The path to glory is always rugged. 109) Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 112) Quality matters more than quantity. 115) The on-looker sees most of the game. 104) 要做金钱的主人,莫作金钱的奴 隶。 107) 通向光荣的道路常常是崎岖的。 110) 没有目标的生活如同没有罗盘的 航行。 113) 质重于量。 116) 旁观者清。118) Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it . 119) 为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。9























三年级语文上册 金色的草地教学反思1 鲁教版

