








我国政府一直讲为人民为服务,建设服务型政府。如何让这句话不成为空话,而能真正落到实处。现在从上到下,都是推行讲绩效,注重考核、工作指标、工作任务的细化。我想带着问题来求知,抱着思考来学习,才能让学习公共管理充分发挥作用。诚然,现在我对公共管理知识了解的很少,但通过努力的学习,让工作和学习结合起来,这个一个已工作者的想法,尽可能做出一点实事,也许我的力量是微小的,但是我愿意尽量做出自己的微薄贡献。 谢谢考官,回答完毕。

First I will talk something about myself.

I am 。。。 and now I am 30. My hometown Yancheng lies in the northeast of Jiangsu Province which is famous for David’s deer and Red crown crane. I graduated from Nanking University in 2006 (two thousand and six) and worked as a civil servant in 2009.( two thousand and six).The comission I work in now is near Gaoyou River, which is famous for its fishery products. It is my honour to invite the professors present to Gaoyou River, eating native food and enjoying beautiful scenery.

Sometimes I felt that there is a potential link between the China University of Mining and Technology and me. I used to work in Yancheng Normal University. It is my former colleague and best friend who graduated from this university introduced me this chance to take part in the post-graduate entrance examination and apply for a MPA degree. I valued this as a best approach to improve my knowledge and skills, that’s why I work hard to pass the exam.

My wife got her MA degree in 2011.(two thousand and eleven), and now she works as an English teacher.. I felt motivated by her experience that her postgraduate education helps a lot in her work, And I have an idea that I need the more knowledge and skills to better serve the public. No wonder becoming a Master of Public Administration became my first choice. I could make my work more worthwhile through this.

The central objective of our government is enabling people live better lives, which can only be achieved by constructing a service-oriented government. I believe the reason why a civil servant is called so is that it is our duty to serve the society. This is a real practice rather than empty words. My idea of becoming a MPA is not impulsive, since I realized that only by combining the necessary theory in public administration with my everyday work can effectiveness and excellent

performance in work be achieved. Obviously, what I knew about this subject is skin-deep. However, I believe that through my diligence, I can make my own contributions to the China Dream.





1. What can you tell me about yourself?

2. What would you like to be doing five years after graduation? On one hand, I want to do well on my job, and I will try the best that I can do. I will make more friends in the work field.

One the other hand, I would like to study more about my job, gain more acknowledge and to be an expert in the labor union work.

3. Why do you choose China Institute of Industrial Relations to study MPA? Tell me a little about China Institute of Industrial Relations form your understanding.

China Institute of Industrial Relations (CIIR) is a famous University, which is affiliated [??f?lie?t?d] to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) and well-known for its concentration of teaching and research across a range of the social and management sciences, with its focus on courses on trade unionism, labor law, industrial relations, economic management and public administration.

It is a dream for every labor union worker to study here.

4. Why do you wish to pursue an MPA degree? What are your career aspiration and why?



5. Describe a setback, disappointment, or occasion of failure that you have experienced. How did you manage the situation and what did you learn from it?

In 2010 after my graduation from University, I tried to continue my study as a post-graduate in Beijing Foreign Study University. I was close but failed. I felt quite frustrated, but I came through it soon. I found joy in work. My failure that time told me that maybe I am not ready, so I prepared myself for another 4 years and here I am.

6. What are your strengths and weakness?

I believe Kindness is both one of my strength and weakness. In work I deal with people, my kindness makes me worthy of people’s trust, and it’s good. But sometimes, kindness makes me hesitate in making decisions on some controversial issues.

7. How will an MPA assist you in your next career development?

8. If you have 4 extra hours each day, what would you do with them?

Reading would be my number one choice. I love reading books; I feel

that it connects me with the world. I spend at least 2 hours a day on reading books. I love books on history the most. Traveling and staying with family and friends are also things I love in my leisure time.

9. What is your biggest accomplishment on the job?

I set up a trust-based relation with my people. They can feel my honesty and sincerity, so I can build up an efficient communication with people. This kind of relation keeps my work going, and efficiency it brings up is very important.

10. What would your former boss comment on you and your job?

I worked as Executive Manager in Xinfei. When I left, she told me that it is a big loss if I go. She is impressed by my dedication to work, my quick thinking, and my efficiency.

11. Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such.

12. What is the most important qualification that a MPA student should have?

Efficiency and good communication. With these qualities, a student will learn quick and will take more back to work.

13. Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MPA student by CIIR?

Yes, I do. I will put study here at priority, and make it the most important thing.

14. What have you learned from the jobs you have held?

Love what you do, as a student or at work, always do your best.

15. What has been your greatest accomplishment?
























