Unit10 The Green Banana


Unit10 The Green Banana

教学目的: 以课文内容为纲,关键语汇为点带领学生了解文化背景知识,并告






教学重点: 识别关键语汇(形容词、名词和短语)以分析文章的逻辑结构及其




教学内容: 以形象的方式结合课文内容发展顺序,带领学生了解不同于本民族






教学方法: 结合实际采用多种教学方法如讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习等。

Unit10 The Green Banana

By Donald Batchelder

Background Knowledge

The text is taken from Beyond Experience: An Experiential Approach to

Cross-cultural education edited by Donald Batchelder and Elizabeth G. Warner in 1974. When the second edition of the book was published in 1993, Batchelder

explained his view on cross-cultural education: “ If some of the goals of education in modern times are to open up possibilities for discovery and expand learning and the chance for mutual acceptance and recognition in a wider world, it may be important to offer students a perspective on their own immediate center of the world by enabling them to participate sensitively as cross-cultural sojourners to the center of someone else?s world.”

Text Analysis

1.Warming up questions:

1).What is “learning moments”? Have you ever experienced “learning moments”?

2). Have you ever heard of or encountered the experience of cultural differences? List the examples.

2. Batchelder?s view on cross-cultural education:


“If some of the goals of education in modern times are to open up possibilities for discovery and expand learning and the chance for mutual acceptance and recognition in a wider world, it may be important to offer students a perspective on their own immediate center of the world by enabling them to participate sensitively as cross-cultural sojourners to the center of someone else?s world.

3. Quoted sentences from text to think over the excerpts.

? 1) The occasion called for some show of recognition on my part. (para.3) What

does this sentence mean?

? 2) … trying to show interest if not complete acceptance. (para.3) Does the author

agree with the villagers?

? 3) …its time had come to meet my need. …It was my own time that had come, all

in relation to it, (para.5) “It was my own time” to do what? Why is it, in the author?s opinion, that many useful things remain unknown to us? Who is to blame?

? 4) But once a conscious breakthrough to a second center is made, a life-long

perspective and collection can begin, (para.7) What does he mean by the “second center”? Which is the first center? How can we make a conscious breakthrough to a second center? What does he mean by “perspective” and “collection”?

? 5) …a green banana is waiting for all of us if we would leave our own centers of

the world…” (para.8) What does “a green banana” here stand for? When the author says we should leave our own centers of the world, doe he mean we should travel to other countries more often?

Language Understanding

1. consist of ...: include .. as its main parts or aspects包括,

相似结构:由 … 组成 构成

be composed of … … constitute

be made up of …

fall into…

e.g. 这本书是有八个章节构成的。

The book consists of eight chapters.

The book is composed of eight chapters.

The book is made up of eight chapters.

The book falls into eight chapters.

Eight chapters constitute the book.

2. sure 1) adj. (predicative only)

be sure to do sth. 务必,一定要

make sure that… 确信

be/feel sure of (about) sth./ that…确信


I said it?d happen, and sure enough it did. (确实事实上)

I don?t know it for sure.(的确,确实地)





3. work out

This problem will not work out.

They ?ve worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to Mars.

The champion is working out in the gym.

How will things work out?

I wonder how his ideas worked out in practice?

4. ignore: take no notice of refuse to take notice of 不顾,不理,忽视(有意识的)

e.g. ignore rude remarks

be ignored by one?s superiors

My advice was completely ignored.


ignorant: adj. unaware, knowing little or nothing 没知识的,不知道的

e.g. I am quite ignorant of what his plans are.

an ignorant replay/ conduct/ behavior

ignorance: n. being ignorant want of knowledge 无知,不知

e.g. We are in complete … of his plan.


neglect: pay no attention to/give no notice or not enough

care to unconscious, unaware忽略玩忽(粗心无意识造成的)

e.g. neglect one?s studies/ children/ health

neglect one?s duty玩忽职守

Don?t neglect writing to your mother.

negligent: taking little care 不注意的, 疏忽的

e.g. He is negligent of his duties. He is negligent in his work.

negligible: that needn?t be considered; of little or no importance or size不重要的 e.g. a negligible quantity

5.call for: demand, require, need要求,需要,提倡

e.g. call for economy

The occasion calls for prompt action.

You must take such steps as seem to be called for (do what seems necessary)你必须采取似乎必要的措施.

call sb./ sth. up: telephone to / bring back to mind/ summon for military service e.g. I will call you up the morning.

If the war breaks out, we shall be called up at once.

The scenes called up my childhood memory.

call by: visit briefly when passing house顺便拜访

call on/upon sb.: make a short visit to短暂拜访

call on/ upon sb. to do sth.: require sb.要求恳请呼吁号召

call off 取消,停止,放弃

e.g. You?d better call the deal off.

The football match was called off due to the fog.

6. relate vi. 涉及,有关


relate to

e.g. The paper relates to the situation.

related adj. 有联系的, 相关的

relative adj. 相关的, 相对的,比较的

n. 亲戚,亲属

relation n. 关系,联系

(in/with relation to) 关系涉及,有关

relativity n. 相对性, 相关性

e.g. His heart attack could be related to his car crash last year. 他的心脏病发作与去年的车祸有关。

e.g. The cost relates directly to the amount of time spent on the job. 费用与工作所耗的时间直接相关。

7. tend:vi. 倾向于 趋于 tend to—

e.g. People tend to gain weight on holidays.

vt. 照顾护理 tend the sick

tendency: n. 趋势


intend v. 想要,打算

intend to do sth.

intention: a plan or purpose 意图,打算

e.g. I?ve no intention of changing my plans.

8. time: all the time / at times /on time/ at the time/ for a time /in time / at the same

time / for some time / from time to time / at a time / for the time being

Topic Discussion

1. Do you agree that the 21th century will see the bitter conflicts between the west culture and the east culture?

2. What do you think is the right attitude towards cultural difference.


Give short answers to the questions.

1. What was the author?s first learning moment?

2. What was the author?s second learning moment?


第二篇:Unit 6 The Green Banana

Unit 6 The Green Banana

1. Lead-in

Pre-reading questions:

? How does the title “Green Banana” strike you? What do you expect the story to tell?

? If you are asked to write a passage on Green Banana, what are going to cover? What kind of function do you know about Banana?

2. While-reading

Now let’s read the text and the vocabulary together, and try to divide the article into several parts, according to your understanding.

? Part 1 (Para 1-Para 4)

The author’s experience in Brazil and his encounter with the village people and then the green banana

? Part 2 (Para 5-Para 7)

The author’s two learning moments from the experience

? Part 3 (Para 8)

As often the case in an essay, it starts from something specific and then moves on to a general conclusion.

And then you need to think about several questions and give the answer after our analysis.

1) What happened to the author’s old jeep in his journey?

2) How did the man fix the author’s jeep?

3) What did the villagers told the author?

4) How did the author change his view towards the end?

5) What did he think was the right attitude towards cultural difference?

3. Language understanding


vt. meet sb. unexpectedly

encounter an old friend on the street

I first encountered him at Shanghai.

n. a meeting, especially one that is unplanned and unexpected

close encounter: situation that could be dangerous or unpleasant

close encounter with a poisonous snake

strain: try very hard to do sth. using all your physical and mental strength 拉紧,竭尽全力

The singer strained to reach the high notes.

He chocked and gasped, straining for air.

Don’t strain yourself; you need to rest more. 不要过度劳累


1. to tell somebody that something is sure to happen or is definitely true

Mum assured us that everything would be all right.向……保证

2. to make sth. certain to happen

Hard work has assured his success.他的成功来自于辛勤的工作


1. a high mountain top

2. a pointed stone decoration, like a small tower, on a building such as church or castle

3. the most successful, powerful, exciting, etc part of sth.

By the age of 50, she has reached the pinnacle of her political career. dawn on: 渐渐明白 开始理解

(not with passive voice) if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the first time Then the truth dawned on me.

It dawned on me that she had been right all along.


one container filled with water,in the cooling system, draws heat away from the engine block. The water jacket (隔热罩), a fan and a water pump are included in the cooling system.

ignore: take no notice of

ignore rude remarks

be ignored by one’s superiors

My advice was completely ignored.

ignorant ignorance

I am quite … of what his plans are.

an ignorant replay/ conduct/ behavior

We are in complete … of his plan.


sth. esp. a rock or cloud that is formed in a particular shape

4. Detailed discussion of the text

1) strain: to try very hard

The old man was straining to open the jar. 老人用力的打开瓶子。

People strained to hear what the speaker was saying.

The word can also be used as transitive verb

I strained my ears to hear what they were whispering. 我用力得听他们在说些什么。

When: used to say what was happening or had just happened when a particular event happened. 引导的时间状语一般不用将来时和进行时,用一般时态来表达,译成:当……时,这时) They had just arrived when the telephone rang.

Hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at the door.

2) over-heated: too hot

Oversleep睡过头 overload 超载 overdressed 过于打扮的 overcharge超载,过分充电

Consist of :

include .. as its main parts or aspects包括

相似结构:由 … 组成 构成

be composed of … … constitute

be made up of …

fall into…


The book consists of eight chapters.

The book is composed of

is made up of eight chapters.

falls into

Eight chapters constitute the book.

3) come over 从远处走过来

fine: thin or in very small pieces or drops

fine hair 汗毛 fine thread 细线 fine sand 细沙

4) sent ….doing sth

told sb.to do sth. to cause sb. to do sth; to cause sth to happen

The movie sent many people crying.

The icy road sent several people slipping and falling.

5) pat me on the shoulder : pat my shoulder

To wound sb in the leg, to hit sb in the back

Assure sb that: to make sure that sth will happen

The mechanic assured me that the car would be good for five years.

Work out (a problem or difficult situation ) to gradually get better or get solved. Don’t worry, things will work out in the end.

Better late than never


Better late than never


better late than never


Better Late than Never


Better late than never


Do you agree that Better late than never


better early than late


全国英语演讲大赛演讲稿之第十名Chinese philosopher, Confucius,


beatles freetalk






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better late than never演讲稿(7篇)