TED Reflection:Never Ever Give Up TED观后感:永不放弃


Diana Dyad:Never, Ever Give Up

In the pitch-black night, stung by jellyfish, choking on salt water, singing to herself, hallucinating, Diana Nyad just kept on swimming. And that's how she finally achieved her lifetime goal as an athlete, an extreme 100-mile swim from Cuba to Florida, at age 64. Hear her story.

It's the fifth time Diana Nyad stand on the Cuban shore believing again that she’s going to make it all the way across that vast, dangerous wilderness of an ocean.

Life is about the journey, but not really the destination. We've been on a journey. Let's face it, we're all on a one-way street. What are we going to do as we go forward to have no regrets looking back? Teddy Roosevelt quote was floating around in her brain over the past years in training. It says, "You go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chair as a critic or an observer, while the brave one gets in the ring, engages, gets bloody and dirty, and fails over and over and over again. Yet he isn't afraid or timid and lives life in a bold way." When you achieve your dreams, it's not so much what you get as who you have

become in achieving them.

You have a dream and obstacles in front of you as we all do. None of us ever get through this life without heartache, without turmoil. Believe in perseverance and have faith. Get back up again when you can get knocked down and you will find your way.

"I have three messages," said the breathless Nyad. “The first is we should never ever give up. The second is you are never too old to chase your dreams. And the third is that it looks like the most solitary endeavor in the world but it takes a team.”

Hellen Keller said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” People always fail because they stop trying, not because they encounter the unbeatable difficulties. "Never, never give up" means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. I think it’s a very good piece of advice for all of us and this is the most important thing that can help us to achieve our goals.

I am quite sure that everybody knows Thomas Edison. Why so many people tried to invent the electric lamp, but only Thomas Edison

succeed? If Edison, like many others, had been stilted by repeated failures, there would be no vibrant modern cities at night. His success proves that if a person is not scared by seemingly insurmountable adversity, he can find the way to success.

In my opinion, never stop working for your goal doesn’t mean you must be successful. It doesn't even mean that you must achieve your goal, but it's very important to keep it in your mind. There are enough unfavorable conditions which make our lives difficult, but what important for us is to make efforts towards your goal or your dream. If you have given your best for your goal or your dream, whether you succeed or not, at least you won't leave any regret in your life.

Don't give up working for your goal or your dream. If you succeed, you will taste great joy in your life. If you don't succeed, you won't have regret in your life because you have given your best.

Dreams are hard to follow, hold on and there will be tomorrow. You will find the way with the strength to carry on. Don’t give up.

第二篇:Never Give Up绝不言弃

Never Give Up绝不言弃

The adolescent girl from Tennessee is standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in upstate New York. It's a beautiful day. But the girl doesn't feel beautiful. She's not the leggy, glamorous Hollywood type. In fact, she describes herself as dorky.


Since she was six years old, Reese Witherspoon has wanted to be a country singer. And Dolly Parton is her idol. But this flat-chested wisp of a girl is no Dolly Parton.Nevertheless, all of this summer she's been acting, dancing and singing---giving it her best.


Play to your strengths. If you're going to make it in this business, it's not going to be on sexy—that's not who you are. Better focus on what you're good at. Celebrate yourself.


Despite three years of lessons, at the end of camp her coaches tell her to forget about singing. They suggest she think about another career. If Reese did have talent, it was hiding under her skinny, mousy frame and her Coke-bottle glasses.


Still, she takes their words to heart. After all, why shouldn't she believe the professionals?

虽然心有不甘,可她还是听从了建议,毕竟,她有什么理由怀疑专业人士呢? But back at home in Nashville, her mother — a funny, happy, upbeatperson —

wouldn't let her mope. Her father, a physician, encouraged her to achieve in school. So she worked hard at everything and was accepted at Stanford University.

但回到位于纳什维尔的家里,她的妈妈—— 一名风趣、快乐、乐观的儿科护士——可不会让里斯感到丝毫的沮丧。她的爸爸是一名医生,他鼓励女儿在学业上有所成就。于是,她凡事努力,终于被斯坦福大学录取。

And at age 19, she got a part in a low-budget movie called Freeway. That led to a substantial role in the movie Pleasantville. But her big break came with Legally Blonde.

19岁那年,她出演了一部低成本电影《极速惊魂》。这为她后来在《欢乐谷》中争取到真正重要的角色奠定了基础。而她真正的破冰之作是影片《律政俏佳人》。 Well, she decided, "if you can't sing and you aren't glamorous, play to your strengths. If you're going to make it in this business, it's not going to be on sexy — that's not who you are. Better focus on what you've good at. Celebrate yourself." And then came the offer that took her back to her Nashville roots — playing the wife of tormented country star Johnny Cash. A singing role.

她暗下决心:“既然自己没有歌唱天分,又不是光彩照人,那就尽力演出。要想在这行做下去,就不要在性感上做文章了——自己不是那种类型的。最好在自己擅长 的方面下功夫。要展示自己。”这时,她接到片约,邀她出演约翰尼?卡什——一个饱受折磨的乡村歌手——的妻子,这是个需要演员有唱功的角色,该片约又把她 带回到纳什维尔的家乡.

All of a sudden the old fears were back. She was so nervous on the set, a reporter wrote, she "kept a sick bucket" nearby and admitted she "would go backstage after a singing scene and shake." But she didn't give up on the movie or herself.


The humor and drive she learned at home overcame the self-doubt learned on that summer stage. She spent 6 months taking singing lessons again. She learned to play the Autoharp. And the hard work built up her confidence.


Last March, Reese Witherspoon walked up on another stage, the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, and accepted the Oscar as Best Actress for her heartbreaking, heartwarming singing role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.


Finally, as you read thse accounts of Reese Witherspoon, consider the obstacles she met. The lesson of the strory, I suppose, is that instead of making dozen excuses why you can not realize your dreams, think about this story, just hold to your dream and never give up。

























