


这篇文章讲的是,贫苦善良的阿里巴巴上山砍柴,无意中碰上了强盗,他躲了起来,他看见强盗首领对着一块大石头喊“芝麻开门”,大石头就开了,阿里巴巴想知道洞里面有什么,他走过去学强盗首领说了句“芝麻开门”,石头就开了,阿里巴巴走进洞里发现有很多金币和珠宝,他拿走了一些金币,由此过 上了富裕的生活;后来他贪财的哥哥知道后,也学着他的样子也进了山洞,却被强盗杀害了。



一帆风顺年年好 万事如意步步高 横批:吉星高照 日出江花红胜火 春来江水绿如蓝 横批:鸟语花香 一年四季行好运 八方财宝进家门 横批:家和万事兴 春临大地百花艳 节至人间万象新 横批:万事如意福星事事如意大吉祥 家家顺心永安康 横批:四季兴隆

欢声笑语贺新春 欢聚一堂迎新年 横批:合家欢乐 欢天喜地度佳节 张灯结彩迎新春 横批:家庭幸福





In a town in Persia there lived two brothers. One was named Cassim and the other Ali Baba. Cassim married a rich wife and lived in luxury, but Ali Baba had to live by cutting wood and selling it in the town.

One day when Ali Baba was in the forest, he saw a troop of men on horseback coming toward him. As he was afraid they were a band of robbers, he climbed up a big tree to hide himself. They came to the foot of the tree and got off their horses. Then the chief of the thieves went up to a large rock. "Open, Sesame!" he cried, so loudly that Ali Baba could hear him. Instantly a magic door opened in the rock and they all went in, and then the door shut by itself. They stayed inside for some time. At last they came out. This time the chief of the band called out, "Shut, Sesame!" The door closed and the men rode away.

Ali Baba wanted to know what was in the cave. After a minute or two he stood before the rock. "Open, Sesame!" he cried out. Once again the hidden door opened. He went through the doorway. The door closed behind him. He was surprised to find such a large, well-lit place. He saw rich bales of silk, plenty of gold and silver, and bags of money. He took no notice of the silver, but took out as many bags of gold as his donkeys could carry, and hurried home.


/At the sight of the gold his wife got so excited that she ran to

Cassim's to borrow a measure. Cassim's wife wondered what she wanted to measure. So she put some tallow at the bottom of the measure. When Ali Baba's wife brought it back, she found a piece of gold sticking to the bottom.

"Your brother is richer than you," said his wife to Cassim. "He has more money than he can count."

The next morning Cassim went to his brother. He showed the gold piece to Ali Baba and said, "You say you are poor, but you measure gold. How did you get it?"

As Ali Baba thought Cassim knew his secret, he told him about the cave and the magic words to open the door.

波斯的某座小镇住着两个兄弟。一个叫做凯辛,另一个叫做阿里巴巴。凯辛娶了个有钱的太太而过着奢侈的生活,但阿里巴巴却靠砍柴到镇上贩售维生。 有一天阿里巴巴在森林里的时候,他看到一群人骑着马过来。因为他害怕他们是一群强盗,所以就爬到树上躲起来。他们骑到树下后便下马。接着强盗首领走到一颗大岩石前叫道:『芝麻,开门!』他叫得很大声,因此阿里巴巴可以听到他的话。岩石里马上开了一扇神奇的门,他们进去后,门又自动关了起来。他们在里面待了一会儿,最后他们走了出来。这次强盗首领大叫:『芝麻,关门!』门关上后他们就骑马离开了。



/ 一看到这些金子,阿里巴巴的太太好兴奋,便跑到凯辛家去借个秤斗。凯辛



于是凯辛的太太就对老公说:『你的弟弟比你更富有。他的钱多得数不完。』 隔天早上凯辛跑去找他弟弟。他把那小块金子拿给阿里巴巴看,说:『你说你很穷,但你却秤金子。你是从哪里得到的?』



Cassim was a mean and selfish fellow. So early the next morning he

started out to get the treasure for himself. He easily found the secret cave and the door in the rock. He said, "Open, Sesame!" and the door opened. He gathered as much gold as he could, but when he was ready to leave, he could not remember what to say. He said, "Open, Barley!" but the door did not open. He named several kinds of grain, but the door did not move at all. Cassim was white with fear!

About noon the thieves returned to the cave. Cassim tried to escape, but he was caught and killed. They cut his body into four parts.

When night came, Cassim's wife became very uneasy. She ran to Ali Baba and said, "My husband has not come back yet. What shall I do?" So Ali Baba set out for the forest to look for his brother. When he entered the cave, the first thing he saw was his dead brother.


/ He was full of horror. He put the body on one of his donkeys and

loaded bags of gold on the other two, and hurried back to Cassim's house. He told the whole story to Morgiana, one of Cassim's slaves, and said, "We must make others think that Cassim died in his bed. Do as I tell you."

As she was clever, she understood what he meant. The next morning Morgiana went to the druggist. "My poor master cannot either eat or speak. No one knows what his disease is," she said, and carried home some medicine. The next day she went to the same druggist and with tears in her eyes asked for an essence which was given only to a dying person.

So no one was surprised in the evening to hear that Cassim was dead. Then she went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town. She put a piece of gold in his hand and asked him to come with her. She covered his eyes with a handkerchief and led him to the room where the dead body lay. Then she told him to sew the four parts of the body together. After that she covered his eyes again and led him home. But the cobbler had sharp eyes. He was able to see some of the road. And he recognized Cassim's house.











When the forty thieves returned to the cave, they were astonished to find that the dead body and several money bags had disappeared. "We have certainly been discovered," said the chief. "We have killed one; we must now find the other who knows our secret." He told one of his men to dress himself as a traveler and enter the town.

The thief greeted the cobbler and said, "Old man, can you repair shoes at your age?"


/ "Though I am old," said the cobbler, "I have very good eyes, and

you will believe me when I tell you that I sewed a dead body together in a dark place."

The thief was glad to hear that. He gave the cobbler a gold coin and had the man show him Cassim's house. On the door the thief put a mark with a piece of chalk.

When Morgiana saw the white mark on the door, she was afraid something bad would happen. So she put the same mark on five or six houses.

The thief told the chief of his discovery. The chief told him to lead them to the house. But when they came to it, they saw five or six houses were chalked in the same manner. They could not tell which house Cassim's was, and had to return to the cave.

The chief sent another thief to the town as a spy. He also had the cobbler lead him to the house and marked the house in red chalk. But Morgiana was too clever for the thieves. They found, as before, that five or six houses were marked. When they returned to the cave, the first and the second spies were put to death.


/ Now the chief decided to go himself. As he was wiser than the other

thieves, he did not mark the house. He looked at it closely enough to remember it.

He returned and told his men to buy nineteen mules and thirty-eight leather jars, one full of oil and the others empty. He put one man into each jar with his weapon, and led the nineteen mules into the town with his thirty-seven men and one jar of oil on their backs. They reached the town before it got dark.










/ 他回去告诉他的手下买十九匹骡子,和卅八个皮瓮,其中一个装满油,其它



The chief stopped his mules in front of the house and said to Ali Baba, who was the new master of Cassim's house, "I have brought some oil to sell, but it is now late. Will you give me a night's lodging?"

Ali Baba invited the chief to come in when he heard that there was no room for him at the inn. "Please come in," said Ali Baba. "You can have supper with us and a warm bed to sleep in until tomorrow." He told Morgiana to prepare a bed and supper.

After supper the chief went out into the yard and told his men to come out when he threw some stones from the window.

After her new master and the guest went to bed, Morgiana was

making soup when suddenly her lamp went out and they had no oil in the house. "I'll go into the yard and take some oil from those jars," she said to herself.

When she went out into the yard and came to the first jar, the thief in the jar said softly, "Is it time?" She turned pale with terror. But she controlled herself and thought of a good plan. "Not yet, but soon," she said.


/ She filled a large kettle with oil and set it on a fire. When it boiled,

she poured enough oil into every jar to kill all the thieves inside. Then she went back to the kitchen and waited to see what would happen.

Before long the chief got up and opened the window to throw little stones. The stones hit the jars, but no thieves came out. He went down into the yard. When he went near one of the jars and said, "Are you asleep?" He smelt the hot boiled oil. At once he knew all his men were dead and that he had to give up his plan to kill Ali Baba and his family. He ran away. Morgiana saw all this and then went to bed.

The next morning she told everything to her master and led him to the oil jars to show him what was in them.

Ali Baba thanked her very much and said, "Morgiana, you have saved our lives. You are no longer a slave. You are free now."



晚餐后首领到庭院去告诉他的手下说,他从窗子丢石头出来时,他们就出来。 玛琪安娜在新主人和客人入睡后便煮汤,这时油灯突然熄了,而屋子里也没油了。她自言自语说:『我要到庭院去从皮瓮里拿一些油来。』

她走到庭院,来到第一只皮瓮时,瓮里的强盗轻声问:『时候到了吗?』玛琪安娜吓得脸色发白。但她一下子就稳住阵脚,并想了个好办法。她说:『还没,但快了。』 /

/ 她将一只大水壶盛满油放在火上烧。油煮沸时,她把足够的油倒进瓮中将里


不久强盗首领起床,他打开窗户丢小石头。石头打在瓮上,但却没半个强盗出来。他便下到庭院去。当他走近其中一个瓮时,便说:『你睡着了吗?』接着他闻到一股热油味。他马上知道所有的手下都死了,也知道他不得不放弃杀死阿里巴巴和他家人的计划。他逃走了。玛琪安娜看到一切,然后便回去睡觉。 第二天早上她把事情经过全盘告诉她的主人,并带他去看皮瓮里的东西。 阿里巴巴非常感谢她,说:『玛琪安娜,你救了我们全家。你不再是奴隶。你现在自由了。』


The chief lost all his men, but he did not change his plan to kill Ali Baba. He disguised himself as a merchant. He brought rich silk and fine linen from the cave, and set up a shop opposite that of Ali Baba's son. He called himself Cogia Hassan. He soon made friends with Ali Baba's son and often invited him and Ali Baba to dinner.

One day Ali Baba invited Cogia Hassan into his house and thanked him for his kindness to his son.

Morgiana wanted to look at the guest, so she helped her fellow slave carry the dishes. As soon as she saw Cogia Hassan, she knew that he was the chief of the thieves and that he carried a dagger under his coat. She decided to save her master and his son from the bad man. She thought of a very bold idea.


/ After dinner Morgiana dressed herself as a dancing girl and hid a

dagger in her girdle.

"Come in, Morgiana," said Ali Baba. "Let Cogia Hassan see what you can do."

The chief was not pleased. He was afraid he might miss the chance of killing Ali Baba, but he pretended to be enjoying her dances. Morgiana began another dance. She drew her dagger and danced with it in her hand. After several dances Ali Baba and his son gave her a piece of gold. Cogia Hassan pulled out his purse to give her a present, but while he was putting his hand into it, she plunged her dagger into his heart.

"Have you gone mad? What a terrible thing you have done!" cried Ali Baba and his son.

"It was to save you. Look well at him," she cried. "He is the chief of the forty thieves! I have killed him for you and your son." And she opened the merchant's coat and showed the dagger.

Ali Baba wanted to thank her and asked his son to marry her. He was glad to take her for his wife. A few days later, their wedding was held with great splendor.


/ One year passed by. Ali Baba heard nothing of the remaining thieves.

He thought that they were dead, so he started for the cave. He opened the door by saying, "Open, Sesame!" He went in and took away as much gold as he could and returned to town.

He told his son the secret of the cave. They always had the hidden cave to keep them rich to the end of their days.


有一天阿里巴巴邀请柯加?哈珊到他家去,感谢他那幺善待他的儿子。 玛琪安娜想要看看这位客人是什幺模样,便帮助她以前曾共事的仆人上菜。她一看到柯加?哈珊,便认出他就是强盗首领,也发现他在上衣内还藏了把匕首。 她决定拯救她的主人及其儿子免受坏人之害。她想到一个非常大胆的办法。 晚餐后,她将自己扮成舞者,并在束腰间藏了一把匕首。



跳了几段舞后,阿里巴巴和他儿子赏给玛琪安娜一块金子。柯加?哈珊掏出钱包要赏她礼物,但就在他伸手进去时,玛琪安娜把匕首刺入他的心脏。 阿里巴巴和他儿子大叫:『你疯了不成?看你做了多幺可怕的一件事!』 她叫道:『我这样做是在救你们。仔细看看他。他正是四十大盗的首领!我是为了你和令郎才杀他的。』她掀开这名商人的上衣,露出匕首来。



/ 一年过去了。阿里巴巴并没听到任何有关那些强盗余党的消息。他认为他们
























马云成为内地首富 阿里巴巴与四十大盗


阿里巴巴与四十大盗剧本by June and Rita

