



狼是一种凶猛、残忍的动物,这是我以前一贯的认为,可是自从我读了《狼王梦》这本书之后,我更全面的了解了狼这种动物,并且被它们给震撼了。 《狼王梦》这本书主要讲了一匹叫紫岚的母狼生了三匹公狼,一匹母狼,分别是:黑仔、蓝魂儿、双毛和媚媚。紫蓝野性十足,他想把自己的儿女培养成狼王,它千方百计,不顾一切,竭尽全力。虽然一次次的希望变成了绝望,三匹公狼相继死去,但它不灰心,不放弃,付出一切也不后悔,把希望留在儿女的下一代中。我喜欢紫岚,不仅是它勇敢执着的精神感动了我,而且它给予给儿女的母爱也感动了我。


读着《狼王梦》我不禁想起了5.12大地震中,搜救队员在残桓断壁中发现了一名跪着的女子,砖头、石头都压在她身上,没有生命迹象,可在他怀中,抱着一位婴儿,手上还紧握着一只手机,上面写着“亲爱的孩子,如果你能活着,一定要记住,我爱你!”这是多么浓厚的母爱,母亲用生命保护了孩子。 母爱是一座高高的山,无论你有多大困难,她总是你依靠的屏障。正如《狼王梦》中的一样,母亲总是孩子依靠的屏障,就像一缕阳光,温暖心灵,就像一滴雨露,滋润心田,就像一方沃土,灌溉心灵,就像一条彩虹,美化心灵。



To be honest,at the very beginning,when I saw Joanna was going to leave his family his lovely son,I felt unhappy and sorrowful.I just could no-t understand her decision.In my view,she was so selfish and cold in heart.however,with the story going on,I gradually understand her,a poor woman. So I support her decision to pursuit for a new career and life. Before her

leaving,she went to her son's living room and kissed him,told him that she loved her so much.I was so moved that moment that I felt sorry for the departure.But from the talk between Mr.Kramer and Ms.Kramer,we can see where the biggest conflict lies.Mr.Kramer considered everything before his family.He turned his back to his wife's request for a talk.I think as a successful father and husband,one's responsibility is not only try his best to meet his families substantial need,but also care for their inner heart.Ms,Kramer was unhappy and felt deep lonely,but her husband refused to listen to her and help her,which made her really disappointed.She loved her son so much that she tried hard to bear her life and ignore her own needs,but after several years,she could not tolerate any more.She longed for change.I believed that she had a deep consideration before leaving home.Of course,it can not be denied that it was unfair to the little boy,Billy.He missed her mom so much and he was so innocent.But to some degree,I thought Ms.Kramer's leaving was good for them all.

For Ms.Kramer,she was unhappy as a housewife.She wanted to work

outside,but refused by Ted She felt not confident with herself,so she want-ed to do something else to regain confidence.However,Ted laughed at her,even insulted her by comparing her salary with a children's nurse.Later on,we learnt that Joanna even developed mental disorder and turned to a psychologist for help.Maybe she was not a good mother for leaving,but as she said in the film that she was not in a good condition to accompany Billy.Would Billy have a happy childhood with unhappy parents?Perhaps,a worse harm would have brought to him.Joanna loved Billy so when she came back New York,she observed her son from a long distance,without disturbing him.After going away,she received pyschotherapy and regained confidence as well as found a decent job.What gave me a deep impression was that she claimed she was not just a wife,a daughter,a mother,but also herself.I also think in the long course of life,we not just living for responsibility,but for ourselves.How short our lives are!But it does not mean we do not care for our family,our friends.Take my parents for example,all their hope is bringing me up and giving me a satisfactory life.Of course,I am grateful to them.they gave me birth and meet my needs as much as they can.They even put me in a central position.But at the same time,I felt sorry for them because they did not enjoy their lives.So when I can earn money myself,I would like to makeup for it.I wanted them to enjoy lives without considering me.

As for Ted,after Joanna left,he learnt to take care of his son.Before J

oanna went away,he devoted all himself to work,which Joanna could not tolerate.He blamed his wife's leaving on his neighbor,a divorced woman rather than himself.He also had a bad temper.At first,he had no idea how to care for Billy.I remembered he failed to make a breakfast in the kitchen and he did not allow Billy to eat ice cream.At the beginning,he played a bad role as a father.But gradually,he tried to be a good father. I think it is a good chance for him to make a balance between family and work.

for the little boy,Billy,his heart was broken after his loved mother left home .But I think he will understand them when he grow up.His

parents loved him,they thought everything considering him.However,they just could not handle this problem.His childhood would be more unlucky if he was accompanied by unhappy parents,which would bring him more harm.

In a word,I support Joanna’s departure.To some extent, it benifited them all.
























