





1.If all the letters are asked(被叫 )to a tea party, which letters will be late ? ( D )

A.u and z B.w,x and y C.x,y and z D.u.v,w,x,y and z

2.What letter is an insect(昆虫)? It’s ____B______

A.Ww B.Ff C.Bb D.Ss

3.Which is medicine(药)for your head in the English letter?(C)


4.How many letters are there in English?(C)

A.48 B.30 C.26 D.7

5.____A____the ninth letter in the English alphabet(字母表 ).

A.“I” is B.I am C.I is D. “I”am

6. I see three men on a bus. A speaks English and Japanese. C only talks with B. B can speak Chinese and English. What does C speak? He speaks.(C)

A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. English and Japanese

7. How long should your legs be? They are. (D)

A. 1.5 meters long B. 2 meters long C. longer than my father's D. long enough to reach the ground

8. What would George Washington be most famous (著名的) for if he were alive today? (C)

A. A president (总统). B. A great American. C. His old age. D. A father of his son.

9.Who can stop a truck(卡车) with one hand?(D)

A. A worker B. A farmer C. An old man D.A policeman

10.His talk was nothing but milk and water. “Milk and water”A.毫无意义 B.丰富多彩 C.血浓于水 D.例行公事

11.What’s the Chinese for “six of one an half a dozen of the other’’?(C)

A.六分之一 B.人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半

12.What’s three letters turn into a woman?(D)


13.We don’t want it .It’s “a white elephant.” What is it?(A)

A.昂贵而无用之物 B.一头白象 C.白给的东西 D.白色陷阱

14.What’s too much for two and just right for one.( A)

A. Time B. A secret C. Two friends D.A room

15. What’s the Chinese for “talk big.?”(A)

A.吹牛 B.说谎话 C.骂人 D.很大

16. I know that from A to I.(B)

A.从A 到I B.从头到尾 C.字母表 D.距离很远

17.You can do it .You can sue to Ann for help.(A)

A .ask B. think C. find D. give

18. What’s that? That’s a lily. I like it very much..(B)

A. girl’s name B. flower C. pictrue D. cup

10.He’s a yes-man.. I don’t him.(A)

A.唯唯诺诺 B.总有理的人 C.坚强的人 C.说一不二的人

20.All right. Let me do it. That’s the boy.(A)

A. good boy B. young child C. big boy D. bad boy

21.Zhou Shuren’s pen name is Luxun.(C)

A.假名 B.真名 C.笔名 D.艺名

22.They are not here. Ten to one they’re in the classroom.(C)

A.肯定是 B. 有点儿可能 C.很可能 D.有可能

23.I don’t’ like Mr. Li . He is an old woman..(A)

A.女人气的男人 B.没有妻子的老头 C.喜欢罗嗦的人 D.老太婆

24.You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class.(B)

A.他棒极了 B.他不是你的对手 C.他和你不在一个班上 D.他是个生手

25.Mr.Wang is a businessman. He always talks shops.(C)

A.自吹自擂 B.吹他商店的好 C.谈生意上的事 D.三句不离本行

26.Kate is working in a factory now. She is not a chicken again.(C)

A.小鸡 B.鸡肉 C.不是小孩 D.单身女子

27.Don’t give a carrot to me. I can’t go with you.(B)

A.把一胡萝卜给我 B.引诱我 C.让我吃胡萝卜 D.小看我

28. I can’t go to school today. I feel cheap.(B)

A.便宜 B.不舒服 C.忙碌 D.虚伪

29. We can go to the moon on foot. You’re killing me.(C)

A.你让我死了吧 B.你杀了我吧 C.你的话笑死人了 D.你在胡说八道

30.The neighbours (邻居)called the man cold fish ,because he never helped others. What’s the meaning of cold fish here?(B)

A.冻鱼 B.冷酷无情的人 C.忙人 D.杀手

31.Everyone says he’s good at talking with all kinds of people and he never puts a foot wrong. The Chinese meaning for “puts a foot wrong” in this sentence is_____B_______

A.把一只脚放错了 B.说错话 C.放下一只脚 D.步行

32.I can’t kill a duck ,it’s duck soup to be a cock.. The meaning of “duck soup” in Chinese is____D__________.

A.鸭汤 B.鸭子游泳 C.后悔的事 D.易如反掌的事


1.Fill in the missing number.

12,6,18,12,30,( ),34

Answer: 2.Work out the missing digits(数字)so that the calculation(计算 )is correct. 4.From what number can you take half(一半5.What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? 6.There is an interesting number. Its letters are in alphabetical order(按字母顺序排列).What’s the number? 7. How many months has 28 days in a year? 8. How many hundreds are there in half a thousand. 9.A box contains(装有)six small boxes. And each small box also contains another four boxes. How many boxes are there together(一共)? 10.If it takes you three and a half minutes to boil(煮)one egg. How long does it take to boil ght eggs at least(至少11. Peter can run from the train station to his home in eight minutes. His brother Tom run the same distance (距离)eight times in one hour. Who runs faster( 更快地12. Tim always goes to school by bus. He often looks out of the bus window on his left, and he sees four

pet shops. In the evening, on the way home, he sees four pet shops on his right. How many pet shops are there? 13.---Can you take 1from 4( 从4中取走4)and get 5? How?

___Yes. Take from 14.Which letter doesn’t belongs to the following series?


Answer: 16.What is the distance between the first letter and the last letter of”smile”?_____One mile

17.What is pronounced(发音)like one letter, written with three letters , and can be drunk?(被喝) 18.what is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all 19.Hello, everyone. I’m a word. I have three letters. My first letter is in “soon” but not in “moon”, my second letter is in “rose” and also in “rice”. my third letter is not in” pencil” but in “paper”, my whole is a place where there is a lot of water. Who am I? 20.I’m looking at a picture of a man. The man’s father is my father’s son, but I don’t have any brother or sister. Who is the man? 21.My sister’s Brown’s daughter, but Brown isn’ 24.It doesn’t ask questions but you must answer it. What is it?25. There were ten men outside under one small umbrella. None of them got wet. Why? (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)

Answer: 26.When a thief(贼) is stealing(偷)a car, the police catches him red—handed. What does “catches him red—handed” mean? (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)_____________________

27. Jack is very odd (奇怪的). He likes balloons, but does not like parties! He likes books, but does not like reading! He likes weeds, but does not like flowers! He likes swimming, but does not like water! Does he like towns or villages?____________ 4 .Bob is lazy. His room is“ at sixes and sevens”. Guess the meaning of “ at sixes and sevens” here.(You may answer it in English or Chinese.)_____________________

28. ---- I get 100 in the math test. I feel on the top of the world.

-----Well done.

Guess the meaning” of on the top of the world” her? (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)_____________________Very happy

29.“like for like” means________________ (In Chinese)

30.“Never say die” means_____________________ (In Chinese)

31.“cats and dogs” means_________________ (In Chinese)

32.“Silence is gold” means________________(In Chinese)

33. “Walls have ears” means_____________________(In Chinese)

34“Silence is gold” means________________(In Chinese)

35“Practice makes perfect” means________________(In Chinese)

36.”Love me, love my dog” means________________(In Chinese)

37. “Like father like son” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

38.“No pains, no gains” means ________________________ (In Chinese)

39.“Easy come ,easy go” means ___________________________(In Chinese)

40.“Silence is gold” means __________________________(In Chinese)

41.“See eye to eye” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

42.“Easier said than done” ” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

43.“ It’s never too late to learn” means ___________________________(In Chinese)

44.“Better late than never” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

45.All roads lead to Rome” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

46.“No news is good news” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

47.“Look before you leap” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

48. “Blood is thicker than water” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

49.“Well begin is half done” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

50.“Actions speak louder than words” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

51.“A friend in need is a friend in indeed” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

52.“An idle youth, a needy age” means _________________________ (In Chinese)


( ) a. 第十二夜 A. The Million Pound Bank Note

( ) b.百万英镑 B. The Twelfth Night

( )c.音乐之声 C. Sound of Music

( ) d.未来世界 D. Future World


a black and white 黑色幽默

black humor 白纸黑字


black tea 红茶

green hand 新手

green eye 嫉妒

yellow dog

五. 哪种说法正确?正确的用 T,错误的用F 表示:

1. Fourth of July is Independence Day. Yes or no? (T)

2. Koalas can swim. Yes or no? (F)

3. The earth moves round the sun. ( F )

4. The sun moves round the moon. ( F )

5. 用西餐时,需左手拿fork, 右手拿knife. Yes or no? ( F)







常用英文祝福用语 一般祝福语

















