

The moral issues proposed by artificial intelligence

In the movie, a diversity of robots were created to meet human's need. And when the first robot with emotion like humans is going to be produced, someone raised a question: what responsibility should human take for robots who are created to love human? In fact, it's really a great challenge in traditional morality.

What happens if we begin to create a robot that is capable to love likes us? It means that we would be more struggling to regard robot as an animate lives or just a tool to feet our needs, especially an intelligent object just cries and laughs exactly like us. The two choices represent two divergent attitudes towards robot. Emotionally, it's natural for people to regard robots who are so similar to us as our friends or families, even closer than pets. They both have feelings and emotion. For intelligent robots with emotion, they work, talk, and even love as we do. However, rationally, robots are just artificial machines designed by human, and made to serve us, which give human a great appetency to control and rule them, using as slaves or even tools. Apparently, it's difficult to tell which attitude is right definitely for now. For the reason that, when there is a novel controversial object shaping in the process of technology, traditional morality tends to wake and needs to develop.



DREAMER focuses on the loving relationship between a girl and her horse. Young Cale meets racehorse Sonya when she spends a work day with her father, a trainer named Ben . When Sonya breaks her leg in a race, Ben refuses to have the horse put down and buys her from the money-minded owner, Mr. Palmer . Soon, Sonya is fit enough to race. A gruff sort, Ben has trouble showing his affection for Cale, in part because he has a difficult history with his own father, retired trainer Pop . Cale's mother, Lily tries to help Ben overcome his disconnection, encouraging him to see the bond developing between Cale and Sonya, as well as Pop's involvement in the horse's recovery. Stable hand Balon and jockey Manolin also help in her remarkable recovery. In competition against his brother, wealthy Prince Sadir decides to finance Sonya's comeback.


小演员Dakota Fanning把Cale这个角色诠释得棒极了。她的演出让我想起Haley Joey Osmant(Artificial Intellegence中饰演David)。这两个早熟的孩子都有着令人惊诧不已的天分。他们的表演最与本身年龄不符的地方是语速缓慢且连贯,以及表情沉静从容。这样的控制节奏的能力就连成年人也未必能够拥有。Slow is a certain kind of power. 这句话实在是正确。她的念白和表情揉合了纯净和从容两种感觉,有时候甚至能带给我一种颇负韵味的非现实的感觉。其中,我最喜欢的是她念那首诗:

“You are a great champion. When you ran the ground shook. The sky opened and mere mortals parted. Parted the way to victory. Where you will meet me in the winner's circle. Where I will lay a blanket of flowers on your back.”

这是电影里祖父教给小孙女Cale的一段诗。Dakota Fanning把它念得十分动人。尤其是作为两处旁白时候的演绎,配合上稍稍拉远和放慢的镜头,让人体会到广阔的精神世界和无限的期待。

这段诗暗合了电影中另一个频频出现的词“king”:电影里面祖父对小孙女这样说道:“Racing is a game of king”;Cale在学校里面所写的那个寓言式的故事也是关于Castle, a magic horse and King。我们可以将这种重复简单地理解为对这种运动本身的奢华性的一种强调,但是从更深的含义看来,赛马文化本身是和骑士文化、贵族文化是联系在一起的。电影里面的King其实是代表了精英文化中对精神世界具有高贵性的这一认知的肯定。





There is no objection that daughter Cale’s role is the most brilliant place in this movie.She is kind and full of dreams.Moreover ,as just a ten years old girl ,she has a feeling at the firm and intelligent.It was she who promote all stories of the dreams which have been silent for a long time ,once encountered setbacks,looking not possible to achieve...All dreams are slowly vivid rise. Performer who called Dakota Fanning interpretation the role of the Cale wonderful.She shows her glamour through the slow and coherent speed and expression calm.Slow is a certain kind of power,I think. Her and expressions knead two kind of feeling including the pure and calm. What I like best is the poem her read:

“You are a great champion.

When you ran the ground shook.

The sky opened and mere mortals parted. Parted the way to victory.

Where you will meet me in the winner's circle.

Where I will lay a blanket of flowers on your back.”

It let a person experience the vast spiritual world and the infinite expectation.It makes me feel brave and glory .

In the movie,the grandfather said to the little granddaughter that Racing is a game of king.The story that Cale wrote in the school was also about Castle, a magic horse and King.It seems that the King in the movie is actually represents the elite culture in the spiritual world from deeper meaning.















Erin Brockovich英语电影观后感


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Shaun the Sheep1128A4英语电子小报外语双语手抄报模板电影观后感英语简报板报英文动画动漫电影小羊肖恩,内容附图。

电影观后感 英文版





