Love is the best gift麦琪的礼物英文读后感


“Love is the best gift.”O.Henry told us,in one of his most famous novels,The Gift of The Magi.

O.Henry is said to be the most gifted and famous American short-story novelist in the world.As one of his major works,The Gift of The Magi tells us a story about a couple in the low social class.With the coming of Christmas,both of them want to give the other a gift.As a result,the young wife,Della,sells her beautiful long hair to buy a platinum fob chain to descorate the watch of her husband,Jim.While at the same time,Jim sacrifice his most valuable golden watch to buy his wife a jewelled comb.

To be honest,we have to say that it is an unfortunate accident.Both of them sacrifice their most treasured things for the other.But when things turn out,it seems that what they have done is meaningless.However,in the other way,although they don’t receive the gift they need,they receive the love from the other.And no matter what will happen in the future,they will remember that the most valuable is neither the long beautiful hair nor the golden watch,but the people who live with us.”Love is the best gift.”That is what the writer wants to tell us.


THE GIFT OF THE MAGI by O. Henry 第一场人物:安琪(A),德拉(D),莎弗朗尼娅夫人(M),服务员1(S1),服务员2(S2)MAGI DELLA MNE.SOFRONIE SELLSGIRL1 SELLSGIRL2地点:小街的拐角处(背景音乐响起)A:(面向观众,微笑)I'm the angle of love.Today is Chirsmas Eve,I'm coming to the earth for succeeding the massion of Maggie.Somebody is coming.德拉带上帽子冲出门莎弗朗尼娅夫人拿着牌子,上面写着“Madam Sofronnie,I buy all kinds of hair goods”D: (呆呆地)Are you Madam Sofronnie?S1:No,I am not.What is wrong?D:I want to sell my hair.S1:OK!Follow me.S1:Excuse me,Mrs Sofronnie.There is alady want to meet you.M:Let her come.D:Hello!You must be Mrs Sofronnie.M: (冰冷地)Yes ,I am.D: So, will you buy my hair?M: Yes,I buy all kinds of hair.Sit down, please.Take your hat off and let me have a look.D:(小心翼翼地脱下帽子)Will you buy my hair?M:(惊讶)Are you sure to sell it?S2:How beautiful the hair is.Just like the golden fall.D:(眷恋地摸摸头发,转而坚决)Yes,I'll sell it.Tell me , how much does it worth?S2:I have never seen such beautiful hair.It can sell a good price.M:(绕着德拉走了一圈,强压住兴奋)Well, I'll give you the hightest price.Twenty dollars,that's enough.D: All right,but please give it to me quickly.M: Don't hurry,let me have your hair cut first.(拿出剪刀,并发出咔咔声)So,I'll start?D:(闭上眼睛,干脆地说)Just do it.S2:What a pity to cut the long hair!M:(熟练地剪完头发)Here you are.Twenty dollars.D: Thank you(谨慎地接过钱,再看一眼头发)Thank you.(揣着钱急冲冲地下)A: Oh,what a poor woman!Why did she do that?Why did you sell her beautiful long hair?It is so unbelivable.M: Oh,my god.How beautifl the hair is!Twenty dollars is beyond its value!Oh,so beautiful ! Ha ha!I'll take it home and have a happy Chirstmas!(捧着头发下)A: Della has spent two hours in the street,what does she want to buy on earth?D:(立在一个橱窗前) Oh,what a beautiful gold watchchain.I think it must match Jim's gold watch.When he sees it,he must be very happy.The price is twenty-one dollars,I can still have eight cents left. I'll get it.第二场人物:安琪(A),吉姆(J),营业员小姐(S),老板(B),老板娘(W)MAGI JIM SELLSGIRL BOSS BOSS'SWIFE地点:百老汇路上的一家商店A:Why are there so many things that we have to give up in the world?Giving up for what?吉姆走进商店J:Excuse me,could I sell a watch here?S:(上下打量的眼神) You? Sell a watch? I'm sorry, I don't think a man who has a economic brain will buy a thing which is as useless as litter.J:(诚恳又着急)No, it is a gold watch!(脱下手腕上的手表) It's the most valuable thing I have.

S:(不屑一顾)Oh?The mose valuable?I have to see how rare a watch can a poor man own like you !J:(递表)It's the third succession of my ancesters.A: Oh, what a reluctant give up!S:(抢过表,忽然两眼放光) Amm, it's a true gold watch. Wait for a moment.I'll ask my boss.S:Excuse me,boss.A young man want to sell this golden watch.B:Let me have a look.W:Oh!Oh, good guy! It's a true sense of gold watch!B:Yes,I should ask how much money does he want.B:How much do you want?J:(指着柜台内的一套发梳) I don't want any money. I, I just want the beautiful comb!W:You mean,the comb?(拿出发梳)You just want the comb?J:Yes, it is the very thing that my wife has wanted for a long time!A:His wife?Comb?S:(兴奋)Oh, look at it! What a nice comb!J:Yes, it is quite beautiful! It would be good enough to match my wife's golden yellow hair.But,do youwant to trade with me?B:(故做忧郁状) Let me see!J: I'm pleasant to exchange the gold watch for the comb. I know how my wife likes it!B:You're so whole-hearted that it's hard for me to refuse you!(递过发梳)J: Oh,thank you!(兴奋地接过发梳)Thank you!(兴奋地带着发梳下)W:(细看金表)Oh, good guy! It's a true sense of gold watch!(窃喜)No comb can be compared with it!A: He should not be a foolish man!But he is willing to change a gold watch for a comb!She must be ahappy wife!第三场人物:安琪(A),吉姆(J),德拉(D)MAGI JIM DELLA地点:吉姆和德拉的家德拉拿着镜子欣赏着自己的新发型A: What a poor woman,she looked wonderfully like a truant schoolboy.However,she is a happy wife,too.Her husband loves her so much.D:(对着镜子自言自语)If Jim doesn't kill me,before he takes a second look at me,he'll say I like a chorus girl of Coney Island.But I have no choice.Oh!What can I do with one dollar and eighty-seven cents?Please God,let Jim still consider that I'm still pretty . D:I don't know whether he'll continue love me.吉姆进门,愣住,用奇怪的眼神打量德拉J:Della?D: Jim, darling. Don't look at me in this way.I had my hair cut and sold, because I can't forgive me if I were not give a presant to you.You won't care about it, will you?You know,my hair grows very fast. Say "Merry Christmas", Jim! And let's happy as usual. You don't know what a nice , what a beautiful gift I've bought for you.J:(似乎没反应过来,吃力地) You've cut your hair?D:Cut and sold .(握住吉姆的手)You will love me forever no matter what hapens, is it right?Without my hair, I am the same. Don't you think so?J:(用近乎白痴的眼神,四下张望着屋子,似乎在寻找着什么)You mean that your hair has gone?D:You need't look for it.I'd sold it.I tell you,cut and sold. Tonight is Chirstmas Eve, Jim. I sold my hairwas all for you

. My hair are countable,but nobody could ever count my love for you. Shall I put the chops on, Jim?吉姆从恍惚中清醒过来,拥住德拉A: Oh,look at the shabby house,which costs eight dollars,or one millon room charge a year,There are no different.J: (吉姆从口袋掏出一包东西,扔到桌上) Don't make any mistakes about me, Della. I don't think there's anything in the way of a haircut or a shave or a shampoo that could make me like my girl any less.But if you'll upwrap the package,you may realize why you had me going while at first.德拉敏捷地打开盒子,一阵狂喜,而后神经质地大笑了D:My hair grows so fast, Jim. Oh,oh! Isn't it a danndy,Jim?(将盒子紧紧抱在怀中,掏出表链放到吉姆手中)I hunted all over town to find it. You can look at the time a hundred times a day now.Give me your watch,I want to see how it looks on it.J:(微笑)Della,let's put our Chirstmas presents away and keep them a while.They're too nice to use just atpresent. I sold the watch to get money to buy your combs. And now, suppose you put the chops on.A: Now that, it isn't necessary.For me,the angle of love, giving the gift to the happy couple.They give the most valuable and priceless gifts to each other. That is what I want to give -- Love!

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