

文章开头最难写同样道理作演讲开场白最不易把握要想三言两语抓住听众的心并非易事。如果在演讲的开始听众对你的话就不感兴趣注意力一旦被分散了那后面再精彩的言论也将黯然失色。因此只有匠心独运的开场白以其新颖、奇趣、敏慧之美才能给听众留下深刻印象才能立即控制场上气氛在瞬间里集中听众注意力从而为接下来的演讲内容顺利地搭梯架桥。 奇论妙语 石破天惊 听众对平庸普通的论调都不屑一顾置若罔闻倘若发人未见用别人意想不到的见解引出话题造成“此言一出举座皆惊”的艺术效果会立即震撼听众使他们急不可耐地听下去这样就能达到吸引听众的目的。 我记起了毕业欢送会上班主任给我们的致词。他一开口就让我们疑窦丛生——“我原来想祝福大家一帆风顺但仔细一想这样说不恰当。”这句话把我们弄得丈二和尚摸不着头脑大家屏声静气地听下去——“说人生一帆风顺就如同祝某人万寿无疆一样是一个美丽而又空洞的谎言。人生漫漫必然会遇到许多艰难困苦比如……”最后得出结论“一帆风不顺的人生才是真实的人生在逆风险浪中拼搏的人生才是最辉煌的人生。祝大家奋力拼搏在坎坷的征程中用坚实有力的步伐走向美好的未来”十多年过去了班主任的话语犹在耳边给我留下了永难磨灭的印象。“一帆风顺”是常见的吉祥祝语而老师偏偏反弹琵琶从另一角度悟出了人生哲理。第一句话无异于平地惊雷又宛若异峰突起怎能不震撼人心 需要注意的是运用这种方式应掌握分寸弄不好会变为哗众取宠故作耸人之语。应结合听众心理、理解层次出奇制胜。再有不能为了追求怪异而大发谬论、怪论也不能生硬牵扯胡乱升华。否则极易引起听众的反感和厌倦。须知无论多么新鲜的认识始终是建立在正确的主旨之上的。 自嘲开路 幽默搭桥 自嘲就是“自我开炮”用在开场白里目的是用诙谐的语言巧妙地自我介绍这样会使听众倍感亲切无形中缩短了与听众间的距离。在第四次作代会上萧军应邀上台第一句话就是“我叫萧军是一个出土文物。”这句话包含了多少复杂感情有辛酸有无奈有自豪有幸福。而以自嘲之语表达形式异常简洁内蕴尤其丰富胡适在一次演讲时这样开头“我今天不是来向诸君作报告的我是的因为我姓胡。”话音刚落听众大笑。这个开场白既巧妙地介绍了自己又体现了演讲者谦逊的修养而且活跃了场上气氛沟通了演讲者与听众的心理一石三鸟堪称一绝。 19xx年中央电视台邀请台湾影视艺术家凌峰先生参加春节联欢晚会。当时许多观众对他还很陌生可是他说完那妙不可言的开场白后一下子被观众认同并受到了热烈欢迎。他说“在下凌峰我和文章不同虽然我们都获得过金钟奖和最佳男歌星称号但我以长得难看而出名……一般来说女观众对我的印象不太好她们认为我是人比黄花瘦脸比煤炭黑。”这一番话嬉而不谑妙趣横生观众捧腹大笑。这段开场白给人们留下了非常坦诚、风趣幽默的良好印象。不久在“金话筒之夜”文艺晚会上只见他满脸含笑对观众说“很高兴又见到了你们很不幸又见到了我。”观众报以热烈的掌声。至此凌峰的名字就传遍了祖国大地。 即景生题 巧妙过渡 一上台就开始正正经经地演讲会给人生硬突兀的感觉让听众难以接受。不妨以眼前人、事、景为话题引申开去把听众不知不觉地引入演讲之中。可以谈会场布置谈当时天气谈此时心情谈某个与会者形象……例如你可以说“我刚才发现在座的一位同志非常面熟好像我的一位朋友。走近一看又不是。但我想这没关系我们在此已经相识今后不就可以称为朋友了吗我今天要讲的就是作为大家的一个朋友的一点儿个人想法。”在教师节庆祝大会上如果天气阴沉沉的你可以这样开头“今天天气不太好阴沉昏暗但我们却在这里看到了一片光明。”接着转入正题讴歌教师的伟大灵魂和奉献精神他们燃烧了自己照亮了别人和人类的未来。 1863年美国葛底斯堡国家烈士公墓峻工。落成典礼那天国务卿埃弗雷特站在主席台上只见人群、麦田、牧场、果园、连绵的丘陵和高远的山峰历历在目他心潮起伏感慨万千立即改变了原先想好的开头从此情此景谈起 站在明净的长天之下从这片经过人们终年耕耘而今已安静憩息的辽阔田野放眼望去那雄伟的阿勒格尼山隐隐约约地耸立在我们的前方兄弟们的坟墓就在我们脚下我真不敢用我这微不足道的声音打破上帝和大自然所安排的这意味无穷的平静。但是我必须完成你们交给我的责任我祈求你们祈求你们的宽容和同情…… 这段开场白语言优美节奏舒缓感情深沉人、景、物、情是那么完美而又自然地融合在一起。据记载当埃弗雷特刚刚讲完这段话时不少听众已泪水盈眶。 即景生题不是故意绕圈子不能离题万里、漫无边际地东拉西扯。否则会冲淡主题也使听众感到倦怠和不耐烦。演讲者必须心中有数还应注意点染的

内容必须与主题互相辉映浑然一体。 讲述故事 顺水推舟 用形象性的语言讲述一个故事作为开场白会引起听众的莫大兴趣。选择故事要遵循这样几个原则要短小不然成了故事会要有意味促人深思要与演讲内容有关。 19xx年82岁高龄的麦克阿瑟回到母校——西点军校。一草一木令他眷恋不已浮想联翩仿佛又回到了青春时光。在授勋仪式上他即席发表演讲他这样开的头 今天早上我走出旅馆的时候看门人问道“将军你上哪儿去”一听说我到西点时他说“那可是个好地方您从前去过吗” 这个故事情节极为简单叙述也朴实无华但饱含的感情却是深沉的、丰富的。既说明了西点军校在人们心中非同寻常的地位从而唤起听众强烈的自豪感也表达了麦克阿瑟深深的眷恋之情。接着麦克阿瑟不露痕迹地过渡到“责任——荣誉——国家”这个主题上来水到渠成自然妥帖。 李燕杰在《爱情与美》的演讲中这样开场“我不是研究爱情的为什么会想到要讲这么一个题目呢”然后讲了一个故事北京一家公司的团委书记再三邀请李老师去演讲并掏出几张纸上面列着公司所属工厂一批自杀者的名单其中大多数是因恋爱问题处理不好而走上绝路的。“所以我觉得很有必要与大家谈谈这方面的问题。”这个故事一下子把听众的注意力集中起来使他们感到问题的严重性和紧迫性。 制造悬念 激发兴趣 人们都有好奇的天性一旦有了疑虑非得探明究竟不可。为了激发起听众的强烈兴趣可以使用悬念手法。在开场白中制造悬念往往会收到奇效。 党的早期革命家彭湃当年在海陆丰从事农民工作一次到乡场上准备向农民发表演讲。怎样才能吸引来去匆匆的农民呢他想出了一个好主意。他站在一棵大榕树下突然高声大喊“老虎来啦老虎来啦”人们信以为真纷纷逃散。过了一会才发现虚惊一场于是都围上来责怪他。彭湃说“对不起让大家受惊了。可我并没有神经病那些官僚地主、土豪劣绅难道不是吃人的老虎吗”接着向大家宣讲革命道理。这次演讲后该地的农运工作很快就开展起来。 制造悬念不是故弄玄虚既不能频频使用也不能悬而不解。在适当的时候应解开悬念使听众的好奇心得到满足而且也使前后内容互相照应结构浑然一体。比如有位教师举办讲座这时会场秩序比较混乱学生对讲座不感兴趣老师转身在黑板上写了一首诗“月黑雁飞高单于夜遁逃。欲将轻骑逐大雪满弓刀。”写完后他说“这是一首有名的唐诗广为流传又选进了中学课本。大家都说写得好我却认为它有点问题。问题在哪里呢等会儿我们再谈。今天我要讲的题目是《读书与质疑》……”这时全场鸦雀无声学生的胃口被吊了起来。演讲即将结束老师说“这首诗问题在哪里呢不合常理。既是月黑之夜怎么看得见雁飞既是严寒季节北方哪有大雁……”这样首尾呼应能加深听众印象强化演讲内容令人回味无穷。



By Samuel Ullman(塞缪尔·厄尔曼)

This often exists in a man of sixty more than a body of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.




无论年届古稀,抑或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆深植一片追求,只要你从天上,人间追求美好,希望,欢乐,勇气和力量,你就青春永驻,风华长存。 一旦追求消失,锐气如同冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭,自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已老矣。然坚持追求,你就有望在百岁高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年青。

2.William Faulkner



"No matter how piercing and appalling his insights, the desolation creeping over his outer world, the lurid lights and shadows of his inner world, the writer must live with hope, work in faith."

J.B. Priestley

"I decline to accept the end of man."

William Faulkner: Nobel Prize Speech

Stockholm, Sweden

December 10, 1950


"All his life William Faulkner had avoided speeches, and insisted that he not be taken as a man of letters. 'I'm just a farmer who likes to tell stories.' he once said. Because of his known aversion to making formal pronouncements, there was much interest, when he traveled to Stockholm to receive the prize on December 10, 1950, in what he would say in the speech that custom obliged him to deliver. Faulkner evidently wanted to set right the misinterpretation of his own work as pessimistic. But beyond that, he recognized that, as the first American novelist to receive the prize since the end of World War II, he had a special obligation to take the changed situation of the writer, and of man, into account."

Richard Ellmann


I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work--a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it commensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too, by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will some day stand where I am standing.

Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only one question: When will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat. He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid: and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed--love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, and victories without hope and worst of all, without pity or compassion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands.

Until he learns these things, he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal

because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.





3.Ilana Wexler's speech at 2004 Democratic Party Convention

My name is Ilana Wexler. I'm 12 years old, and I am the founder of "Kids for Kerry."

Kids for Kerry is a grassroots organization of kids that support John Kerry, want to help their futures, and get active in politics.

When my parents went to see Teresa Heinz Kerry speak, they told me that she was amazing!

-- and that they thought John Kerry would make a great President. I decided to find out more about John Kerry. I talk about what I learned by using my ABCs.

"A" isAmerica. John Kerry is a hero to America, and he will help our futures. He is a great and positive role model.

"B" isBetter education. John Kerry wants to make class sizes smaller, so that children get the best part out of learning. He wants to help teachers because being a teacher is educating children, and letting them out into the world to do good things.

"C" isCompassion towards children. John Kerry wants to make sure that health care is not a privilege, but it is something that we can all afford.

This summer, I was supposed to go to my favorite camp. But instead, I decided to go to the John Kerry office every day. Kids can really help!

On KidsforKerry.org, we have an interactive presidential quiz. There are 270 questions for the electoral votes John Kerry will win. Plus, 25 questions to make up for Florida from the last election.

Our next goal is to have a petition for "National No Name-Calling Day," a day that the candidates don't say anything negative about one another. When our Vice President had a disagreement with a Democratic senator, he used a REALLY BAD word.

If I said that -- If I said that word, I would be put in a "time-out."

I think he should be put in a time-out.

The last time I saw John Kerry, he grabbed my arm and said, "See you at the convention." And here I am!

What will be even more amazing will be the inauguration in January, when we have a new President, knowing that kids have made a difference in this election.

To summarize, Teresa Heinz Kerry: Inspirational, amazing!

John Kerry: American hero, next President.

Kids need -- Kids need positive -- Kids need positive role models in politics. And our Vice President deserves a longgggggg time-out.

Kids -- Kids, this is about our futures. Make sure all adults you know get out and vote. We can have a voice today!

Thank you!

My Definition of Success

By Chen Heng


And the ending is always the same, finishing with the line "And they live happily every after."

Why aren't we tired of something so fanciful,so unrealistic, and, I would say, so unimaginative? How can a story like that endure generations of repetition? Because, I think, it is a typical success story. It is highly philosophical and symbolic. By implication, we see a 4-step definition of success: 1 ) a goal to be set. as represented by the beautiful princess; 2 ) challenges to be met, as represented by the three tasks; 3 ) the process of surmounting difficulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth goes through; and 4 ) the reward of success, as represented by the happy marriage.

The story not only caters to everyone's inward yearning for success, but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result. The reward of success will be much amplified if the path leading towards it is treacherous, and vice versa. If a person inherits his father's millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. The term "success", to be sure. will not sit still for easy definition. But as I understand it, To clarify my view, let me give another analogy.

If we changed the rules of football, greatly enlarged the goal and sent away David Seaman or any other goal keeper, so that another David, namely David Beckham, could score easily, then scoring would not give him the thrill of accomplishment and the joy that it brings. If we further changed the rules by not allowing Arsenal's defenders to defend, so that Beckham needed only to lift a finger, actually a toe, to score, then there would be no game at all, because the meaning of winning would have disappeared.

The concept of success is not constant but relative because the nature of difficulty is also relative. Something you do effortlessly might pose a great difficulty for a handicapped person. In acquiring the ability to do the same as you can, he or she achieve success. That's why we greatly admire Stephen Hawking, because, though confined to a wheel chair, he has contributed greatly to the field of science.

I myself, a rather shy person by nature who easily suffer from stage fright, had to pluck up great courage to take part in a speech contest like this. I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not entering the university level contest.But I chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties. Now here I am. If I come out first, it will be a great success for me. If I come out last-I hope this will not be the case-but if I come out last, I will not call my attempt a failure, but will also celebrate it as a true success, because part of my goal is my own character training-to do more assertive, to be brave in face of difficulties. For me, it is a meaningful step forward, small as it is, in the long journey toward the final success in my life, because I have truly gained by participating.

Let us return to our handsome young prince and the 4-step definition of success. You my have noticed that the usual worldly criteria of wealth, position and fame were not mentioned as

part of the story, but rather, it emphasized the process of overcoming difficulties. The ancient wisdom had already defined the meaning of success, and this is my definition, too.

Thank you.
































