名人演讲 2



作者:Viola-Lu 来源:互联网 时间







First of all, I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for not only accepting me as your Patron but thank you also for inviting me here today.

You have all made me feel so welcome and I feel hugely honored to be here to see this wonderful center.

I am only sorry that William can't be here today; he would love it here. A view of his - that I share - is that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.

What you have all achieved here is extraordinary.

You as a community have built the Treehouse; a group of people who have made every effort to support and help each other.

When I first visited the Hospice in Milton, I had a pre-conceived idea as to what to expect. Far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children, it was a home. Most importantly, it was a family home, a happy place of stability, support and care. It was a place of fun.

Today I have seen again that the Treehouse is all about family and fun. For many, this is a home from home - a lifeline, enabling families to live as normally as possible, during a very precious period of time.

What you do is inspirational, it is a shining example of the support and the care that is delivered, not just here, but in the children's hospice movement at large, up and down the country.

The feelings you inspire - feelings of love and of hope - offer a chance to families to live a life they never thought could be possible.

So thank you again for inviting me here today. I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia's Children's Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do. Thank you.

第二篇:名人演讲 2

Remarks at Launch of the 100,000 Strong Foundation

by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State

Ben Franklin Room

Washington, DC

January 24, 2013

美国国务卿希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿就成立―10万人留学中国计划基金会‖发表的讲话 本杰明·富兰克林厅



Thank you. Well, we’re all getting a little emotional and around here – (laughter) – with about a little over a week to go in my . And I am so pleased to welcome all of you here. I see many, many familiar faces and some good friends in this audience.


And I particularly want to thank Assistant Secretary Kurt Campbell for driving not only this program, but so much that we have accomplished in the last four years to deepen and strengthen our relationship with China and others in the region, but particularly with China, as it is such a relationship, one that we believe so strongly in. Ambassador Zhang, once again, welcome to the State Department. Because it is, for us, a way of making clear that our relations, government-to-government, are obviously essential. But it is those people-to-people ties that are going to determine the quality of the relationship for the future.


Our engagement with China today deals with a wide range of the most pressing challenges and the most exciting opportunities. And when we began looking at ways to make our exchanges with China more productive, we of course ramped up our diplomatic engagement. We took delegations of investors and entrepreneurs to China. We institutionalized the Strategic and Economic Dialogue. We are very clear that what we’ve tried to build, an architecture that will stand the test of time regardless of what is going on in either of our countries, has been an essential effort.


And in 2010, we launched the 100,000 Strong Initiative. And as Kurt said, this is aimed at increasing the number of American students studying in China to 100,000 over four years. We focused on student exchanges because we believe that the future is very clearly in the hands of the young people of both of our countries. And the more we can foster exchanges and understanding, mutual trust, the better off not only the relationship will be, but each of our countries individually. We have to have far more than conversations with diplomats or journalists or leaders or

businesspeople. There’s nothing more important than trying to build a structure of exchanges between us when it comes to students and other young people.


Now, we’ve made tremendous progress since 2010. We’ve already expanded study abroad programs. We’ve supported scholarship funds to help American students from underserved communities study in China. We’ve worked with Education USA to provide tools and resources for Chinese students seeking to study here. And the number of students coming between our two countries continues to grow. But we still have a lot of room for improvement.


So I’m happy today that we’re launching a permanent, independent nonprofit organization focused not only on our goal of 100,000 American students in China by 2014, but on continuing to strengthen the student exchanges for years to come. And I’m so grateful to all of our State Department partners who are here today who have helped put the 100,000 Strong Foundation together.



As I think back on the four years that I’ve been privileged to serve as Secretary of State, there are moments that just jump out of my memory bank. And one of them is when I finally got to our at the Shanghai Expo, which, as a number of you know, I am very proud to be called the mother of whenever I go to China because of the circumstances in which it was birthed. (Laughter.) But when I did get there for this magnificent expo that had been built up with pavilions from around the world and a magnificent Chinese pavilion, I was thrilled that the main attraction of our

USA Pavilion were American students who had been studying Chinese, who were our designated hosts and greeters.


And I had the best time watching long lines of Chinese citizens who were coming to see our pavilion like they had been coming to see all of the pavilions looking surprised when some little African American girl would come up and start talking to them in Chinese, or some big tall Hispanic youngster would give them directions about how to go through the pavilion, or some other child – child; I’m so old, they’re all children – (laughter) – but some other student would come up and say something similar. And it was wonderful to watch the interchange. And I talked to some of the students. ―Where were you from?‖ ―Oh, from LA.‖ ―Where are you from?‖ ―Oh, from New York City.‖ And so many of these young people were first-generation college students in America who had just become taken with China, and so they were studying Chinese and now they were there as official representatives of the United States Government.


I say that because that’s what we want to see more of. We want to see Chinese youngsters here, American youngsters in China, and we want to see them breaking down the barriers that exist between any peoples from different cultures and experiences and histories and backgrounds. And I think that will happen because in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago, young people in both China and the United States are global citizens. They are communicating with new tools of technology that were not even dreamt of a decade ago. And so they are already building cyber or Internet relationships, and we want to give them a chance to form the real deal – getting to know each other, getting to understand each other.


So I’m thrilled that we’re announcing this foundation. I thank everyone here at the State Department and all of our partners who are making this possible. And I’m also very excited because this is a perfect example of a public-private partnership, and nobody does it better than the United States. We really are good at this because we have a long tradition of understanding that we have to have both government action and government involvement, but where most of life takes place in our country is not there; it’s outside of government. It’s in these other institutions –

colleges and universities, foundations and philanthropies, individual efforts of all kind. So we are deeply grateful that you have understood our vision for 100,000 Strong and are making it a reality. 所以我们宣布这个基金会的成立让我特别高兴。我感谢国务院在座各位以及所有促成此事的所有合作伙伴。另一个令我兴奋的原因是,这是政府-民间伙伴关系的一个完美实例,没有谁比美国做得更好。这一点的确是我们所擅长的,因为我们有着悠久的传统,即理解我们必须既有政府行动也有政府参与,但我国的大部分生活并不在政府范畴内,而是在政府之外,是在其他机制中——高等院校、基金会和慈善机构,以及通过个人的种种努力。因此,我们对于你们理解我们的―10万人留学中国计划‖愿景并正在使其成为现实深表感谢。

And with that, let me turn it back to Assistant Secretary Campbell. Thank you all. (Applause.) 就此,让我把话筒还给助理国务卿坎贝尔。谢谢大家(掌声)。

《风雨哈佛路》Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story 讲述了一个女孩与命运抗争的故事:莉丝出生在纽约的贫民窟,在毒品、艾滋、饥饿充斥的环境中度过童年,家庭破裂她流落街头。无处安身的莉丝常在地铁站、走廊里学习、睡觉,她用两年的时间完成了4年的课程,并获得―《纽约时报》一等奖学金‖,以优异的成绩进入哈佛大学。面对逆境与绝望,她不屈服的勇者精神令人动容。

Liz Murray 演讲内容精选:

I don't know. I don’t know how long can you know that there is something bigger for you, and yet you ignore that.


Don’t we do that? We tell ourselves what? I’m gonna take on a bigger picture in myself, I really will my career, relationship, health.


When? Later! Right?


We always do this. I am. I just can’t because I’m busy right now, and we get so wrapped up in the moment we make this promise to ourselves later.


I pushed away school to later. I pushed away taking, stepping into my life in the biggest sense. I push that away later. And when you push that away, you’ll push away even the most important things.


Cause I sat on my friend’s coaches and I realized they were complaining, and complaining and complaining, and I sat down and I said to myself. You know what, and I just stood up and look at my friends and say, ―Guess what guys, I don’t know where I’m sleeping tonight, one of your houses maybe, maybe outside. I don’t know what I’m gonna eat, I don’t have... I don’t have... I don’t have...


―But you know what I do have: two hands and two feet. I have a brain in my head and air in my

lungs, and what else do I really need?‖

―但是你知道,我自己有手有脚,我有大脑,我还在呼吸,那我还需要其他什么东西吗?‖ Like what else do you really need to begin a today to lead the life you know you are meant to lead? You know in your heart what it is. And what more do you need to change before you step into that? I stood up, and I looked at them, and then next feeling which has been the biggest resource in my life since - ―gratitude‖.


You can either pick one thing in life, resentment or gratitude, get on the side, I promise you. I looked at that moment and realized I may not have my mother ever again, but I had these resources. I had myself and I could go forward.


I remember that the feeling inside of me, and a need to change my life, and that voice at the back of my head - it took on the specific question, and the question was ―What if ...?‖


You know that voice in the back of your head and said ―what if……‖? ―What if I tried that much harder?‖ ―What if I pushed one more time?‖ ―What if ...?‖ It’s the part of you that dreams.


A disempowered conversation will do a couple of things that will look for blame, and it’s concerned with the past. It’ll go, ―What happened before? Why didn’t it work out?‖ It will count what is not there.


An empowered conversation is unconcerned with blame. It simply says, ―what’s next?‖ and it steps forward with a willingness to be responsible for what happens next. That is the difference between empowered and disempowered conversation. And I stood at that doorway and I knew nothing in my history took away from the fact that I still had a choice.


Life is a miracle. You don’t have to be stuck in a situation that you are in. If there is something in your life that is holding you back, you have to identify what that is, because, I promise you, there is a way to break pasted.


I want you to identify that voice inside of yourself and begin to trust it. And ask yourself what is it that has been in my way and how do I unblock that? Dig deep inside.


Life does not wait for anyone, and your life isn’t later. Your life is right now.


Mr. Speaker, Leader Reid, Leader McConnell, Leader Pelosi, Assistant Leader Clyburn; to the friends and family of Rosa Parks; to the guests who are gathered here today.


This morning, we celebrate a seamstress, slight in stature but mighty in courage. She the odds, and she defied injustice. She lived a life of activism, but also a life of dignity and grace. And in a single moment, with the simplest of gestures, she helped change America -- and change the world.


Rosa Parks held no elected office. She no fortune; lived her life far from the formal seats of power. And yet today, she takes her rightful place among those who’ve shaped this nation’s course. I thank all those persons, in particular the members of the Congressional Black Caucus, both past and present, for making this moment possible. (Applause.)


A childhood friend once said about Mrs. Parks, ―Nobody ever bossed Rosa around and got away with it.‖ (Laughter.) That’s what an Alabama driver learned on December 1, 1955. Twelve years earlier, he had kicked Mrs. Parks off his bus simply because she entered through the front door when the back door was too crowded. He grabbed her sleeve and he pushed her off the bus. It made her mad enough, she would recall, that she avoided riding his bus for a while.


And when they met again that winter evening in 1955, Rosa Parks would not be pushed. When the driver got up from his seat to insist that she give up hers, she would not be pushed. When he threatened to have her arrested, she simply replied, ―You may do that.‖ And he did.


A few days later, Rosa Parks challenged her arrest. A little-known pastor, new to town and only 26 years old, stood with her -- a man named Martin Luther King, Jr. So did thousands of Montgomery, Alabama commuters. They began a -- teachers and laborers, clergy and domestics, through rain and cold and sweltering heat, day after day, week after week, month after month, walking miles if they had to, arranging carpools where they could, not thinking about the blisters on their feet, the weariness after a full day of work -- walking for respect, walking for freedom, driven by a solemn determination to affirm their God-given dignity.


Three hundred and eighty-five days after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, the boycott ended. Black men and women and children re-boarded the buses of Montgomery, newly desegregated, and sat in whatever seat happen to be open. (Applause.) And with that victory, the entire edifice of , like the ancient walls of Jericho, began to slowly come tumbling down.


It’s been often remarked that Rosa Parks’s activism didn’t begin on that bus. Long before she made headlines, she had stood up for freedom, stood up for equality -- fighting for voting rights, rallying against in the criminal justice system, serving in the local chapter of the NAACP. Her quiet leadership would continue long after she became an icon of the civil rights movement, working with Congressman Conyers to find homes for the homeless, preparing disadvantaged youth for a path to success, striving each day to right some wrong somewhere in this world.


And yet our minds fasten on that single moment on the bus -- Ms. Parks alone in that seat, clutching her purse, staring out a window, waiting to be arrested. That moment tells us something about how change happens, or doesn’t happen; the choices we make, or don’t make. ―For now we see through a glass, darkly,‖ Scripture says, and it’s true. Whether out of inertia or selfishness, whether out of fear or a simple lack of moral imagination, we so often spend our lives as if in a fog, accepting injustice, rationalizing inequity, tolerating the intolerable.


Like the bus driver, but also like the passengers on the bus, we see the way things are -- children hungry in a land of plenty, entire neighborhoods ravaged by violence, families by job loss or illness -- and we make excuses for inaction, and we say to ourselves, that's not my responsibility, there’s nothing I can do.


Rosa Parks tell us there’s always something we can do. She tells us that we all have

responsibilities, to ourselves and to one another. She reminds us that this is how change happens -- not mainly through the exploits of the famous and the powerful, but through the countless acts of often courage and kindness and fellow feeling and responsibility that continually, stubbornly, expand our conception of justice -- our conception of what is possible.


Rosa Parks’s singular act of launched a movement. The tired feet of those who walked the dusty roads of Montgomery helped a nation see that to which it had once been blind. It is because of these men and women that I stand here today. It is because of them that our children grow up in a land more free and more fair; a land truer to its founding creed.


And that is why this statue belongs in this hall -- to remind us, no matter how humble or lofty our positions, just what it is that leadership requires; just what it is that citizenship requires. Rosa Parks would have turned 100 years old this month. We do well by placing a statue of her here. But we can do no greater honor to her memory than to carry forward the power of her principle and a courage born of .


May God bless the memory of Rosa Parks, and may God bless these United States of America. (Applause.)


Through events around the world, we are now marking 1,000 days to achieving the Development Goals. The MDGs are the most successful global anti-poverty push in history. World poverty has been cut in half. More girls are in school. Child has dropped. We are fighting killer diseases. The list goes on. But, too many women still die in childbirth, when we have the means to save them. Too many communities still lack access to . Too many families are still being left behind. We have 1,000 days to close the gaps -- 1,000 days to accelerate action.

在世界各地,我们正举办活动来迎接实现千年发展目标1000天倒计时。千年发展目标是有史以来最为成功的全球消除贫穷推进项目。世界贫困人口已减少了一半,越来越多的女童步入校园,儿童死亡率有所下降,我们正与致命疾病抗争,我可以列举更多,然而,虽然现在我们有不错的医疗条件,但仍有太多的妇女在分娩中死亡,太多的社区仍然缺乏卫生设施,太多的家庭仍处于落后状态,我们还有1000天来缩小这些差距,还有1000天来加快行动。 Here are four ways to step-up our efforts.


First, scale up success through strategic, targeted investments -- in health, education, energy and sanitation. Above all, by empowering women and girls who can boost results in all other areas. 首先,要争取扩大成功范围,通过有针对性的战略投资来完成,主要在健康、教育、能源和卫生等领域,尤其是通过赋权妇女和女童以提高所有其他领域的表现。

Second, focus on the poorest and most countries that are finding it most difficult to make progress despite their best efforts.


Third, keep our fiscal promises. These are difficult budgetary times. But we cannot balance budgets on the backs of the most vulnerable.


Fourth, let us re-energize the global movement from governments to the that has made such a difference.


Action now will improve lives and add as we look beyond 2015 to the challenges of sustainable development. The MDGs have helped unite, inspire and change the world. In the next 1,000 days, let us give 1,000 percent.


Thank you.


Mrs. Thatcher's Farewell Speech


Blackpool 1985

布莱克浦 19xx年

Government apart,the strength of a civilized nation depends on the natural authority of the family,the school,the church and our great institutions. Who is to answer the child crying for help?Who is to protect the elderly couple?Who can win back the youngster hooked on drugs?Police,social workers,the voluntary organizations all must do respond. But that is not enough. We are the neighbors of that child,of that elderly couple,of that youngster. Upholding the law can't be left to the police and the courts alone. We are all involved. We can not pass by on the other side. 一个文明国家,其力量不仅在于政府,还在于家庭、学校、教会和我们优越制度的天赋权威。谁来回应无助哭泣的儿童?谁来保护年迈体衰的夫妇?谁能挽救沉溺毒品的青年?警察、社工、志愿组织责无旁贷,但不能仅此而已。我们与孩子、老人、青年比邻而居。维护法制,不只是警察和法庭的责任。我们人人休戚相关。我们不能置身其外。

Come with us then towards the next decade. Let us together set our sights on a Britain that three out of four families own their homes,that owning shares is as common as having a car,where families have a degree of independence their forefathers could only dream about:a Britain where there is a of enterprise,of more people selfemployed,more businesses and therefore more jobs;a Britain where there is a standard health care far better than anything we have ever known.


Yes!We have set our sights high,but these goals are within our reach. Let us ensure that we'll bring them within our grasp.


In the past eight years something has changed in Britain,perhaps the most important change for a generation. Quite simply,it is a change of the spirit. People all over Britain are finding a new confidence and a new pride.The Conservative Government didn't create that spirit. It's the true spirit of the British people. What we did was just set it free.We were determined to give people back the incentive to work and the confidence to save.That’s why we have to cut inflations:that’s why we would determine to take power from the trade union bosses and give it back to Union members;and that's why we abolished a whole mass of controls,and we stopped government trying to run businesses,which is something politicians have never been much good at. So we them. The manager is managed,the workers shared in the ownership and the industries turned from losses into profit. As a result of all this,the living standards in this country are the highest there have ever been. Britain really is a country again and his prosperity is spreading steadily through the Community.


Thirty years ago only thirty people in a hundred owned their own homes. Today it's sixty-five in every hundred.


It's always the dream and the of the Conservative Party that what used to be the luxuries of the few should become the daily experience,indeed the necessity of the many.It's happening with homes:it’s happening with shares,and it is happening with savings. And the result has been a greater prosperity. It's not only our standard of living that has increased,it means we’ve been able to put greater resources into health and social security,but you can only do that when you first created the .And all this has been achieved by government and people together,the government running things well,like any good housekeeper and the people responding,and that partnership is even more vital in keeping the law.


Yes!This government has increased the numbers of police and we will increase them still further.

There are more bobbies on the beat!taut crime is not a matter of the police alone. It never was. Police needs support from all of us. Indeed,the enemies of the British bobby are the enemies of liberty itself. The police served the rule of law impartially. They need our support. They deserve our trust.


And there's one thing that only government can and must do. It must secure the country's defence,and in a nuclear age,that means we must have a nuclear . Winston Churchill,who knew so much about the dangers of weakness in appeasement,warned us thirty-five years ago. He said,be careful above all things,not to let go of the atomic weapon until you are sure and more than sure that other means of preserving peace are in your hands. For a government to surrender our nuclear deterrent will be an unprecedented act of folly that will put the nation in jeopardy. The nuclear deterrent has preserved peace in Europe for forty years.


And I believe peace is the heart of what we in Britain ask our government to safeguard. Peace in industry has enabled people to honour living without fear of intimidation or been called out on strike against their will and without a ballot. Peace of mind,that comes with knowing that this will continue to be a safe country,a good place for us to live and for our children to grow up in. Peace that comes from being independent and being able to run your life and spend your own money in your own way,above all,the peace of a country that is properly defended against any adversary,that's what this government and this people in partnership have been building for the past eight years.Yet all of it will vanish unless we preserve the economic strength,the strong defence and spirit of enterprise that have made us prosperous at home and respected throughout the world. It is that which is at issue on Thursday. Of course,we feel passionately about it because for us it is about the very heat and soul of Britain.



主持人 郭卫民:





In the year of 2012, in face of the increasingly complicated and severe international situation and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the Central Party Committee and the State Council took scientific development as the theme and transformation of economic development mode as the mainline, followed the general tone of making progress while ensuring the stability by strengthening and improving macro control with emphasis on stabilizing growth. As a result, the overall national economic performance was getting stabilized, and the economic and social development realized a stabilized and accelerated development.


According to the preliminary accounting, the gross domestic product (GDP) of China was 51,932.2 billion yuan in 2012, a year-on-year increase of 7.8 percent at comparable prices. Specifically, the year-on-year growth of the first quarter was 8.1 percent, 7.6 percent for the second quarter, 7.4 percent for the third quarter and 7.9 percent for the fourth quarter. The value added of the primary industry was 5,237.7 billion yuan, up by 4.5 percent; the secondary industry 23,531.9 billion yuan, up by 8.1 percent; and the tertiary industry 23,162.6 billion yuan, up by 8.1 percent. The gross domestic product of the fourth quarter of 2012 went up by 2 percent on a quarterly basis.


1. Agricultural Production Went up Steadily.

全年全国粮食总产量达到58957万吨,比上年增加1836万吨,增长3.2%,连续九年增产。其中,夏粮产量12995万吨,比上年增长2.8%;早稻产量3329万吨,增长1.6%;秋粮产量42633万吨,增长3.5%。全年棉花产量684万吨,比上年增长3.8%;油料产量3476万吨,增长5.1%;糖料产量13493万吨,增长7.8%。全年猪牛羊禽肉产量8221万吨,比上年增长5.4%,其中猪肉产量5335万吨,增长5.6%。生猪存栏47492万头,比上年增长1.6%;生猪出栏69628万头,比上年增长5.2%。全年禽蛋产量2861万吨,比上年增长1.8%;牛奶3744万吨,增长2.3%。 The total grain output in 2012 was 589.57 million tons, an increase of 18.36 million tons, up by

3.2 percent, which was an increase for nine years. The total output of summer grain was 129.95 million tons, up by 2.8 percent year-on-year; early rice was 33.29 million tons, an increase of 1.6 percent; autumn grain was 426.33 million tons, an increase of 3.5 percent. The output of cotton in 2012 was 6.84 million tons, up by 3.8 percent; oil-bearing crops 34.76 million tons, an increase of 5.1 percent; and sugar crops 134.93 million tons, an increase of 7.8 percent. The total output of pork, beef, mutton and poultry in 2012 reached 82.21 million tons, a growth of

5.4 percent. The output of pork was 53.35 million tons, up by 5.6 percent. The number of pigs in stock was 474.92 million, up by 1.6 percent, while the number of slaughtered pigs was 696.28 million, an increase of 5.2 percent. The output of poultry eggs in 2012 was 28.61 million tons, up

by 1.8 percent, and cow milk was 37.44 million tons, an increase of 2.3 percent.


2. Industrial Production was Getting Stabilized.


The total value added of the industrial enterprises above designated size in 2012 was up by 10 percent at comparable prices, or 3.9 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the year-on-year growth of the first quarter was 11.6 percent, 9.5 percent for the second quarter, 9.1 percent for the third quarter and 10.0 percent for the fourth quarter. An analysis by types of ownership showed that the value added growth of the state-owned and state holding enterprises went up by 6.4 percent; collective enterprises by 7.1 percent; share-holding enterprises by 11.8 percent; and enterprises funded by foreign investors or investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan province by 6.3 percent. The annual growth of the heavy industry was 9.9 percent, and 10.1 percent for the light industry. All the 41 industrial divisions registered year-on-year growth. The growth rates in eastern, central and western regions were up by 8.8 percent, 11.3 percent and 12.6 percent respectively. Out of 471 kinds of industrial products, 345 kinds realized a year-on-year increase with electricity up by 4.7 percent, crude steel up by 3.1 percent, rolled steel up by 7.7 percent, cement up by 7.4 percent, ten kinds of metals up by 9.3 percent, coke up by 5.2 percent, sulfuric acid (converted into 100%) up by 4.8 percent, caustic soda (converted into 100%) up by 3.8 percent, chemical fiber up by 11.8 percent, micro computer equipment up by 11.7 percent, integrated circuits up by 9.3 percent, and motor vehicles up by 6.3 percent. Specifically, the output of cars was up by 8.3 percent. The output of ethylene was down by 2.5 percent, and plain glass was down by 3.2 percent. The sales ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size in 2012 was 98.0 percent, down by 0.5 percentage point. The export delivery value reached 10,675.9 billion yuan, up by 7.1 percent. In December, the total value added of the industrial enterprises above designated size was up by 10.3 percent year-on-year, or up by 0.87 percent month-on-month.



In the first eleven months of 2012, the profits made by industrial enterprises above designated size

stood at 4,662.5 billion yuan, up by 3 percent year-on-year, whereas it was down by 1.8 percent in the first nine months and up by 24.4 percent in the same period of previous year. Among the 41 industrial divisions, 30 divisions registered year-on-year increase in profits, 10 divisions witnessed reduction and 1 division suffered losses. In the first eleven months of 2012, the costs for per-hundred-yuan turnover of primary activities of the industrial enterprises above designated size reached 85.14 yuan, a decrease of 0.28 yuan over that of the first three quarters, or 0.16 yuan more than that in the previous year. The profit rate of industrial enterprises above designated size from their primary activities was 5.66 percent.


3. Investment in Fixed Assets Kept a Fast Growth.


In 2012, the investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households) was 36,483.5 billion yuan, a growth of 20.6 percent (a real growth of 19.3 percent after deducting price factors), which was 3.4 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the investment in the state-owned and state holding enterprises reached 12,369.4 billion yuan, a rise of 14.7 percent; private investment reached 22,398.2 billion yuan, up by 24.8 percent, accounting for 61.4 percent of the total investment. In term of different areas, the growth in eastern, central and western regions was 17.8 percent, 25.8 percent and 24.2 percent respectively. The investment in the primary industry was 900.4 billion yuan, up by 32.2 percent; the secondary industry 15,867.2 billion yuan, up by 20.2 percent; and the tertiary industry 19,715.9 billion yuan, an increase of 20.6 percent. In terms of the investment in the secondary industry, it was 15,463.6 billion yuan, up by 20 percent. Specifically, the investment in mining reached 1,312.9 billion yuan, up by 11.8 percent; manufacturing 12,497.1 billion yuan, up by 22 percent; and the production and supply of electricity, gas and water 1,653.6 billion yuan, up by 12.8 percent. The investment in facilities (excluding the production and supply of electricity, gas and water) was 5,839.1 billion yuan, up by 13.3 percent. The funds in place for investment in 2012 were 39,944.0 billion yuan, up by 18.6 percent. Specifically, the state budget went up by 29.7 percent, domestic loans up by 8.4 percent, self-raising funds up by 21.7 percent, foreign investment down by 10.9 percent and others up by 13.7 percent. The total investment in newly-started projects in 2012 was 30,908.3 billion yuan, an increase of 28.6 percent. The number of projects started this year was 356,296, or 28,948 more than that in the previous year. In December, investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households) grew by 1.53 percent month-on-month.

全年全国房地产开发投资71804亿元,比上年名义增长16.2%(扣除价格因素实际增长14.9% ),增速比上年回落11.9个百分点;其中住宅投资增长11.4%,回落18.9个百分点。房屋新开工面积177334万平方米,比上年下降7.3%;其中住宅新开工面积下降11.2%。全国商品房销售面积111304万平方米,比上年增长1.8%,增速比上年回落2.6个百分点;其中住宅销售面积增长2.0%,回落1.4个百分点。全国商品房销售额64456亿元,增长10.0%,增速比上年回落1.1个百分点;其中住宅销售额增长10.9%,加快1.7个百分点。全年房地产开发企业土地购置面积35667万平方米,比上年下降19.5%。全国商品房待售面积36460万平方米,增长27.0%,增速比上年回落6.1个百分点。全年房地产开发企业本年到位资金96538亿元,增长12.7%,增速比上年回落4.8个百分点。其中,国内贷款增长13.2%,自筹资金增长11.7%,利用外资下降48.8%,其他资金增长14.7%。

The total investment in real estate development in 2012 was 7,180.4 billion yuan, a nominal annual growth of 16.2 percent (a real growth of 14.9 percent after deducting price factors), or 11.9 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. In particular, the investment in residential buildings went up by 11.4 percent, or 18.9 percentage points lower. The floor space started this year was 1,773.34 million square meters, down by 7.3 percent. Specifically, the floor space of residential buildings started in the year went down by 11.2 percent. The floor space of commercial buildings sold in 2012 was 1,113.04 million square meters, up by 1.8 percent, or 2.6 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the floor space of residential buildings sold was up by 2 percent, or 1.4 percentage points lower. The total sales of commercial buildings were 6,445.6 billion yuan, up by 10 percent, or 1.1 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the sales of residential buildings were up by 10.9 percent, or 1.7 percentage points higher. The land space purchased for real estate development this year was 356.67 million square meters, down by 19.5 percent. The floor space of commercial buildings for sale was 364.6 million square meters, up by 27 percent, or 6.1 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. The funds in place for real estate development enterprises in the year reached 9,653.8 billion yuan, up by 12.7 percent, or 4.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the growth of domestic loans was up by 13.2 percent, self-raising funds up by 11.7 percent, foreign investment down by 48.8 percent and other sources up by 14.7 percent.


4. Sales on Domestic Markets Enjoyed a Steady Growth.


In 2012, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 20,716.7 billion yuan, a nominal annual rise of 14.3 percent (a real growth of 12.1 percent after deducting price factors), or 2.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the retail sales of the enterprises (units) above designated size stood at 10,112.9 billion yuan, up by 14.6 percent. Analyzed by different areas, the retail sales in urban areas reached 17,931.8 billion yuan, up by 14.3 percent, and the

retail sales in rural areas stood at 2,784.9 billion yuan, up by 14.5 percent. Grouped by consumption patterns, the income of catering industry was 2,328.3 billion yuan, up by 13.6 percent; and the retail sales of goods were 18,388.4 billion yuan, up by 14.4 percent. In particular, the retail sales of the enterprises (units) above designated size reached 9,333.0 billion yuan, an annual growth of 14.8 percent. Specifically, the sales of motor vehicles rose by 7.3 percent, or 7.3 percentage points lower than that in the previous year; furniture grew up by 27 percent, or 5.8 percentage points lower; and household appliances and audio-video equipment went up by 7.2 percent, or 14.4 percentage points lower. In December, the total retail sales of consumer goods rose by 15.2 percent year-on-year (a real growth of 13.5 percent after deducting price factors), or

1.53 percent growth month-on-month.


5. The Growth Rates of Imports and Exports Declined.


The total value of imports and exports in 2012 was 3,866.76 billion US dollars, an annual increase of 6.2 percent, or 16.3 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. The total value of exports was 2,048.93 billion dollars, up by 7.9 percent; the total value of imports was 1,817.83 billion dollars, a year-on-year increase of 4.3 percent. The trade balance was 231.1 billion dollars. In terms of the total value of imports and exports, the general trade was 2,009.83 billion dollars, up by 4.4 percent; processing trade was 1,343.95 billion dollars, up by 3 percent. Among the value of exports, the general trade was 988.01 billion dollars, up by 7.7 percent; and processing trade 862.78 billion dollars, up by 3.3 percent. Among the value of imports, the general trade was 1,021.82 billion dollars, up by 1.4 percent; and processing trade 481.17 billion dollars, up by 2.4 percent. In December, the total value of imports and exports was 366.84 billion US dollars, up by 10.2 percent year-on-year. The total value of exports was 199.23 billion US dollars, up by 14.1 percent; and that of imports was 167.61 billion US dollars, up by 6 percent.


6. The Growth of Consumer Price Fell Back.


In 2012, the consumer price went up by 2.6 percent year-on-year, which was 2.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the price went up by 2.7 percent in urban areas and 2.5 percent in rural areas. Grouped by commodity categories, prices for food rose by 4.8

percent; tobacco, liquor and articles rose by 2.9 percent; clothing up by 3.1 percent; household facilities, articles and maintenance services up by 1.9 percent; health care and personal articles grew by 2.0 percent; transportation and communication down by 0.1 percent; recreation, education, culture articles and services grew by 0.5 percent and housing went up by 2.1 percent. In terms of food prices, grain grew up by 4 percent, oil or fat up by 5.1 percent, meat, poultry and processed products up by 2.1 percent, fresh vegetables up by 15.9 percent, and fresh fruits down by 1.2 percent. In December, the consumer prices went up by 2.5 percent year-on-year, or 0.8 percent month-on-month. In the year of 2012, the producer prices for industrial products went down by

1.7 percent, while the price dropped by 1.9 percent in December year-on-year, or down by 0.1 percent month-on-month. The purchasing price for industrial producers was down by 1.8 percent year-on-year. In December, the price was down by 2.4 percent year-on-year or down by 0.1 percent month-on-month.


7. Urban and Rural Residents’ Income Increased Steadily.


In 2012, the per capita total income of urban households was 26,959 yuan. Specifically, the per capita disposable income of urban households was 24,565 yuan, the nominal growth was 12.6 percent, or a real growth of 9.6 percent after deducting price factors, which was 1.2 percentage points higher than that in the previous year. Of the per capita total income of urban households, the nominal year-on-year growth of wage income was 12.5 percent; net income from business operation 15.3 percent; property income 8.9 percent and transferred income 11.6 percent. The median of per capita disposable income of urban households was 21,986 yuan, up by 15 percent. Taking the per capita disposable income of urban households into five levels, that of the low-income group reached 10,354 yuan, the lower-middle-income group 16,761 yuan, the middle-income group 22,419 yuan, the upper-middle-income group 29,814 yuan, and the high-income group 51,456 yuan. The per capita net income of rural households was 7,917 yuan, up by 13.5 percent, or 10.7 percent in real terms, which was 0.7 percentage point lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the growth of wage income was 16.3 percent; household operation income 9.7 percent; property income 9 percent; and 21.9 percent from transferred income. In 2012, the median of per capita net income of rural households was 7,019 yuan, up by 13.3 percent year-on-year. Taking the per capita net income of rural households into five levels,

that of the low-income group reached 2,316 yuan, the lower-middle-income group 4,807 yuan, the middle-income group 7,041 yuan, the upper-middle-income group 10,142 yuan, and the high-income group 19,009 yuan. The number of rural migrant workers at the end of the year was 262.61 million, which was 9.83 million more than that in the previous year, or up by 3.9 percent. Specifically, the numbers of local and outside workers were 99.25 million and 163.36 million respectively, up by 5.4 and 3.0 percent. The monthly income of migrant workers at the end of the year was 2,290 yuan, up by 11.8 percent.


8. Money Supply Maintained a Steady Growth.


By the end of December 2012, the balance of broad money (M2) was 97.42 trillion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 13.8 percent, which was 0.2 percentage point higher than that at the end of the previous year; the balance of narrow money (M1) was 30.87 trillion yuan, up by 6.5 percent, or 1.4 percentage points lower; and the balance of cash in circulation (M0) was 5.47 trillion yuan, a rise of 7.7 percent, or 6.1 percentage points lower. At the end of December, the amount of outstanding loans was 62.99 trillion yuan, while the amount of outstanding deposits was 91.74 trillion yuan. In the year of 2012, the newly increased loans reached 8.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 732 billion yuan; the newly increased deposits were 10.81 trillion yuan, or 1.17 trillion yuan more than that in the year of 2011.


9. Population and Employment were Generally Stable.


By the end of 2012, the total population of mainland China was 1,354.04 million (including population of 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and servicemen in CPLA; but not including residents in Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Taiwan Province and overseas Chinese), an increase of 6.69 million over that at the end of 2011. The number of births was 16.35 million

and the birth rate was 12.1 in a thousand, or 0.17 thousand point higher than that in the previous year; the deaths were 9.66 million with a death rate of 7.15 in a thousand, or 0.01 thousand point higher; the natural growth rate was 4.95 in a thousand, or 0.16 thousand point higher. In terms of gender, the male population was 693.95 million, and female population was 660.09 million; the sex ratio of total population was 105.13 (the female is 100, male to female), down by 0.05 compared with that at the end of the previous year; the sex ratio at birth was 117.70, which was 0.08 lower than that at the end of previous year. Population aged 60 and over was 193.9 million, which was 14.3 percent of the total population, or 0.59 percentage point higher than that at the end of previous year; population aged 65 and over was 127.14 million, accounting for 9.4 percent of the total population, or 0.27 percentage point higher; population at the working age of 15-59 was 937.27 million, a decrease of 3.45 million, and it accounted for 69.2 percent of the total population, or 0.6 percentage point lower. In terms of urban-rural structure, urban population was 711.82 million, an increase of 21.03 million over the previous year; and the rural population was 642.22 million, a decrease of 14.34 million. The proportion of urban population to total population was 52.57 percent, which was 1.3 percentage points higher than that at the end of the previous year. The population who reside in street communities with permanent household registration elsewhere and having been away from that place for more than 6 months reached 279 million, which was

7.89 million more than that in the previous year. Specifically, the migrant population was 236 million, or 6.69 million more. At the end of the year, the total number of employed persons was 767.04 million, or 2.84 million more than that at the end of 2011; the number of urban employed persons was 371.02 million, or 11.88 million more.


In the next phase, we should conscientiously implement the spirits of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the overall arrangements made at the Central Economic Work Conference, adhere to scientific development and focus on changing the economic growth mode as the main theme and improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth as the core. We should seek progress while ensure the stability and solid work should be done. We should further deepen reform and opening up and strengthen innovation, reinforce and improve the macro control, make great efforts to guarantee and improve people’s livelihood, and endeavor to achieve a sound and sustainable economic growth and realize a harmonious and stable society.Foreign Secretary William Hague’s Christmas and New Year message

December 20, 2012



2012 has been a remarkable year. Britain and the Commonwealth have celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen who today visited the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, her last engagement of this jubilee year.


The UK also welcomed the world during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the legacy of which will live on for years to come.


This year has been a celebration of Britain’s , innovation and creativity. 2013 presents us with many challenges but we’ll continue to work towards making the world safer, fairer, and more prosperous.


I’m looking forward to our presidency of the G8 and the agenda the Prime Minister has set for us and our partners.


And at this time of year we remember especially all those who will be spending this festive season in places of conflict. The suffering of the Syrian people and the prolonged misery that they have faced has saddened us all. The UK will continue to search for a peaceful solution. I’d like to thank all those who’ve worked so hard to protect others around the world including our servicemen and women.


I wish you and your families wherever you are in the world a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and Happy New Year.









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