












































浅析女主人公性格对其婚恋的影响—在《傲慢与偏见》和《红楼梦》中婚恋比较 分析福尔摩斯的性格特征 论《红字》中“A”的象征意义 国际商务中的跨文化沟通 以《最后一片叶子》为例论欧亨利的创作风格 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 纳博科夫小说《洛丽塔》的爱情讽刺 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 沮丧与感情的冲突 新闻报道的倾向性分析——语言学视角 英语中介语无标志被动语态的错误分析 浅析合作原则和礼貌原则在商务信函中的运用 任务型教学法在中学英语阅读教学中的应用 从奥运菜单看中式菜肴英译名规范化程度 从功能理论视角研究公示语的中译英翻译 跨文化交际中的社交语用失误及其对英语教学的启示 《黛西米勒》中道德冲突的表现分析 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观 英语委婉语的语用分析 The Conditioning Factors of Juvenile Delinquency in the United States (-) 从文化角度探析品牌名称的翻译方法 American Individualism and Its Reflection in the Film Erin Brockovich 论《月亮和六便士》中的自然主义特色 学术论文标题的英译研究 社会语言学视角下女性语言的特点 从《打鱼人和他的灵魂》看王尔德的唯美主义 外贸合同中介词的用法与翻译 从《红楼梦》及其译本看中英非赞同表达的异同 英汉“走类”动词短语概念隐喻的对比研究 哈珀?李《杀死一只知更鸟》中斯科特的性格 《红字》中珠儿与《雷雨》中周萍之比较 中美广告创意的文化差异性研究 交际法在大学英语教学中的现状探究 命运与性格--浅论《哈姆雷特》的悲剧因素 美国电视剧中双关语的研究-重点关注双关语的汉语翻译 英汉委婉语中体现的文化异同 当女人成为男人--试析《紫色》中西莉的性向转变 从《看不见的人》中透视美国黑人寻找自我的心路历程 英语禁忌语的语用研究 高中英语听力课中的文化教学 从《女勇士》中的女性形象看文化差异 A Survey on Self-regulated Learning of English Major

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 对中英语“丑”词的文化和认知解读 不一样的颤栗—东西方恐怖片的比较 中西方爱情悲剧故事的比较分析——以“梁祝”和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例 Analysis of the Subtitle of White Collar under Skopostheorie 颜色词的英汉翻译研究 论《呼啸山庄》中人性的转变 Pragmatic Consciousness in College English Teaching 评《简爱》中的现实主义和浪漫主义 高中学生英语词汇学习现状研究综述 《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的女性主义分析 论《喜福会》中家庭观的中西差异 [政治学与行政学]行政忠诚:困境与重塑 浅谈英语广告中双关语的功能及应用 社会实践活动对大学生的重要性 中英习语文化异同及其翻译 商务英语评论中的态度意义分析 委婉语在商务英语中的“合作原则”特点及社交功能 杰克凯鲁亚克与垮掉的一代 A Research on the Translation of the Chinese Dish Names 埃德加·爱伦·坡幽默小说研究 从餐桌礼仪看中西文化差异 女性主义翻译理论在《傲慢与偏见》翻译中的体现 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新 从《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》中儿童的观察和语言分析世纪的美国社会 广告英语标题翻译的修辞特点 《哈利波特》系列里哈利波特与伏地魔的二元对立分析 一项有关影响中国学生英语听力理解的因素的调查研究 中西方祭祀文化之异同 跨文化因素对字幕翻译的影响 身势语在初中与高中英语课堂中的不同应用 论英语委婉语的构成与翻译 An Analysis of Translation of Road and Traffic Public Signs 汉英谚语中关于文化价值观的比较 丹尼尔?笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的殖民研究 非言语交际在英语教学中的作用 英汉习语中的文化差异及翻译研究 中文古诗词叠词的研究与翻译 试比较《汤姆索亚历险记》与《哈克贝利芬历险记》中主人公性格异同点 全身反应法在学龄前儿童英语教学中的应用 中国英语初探 《呼啸山庄》和它的四个版本电影的比较研究 On the Aesthetic Connotation of the Death in For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemingway 论密西西比河对马克?吐温和《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》的影响 试析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉悲剧之源


88 论跨文化人才非语言交际能力的培养

89 《林湖重游》中的静态美分析

90 浅析《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的挣扎

91 论赫尔曼?梅尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征主义

92 On Critical Realism in Oliver Twist

93 《远大前程》与《名利场》叙事技巧比较研究

94 论《紫色》的叙事现代性分析

95 关联理论视角下的科技产品广告翻译

96 英汉新词理据对比研究

97 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

98 On the Factors Leading to Different Destinies of Rhett Butler and Ashley Wilkes in Gone with the Wind

99 诸神形象折射中西方价值观不同

100 超验主义和美国个人主义

101 英语学习中的性别差异

102 “集体无意识”理论观照下艾米莉的悲剧性

103 从社会心理学的角度分析《夜色温柔》中主人公迪克的堕落


105 A Cultural Approach to the Translation of Movie Titles

106 A Comparative Study Between the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation 107 《欲望号街车》中的主要人物的性格与命运分析

108 A Survey on Self-regulated Learning of English Major

109 浅析习语翻译中的中西文化差异及其应对策略

110 如何在高中英语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力

111 从文化视角看部分英汉习语的异同

112 从目的论角度看公司网页误译

113 从目的论角度比较研究《彼得?潘》两个中文译本

114 简?奥斯丁《理智与情感》中两姐妹的性格分析

115 Translation Strategies of Two-part Allegorical Sayings

116 查尔斯?狄更斯鞋油厂经历在大卫?科波菲尔身上的艺术再现

117 论新闻英语的语言特点

118 英语中天气隐喻的认知解读

119 《我的安东妮亚》中安东妮亚的成长

120 城市公共标识翻译技巧及问题分析

121 从《成长的烦恼》和《家有儿女》的对比看中西方家庭价值观的差异

122 Analysis of the Female Characters in Oliver Twist

123 英汉恐惧隐喻对比研究

124 Strategies of Advertising Slogans Translation from the Perspective of “Three Beauty” Principle

125 论《法国中尉的女人》中萨拉的女性主义的显现

126 模糊语在英语广告中的语义分析

127 小说《白鲸》中亚哈布船长的人物悲剧解读

128 《弗兰肯斯坦》的悲剧性

129 对《宠儿》中黑奴母亲塞丝形象的探讨

130 玛丽?巴顿的女性意识

131 英语演讲语篇中的parallelism及其汉译策略—以奥巴马就职演说稿为例

132 Joy Luck Club:Chinese Tradition under American Appreciation

133 A Study of Hawthorne’s Notion of Science as Shown in “Rappaccini's Daughter”

134 《哈利波特》的圣经原型解读

135 论英语俚语的汉译—以奈达的功能对等理论为指导

136 中英手机短信的修辞特点分析

137 女性主义翻译研究——《简?爱》两种中文译本的比较

138 中西方文化中的节日比较

139 A Brief Analysis of the Auspicious Culture in the Wedding Custom Between China and Western Countries

140 跨国广告的在华本土化策略浅析

141 中学英语教学中学生交际能力的培养

142 交际教学法在中学英语课堂中的应用

143 《浮生六记》翻译赏析—林语堂翻译策略研究

144 从大众对汽车的选择看美国社会价值观的变化

145 政治委婉语的取效性行为分析

146 浅析《飘》中女性主义的萌发

147 A Linguistic Analysis of Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech

148 On Alice Walker’s Womanism in The Color Purple

149 翻译腔成因浅探

150 福克纳小说中的圣经意象

151 互联网时代的语言帝国主义

152 浅析哈克贝利的叛逆精神

153 从尤金?奈达的功能对等理论角度论网络流行语的可译与不可译

154 <<格列佛游记>>写作风格分析-杰出的寓言讽喻体小说

155 从卡明斯的L(a 看视觉诗的可译潜势

156 文化背景下英文电影名称的中译

157 Translation of the Implied Meaning in Communication

158 The Localization Strategy of Multinationals and Its Implications on the Chinese Multinationals Overseas

159 不同国家的商务谈判风格及其对策

160 加拿大女性主义翻译理论

161 论中西旅游文化的差异性

162 由《红楼梦》中人名的英译看中西文化差异

163 论《兔子归来》中黑人民权意识的觉醒

164 浅谈网络聊天中的英语缩略语

165 View Chinese and Western Love from Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and Romeo and Juliet 166 《阿甘正传》承载的美国青年价值观

167 The Basketball Cultures of China and America

168 国际商务谈判中模糊语言应用的语用分析

169 从唐诗不同译本看数字词汇翻译得与失

170 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格

171 A Comparative Study of Politeness Expressions in English and Chinese 172 解读苔丝悲剧的成因

173 论路易莎·梅·奥尔科特《小妇人》中的女性主义

174 Negative Transfer and the Errors Committed by Chinese English Learners 175 中西饮食文化的比较

176 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

177 Lost Generation Writers and Chinese After-s Writers

178 简爱女性意识分析

179 女性形象下的女权主义思想——浅析汤亭亭小说《女勇士》

180 论《教授的房子》中圣彼得教授对自我的追求

181 中英文求职信中言语行为对比分析

182 从《喜福会》中西文化的冲突与融合中看身份的寻求

183 中英文动物俗语的感情差异研究--以“狗”为例

184 On Promotion of Rural Middle School Students’ Oral English

185 从存在主义的角度分析怀特的《夏洛的网》

186 中英习语文化异同及其翻译

187 汉语叠词翻译的对等研究

188 跨文化交际中的体态语

189 排比的修辞功能在政治演讲辞中的应用

190 威廉·戈尔丁《蝇王》中的写作艺术

191 从功能翻译理论视角看《破产姐妹》的字幕翻译

192 从禁忌语的差异看中英文化的差异

193 《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的生态思想

194 尼斯湖和西湖—中西方旅游性格差异研究

195 Advertising Language: A Mirror of American Value

196 从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物 197 “黑人会飞”——托妮?莫里森小说《所罗门之歌》中的黑人神话研究 198 论汤亭亭《女勇士》中的和谐观

199 弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫《到灯塔去》中艺术家莉丽的女性意识

200 从中西文化差异的角度浅析商宴之道



Blowing Your Nose 擤鼻涕

Where It's Offensive: Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, France.禁忌地:日本、沙特阿拉伯、法国

What's Offensive 禁忌:

Some cultures find it disgusting to blow your nose in public--especially at the table. The Japanese and Chinese are also repelled by the idea of a handkerchief.有些文化认为当众擤鼻涕是让人厌恶的行为——尤其在餐桌上。日本人还排斥使用手帕。 What You Should Do Instead 对策:

If traveling through Eastern and Asian countries, leave the hankies at home and opt for disposable tissues instead. In France as well as in Eastern countries, if you're dining and need to clear your nasal passages, excuse yourself and head to the restroom. Worst-case scenario: make an exaggerated effort to steer away from the table. Let's hope you don't have a cold.到东方或亚洲国家旅游时,把手帕留在家中,选择用一次性纸巾吧!在法国以及一些东方国家,如果在就餐过程中你需要擤鼻涕,


Talking Over Dinner 就餐时谈话

Where It's Offensive: Africa, Japan, Thailand, China, Finland.


What's Offensive 禁忌:In some countries, like China,

Japan, and some African nations, the food's the thing, so don't start chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner. You'll likely be met with silence--not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtimes are for eating, not talking. Also avoid conversations in places a country might consider sacred or reflective--churches in

Europe, temples in Thailand, and saunas in Finland.在日本和一些非洲国家,吃饭就是吃饭,所以当其他人都在大快朵颐时,不要谈论你当天的经历。你可能会遭遇沉默——这并非你的同伴不友好,而是因为就餐时间只应吃饭,无需交谈。也要避免在一些被认为是神圣或需要沉思的地方谈话——比如欧洲的教堂、泰国的庙宇和芬兰的桑拿浴室。

What You Should Do Instead 对策:

Keep quiet! 保持沉默!

Removing Your Shoes…or Not 脱鞋......与否

Where It's Offensive: Hawaii, the South Pacific, Korea, China, Thailand.


What's Offensive 禁忌:

Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a

London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized, but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands and you'll be considered disrespectful. Not only does shoe removal very practically keeps sand and dirt out of the house, it's a sign of leaving the outside world behind.


What You Should Do Instead 对策:

If you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces. If not, keep the shoes on.如果你在门口看到一排鞋子,就解开自己的鞋带。否则,就穿鞋进去吧!

Knowing Your Right from Your Left 分清左右手

Where It's Offensive: India, Morocco, Africa, the Middle East.禁忌地:印度、非洲、中东

What's Offensive 禁忌:

Many cultures still prefer to eat using traditional

methods--their hands. In these cases, food is often offered communally, which is why it's important to wash your hands before eating and observe the right-hand-is-for-eating and the left-hand-is-for-other-duties rule. If you eat with your left hand, expect your fellow diners to be mortified. And when partaking from a communal bowl, stick to a portion that's closest to you. Do not get greedy and plunge your hand into the center.许多文化依然推崇传统的进食方式——用手吃。在这种情况下,食物往往是众人一起分享的,因此饭前洗手很重要,而且要遵守用右手吃东西的习俗(左手往往有其他用途)。如果你用左手吃,同伴会感觉蒙受羞辱。当大家一起从公共的碗里取食时,就吃离你最近的那部分吧,不要贪婪地把手伸向饭碗中央。

What You Should Do Instead 对策:

Left-handed? Attempt to be ambidextrous--even children who are left-handed in these cultures are taught to eat with their right hand--or at least explain yourself to your fellow diners before plunging in.你是左撇子吗?还是努力让自己的双手都灵巧吧——在这些文化里,即使是左撇子的孩子也被教会用右手吃饭——或者至少吃饭前向同伴解释一下。

Once you are on the ground of a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behavior. Never be completely surprised by anything; try to take it in stride, and don't feel offended if something seems offensive--like queue jumping. After all, this is a global village, and we are all very different.一旦你踏上异国的土地,就要对当地人的一举一动高度敏感。千万不要大惊小怪,尽量使自己泰然自若,对一些看似无礼的行为也不要恼火——比如插队。毕竟,我们生活在一个地球村,不同的文化构成了我们共同的家园。




当然,英语国家的人们还有一个最大的禁忌,那就是个人的隐私。在英语中有句谚语:A man's home is his castle. (一个人的家就是他的城堡。)意思是:一个人的家是神圣不可侵犯的,未经许可,不得入内。个人的事也是这样,不必让别人知道,更不愿别人干预。询问关于个人的年龄﹑财产﹑工资收入﹑婚姻﹑恋爱﹑宗教信仰﹑政治倾向等私事,即是用另一种方式侵犯了别人的“城堡”。因此诸如“How old are you?”, “What's your income?”, “How much did that dress cost you?”, “Are you married or single?”, “Are you a Republican or a Democrat?”, “Are you Catholic?”这类问题是必须避免问的。如果实在想知道别人这方面的情况,可以先谈谈自己的情况,然后再引对方主动谈出他的情况。



2. 节日禁忌



3. 迷信与禁忌


1) To get out of bed on the wrong side means you will have a bad day. 下床方向错了,一天都不会顺利。

2) It is unlucky to have a black cat cross the road in front of you. 看见黑猫在你面前横穿马路是不吉利的。

3) The bride should not see the husband on the morning before the wedding. 在婚礼举行前的早上,新娘不应见自己的丈夫。

4) Cattle lying down indicate rain. 牛躺下预示有雨。

5) A cricket in the house is good luck. 屋里有蟋蟀会带来好运。

6) To pass under a ladder brings bad luck. 从梯子下面走过会带来厄运。

7) Lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person.一根火柴点燃三支香烟会给第三个人带来厄运。

8) To break a mirror brings seven years' bad luck. 打碎镜子会带来7年厄运。

9) Carrying a rabbit's foot brings good luck. 提起兔脚可交好运。

10) Opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck. 在屋中撑伞会倒霉。


各国禁忌3--------禁忌分类 (1) 数字禁忌:


日这一天也感到有些惴惴不安,他们对星期五也认为是吉利的,因些西方不在“13”日(特别是星期五),一般不举行活动。甚至门牌号码、旅馆房号、楼层号、宴会桌号、车队汽车的编号等都不用“13”这个数字,宴会也不安排在“13”日举行,更忌讳“13”人同席共餐。忌讳“13”和星期五的主要原因,据说是因为“13”曾作为出卖并使耶稣致死的犹大参加“最后晚餐”的排序数和神话中天国凶神的象征;而星期五则是耶稣被钉死在十字架上和亚当、夏娃偷吃禁果被逐出天堂的日子。如果“13”日和星期五碰巧在同一天时,这一天就被西方称为“黑色星期五”,有些人就会感到惶惶不可终日。 另外,西方人因战争死亡的恐怖,还忌讳“3”,特别是在点烟的时候,当点到第三个人时,他们往往会面呈难色,有的人甚至会婉拒。







(1)The number of taboos:

In particular, many Western Catholics do not believe that "13" This figure is dangerous and

should avoid it as much as possible. Some people even a month "13" on this day was also some anxiety, they also believe that Friday is unlucky

because the West is not some "13" days (especially Friday), are generally not held. Even house number,

hotel room number, floor number, its banquet table, the number of motor vehicle fleet are not "13" the figure, the banquet is not in the "13" held more taboo "13" people were with the meal I. Taboo "13" and the main reason for Friday, reportedly because of "13" as betraying Jesus and Judas died in "Last Supper" and the myth of the order of a few of the symbol of the kingdom of heaven凶神; and Friday, is Jesus was crucifixion and Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit of the day were driven out of paradise. If "13" and on Friday, happened on the same day, the day was the West known as "Black", some people feel a constant state of anxiety.

In addition, the death of the West because of the war of terror, but also taboo "3", especially in the cigarette lighter, when the third person point, they are often reluctant surface, and some people even declined.

In Africa, most countries with the view that odd color negative; while in Japan, while odd-numbered

side of the coin is to see Fuxing auspicious figures, not even of interest on. The Japanese language there are many taboos, such as "bitter" and "death", and even some of homophonic words are list of taboo, such as the numeral "4" the same

pronunciation and death, "42" is the pronunciation of the verb to die shape means that the bad luck and misfortune. Send gifts in everyday life 4, the theater not on the 4th. Therefore, there is no general

hospital in Japan 4 and 42 of the rooms and beds. Who do not want to lie "dead" is dead upper beds. Taboo phone users with "42", not the general prison cell on the 4th. "13" is the number of taboo, and many hotels do not "13" floors and "13" room, there is no Haneda Airport "13" No. apron. And "9" and the pronunciation of "bitterness" is similar and, therefore, the list of taboo. Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, overseas Chinese in Guangdong also忌用"4" to do signs, in the face of the non-said "4" when not on the "double-double" or "two two" instead.

(2) Color taboo:

Different countries and peoples to have different color preferences and taboos, such as the Japanese anti-green, not as auspicious, and a number of countries in Europe and Asia, green has been

widely welcomed. Brazilians see the brown color of mourning for the death. Yellow忌用Syria and Pakistan. Egypt, the Belgian anti-blue, but in the Netherlands,娜威, Switzerland, Syria, Iraq and other countries, while blue is the color of love. Turks

preferred plain,忌用color, is considered an ill omen. In some countries, for political or historical reasons, the use of color is also taboo. Such as Ireland忌用red, white, blue group (the British flag colors);

Venezuela忌用red, green, tea, black and white (for the five major party); France, Belgium忌用dark green, because it is the Nazi uniform color, these two countries in the Second World War, the military

occupation was Shearer, so people see a

dark-green, generally showing the emotions disgust.

(3) Flower taboo:

How beautiful and attractive flowers, which

people feel the vigor and vitality up, but in a different country where the meaning of certain flowers also in understanding 'the difference. Such as tulips in

Turkey is seen as a symbol of love, but the Germans did not think that it is the feelings of flowers. Orchid is a symbol of South-East Asia, while in Poland that is a passion flower. White lily of the Romans, it is a symbol of beauty and hope, and in the Persian people think it is the expression of innocence and virginity. Flowers in China, India, Thailand,

Bangladesh, Egypt and other countries a very high rating, but in Japan is regarded as a symbol of the ominous does not matter to hold a memorial

ceremony. Chrysanthemum is Japan's royal family

dedicated flowers, people have the utmost respect, but the chrysanthemum in Spain, Italy and Latin American countries were considered "spent

demon," and the soul can only be used before the cemetery. In France, the yellow flowers that were seen as disloyal.











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