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Okay,we’re good.we’re good.

So,now you got your map,where are we going?

We’re gonna need a bigger plane.

You just said that,mom.you just said that.

You don’t remember that you just said that?

That’s okay.

Listen,mom.I’ll call you next week,same time.

Okay?take care now.take care of yourself.

Sir.I think you need to see this.

I thought they’d give you an extra ticket,sir.

They did.

But my mother is almost 89.she’s in a wheelchair轮椅.

And she is easily confused.

And I am confident that she’ll want to meet her maker.

On her own terms.措辞


Who are you bringing?-Nobody.

My ex-wife said she never wanted to see me again.

So be it.

We could bring people that contribute. 贡献

…has been damaged [ 'd?mid? ]损坏,毁坏by a series连续,系列of major earthquakes. The death toll代价,钟声is expected预期的,预料的to be well over 2 million people. The devastation破坏,劫掠in Rio De Janeiro is beyond imagination.

Two 8.5 tremors震动,颤动have left the people in the street.

Fighting for resources.

In the last hour we received this video from Globo News,Brazil. globally世界上 (massive 巨大的)

What’s happening?My God!

The statue塑像,雕像of Christ is collapsing崩溃,倒塌!

Fear恐惧and chaos [ ' kei?s ]混乱have spread传布,伸展throughout遍及the globe. As in London,where the 30th Olympic games has been suspended延期.

Hundreds of thousands are marching 行军,游行towards to Downing Street.

Demanding要求,需求a lift帮助of the information.

Blackout 管制proposed by the Prime Minister首相. blacksmith铁匠

Thousands of calls to the switchboard总机.We had to shut it down.

We’re receiving reports from all across the globe.

Millions of distraught 烦恼的,心痛的,发狂的masses 民众are gathering集合,聚集. In public places everywhere.

Converging 聚合in desperate 绝望的prayer[ pr?? ]祈祷,祷告.

Preachers 传教士,牧师of many faiths 信任,信仰have taken their message of

The end of the world to the streets all over the U.S.

Repent后悔,悔悟,悔改.There is still time.

Kind of calling 职业,行业when you realize 了解,察觉the nightmare噩梦

With the cardboard 厚纸板,宣传板signs had it right the whole time.

All these people out there,sir.

Shouldn’t we be issuing 发行,发布warnings now?

Only when the boarding process is complete.

That’s the plan.

Which recall 回忆,想起me 2010,remember?

Sir,those plans were drawn up 2 years ago.

Okay,everybody out.Come on,get out.

Wasn’t it also decided that people have the right权利.

To fight for their lives,best way they can?

After we get everyone on board,Adrian.

I think that’s wrong.

Want to tell everyone they’re doomed命中注定的?

There’d be anarchy无政府状态,混乱.

You want to jeopardize 危害the departure 离开,出发of the president?

Come on.

Our mission is to assure保证the continuity of our species物种,种类. specie[ 'spi:?i ]硬币 My question,can I count 计算,依赖on you?

Can I?


The Yellowstone caldera 火山has erupted[ i'r?pt ] 爆发,sir. The ash灰,灰烬cloud will reach Washington in 7 hours.

We’ve to get the president on board.

Where is the president,Sally?

Said he wanted to spend some time alone.

I think he’sat the chapel小礼拜堂,教堂.-He’s going to church 教堂now? He’s praying,sir.

Which in this circumstance 环境,状况is not such a bad idea.

Mr.President.I need to get you on Air Force One immediately.

Give me a moment with Adrian.

No disrespect 不敬,失礼sir,we do not have time.

Make time.

Did you ever meet my wife Dorothy?

No sir,I never had that honor荣誉,荣幸.

She was in and out towards the end.

The night before she passed on

She took my hands and told me.

“I think you should have a monastery修道院,僧侣”

“everyone should have a chance to go”

Maybe that’s what we should have done.

I’ll be the last president of the United States of America.

Do you know how that feels,son?

No one could have saved the country,sir.

And I think,I think people have a right to know.

Don’t worry,I’ll take care of that.

Go on now.

Not without you,sir.

Get on that plane,son.

It’s a great new world you head前进into and

A young scientist will be worth 20 old politicians政治家,政客.

We should go to my parents house in the Rockies.

This isn’t one of your crazy疯狂的stories,now.Right,Jackson? How the hell are we going to make it to China?

Hey,Gordon without Jackson.

We wouldn’t have made it out of California.


Be careful with the landing gear装置!

Easy Gringo,I know what I’m doing.


The national guard警卫队has informed us that an extremely极其,非常 Hazardous危险的ash 灰,灰烬cloud is headed for the city of Las Vegas. Where are you going?

Move!You can’t stay here.

I have a plane here.-It’s not safe.

So you got positive 肯定的,绝对的confirmation on this?

Thank you,I understand.

The president is not coming.

So,the captain won’t abandon his sinking ship.

That’s his choice,and a noble 高尚的,高贵的one.

I have also just learned that the vice-president’s副总统, 副校长Chopper. Went down in the ash cloud outside Pittsburgh.

Fortunately幸运地,we have protocols 协议to follow.

What about the speaker of the House?

In this chaos,I have no idea.Where is he?

He’s the commander in chief 主要的,首席的now,sir.

I don’t know what to tell you This is one flight he shouldn’t be late for.

Tell the captain we’re taking off.

Sir,you don’t have the authority权力,权威. (authorities当局,官方 authoritarian:独裁的) Who got the authority?You?You got the authority?

You couldn’t even keep your damn 该死的,可恶的mouth shut. ===int.

You betrayed 出卖,背叛top secret information last year.

What the hell 地狱are you talking about?

You told your father everything,put this entire 全部的,整个的plan in jeopardy危险 Good thing for you the old man

Could keep his mouth shut better than you.

Come on!Don’t look so shocked震惊的,震撼的.

We had to monitor 监视,监听eveybody who knew,

How do you think we kept it a secret for so long?

So you just killed anybody who tried to talk?

Anybody who tried to talk was not just an enemy 敌人of the state. They were an enemy of humanity.

The director of the Louvre was an enemy of humanity?

After he called a press 新闻界conference 会议he was.

Jesus,what did you think?

We’re all just gonna get on board,hold hands and sing Kumbaya圣歌? Sit down and buckle up.

Excuse me,is my father in the command center?

President is on the line,Dr Wilson.

Thank you.

Where are you?

You never would’ve gotten on that plane if I told you.

-But you said that you’d be here –Darling,listen to me.

Do you understand how much strength it gives me

Knowing that you will survive生存,生还? The only thing left to do now,is tell the truth to people.

At least至少if they know,families can say boodbye to each other.

A mother can comfort 安慰her children.

And a father…

Can ask his daughter for forgiveness.

Whenever you’re ready,Mr President.

My fellow 朋友、同事、同伴Americans this will be the last time I address(n.住址 vt.讲话,演说) you.

As you know,catastrophe大灾难,大祸has struck 席卷our nation. Has struck the world.

I wish I could tell you we could prevent阻止,预防the coming destruction破坏,毁灭. We cannot. Today,none of us are strangers.

Today,we are one family,stepping into 步入the darkness together.

We are a nation of many religions宗教,

But I believe these words reflect 反映the spirit

“The Lord 上帝,主is my shepard同在.”

I shall…

People!Get away from the doors and windows.

What are we gonna do?You tell me.

Dr Silberman?-Tamara!

What are you doing here?

She’s a patient,honey.

Excuse me,I have a private plane out there.


You knew.This whole time you knew.

You’ve got a way out of here,right?You got a plane?

My family,take us with you.Please!


I found us a plane.An Antonov.

They were just about to take off,but the tower didn’t let them.

Can you still fly that thing?

Sure,Boss,but I need co-pilot.

Gordon’s a pilot.

No,I’m not.

Yes he is.great pilot.Let’s go.

Good.Let’s go!

Jackson,stop saying I’m a pilot.

You can’t go out there.Come back!

Move back,People!

Wow,that’s a big plane.

It’s Russian.

Let’s move everybody.Come on!

Gordon,where are you?-Let’s go!

Up here,Gordon.Hurry up!

Oh my God.

Woah,Look at these.-Las Vegas auto (=automobile)汽车show. We had VIP tickets for this.

That’s fantastic极好的,难以相信的,奇异的,幻想的,Let’s go. Check the main bus系统 for hydraulics水力的,水压的,液压的,I’ll balance天平,平衡the tanks水槽,池塘,战车.


Okay,okay.I’m trying.

Tower to Antonov,what the hell are you doing?你搞什么鬼 Shut down immediately.


When I say “go”

We push all this down at once,okay?


Antonov,abort take-off.You do not have clearance解除,许可. I repeat,you must abort.

What the hell was that?怎么回事

I don’t know,but it’s not good.

Push!-Pushing!Come on!

We’re going down!

It must be the…take over.

Take over接手,what do you mean,take over?





Sasha,now!-Take a deep breath.


Come up,baby

Was that the Eiffel Tower?

I think so.

Ladies and gentlemen.We’re on our way to China. Good.Very good.
















冯小刚电影19xx 影评


英文影评Observe and Report







