

1.Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?


(The line he used to lure John Sculley into becoming Apple's CEO)

2.Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new。


3.If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next。


4.There's a phrase in Buddhism, 'Beginner's mind.' It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind。


5.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me。


6.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。


7.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.…Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice。


8.Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow

already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。


9.Life is brief, and then you die, you know?


10.You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new。



Three Apples changed the world.The first one seduced Eve.The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs.


第二篇:史蒂夫 乔布斯(中英对照)

Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


Steve Jobs passed away

10月5日,星期三,史蒂夫?乔布斯与世长辞,Wednesday, Oct. 5 at age 56. Fortune 享年56岁。乔布斯永远地改变了我们认知科技、应用 looks back at how he changed the way 科技的方式,在横跨个人电脑到音乐产业的广泛领域we think about and use technology 都打上自己鲜明的烙印。在此,《财富》杂志(Fortune)forever, putting his own stamp on 将逐一回顾他留给我们的10大遗产。


在史蒂夫眼中,产品的外观、手感和操作远远超过纯粹的技术规格。PC制造商还在追逐更快的处理器速度,而乔布斯却在追求更加智能、简单灵巧的设计。 苹果公司(Apple)一位前任员工回忆起乔布斯曾经有一次在公司召开的会议上认真思索Mini Cooper的魅力所在。(他的一位同事当时正在销售这款汽车。) 他回忆道:“最后,他得出的结论是,这款汽车之所以炫酷出众,正是因为它小巧玲珑。史蒂夫认为,当时正是苹果公司充分利用金属材料的最佳时机。当时,大部分电脑制造商仍在使用塑料,但他认为,要想使电脑更加小巧,必须很好地利用金属材料。” 这一举措最终带来了回报:苹果公司的钛铝合金笔记本电脑备受追捧。最近推出的MacBook Air型号笔记本也被视为设计、价格与性能三者完美结合的典范。



1 everything from the personal computer to the music industry. Design For Jobs, how a product looked, felt and responded trumped raw technical specifications. While PC makers chased after faster processor speeds, Jobs pursued clever, minimalist design. One ex-Apple employee remembers sitting in a meeting with Jobs, who was mulling over the appeal of Mini Coopers. (An old coworker of his sold them at the time.) "He finally decided they were cool because they were small," he says. "Steve said that's when he knew Apple had to get really good at metal. Most computer makers at the time were all using plastic, but he knew to get smaller, you had to get metal really, really well." The move paid off: Apple's titanium-turned-aluminum notebooks became bestsellers. The most recent MacBook Air models have been held up as examples of the ideal intersection of design, price and performance. Music The new millennium was all about a rapid shift to digital content delivery, a disruption that sent music publishers scrambling to preserve their

疲于应付,只能在日益调低底线的痛苦中苦苦挣扎。 20xx年,苹果公司推出数字内容服务iTunes,对音乐下载进行收费。这项服务凭借其易用性,并与热销的iPod紧密结合,以势不可挡的魅力征服了消费者。目前,iTunes已经成为全球最大的在线音乐零售平台,注册用户超过2亿,下载音乐数量达到150亿首。20xx年秋,苹果公司推出了基于云技术的iTunesdownward-spiraling bottom lines as millions of users downloaded music illegally via services like Napster. Apple launched iTunes in 2003. A digital content service that charged for music, its ease-of-use and tight integration with the popular iPod proved 服务,将进一步巩固它的领先地位。


这一点很容易被遗忘,但实际上,正是乔布斯与苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫?沃兹尼亚克使个人电脑的理念得到普及。当时,他们合作推出的8位塑料材质计算机 —— 苹果二代(Apple II)电脑成为上世纪80年代最成功的个人电脑之一,彻底颠覆了人们的工作方式。之后,计算机行业发生了重大的变化,尤其是Windows系统计算机迅速崛起,但Mac电脑的销量依然在不断攀升。实际上,在20xx年第三季度,Mac电脑的销量预计将达到440万台到460万台之间,并将创下历史新高。



2 irresistible to consumers. Now, iTunes is the largest online music retailer in the world, with over 200 million registered users who have downloaded 15 billion songs. The fall 2011 launch of a cloud-based iTunes service should only further cement that standing. The PC It's easy to forget, but Jobs and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak helped popularize the very idea of the personal computer with the Apple II, a mass-produced 8-bit computer encased in plastic that became one of the most successful PCs of the 1980s. It revolutionized the way people work. Much has happened since -- not least the rise of Windows-based computers -- but Mac sales continue to climb. In fact, Mac sales for the September 2011 quarter are expected to come in between 4.4 million and 4.6 million, a new record. The Post-PC Era Just as Jobs helped revolutionize personal computing with the Apple II, he also ushered what many now dub the "post-PC" era thanks to a slick slab of glass and aluminum called the iPad. Until last year, tablet computing was a nice idea stalled by bad execution. Users shunned early attempts by Microsoft and its partners to make tablet-laptop hybrids. Even Apple itself

现在看来,有了iPad,乔布斯与苹果公司似乎让一切又重回正轨:令人艳羡的便携外形、与iPhone类似的易操作系统,以及合理的价格。20xx年,iPad销量达到1,470万台,仅上个季度,这款平板电脑的销量便激增183%,证明人们更加渴望尺寸合适、易于tried and failed to innovate with the Newton back in the early-1990s. With the iPad, Jobs and Apple seemed to get everything right: an 随身携带的移动设备。


19xx年,苹果公司在美国橄榄球超级碗(Super Bowl)大赛期间推出了一则由电影导演雷德利?斯科特拍摄的商业广告,此后,苹果公司的许多市场营销策略一直被认为是最具创新性的典范。19xx年的广告中,一位女性运动员冲进一间坐满光头男性的房间,用力将一把长柄大锤扔向正在播放宣传资料的投影屏幕。数十年后,这则小屏幕挑战老大哥(译注:暗指当时的IBM)的广告依然为人津津乐道,但这只是苹果一系列优秀广告攻势的开始。其他优秀的广告创意包括由演员贾斯汀?朗主演的Mac与PC争锋的广告,以及风格鲜明的平面广告,广告以黑色为背景,突出人们正在通过iPod尽情享受音乐。




3 enviable portable form factor, an accessible operating system similar to the iPhone's and a reasonable price. The iPad sold nearly 14.7 million units in 2010, and just last quarter, sales exploded 183%, proving that many people want a sizable yet portable device they can take anywhere. The Ads Apple's marketing through the years may well be some of the most innovative ever, starting with the 1984 Super Bowl commercial from film director Ridley Scott. In it, a female athlete bursts into a room filled with bald drones and hurls a sledgehammer at a projector screen displaying propaganda. Decades later the small screen nod to Big Brother remains notorious, but it was only the beginning of Apple's excellent foray into advertising. Other campaigns included the Mac versus PC commercials with actor Justin Long and stylized print advertisements featuring darkened silhouettes of people jamming to music on an iPod. The iPhone Though Android may occupy a larger cut of the market these days, Jobs must be credited with turning the moribund cell phone market upside down. With the iPhone in 2007, Apple introduced a device that pioneered the smartphone revolution thanks to a minimalist design, large responsive touchscreen and solid operating system that blew

过程投入高达1.5亿美元。乔布斯参与了初期开发的每一个步骤。并且,他还努力与辛格勒公司(Cingular,Palm and RIM's efforts away. 目前为AT&T公司)高层斡旋,为设备的开发争取到了前所未有的控制权。因此,iPhone手机上并没有打上AT&T(或威瑞森公司(Verizon))的标识。而且,也是由于乔布斯的坚持,用户能够使用可视语音信箱(Visual Voicemail)功能,这项功能抛弃了标准语音信箱系统,而是开发出非线性“滑动收听”界面,目前这一功能已经在其他智能手机中得到普及。 生态系统

“生态系统”概念或许是乔布斯给全球商界留下的影响最为深远的遗产。这个理念非常简单:创建一个封闭的硬件、软件和服务系统,通过无缝整合,为用户带来卓越的体验。以iTunes为例,用户可以在这里购买、收听数百万首歌曲和专辑,并可以将他们上传到iPod或iPhone中。苹果公司的应用商店(App Store)功能也与之类似,用户可以在苹果公司的硬件设备上使用商店里的应用程序。目前,不论是汽车制造商还是视频游戏开发商,所有人都在试图为自己的公司打造一个类似的生态系统。


不论是面对MS-DOS、Windows还是Linux,苹果操作系统(Mac OS)总是希望能比竞争对手做到更加简单易用,而且这种倾向显而易见,不论是Mac OS 7还是Mac OSX,这些软件在很大程度上都衍生自乔布斯在NeXT(19xx年乔布斯离开苹果后创建的公司——译注)的工作成果。Windows系统的粉丝有时会批评Mac OS缺少个性化选项,但这正是它的卖点。通过最大化地实现简单易用,Mac OS在易用性与稳定性方面

4 Jobs was involved in every step of the initial development process, which according to one insider cost the company $150 million. He also pushed for unprecedented control over the device's construction with Cingular (now AT&T) executives -- which is why the iPhone doesn't carry an AT&T (or Verizon) logo on it. Users also have Jobs to thank for Visual Voicemail, which chucked the standard voicemail system for a non-linear "push to listen" interface, a feature other smartphones now have too. The Ecosystem The so-called "ecosystem" concept may be one of Jobs' most lasting contributions to global business. The idea is simple: create a closed universe of hardware, software and services that -- thanks to tight integration -- provide a superior experience for users. Think iTunes, where users buy and listen to million of songs and albums, uploading them to an iPod or iPhone. The App Store functions much the same way for applications for Apple's idevices. Makers of everything from cars to video games now think of their businesses as attempting to establish such ecosystems. The Mac OS Apple operating systems were always intended to be simpler than the competition -- MS-DOS, Windows or Linux -- and that approach is readily apparent, whether it's Mac OS System 7 or Mac OSX, software largely derived from Jobs' work at NeXT. Windows fans sometimes criticize it for lacking


customization options, but that's really the point. By making it as simple and easy-to-use as possible, the Mac OS maintains a strong reputation for accessibility and stability, something that couldn't always be said of Windows through the years. The Apple Stores

The first Apple retail store in Tyson's Corner, VA was reportedly met with much skepticism. Ten years and 345 苹果专卖店

stores later though, the story has

据报道,苹果公司在弗吉尼亚州泰森角成立第一changed. Apple's success with brick 家零售店时,曾经备受质疑。但十年后,苹果公司已and mortar locations even spurred 经拥有345家专卖店,最终改变了外界对苹果的质疑。Microsoft to do the same (with mixed 在苹果实体商店成功的刺激下,连微软也开始效仿(但results). The key lies largely with the 效果喜忧参半)。苹果专卖店成功的关键在于店内布 store layout. According to Apple lore, 局。根据苹果公司内部传闻,起初,乔布斯与公司认Jobs and company realized during the 识到,最理想的布局是打破常规,依据消费者互动进early days that the ideal arrangement 行区域划分:一个区域用来查看相机与打印机如何在was to break up areas based on 电脑上运行,另外一个空间则用于多媒体任务等,店consumer interactions: an area for 内布局强调实际演示,使消费者能够亲身体验每款产checking out how a camera and printer 品。 worked with a computer, another space

for multimedia-focused tasks and so on, with an emphasis on hands-on demos, so consumers could handle the goods themselves. 苹果公司




Apple Inc.

Ultimately, Jobs' biggest contribution isn't just a smartphone, a tablet or an operating system, but Apple itself, a 12,000-strong organization that was once on the brink of irrelevance. Since his return to the company in 1997, Jobs has

rebuilt it into the most valuable technology company in the world, surpassing other heavyweights like Microsoft or HP. It may indeed be the greatest turnaround in business history.

Nothing better exemplifies that in design or scale than Apple's upcoming


布斯曾经表示:“我想,我们确实在尝试建筑世界上最完美的办公大楼。”总之,凡是与苹果公司相关的任何方面,他都力求完美。 new headquarters, a 2.8-million square foot campus that will house 300,000 square feet of research facilities, a 1,000-seat auditorium, a power plant and underground parking. "I think we do have

a shot at building the best office building in the world," Jobs said, who arguably wouldn't settle for anything but the best where any area of his company was concerned.

























