conclusion 论文结束语



In this thesis the relationship between cultural diaspora and translation as well as the translation in the perspective of cultural diaspora is explained before it is applied to the case study of Lin Yutang’s translating Fu Sheng Liu Ji. With the case study, the author examined how such a perspective of cultural diaspora is manifested in Lin Yutang’s version. From the analysis in the previous chapters, we can draw the following conclusion:

The perspective of cultural diaspora, which resists the assimilation of culture and tries to conduct new cultural practice with the cross-national perspective and the art of cultural translation, provides great enlightenment for translation to complete its mission as promoting cultural diversity and achieve cultural communication.

Firstly, it is an undeniable fact that differences between cultures exist objectively. The nature of culture is diasporic. Presentation of historical and cultural difference and otherness is of importance if a nation tends to develop its culture. Thus it is of vitality for a translator to develop a cultural perspective.

Secondly, in the context of globalization, the translator bear the mission and responsibility of transmitting cultural otherness, thus to realize the cultural diaspora, and cultural diversity finally. The translation then becomes a text of reconstruction of foreignness. The target readers are thus sent abroad with purposes.

Thirdly, the perspective of cultural diaspora recognizes and respects the differences between cultures. During the process of translating, a translator should keep in mind that on the one hand, he should present the otherness of the target culture; while on the other hand, he should flexibly mediate between foreignization and domestication methods to achieve a harmonious

translation version. The cultural perspective inspires translator to consider the cultural items in actual context before deciding what kind of item should be foreignized or domesticated. When choosing the appropriate translation strategies, translator should be aware that each piece of cultural information is of different function and importance. Although the diasporic perspective requires us to take foreignization as the major translation strategies, a downright foreignizing strategy doesn’t work. As is shown in the case study in Lin Yutang’s translation version Six Chapters of a Floating Life, he not only presented Chinese cultural foreignness to the target readers but also skillfully and flexibly adjusted them to create a harmonious text, which remains its foreignness but comprehensible for the target readers. That’s why this translation version is chosen as a good example observing the choice of translation strategies under the perspective of cultural diaspora.

In a word, the perspective of cultural diaspora guides translators to recognize and respect the otherness of culture with a tolerant and communicative attitude, and enables them to choose the appropriate translation strategies towards the cultural items to form a diasporic text, which benefits the communication and diversity of culture. The diasporic perspective is new to the study and research on translation theory and practice.

第二篇:Summary and Conclusion总结陈词

Summary and Conclusion总结陈词

Mr. Ford: Right everyone. I apologize that I can't show you the marketing campaign today, but next week you will all have the opportunity to see it for yourselves, and I have no doubt that you will be impressed. Let me wrap up the presentation by summarising my key points. 好了,个位很抱歉今天不不能给大家展示营销规划方案了。但是我保证下周大家一定有机会看到,并且绝对会大为惊叹。现在我就总结一下其中的要点来结束我的陈述。

Mr. Ford: As I mentioned at the outset, 20xx represents a key year for Alpha computers. The recession is hopefully behind us. It is clear to everyone in the computer industry that demand is booming, especially in the developing markets. 正如我在刚开始所说,20xx年对阿尔法电脑来说是关键的一年。经济萧条期已经过去。业内的每个人都知道现在需要的是繁荣,尤其是对于正在开发阶段的市场。

Mr. Ford: If we are to succeed in this ultracompetitive field then we really need to push forward and offer our customers products that meet their needs on all levels. As I hope I have illustrated, the x420 represents the kind of computer that can really satisfy those needs. 要想在这个竞争激烈的领域获胜,我们必须推进我们的工作,生产出满足不同层次顾客需求的电脑。而我要说明的是x420型号的电脑正满足了这样的需求。

Mr. Ford: I gave you an idea of the kind of revenue we expect to hit in 20xx with the new x420 range, and believe me, this is really just the beginning. Once we establish the x420 in the market we have plans to continue to expand our range with ever more revolutionary and impressive products. 我已经为大家讲明了X420系列电脑在20xx年能够创造出怎样的财政收入。请相信,这仅仅是个开始。一旦我们的X420电脑建立了市场,我们还计划进一步生产更先进的产品来拓展我们的领域。

Mr. Ford: Alpha computers is dedicated to innovation and improvement. I really see no limit to our potential as long as we stick to the principles I stressed earlier: quality, excellence and service. 阿尔法电脑一直致力于创新和提高。我相信只要我们坚持品质卓越、服务周到的原则,我们的发展空间将是无限的。

Mr. Ford: Before we move on to the Q and A section I'd really like to leave you with a quote that really sums up everything that we've discussed today, and hopefully it will provide you with the same inspiration that it gives me. 在开始Q和A板块之前,我想引用一句名言来总结今天的内容。希望大家能和我一样从中受到启发。

Mr. Ford: As the great Henry Ford once said "Quality means doing it right, when no one is looking" Well, in fact our customers are looking; they are looking for us to lead the way and to give them the quality that our competitors cannot. We cannot let them down! 亨利·福特曾说过:“品质就是即使没有人监督,也要踏踏实实地做好”。但是我们的顾客在看着我们所做的一切,希望我们引领潮流,提供别的企业没有的品质。我们绝不能让他们失望。
























