

开场 :Good morning my dear classmates ,can I have everyone`s

attention ,please! It is good to see you all here and we are pleased to welcome you to jion English conter. I hope you can enjoy your time this monring. first , Let's watch a video.

Ok now ,let`s welcome graduate student on o il panting. with a big applause!


一、 尽量争取在新题型实施前过四级。

二、 重点突破听力和写作。


1.Welcome to the International Culture Camp being held in this beautiful location of the Sun Moon Lake.欢迎参加在日月潭这么美的地方举行的世界文化营。

2.I want to welcome you all here today and give a few words of advice to you.欢迎大家今天来到这里,我想给大家几点建议。

3.Please keep your cabins clean at all time.请随时把小屋子保持干净。

4.It is advisable not to miss any meals, as this country air will stimulate you appetites.这儿的乡间空气会促进食欲,建议你们不要错过任何一餐。

5.1.I want to take a few moments to welcome the 10 young Americans who have come all the way from the States to help out with this camp here.我想花一点点时间来对远从美国来的十位年轻人表示欢迎,他们来为我们这个营提供协助。

6.It is my privilege, on behalf the camp leaders, to bid our foreign guests a hearty welcome.我很荣幸代表营区领导人对我们的外宾表示衷心的欢迎之意。

7.1.Allow me to conclude by bidding all the foreign delegates a hearty welcome once more, and by wishing all of you the best of luck.最后我再一次对国外代表表示由衷的欢迎,并祝大家万事如意。

8.I hope you have a fine time in Taiwan, and I hope you make many new friends.我希望你们在台湾玩得愉快,并交到很多新朋友。

9.It is my job to introduce the foreign guests who will be spending the week with us here.我的事是介绍与我们在此共度这个星期的外宾。

10.Thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp.感谢大家来参加我们这个营。

11.I have been chosen by the camp staff and the Chinese campers to say a few words of thanks to you for your participation here in the last three days.我被营干部和中国伙伴推选出来讲几句话,感谢大家这三天来的参与。

12. Thank you once again for coming here.再一次谢谢你们光临本地。

13.How can words express our gratitude!什么话也无法表达我们的感谢!

14.Please accept this small gift, a plaque made by us and signed by all of the campers, as a token of our friendship.请接受我们这份小礼物,以象征我们的友谊,这是我们做的牌子,上面有我们营上伙伴每个人的签名。

15.Good-bye is a sad thing to say, but I must, so goodbye and I hope I’ll see you again.说再见是件感伤的事,但我又不得不说,所以再见了,我希望能再见到大家。

16.On behalf of the sponsors, I wish to apologize for any inconveniences that any of the participants, and espe

cially the foreign guests, may have had to suffer in connection with hotel accommodations, meals, or transportation.对于所有参加者,尤其是外国客人,由于旅馆的膳宿设备、餐点、或交通所造成的诸多不便,本人谨代表主办者表示歉意。



的口号: “团过四级!”

问题: 1.由于是第一次考四级,能不能告诉我们都考什么题型,所占分值 ,时

间以及 20xx年全国大学英语四六级考试合格标准情况


以前,四六级考试只要求60分就可以及格,拿到证书,而新的计分方式将测地否定这一切。毫无疑问,自从四六级xx年x月问世以来,其成绩的权威性已成为众多用人单位招聘人才的敲门砖。并且很多高等学校在报送,录取研究生等方面,也早就把四六级证书作为一项基本条件。这种现象绝不会因为四六级不乏证书而消失,相反,在改革后,四六级证书仍是各用人单位的在招聘时的宠儿。 各用人单位,招生院校以后不但要看我们四六级考试的总成绩,而且对于我们的听力、写作、阅读成绩将会更加苛刻。因为新的四六级考试只发成绩单,并且把每一部分的分值列出来(最高分710,成绩以听力、阅读、综合、写作四部分分别列出,从20xx年x月本次考试开始全面实行)。这就要求我们听力、写作、阅读和综合部分,哪一个都不能差。

3. 四六级考试的热浪不会因改革而减退;四六级成绩在以后我们求职、保研等方面的作用不会降低。










本新闻共2页,当前在第2页 1 2



教育部在京举行新闻发布会,介绍全国大学英语四、六级考试改革有关情况。英语四、六级考试,每次考完以后,大家拿到的是一个英语四六证书,分为合格和优秀,但是从xx年x月起,考试成绩将改为分布在290-710分之间内,具体是正态分,均值是500分,一个标准差在70分,成绩低可以到290,高可以到710,不设及格分数线,给每个学生报总分和各部分的单项分。将来的试卷分四大块,听力、阅读、综合和写作,让考生了解自己的能力方面哪个强哪个弱,考后向学校给予成绩解释的含义,主要是使学校更好地理解分数的含义,这是近期想采取的第一项改革的举措。教育部并未规定四六级成绩与毕业证、学位挂钩。 第二,考试内容的改革,听力,听说能力要大大加强:




一、20xx年x月试题内容和以前一样,不变化,本次考试只是改成满分710的计分方式。 英语四六级考试20xx年x月记分最高分为710分,只发英语四六级成绩报告单,不再发英语四六级证书;但是考试题型、内容与以前相同。从xx年x月开始,全国高校使用新教材的大学将试点全新四六级考试,其中听力占由现在的20%提高到35%。xx年x月全国考生将统一使用新试题。六级xx年x月开始试点。因此本次参加要本次参加四六级考试的学员可仍然按照以前方式准备,但一定提高大自己听力能力。


1. 20xx年英语新题型较之旧题型本身难度加大,其中最大难关是听力,其次是主观题分值的增加:


第一、此次四六级改革,将阅读分值从占总分的40%改为35%,听力则从以前的20% 将扩大到35%,这对我们广大大学生来说,无疑雪上加霜。因为我们很多大学生从小就是在哑巴英语中长大的,虽然学习英语10多年了,但听力我们连中考听力不能听懂。加强听说能力成为我们的头等任务。


202 multimedia classrooms



T: together M: male host F: female host

T: Good afternoon, dear teachers and friends, welcome to the English Speech Contest of Xiguan Primary School. This is a season of crisp autumn. We would like to spend this wonderful time together!(尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,下午好!欢迎大家参加西关小学英语朗读比赛,这是一个秋高气爽的季节,愿我们共同度过这一美好的时刻!)

F: Hello! My name is Gou mengjiao, I am honored to the host of today’s English Speech Contest. Please actively participate in .Thanks!(我叫苟梦娇,很荣幸成为今天英语朗读比赛的主持人!请大家积极参与,谢谢大家!)

M: Hi! My name is Xu chenghan. I am glad very mach with everyone through this wonderful moment.(我是徐成涵,很高兴和大家一起度过这一美好时刻!)

F: Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges for this English Speech Contest. They are

Mr.Zhao, English teacher.

Miss.Fu ,English teacher.

Miss.Li,English teacher.

Miss.Ding, English teacher.

Miss.Nan, English teacher.

Miss.Fen, English teacher.

Miss.Li, Math teacher.

Miss.Lu, Math teacher.

Miss.Ma, Math teacher.

Miss.Zhao, English teacher.

Miss.Lu, English teacher.

Please welcome them with warmly applause!(鼓掌!)


F: Now, we would like to invite Mr.Zhao introduce the rules for this contest and declare the opening of the English Speaking Contest, Welcome!

M: 现在,我们邀请赵老师介绍比赛规则并宣布英语演讲比赛正式开始,大家欢迎!

F: Thank you for your speech.This contest is a good opportunity for the contestants to display our ideas or organizing successful classroom teaching. And I hope that everyone will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what you hear.

M: 谢谢!这次比赛是展示我们的思想与组织成功的课堂教学的一次好机会。希望每一位同学认真聆并有所收获!

F: Now, let’s welcome the contestant No.1 with warmly applause! His(Her) topic is M: 现在,让我们用热烈的掌声请出一号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.1,now let’s welcome contestant No.2. His(Her) topic is

M: 谢谢一号选手,现在有请二号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.2,now let’s welcome contestant No.3. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢二号选手,现在有请三号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.2,now let’s welcome contestant No.3. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢二号选手,现在有请三号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.3,now let’s welcome contestant No.4. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢三号选手,现在有请四号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.4,now let’s welcome contestant No.5. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢四号选手,现在有请五号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.5,now let’s welcome contestant No.6. His(Her) topic is

M: 谢谢五号选手,现在有请六号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.6,now let’s welcome contestant No.7. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢六号选手,现在有请七号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.7,now let’s welcome contestant No.8. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢七号选手,现在有请八号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.8,now let’s welcome contestant No.9. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢八号选手,现在有请九号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Thank you for contestant No.9,now let’s welcome contestant No.10. His(Her) topic is M: 谢谢九号选手,现在有请十号选手!他演讲的题目是

F: Well,now all the contestants have finished their performance. Let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results. Feriod this time, let’s welcome Professor Yang to give us a comment on this competition. M: 好了,所有选手的演讲都结束了。我们稍微休息一下,等待最后的结果出来。在这段时间,请杨校长作总结讲话!

F: Thank you for giving so many suggestions to our contestants. I believe everyone here have learned a lot!

M: 谢谢您给选手提出的宝贵建议,我相信在这儿的每一个人都会从中学到很多知识!

F: Now, it’s time to announce the final results. We would like to invite Mr.Zhao announcing the final results, Welcome!

M: 现在,宣布最后成绩的时间到了,请赵老师宣布比赛结果,大家欢迎! F: I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented. Thank you for your hard work,boys and girls,let’s give them a big round of applause.And I think our judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.

M: 我们被选手们精彩的演讲所感动,谢谢他们精彩的表演,同学们,让我们再给他们以热烈的掌声!同时我们还应该感谢我们亲爱的评委! F: Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you, all audiences deserve a big round of applause, too.

M: 最后,我们还应该感谢热情的观众,给他们以热烈的掌声! T: Our speech contest ends. Good bye! See you next time!



1, L: Ladies and gentlemen, attention please!

2. L+C: Welcome to our English corner tonight!

3, C: Good evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English Corner organized by ENGLISH FANS OSSACIATION. It's my great honor to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's 陈 爽. You can just call me Kris. And standing here beside me is my partner, 李文婷.

4, L: Thank you, Baby. Good evening, ladies and gentle-men. I'm honored to co-host English Corner tonight. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests. Welcome! 大家掌声欢迎!

5, C: TO start with, we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part of the activity is our performance, Now it's time for us to enjoy the performance for this English corner, our English fans association have made some elaborate[i'l?b?r?t, i'l?b?reit] preparation .So we are sure we will be able to enjoy excellent performances tonight.

L: Good! The applause being used first enthusiastically by us is welcomed coming on the stage XXX!

The program that they bring about is: XXX.

Now Let us give them warm applause.


6, L: Next, the other part is playing games. First is the English riddle.

1. What day of the week is the best for having fried foods?

2. What kind of dog has no tail?

3. What keys wont open doors?

4. When can you run as fast as a horse?

5. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I?

6. Why is "heat" faster than "cold"?

7. Why is "SMILES" the longest English word?

8. In CHOCOLATE, there are three things to drink. What are they?

9. I get dirty when your face and hands become clean. What am I?

10. When is a blue book not a blue book?

11. Why do birds fly south for winter?

12. What kind of cake do small boys dislike?

13. Twelve girls were standing under a large umbrella. Why didnt any

of them get wet?

14. What is there between sea and sky?

15. What goes up but never comes down?


1. Friday

2. hot dog

3. monkey, donkey, turkey

4. When I am riding on horseback.

5. teapot

6. Because you can catch a cold.

7. Because there is one mile between S and S.


9. towel

10. When it is read.

11. It is too far to walk.

12. A cake of soap

13. It wasn’t raining.

14. and

15. your age

9.C:Next, boys and girls ,let’s play another game, we can named it(just do it我猜我猜我猜猜(make a guess)Be active!

Let’s welcome my partner李文婷 to make an example. welcome!掌声欢迎)~~~~ 工作人员用动作比划,观众分组参与,根据动作猜单词。


7,C:It's the show time!And we hope all of you can enjoy yourself!



10, C: (串场)well, thank you XXX, now, Let’s have a try! Who want to have to have a try! Come here! Please!


11, L: What a lovely game it is: OK. Boys and girls, let's get into our topic now! our topic is Things and memories about exam. Please share with us!

next, a free talk will meet your need .now i would like to introduce the topic of this section. today our topic is Things and memories about exam.

You can talk about it in different aspects .such as ...and so on. Don't be afraid of losing face! just let us enjoy English and enjoy life !

15,A:Fatastic,ladies and gentlemen, the English Corner tonight will come to the end. I'm certain that we have got a nice time here. We hope all of you have learned something or make new friends here.

16. B: Ladies and gentlemen,It's our great honored to share the night with all of you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for joining us. Let’s look forward to the next week’s English corner. Good night and good luck! See you next week!

17.A: See you!



英语角主持稿(Come on~)





















