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【作 者】梁尊俊;杨誉竹;黄乐浩;张玉红

【日 期】2010













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4.神州九号飞船,于2012_年 06_1618  37  分在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,并获得圆满成功。这是中国航天计划中的一艘载人宇宙飞船,也是中国实施的首次载人空间交会对接 此次登上太空的三名航天员是刘旺 景海鹏      刘洋 

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【英文篇名】 The texture beauty of clothing material

【作者中文名】 欧阳静;

【作者英文名】 OU Yang-jing (School of Textile & Clothing; Southern Yangtze University; Wuxi 214063; China);

【作者单位】 江南大学纺织服装学院 江苏无锡;

【文献出处】 江南大学学报(人文社会科学版), Journal of Southern Yangtze University, 编辑部邮箱 20xx年 01期

期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊

【关键词】 服装材料; 肌理; 形式美; 质地美; 联想美; 审美;

【英文关键词】 clothing material; texture; formal beauty; texture beauty; associated beauty; aesthetic appreciation;

【摘要】 服装材料的肌理美有三个主要特点 :形式美、质地美、联想美。作为现代服装审美的一个重要因素 ,各种材料表面的天然或人为形成的视觉肌理与触觉肌理对人的审美取向和服装设计有重要作用。在设计中 ,只有使不同的肌理形式与服装的设计风格、人们的审美情感与审美的时代特征相统一 ,才能表现和发挥服装材料的肌理美。

【英文摘要】 The three main features of clothing materials' textures beauty a

re formal beauty, texture beauty and associated beauty. As an element of aesthetic fashion appreciation, the visual and touch textures of the materials appearance with natural or artificial forms play an important role in people's psychology and fashion design. Only when the different texture forms are in accord with the fashion style, people's aesthetic emotion and times trait can their beauty be showen and even excavated in the design.

【DOI】 cnki:ISSN:1671-6973.0.2003-01-024

信息资源系统名称:CNKI 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库

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【作者中文名】 杨旭;

【导师】 陈建辉;

【学位授予单位】 天津工业大学;

【学科专业名称】 服装设计与工程

【学位年度】 2004

【论文级别】 硕士

【网络出版投稿人】 天津工业大学

【网络出版投稿时间】 2004-07-07

【关键词】 服装材料; 服装设计; 艺术语言; 艺术表现; 服装审美;

【英文关键词】 Garment Material; Fashion Design; Language for Artistic Expression; Artistic Expression; Aesthetics for Fashion Design;

【中文摘要】 现代服装设计已成为材料与服装的双重设计,成为艺术与技术的双重设计。本文根据这一现实,紧紧围绕“材料在服装设计中的艺术表现”这一主题,分别对服装材料进行基础研究、应用研究和审美研究,力图将当前现实中形成的零散的共识系统化和理论化,目的是从三个方面来回答服装材料是什么,怎样应用服装材料实现艺术表现,为谁进行艺术表现以及如何达到这一目的的问题,实际上就是回答服装设计中遇到的“用什么”、“怎样用”和“为谁用”的基本问题。在第一个层面,着重分析服装材料的内涵与外延,探讨服装材料的艺术表现潜力,广义材料论和反材料论;在第二层面,着重分析服装材料应用,探讨它的物理应用,即为何对服装材料进行深度开发,并以此为基础,分析它的艺术应用,即如何实现服装材料的艺术表现;在第三个层面,从审美的角度,着重分析服装材料审美信息的传播与接受,即服装设计中的审美信息同构及其启示,运用信息论和美学的一般原理,说明设计者与审美者之间的互动关系和设计信息同构过程中二者的再塑造过程,从而为服装设计的完善与发展初步明确了努力的方向。

【英文摘要】 Modern Fashion Design has become the unity of material design and

garment design, the process of Fashion Design has also become the unity of Technic Design and Art Design. Based on these realities, the Basic Characteristic Study, Exploiture Study and Aesthetics Study about garment material are developed focusing on the topic of "the Artistic Expression of Material in Fashion Design" to systematize and theorize all scattered common understanding about it. In this dissertation, three aspects about garment...

【DOI】 CNKI:CDMD:2.2004.076147

信息资源系统名称: CNKI期刊全文数据库

数据库名称: 重庆维普资源信息系统

检 索 词: 服装材料的肌理美

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【中圉分类号】J 523.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1671—6973{2003)01—0099—03 The texture beauty of clothing m aterial

OU Yang—jing

(School of Textile& Clothing,Southern Yangtze University,Wuxi 214063,China) Abstract:The three main features of clothing materials’textures beauty are formal beauty, texture

beauty and associated beauty.As an element Df aesthetic fashion appreciation.the visual and touch

textures of the materials appearance with natural or artificial form s play an important role in people’S

psychology and fashion design.Only when the different texture form s are in accord with the fashion

style,people’S aesthetic emotion and times trait can their beauty be showen and even excavated in the


Key words:clothing material;texture;formal beauty;texture beauty;associated beauty;aesthetic



































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关键词:服装材料 肌理 形式美 质地美 联想美 审美


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Brigid Quinn



October 11, 2001


Kodak Film Patent Issued October 14, 1884

First commercial film made “snap shot” possible

George Eastman, who was born in Waterville, New York, received patent #306,594 on October 14, 1884 for photographic film. Eastman’s invention revolutionized photography by using coated paper and rollers, rather than heavy glass dry plates, to reproduce images. Eastman began looking for ways to “make the camera as convenient as the pencil,” after amassing the heavy, complicated, and expensive equipment he needed to keep a picture

record of his vacation. This invention allowed him to mass produce a small hand-held box camera filled with rolls of film with 100 exposures. Millions of Americans recorded the first snap shots of their everyday lives using the Kodak camera, which was introduced in 1888. In 1977, George Eastman was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

In addition to an inventive spirit, Eastman also had a strong belief in the power of advertising. He first registered “KODAK?,” a term he created, as a trademark in 1888. Today the word “Kodak,” and the Eastman Kodak Company’s distinctive yellow trade dress, are well-known around the world.

Eastman’s patent and many of the Eastman Kodak trademarks, as well as the more than six million patents issued since the first in 1790 and the 2.3 million trademarks registered since 1870, can be seen on the Department of Commerce's U.S. Patent and Trademark Office web site at www.uspto.gov.

Last year USPTO issued 182,223 patents and registered 127,794 trademarks.



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【个人作者姓名】:王晓春; 史丽敏; 朱超; 孙薇莉

【作者单位】:北京市服装材料研究开发与评价重点实验室,北京,100029;北京市服装材料研究开发与评价重点实验室,北京,100029; 北京服装学院,北京,100029;北京服装学院,北京,100029









【关键词】:毛纤维; 竹纤维; 混纺织物; 活性染料染色

【分类号】:TS106; TS193.632




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Brief introduction

Brocade because of the beautiful scene, gorgeous as the sky named Yunxia, Zhen is perfection to the national treasures of traditional arts and crafts. Nanjing Brocade is the traditional jacquard silk products, is the process of Nanjing "Sambo" first. Brocade as many as 18 kinds of color, the use of "colored halo," introduced the main layers of flowers, Wealthy elegant, solid texture, and let the beautiful patterns and colors Nongyan solemn, large-scale use of the line, a splendid style. As the materials used sophisticated, the fine texture, color pictorial elegance Wealthy, Choi Wan-like the sky like a magnificent, it said, "Kam-yun." Only Nanjing, modern production, often called "Brocade." 1580 has been in history. Brocade and Chengdu of Sichuan Silk Brocade, Suzhou Song Jin, the Guangxi Zhuang Jin said that "four of

China's Jin" (Suzhou Kesi and as "the name Kam").

In the ancient silk fabrics, Kam is the representative of the highest technical level

of the fabric. "Kam", "payment" and the word "silk" word combinations,

"Explanation-silk": "Jin, Kim also.'s Hard to weight, such as the price of its gold. Venerable is a service provided." This That is, Kam is a precious luxury Sibo, in

ancient times can only Daguanguiren Chuande since.

The development of history

Brocade and the birth and development of the city of Nanjing Shi Miqie related. Nanjing silk industry can be traced back to the first three Soochow (222-280) period, the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420) the end, the generals Liu Northern Expedition, Mieqin, will be moved to Chang'an all the Baigong Jiankang (now Nanjing), Which account for a large proportion of brocade craftsmen. Houqinbaigong in brocade craftsmen inherited the Han Dynasty, Wei, the Western Jin Dynasty and 16 of the previous minority brocade technique. 417 Jiankang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty set up a special management in the Guanshu brocade - Kam Department, was seen as the official birth of the Brocade logo. From the Yuan Dynasty, Brocade has been the Royal clothing supplies. Of the Ming Dynasty, brocade keep mature and improve, and formed the Nanjing silk jacquard Jinduan the local characteristics. Qing Dynasty in Nanjing have "Jiangningzhizao

Department," "A Dream of Red Mansions" by Cao Xueqin's grandfather, Cao Yin, a former Jiangningzhizao 20 years. During this period the wide variety Kam-yun, pictorial solemn, colorful and has represented the history of Brocade weaving technology of

the highest achievements.

Brocade weaving heyday, when Taiwan has over 30,000 looms, nearly 30 million people living this and related industries, the Nanjing was the largest manual industry. 1949, although the Government has invested several thousand million for the restoration

and protection of Kam-yun, the Nanjing Brocade Research Institute has also successfully copy of the science in the 1970s Mawangdui Han Tomb Unearthed in Changsha in Hunan's "yarn-Dan clothing," Beijing Ding Ling Ming Tombs Unearthed in the Wanli emperor, "the peacock feathers woven yarn Longpao cosmetics flowers", but Kam-yun Houjiwuren is still faced with the situation, the country now really understand the

technology Kam-yun, however more than 50 people.

Kam-yun, QC, the last of the court or reward for the hero of. Modern-Jin inherited the Ming and Qing periods in the traditional style and development of a variety of traditional cosmetics flower, the Jin, the satin, and other broad categories (see "cosmetics flowers," "The Kam," "The Satin"), the Kim, the Kam woven into the Qing Dynasty, and so on to enter Neiwu Fu "satin horsepower library" and the name, adopted so far. Cosmetics category fabric flowers on behalf of Brocade skills characteristics of the variety and style, pictorial layout stringent solemn, concise summary form patterns, and more for large-scale pattern for the full four consecutive order, also Che-horsepower increase for a separate, suitable for large-scale patterns Cosmetics flower fabric (such as Ming and Qing at the Long Pao, kang blanket mattress pad, etc.) with color Nongyan contrast to the regular line Goubian or gold, silver decorative line pattern, the white-and-halo or transition to the small shuttle-wai Choi spent digging equipment, textiles let the Code of Korea, Choi Jin Hui Ying, is different

from the Sichuan Silk Brocade-Jin, Song Jin-brocade, and other important

characteristics. 1949, in the traditional varieties on the basis of innovative varieties, such as the Yuhuatai Kam, Dunhuang Kam, gold and silver cosmetics, Ling Jin, Jin-decorated blanket and Taiwan, cushions, supply and Mongolia, the Tibetan brothers and mounting ethnic costumes and paintings, souvenirs, Foreign trade needs.

The main purpose

Brocade in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty royal family, QC, Long Pao, Mianfu, officials of the literati class Guifuyizhuang, as well as civil imperial clan, happy, wedding dress, and other application areas, it is the most luxurious, the most exquisite of the arts One. It brought together by silk (materials, organizations) fabric of the United States, the United States and harmonious colors, patterns sincerity of the United States and decorative landscaping features to "quality and profiling", "Qiao and the Arts", "Italy, and as the" combination of content And form, to technology and the arts, both perfect form a unified aesthetic. Yun-Jin from the wide variety, the artistic expression of aesthetic concepts in real terms, it can be summed up as the United States in the form of three: the royal palace of the United States, is the pursuit of expensive luxury and the beauty of Yongronghuagui; literati, the sovereign scholars of the United States, is an indication that lyric Yajie of the

United States; civil joyous rituals of the United States, is practical and gorgeous combination of pure folk customs of the United States. Therefore, cosmetics Kam-yun spent by the unique instrument decorated the United States, can adapt to people's aesthetic sentiment of the value of the elegant art to enjoy. This is the Brocade works truthfulness, benevolence, and the United States and reunification of the artistic style, it represents a national culture of clothing and fashion folk, is

also a world historical and cultural heritage, one of the corroboration.

In traditional Chinese drama on the stage, where the emperor will phase, Princess Princess played them dazzling costumes, always let people's eyes as one of the bright. They effectively Hongtuo the figures, rendering the atmosphere of the story. These Yongronghuagui theatrical costumes, the emperors of Ming and Qing Hou Fei and senior officials Guifu and daughter were modelled on the dress, after processed and the arts. These ancient emperor's clothes, many of them is to use up for the Brocade. So in "Brocade" of manufactured goods will bear on the deep "class brand." Imperial costumes

of the "Crown God grant" the concept. Successive emperors self-proclaimed

"true-emperor", mandated in the day, Jialin the world, the rule of the people, so in costumes on the large-scale use of the legends of Shen Shou "Dragon" image, not allowed to use non-emperor, to show Dragon in the world, extremely conceited.



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② 拷贝命中篇数的篇名《High-flux x-ray undulator radiation from proposed 5 factory storage rings at Cornell University》《On fiber art materials》

③ 记录一篇与课题相关的文摘型二次文献及一份原始文献。

High-flux x-ray undulator radiation from proposed 5 factory storage rings

at Cornell University

D. H. Bilderback, B. W. Batterman, M. J. Bedzyk,a) J. Brock, K. Finkelstein,

R. Headrick, and Q. Shen

Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source and the School of Applied Engineering Physics,

Cornell University, Ithaca, Net0 York 14853

(Presented on 15 July 1991)

Two intersecting storage rings (8 GeV, 1 A and 3.5 GeV, 2 A) have been proposed to be

built at Cornell University to enhance both the production of B mesons and

synchrotron radiation. Exceedingly high x-ray flux from 3-m long undulators will be the new

feature of a B factory for the CHESS laboratory. The flux produced integrated over the

central cone of radiation can be as much as an order of magnitude higher than from the thirdgeneration storage rings (now under construction) operating at 0.1 A.


Cornell University is proposing to build two new storage

rings which promise to usher in a new era of experimentation for both high-energy physics and synchrotron

radiation research. The machine will collide electrons and

positrons from two rings, one operating at 8 GeV, 1 A and

the other at 3.5 GeV, 2 A of beam current. The rings will

dramatically increase the number of B mesons produced

for physics investigations, hence the term “B factory.”

The storage rings at Cornell will be capable of producing

synchrotron radiation beams of tremendously high flux

from undulators and wigglers permanently installed in the

rings. We will be able to operate undulators in the storage

rings full time and not just during dedicated periods. We

plan to increase our present number of beam lines from five to eight, including two hard x-ray and one soft x-ray undulators. To make best use of the new insertion device

capabilities, we envision adding 7000 ft2 (650 m2) of addition floor space near our current A line as well as keeping

the present CHESS East and West laboratory space.

The optimization of these rings is different than for the

third generation of high brilliance machines such as the

APS, ALS, ESRF, Spring-& etc. The B factory rings will

be able to store about 10 times the current of these high

brilliance storage rings by having 230 bunches of charge

stored in bunches of modest beam size. The electron and

positron beams will be refilled to their peak currents every

5 min or so with only 5% of this time devoted to filling.

Thus radiation will be produced at near peak power during


The B factory will possess a vertical emittance comparable

to the APS although the horizontal emittance will

be about 12 times larger. The 3-m-long B factory undulators will be capable of producing one-half the brilliance of

a 2.5m-long APS undulator A, but will surpass the APS by

a factor of 3 in brightness and 1~0in flux. This will give the

synchrotron radiation community an opportunity to develop

experiments optimized on flux rather than brilliance.

These high intensity beams will provide unique opportuni-

“Present address: Dept. of Materials Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208.

ties for advances in chemistry, materials research, biology,

physics, and medicine in a very cost effective manner with

an appealing geographic location well suited to a large East Coast population of scientists in the United States and



The CHESS B laboratory floor plan is shown in Fig. 1

and further described in a recent proposal.’ The proposed

facility differs from the present one in several basic ways.

The present magnets and shielding wall are all moved from

their current positions, necessitating a redeployment of

some, but not all, of our existing beam lines. For instance,

all the lines in CHESS West (A,B,C) will be relocated.

However, the East lines (D and F) will remain roughly

where they are and will be fed from the 3.5-GeV ring. New

straight sections will be provided on the S-GeV ring for

operation of two hard x-ray undulators. The number of

beam lines will be increased from the present five to a total

of eight. (See Table I.)

On fiber art materials


(Taiyuan University of Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts textile engineering)

Abstract: Among the many art forms, because of modern fiber art selected by the diversity of materials, controllable, plasticity, can be inconsistent, visibility of a number of factors and creative practices of different fiber materials such as the unique characteristics, Fiber Art has also been called "the art materials."

Key words: beauty and diverse fiber

Shuttle cold day in the reinforced concrete building construction, metal乘座the transport of free living and office space in between, living in the city in the spirit of the people to bear the psychological tensions and suppress, in the fast-paced , High rational objectify people in society than ever an urgent need for a coordination between the people and building material and emotional medium, it can adjust and add too rational and rhythm of modern life, to create a relaxed atmosphere, People can ease the pressure, to give people heart the deepest levels of care. So when the fiber artists to the most primitive weaving, winding, Fengzhui, such as use of the most creative approach to life of fiber materials to create simple, warm, gentle, caring people to the needs of inner visual symbols, the people's been such a warm Art by infection, complicated, impulsive mood in fiber art by pouring.

1 fiber art and the concept of development

In recent years, although "fiber art" frequently appears in various academic journals, but the concept of fiber art implicitly or fuzzy, or to avoid mentioning the fiber arts to the exact definition of the concept of urgent need. In my view, Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts Fiber Art Master's graduate mentor Professor Lin Lecheng of fiber art by the definition is very clear, he said: "The so-called fiber art, artists use the most affinity with human material, to Knitting, Central guitar, winding, such as the production means Fengzhui shaped plane, and three-dimensional image of a device space art forms. "

Fiber Art is an ancient art classes, that is because as early as the oldest in human learn how to use simple tools for the production of crafts ancient times, found that

natural plants, fur fibers with the function of keeping warm. In more than 7,000 years ago, the world on a woven fiber, although she initially warm and cold inseparable from the function, but it was discovered that her addition to the above functions are outside the absorption and noise characteristics, with the practical function of the gradual Perfect, it is increasingly pursuing her art form and her life on the landscaping of.

1.1 fiber arts development in China

7,000 years ago in Hebei Province with the magnetic mountain sites and Hemudu ruins in Yuyao, Zhejiang have unearthed Hongtao spinning wheel; Xiashang Zhou period, linen, silk, wool and other textile raw materials production has been larger scale and to promote the then spinning , Weaving, dyeing and other technology advances, China has gradually early to Zhixiu mainly of fiber art technology to the development of Wei Han period, the life of the people in the Alpine region in the rough texture, such as Mao Zhipin Maobu system on the basis of creating a more Rich decorative fine wool fabric; Sui and Tang Dynasties period, in textiles, embroidery art, such as fiber Guaping there have been many high level of artistic works.

1.2 fiber arts development in Europe

In Europe, people are most familiar with the fiber art forms Mount. It commonly known as "higher than forest," or "Gebei Lan" (GOBELIN), people will as a symbol of wealth and on interior decoration and furnishings in an important position. The main choice of material is wool. Most of the Middle Ages in Europe to prepare the inside means to express religious legends, historical stories, flowers and plants, and other subjects, painting a dark performance of the moods, images and simple and very decorative. Gerona Cathedral Xishi fine collection of "Revelation" is the most representative of that era fiber art works. End of the 19th century, painting had a symbolic and comprehensive, and fiber arts have begun the transition to modern art. Art opened this precedent is the French artists to Mount ? Lurcat, he is the first of the modern design concepts and new decorative wall to go to modern art and technology of combining而使wall hanging in there with a new look Yitan people. In his art hanging on the spirit of innovation and promote the development of fiber art from the past Huagao faithful to the artists, painting a copy of the theme of the painting style to the diversification of development so that the main viewing directly involved in the situation in fiber art, fiber art And the space environment has financial as a whole.

2 fiber art aesthetic properties of materials

Fiber materials are works of art as the basic element, the use of different materials and different techniques to express concepts and ideas. The artist is not simply a variety of materials will be spelled, but to use the material characteristics, to change its external characteristics and to give the new form and content to produce new visual effects, the United States gives to the enjoyment. Certain materials suitable for a certain shape, improper use wood, like a good film to an inappropriate choice of actors, actors are very good but does not mean he's suitable for this role, materials as well. Therefore, we can only choose to proceed from reality, the use of a specific shape and materials that suit the characteristics and performance of the texture, the material Shi Yi, to enhance its aesthetic value. Chang Lu goods sculptor, said: "Technology will be obscured by reason of its own rich material quality

and potential fully uncovered."

Modern science and technology as a fiber art provided a more extensive fiber materials, textile fibers in fiber art occupies an irreplaceable position.

2.1 fiber material beauty of the fabric

Texture of the United States is an important part of the United States. Texture is the material of its own texture, convex, logo, etc.. For example, natural fiber material, cotton, linen, wool, silk fabric and texture different, Fluid Systems rough texture of the hair is glossy soft material; smooth silk material, color Yingrun, weeping with flu.

2.2 fiber material color beauty

Color is the visual organs of the feelings of visible light, such feelings should be the objective of the movement of light, but also by the physical and physiological change. Xianshengduoren color of the characteristics of different colors to create different psychological feelings. Red, orange will make people think of the sun's warmth. Green, blue and purple make people think of forest, sea and sky. It is exciting warm, warm, cold tone It is quiet, elegant and cool. Material is the carrier of color, materials and colors can not be divorced from there. As Professor Lin Lecheng works "Spring - the summer - autumn - Winter", use a warm, soft wool characteristics of natural materials, weaving through the latitude and longitude lines staggered to the irregular convex geometry and texture combinations, works in yellow, green, red With the four kinds of colors on behalf of four seasons in a changing, to the performance of eternal life, to the guests in time and space create a sense of continuity and movement.

2.3 fiber material visual tension

"Tension", the earliest found in physics. From the perspective of physics, the tension is the object of two opposite direction by the tension generated by its role within the two parts and perpendicular to the surface of contact with each other traction, for example, hoisting the heavy rope to pull the rope or internal There is tension. Visual tension and tension have similar physical characteristics: inclusive imbalance in the equilibrium state, "the dynamic fixed" the dynamic sense of a variety of factors, particularly the contradictory elements of the combination and interaction. The visual tension we can make such a broadly defined: visual activities in the entire process, at least two seem incompatible with the visual elements of a new entity, does not eliminate antagonism between the parties, and in a state of mutual antagonism To counter, attack, compare, contrast Ying, the guests of thinking at all in from the very, wavering, in multiple concepts under the influence of the three-dimensional feel.

Visual material tension has the following characteristics: One is the method of contrast, when a greater contrast between the material characteristics of the common fiber material used in the design, several materials in each other if we can contend, the impact will create visual tension; their Second, the material itself, through various means of its size, shape, texture, and so have a comparison, Ying Chen and a visual tension, such as from Shandong Guo Zhenyu secondary school special education teacher guide 96 deaf students collective creation "Chinese roots," she four meters high, 19.9 meters long. "China roots" is the performance of the banyan tree roots and tree in the south known as the sacred tree, it placed a "Harmony" ideal. Banyan

tree is the symbol of life, is a symbol of strength, China is also ideal for generations to survive and multiply. The reason why she has so much power and influence in addition to her own image brought about by the visual impact, their choice of the same kind of fiber materials, although the whole works by plain jute for the elements, but through knitting, Fengzhui, winding, and other creative means to deal with the same kind of material into a rich contrast, the impact of comparison, the visual tension Ying Chen symbols of art, go to work every guests hearts, arousing the Chinese people's patriotic sentiment, each one Foreign guests to fully appreciate the East China power sound off the potential strength.

3 modern fiber art of diversity

To some extent, modern art fiber materials used in scope, including all of the line materials. Fiber materials can be divided into natural fiber and chemical fiber two categories.

(1) natural fibers: cotton, linen, wool, silk, certificates of compliance and so natural fiber materials are the property of the area.

(2) Chemical Fiber: including man-made fibres, synthetic fiber, semi-synthetic fiber, etc., such as nylon, polyester, acrylic, B-lun, polypropylene, vinylon, Kevlar, Lvguan, spandex, fiber materials for the extensiveness Multiple artists to explore the creative material, explore new art forms provide a broader space.

Lausanne in 2006 from the fiber to the Beijing International Art Exhibition in Suzhou use of colorful materials. In this exhibition, works choice of material has broken through the traditional material types of issues, such as tree branches, rattan grass, glass, cable, film, tape, Sha Wang, metal lines, plexiglass and other materials were integrated soft Artists ingenious use. The author of these materials because of the use of alternative, to give fresh visual effects, build a personalized aesthetic kingdom.

Among the many art forms, because of modern fiber art selected by the diversity of materials and creative practices of different fiber materials such as the unique characteristics of fiber art also known as "the art materials" as a study fiber art Apart from the creators of material used to tap the U.S. itself, to unusual patterns of the United States can not achieve the artistic realm, more should have sharp观察力, be good at discovering new materials, the use of fiber materials to the process of creation " I forgot two of "the spiritual realm, and to grasp the nature of fiber art thrust of the return to fiber art works more lasting vitality.

4 modern art from natural fibers to the nature of the return of art

Since ancient times, humans have a natural and close contact, I asked: "On the one things" that all things are closely related to an integral whole, and days, and, as a dynamic entity, "The overall awareness" on the basis of the harmonious pursuit of all things. Compared with other art forms, fiber art has a more natural paste into the nature of its key lies in fiber art by the choice of materials for the majority of natural fibers such as wool, cotton, linen, silk, etc., these come from natural materials, Itself is a kind of affinity, people feel warm and gentle, close to the artists the choice of materials is also to give full expression to Taoism, "Tao Follows Nature, inaction were all" simple philosophy. Fiber Art characteristics of the

material, to some extent in modern society to replace the natural role: One is emotional, is a light.

Of course, "natural" In addition to its general sense, the so-called "natural" (physical dimensions) the meaning, but also its philosophy of (spiritual) on the meaning, that is, "nature." On the spiritual level is the pursuit of modern artists are committed to the pursuit of fiber, which is the "natural" distillation of human nature more deeply explore. Hailed as "higher than forest," the father of the Jiwei. Kan Dare, weaving works "wind" of the choice of wool fiber, through the provision of-way, the abstract expression to his favorite poetry of the same name an emotion. Works of this rich and subtle colors, patterns and vivid nature, this work is like Yilvrourou breeze gently scrolls over the Xin-Tian guests, arouse people's natural desire for a better life.

This modern fiber art is an art, she awakened in the form of simple people and the natural desire of the nature of the return, she from the hustle and bustle of the city near indifference to a quiet, warm sunshine Pure Land, for her people Tired, Changranruoshi a thread of comfort in mind, in her quiet with us. This is the charm of fiber art.

Main Reference: "fiber art" - Lin Le-cheng, Wang Kai, "foreign technology art history" - Zhang Fu also

"China of art history" - Bianzong-sun











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