



上午好。我是小学英语xx号考生。 今天我说课的内容是人教版PEP Primary English Book IV Unit5 Look at the monkeys.的第一课,上个单元我们学习了What are they doing?本单元我们主要学习koala、 kangaroo、 bear、 monkey、bird、 lion六个新单词,并且要在What are they doing?句型中练习,通过练习掌握这六个新单词,并进一步熟练运用What are they doing?的句型。目的是为下节课的教学打下基础,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,发展学生自主学习和合作能力,为此我设计了以下三个目标: 1、知识目标:

学生能够听说认读koala、 kangaroo、 bear、 monkey、bird、lion。 能够熟练应用句型What are they doing? They are…….. 2、能力目标: 培养学生观察、模仿、良好习惯及主动竞争等多方面的能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心和培养学生的交流能力。 3、情感目标: 增进师生之间的感情;增强学生的环保意识,使学生了解、热爱大自然。 教学重点:koala、kangaroo、 bear、 monkey、bird、 lion六个新单词的学习。 教学难点:如何培养学生合作学习能力,激发兴趣,树立学习英语的自信心。为了突破这一难点,我主要采用了点拨法、师生互动法几个教学方法。让学生在教师的指导下,通过参与和合作,从而促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 为了完成以上教学目的,我的教学设计如下:


歌曲导入,根据小学生好奇、好动的特点,在热身时,学唱英语歌曲“Old Mac Doald had a farm”.能使学生迅速兴奋起来,自然的进入学习新知识的状态。



生表现欲望强的特点,在这个环节与学生进行朋友式的会话:It’s time for class. Are you ready?

Hello!Boys and girls.

How are you?Nice to meet you?


How many animals are there in the song?

What are they?

Can you imitate their sounds?

这种对话及提问方式不仅复习了旧知识还调动了学生学习的积极性。 (三)Presentation


在小学英语课堂中,使学生保持一种积极紧张而又快乐的学习状态,激发他们学习的欲望,老师要不断的去诱 导学生。Today,we are going to learn “Unit5 Look at the Monkeys.”提出与学习新内容有关的问题:“ Do you like animals?”然后通过听音、看动作引出新词的学习。I’ll devide you four groups.Which one is best ? They will get a flag.Ok?根据学生模仿力强的特点,让一个小组成员模仿动物动作,另一个小组的成员猜动物名称,然后互换,在规定的时间内,看哪组猜的动物名称最多就是胜利小组,获得小红旗,这样

能够培养学生合作学习的能力。在操练时,首先进行一些机械的学习,如“Listen、point and repeat ” “ Look and guess”。通过这种学习使学生对单词加深记忆。 游戏是激发学生学习兴趣的最佳方式,抓住小学生好动的特点,做一些游戏,如模仿动物的叫声或做与之有关 的动作。“滚雪球的游戏”老师请六位同学分为两组。第一个同学说:“The koala is sleeping.”,第二个同 学在此基础上再加一句:“The koala is sleeping,the monkey is climbing.”依此类推,看哪组说得快而多,得到小红旗。最后学唱Let’s chant,让学生轻松一下。这一过程注重对学生思维观察能力的提高,特别是 学生合作能力的培养。




animals doing

koala flying

kangaroo running

bear climbing

monkey jumping

bird biting

l ion sleeping

(2)Teacher says的游戏。

这两个练习不但巩固了所学知识而且训练了学生的快速反应。 (五)Sum up



以评价促进发展,鼓励学生大胆开口,积极活动,培养团队精神。 教学评价


课堂中来。通过寓教于乐的方法,提高课堂实现,培养学生的学习兴趣。 这就是我对本节课的理解与设计,请各位领导和老师们批评指教。


Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is XXX. My number is XXX. I?m so honored and pleasure to have the chance to be here sharing my lesson with you. The teaching material I choose to illustrate is taken from XXX. My teaching plan will include 5 parts: the analysis of teaching material, teaching aims, the important and difficult point, teaching methods and teaching procedure. Part 1 Analysis of teaching material This unit introduces and develops the theme of “XXX”, Ss are expected to master the new words (……) and to use the sentence patterns (……) in proper situation. The teaching material mainly describes (……), and it shows all of the new knowledge points. Therefore, it is in the important position of this unit. If Ss can master it well, it will be benefit for them to learn the rest of the unit. Part 2 Teaching aims According to the new curriculum standard and the syllabus, and after studying the teaching material and the facts of the Ss, I set the teaching aims as follows: 1, Knowledge objects 1) Ss can understand the content correctly. They can read and play the dialogue; 2) Ss can listen, read, say and spell the core words(……); 3) Ss can use the sentence patterns (……) properly. 2, Ability objects 1) To train Ss? abilities of listening and speaking; 2) To train Ss? abulity of working in groups. 3, Moral objects To foster Ss? conciousness of good cooperation and proper competition. Part 3 Important and difficult points According to the syllabus,the important points: have Ss fully understand the content, help them to read and play the dialogue. The difficult points: 1) Help Ss to read the dialogue fluently, and help them to read and play the dialogue; 2) make sure they can read the core words correctly. Part 4 Teaching methods Well, how to achieve the teaching aims, stress the important points and break through the difficult points? The key is to make use of the proper teaching methods. Ss are expected to learn in real situation, so I will use some pictures, words, sentence cards and body language to help them get a better understanding of the content. A tape recorder and multi-media computer will help me to achieve the aims. The Task-based teaching method, Communcative teaching method and Group cooperation teaching method will be used in this period. Part 5 Teaching procedure In order to realize the teaching procedure properly and effiently, and under the principle of ?student centered?, I divide the teaching procedure into 5 steps: Step 1 Lead-in I will play a English song for Ss and have a free talk related to this period with them. Purpose : to attract Ss? attention and conduct the atmosphere of English learning. Step 2 Presentation 1) As we all know ,the substance of English is communication and the environment of communication is life. So before I present the dialogue, I?ll creat a real situation for Ss to speak English freely and happily. Purpose: This task will arouse Ss? interest and en

courage them to ask questions with new knowledge. 2) Guide Ss? attention to the dialogue, and have them read the dialogue individually to get the main idea. Ss are expected to answer some questions related to the new words. In this way, the new words are taught. Meanwhile I?ll stick the sentence patterns on the Bb. Ss need to practise the new words and sentence patterns in different ways. Purpose : It will be much easier and clear for Ss to accept the new language points. Proper practice is benefit for consolidation. Step 3 Practice I will ask Ss to listen to the tape and encourage them to imitate to read and say. They will read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text. Guide them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Purpose; to train Ss? abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of English language. Step 4 Consolidation There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge, playing game is a good way. So in this step, I will play a cartoon with no voice for Ss, and ask them to make the dialogue. According to the physiology of Ss, I?ll hold a group competition during the game, and ask them to finish the blanks. Purpose: this task is designed to stress Ss? position of host in class. It can arouse Ss? interest. Also it will help Ss to develop good habits and achieve theirs goals of mastering the learnt knowledge. Step 5 Extention Is this the end of the class? I don?t think so. If there?s an end, I think it should be in real life. So the step 5 is necessary. I?ll encourage Ss to use what they have learnt in class to communicate with each other in real life. This will also be as their homework. As for the Bb, it mainly about the new words and sentence patterns. In a word, the whole period is designed for easy steps to steps that are challenging. It will be benefit for Ss to acquire information, knowledge, and their abilities and skills will be well trained. That?s all. Thanks so much for your attention.

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