舟楫英语课堂 专八写作范文研读(一)


舟楫英语课堂 20150703





Cooperation Goes with Competition

In our times, cooperation and competition spread over the world. Both of them speed up the wheel of economy and enrich the intelligence of mankind. It is impossible to accomplish a complicated program by only one person now. As we know, the more

cooperation a company depends on, the more efficient it will become in business.

Furthermore, we can’t avoid competition in our exchanges. From time to time, we compare ourselves with others, expecting to catch up with others. This is the spirit of competition, by which we pursue the highest goal. It is only by competition in the market that a company can raise its reputation. Were it not for competition, say, all of us would not enjoy what we have achieved.

efficient [?'f??nt] adj.效率高的;胜任的 effective [?'fekt?v] adj.有效的;生效的;实际的 exchange[?ks't?e?nd?] n.交换;交易所;兑换;交战


reputation [?repju'te??n] n.好名声;声誉,名声,名气 reputable ['repj?t?bl] adj.声誉好的;规范的;可尊敬或信赖的


Interview -- A chance to view the outer part, but not

the core

As a senior student in university, I have gone through many interviews -- interview to recruit new club members, interview for and so on. In my opinion, the procedure of recruitment is like choosing apples -- viewing resumes is liking picking up apples, you can only decide the appearances, or in other words, whether there are obvious flaws.

Interview is like the first bite, by which you know the real taste of an apple. But only by eating all the apple can you see the core. That is to say, only by working with a person for some time, can you judge a person. So to me, interview can help us to get a basic knowledge about a person and is indispensable in recruitment but it has its limitations.

recruit [r?'kru?t] v.吸收(新成员);征兵;招聘n.新成员;新兵

recruitment [r?'kru?tm?nt] n.征募新兵;补充;招聘 internship['?nt??n??p] n.实习生职位;实习期 procedure [pr?'si?d??(r)] n.程序;手续;步骤 resume ['rez?mei] n.简历;履历;摘要 resume [r?'zju?m] v.重新开始;再继续 indispensable [??nd?'spens?bl] adj.不可缺少的

Interview is most helpful in the aspect that it provides interviewer a chance to observe something that resumes cannot tell, for example, How the interviewee behaves? Is he/she nervous under pressure? Does he/she has excellent communication skills like eye contact? These things might be very important. Because some job might ask more than one's academic knowledge, it might also require the ability of dealing with people and so on. Another important function of interview is that it can help interviewer to decide whether the interviewee lied in his/her . As we all know, under hot competition, in order to get more chances, some people tend to lie in their resumes about their experiences and so on. But in an interview, interviewer could ask questions related with interviewee's experiences. If the

experiences are made-up, it's easy to detect. The last advantage of interview I want to list here is that it can be carried out in different forms for different purposes ,for example, pressure interview -- to see how a person react under harsh conditions, group interview -- to see how a person act in a team and so on. Thus, by arranging an interview in a particular form, a company can find out the person most suitable for the job.

But interviews have their limitations. You cannot find out all about a person in only a few hours like that some apple might appear good and taste sweet but bad in the core.

In summary I want to point out that interview is an efficient way for companies to choose their employees but only by observing the long term performance, can you judge an employee.

aspect ['?spekt] n.方面;方位;外观;外貌 detect [d?'tekt] v.发觉;察觉;探测

harsh [hɑ??] adj.粗糙的;严厉的,严酷的;刺耳的;使人不舒服的;大约的


The Role of Migrant Workers

Migrant workers have made a great contribution to the of cities. They leave their home-land for better chances. Some want to change their destiny, some want to make a fortune. Whatever the purposes they cherished when millions of them streamed into big cities, they have promoted the development of cities. migrant ['ma?ɡr?nt] adj.移居的n.移居者;候鸟 immigrant ['?m?ɡr?nt] n.移民;侨民 prosperity [pr?'sper?ti] n.繁荣;兴旺 destiny ['dest?ni] n.命运

destination [?dest?'ne??n] n.目的地;终点 cherish ['t?er??] vt.珍爱;抱有;抚育

Most of the migrant workers are hard working and unafraid of hardships. They take up the dirtiest, the most or dangerous jobs which city laborers are unwilling to do. With lots of buildings they have set up and streets they have kept clean, they have helped modernize and beautify cities. Not only have they become the main work force in the construction sector, they also have helped liberate city women from heavy housework chores by taking care of the babies, cleaning houses or providing any other services citizens need.

Although some of the citizens complain about the increasing number of the problems such as theft,

robbery a few of migrant workers have committed, most of the citizens agree that their contribution is obvious, and with better management, their role in the construction of cities will definitely be greater. strenuous ['strenju?s] adj.奋发的;费力的;繁重的;积极的

liberate ['l?b?re?t] v.解放;使获得自由;释出;放出 chore[t???(r)] n.讨厌的工作;琐事;家务 theft [θeft] n.偷窃


Travel Helps Promote Communication between


With the steady growth in the world's economy as well as the people's living standard, nowadays more and more people are able to afford to go to travel abroad. Thus people of different races and colors have more chances to meet each other and understand each other. Such activities among people help promote the understanding and communication between countries, which helps to make this world a better and more harmonious place.

harmonious [hɑ?'m??ni?s] adj.和谐的;和睦的;音调优美的

Different countries are striving to develop their national tourism because tourism really has a lot of advantages. Firstly, beautiful scenery, attractive tourist spots and splendid culture allure tourists from different parts of the world, which provides many opportunities to promote exchanges among people with different backgrounds. For example, since the reform and opening-up, China, a country which has rich tourist resources, receives millions of foreign tourists every year. The frequent contacts between foreign tourists and Chinese people promote the exchanges of culture and science, creating international friendship and promoting deeper understanding and strengthening ties. Meanwhile this has accelerated the development of these countries. Secondly, travel enriches one's knowledge, widens one's vision and enhances mutual

understanding. In the past, Chinese people knew little of the outside world. Since the reform and opening-up, with people's living standard greatly improved, more and more people have the chances to go abroad for sightseeing. Through traveling, we Chinese have expanded our scope of knowledge, and we have come to know the world better and have been learning how to develop our own country better. Thirdly, tourism boosts local economy and promotes commercial exchanges. Singapore is such a good example. It is a small country with scarce natural resources. But owing to the prosperous tourism, the country's economy develops very well and it is named one of the four economic "tigers" in northeastern Asia. allure [?'l??(r)] v.诱惑;吸引n.诱惑力;吸引力 mutual ['mju?t?u?l] adj.共同的;相互的

scope [sk??p] n.机会;范围;眼界;观看的仪器vt.仔细研究

boost [bu?st] v.提高;增加;鼓励;举起;为...做宣传


scarce [ske?s] adj.缺乏的;不足的;稀少的;罕见的


But some people say that tourism cannot work so well as people expect. They argue that the purpose of the tourists is just to enjoy sightseeing and in fact tourism has its disadvantages. Firstly, tourism does great harm to the tranquility and sanitation of the local place, and sometimes it even causes pollution to the natural environment. Secondly, many tourists cannot even speak a word of the language of the country they are visiting. There is little possibility that they will have a deep understanding of the country in such a short period of time. Thirdly, during the trip, poor service and language barrier may even give rise to unwanted misunderstanding. Also the tourists' wealth may make the local people more aware of their own poverty and lead to jealousy and psychological imbalance. tranquility [tr??'kw?l?t?] n.宁静;平静;稳定 quietness ['kwa??tn?s] n.平静;安定;安静 sanitation [?s?n?'te??n] n.公共卫生;卫生设备;下水道设施

barrier ['b?ri?(r)] n.栅栏;障碍物;屏障 obstacle ['?bst?kl] n.障碍;绊脚石

unwanted [??n'w?nt?d] adj.不需要的;多余的;无用的;讨厌的;不受欢迎的

unnecessary [?n'nes?s?ri] adj.不必要的;多余的 poverty ['p?v?ti] n.贫困;贫乏;劣质 jealousy ['d?el?si] n.妒忌

psychological [?sa?k?'l?d??kl] adj.心理(学)的 imbalance [?m'b?l?ns] n.不平衡;失调 As the proverb goes, " No garden is without weeds." In my opinion, compared with the advantages, disadvantages of tourism have become trivial things. It is important for a country to develop its tourism to upgrade its international position and at the same time promote global understanding to remove prejudice and bias. We should make good use of our rich tourist resources to make our motherland more beautiful and attract more foreign friends.

trivial ['tr?vi?l] adj.不重要的;琐碎的

upgrade [??p'ɡre?d] vt.升级;提高;改善adv.向上地


prejudice ['pred?ud?s] n.偏见;伤害vt.伤害;使 ... 存偏见;使偏袒

bias ['ba??s] n.偏见;偏爱;斜纹vt.使偏心


What Has Turned Us Into Cheaters?

"The writing topic for this year's CET-6 was revealed again before the day of testing." "A student has been expelled due to misbehavior in a final examination." This kind of titles has been very popular these days, and all these have revealed a public secret: cheating on exams. This behavior, which was denounced by almost all, is spreading at a high rate, and this has puzzled not only teachers but also the whole society. Then why do students cheat on exams? In my understanding, there are mainly three reasons,(namely unscientific testing, competition for scholarship, and pressure from future job hunting). reveal[r?'vi?l] vt.显示;透露;揭示;展现 expel [?k'spel] vt.驱逐;开除;排出

denounce[d?'na?ns] v.谴责;告发;通告废除 announce[?'na?ns] vt.宣布;宣告;预示;播报vi.作播音员;宣布竞选

praise[pre?z] vt.赞美;称赞n.赞美;称赞;崇拜vi.赞美

think highly/badly of

Some students cheat on exams to protest against the improper testing format. The purpose of university education should be teaching students to use knowledge to solve problems; therefore, exams and tests should test students' ability to use certain knowledge to solve some problems. But most tests in China just test understanding instead of application, and some exams are even worse because they only test students' memory. Some students think it unnecessary to spend time and effort to prepare for such exams, so they just cheat in order to get a decent score, which in their mind, means nothing. Dr. Wang who specializes in education assessment supported this view in one paper, and he said that teachers should blame themselves because they forced students to cheat.

protest ['pr??test] v.抗议;反对;申明;断言n.抗议;反对

format ['f??m?t] n.版式;设计vt.使格式化;安排 form [f??m] n.形式;形状;表格;良好的健康状态;表现状态;常规v.形成;建立

improper [?m'pr?p?(r)] adj.不合适的;错误的;不道德的

application [??pl?'ke??n] n.应用;申请;专心;应用程序

decent ['di?snt] adj.相当好的;体面的;适当的;正派的

assessment [?'sesm?nt] n.评价;评估;评定

More students cheat on exams in order to struggle for scholarship. As universities are collecting tuition from students, they also increase the amount of scholarship. This money , of course , is very attractive to students, who have virtually no income. As scholarship is mostly decided by examination scores,

students who are eager to get the money will try every possible means. In a recent survey, some good students admitted that they cheat on exams because "if most students are cheating, it is unfair when you choose not to". This probably represents a breach of traditional ethics, and is a more important reason than conscientious protest against improper tests.

breach [bri?t?] n.破坏;违背;决裂;裂口;(浪的)冲击v.违反;突破;在 ... 上打开缺口

ethics ['eθ?ks] n.道德规范;道德标准;伦理学 conscientious [?k?n??'en??s] adj.认真的;谨慎的;负责的

The most important reason, in my mind, should be the pressure from job hunting. In the past few years the situation in the job market is deteriorating, and this forces students to prepare as early as possible. Due to its importance, students naturally want to make their reports more attractive, and one way to realize it is cheating. As a student said in a news report, students are aware of the cost of being caught, but the profit of not being caught is too much, so many of them just "go ahead". Maybe it is not unreasonable to say that it is the society that makes students cheaters.

To sum up, the desires to get a good job and a high scholarship, or simply to signal a protest in current education, have forced us students to copy in exams. It is undeniable that some suffer from weak moral principles, but it is wrong to blame them only. Only when the society and the university find the real source of the problem and deal with it can we restore the traditional criticism against cheating.

deteriorate [d?'t??ri?re?t] v.恶化;变质;衰退 profit ['pr?f?t] n.利润;收益;利益vi.得益;获利vt.有益于

signal ['s?ɡn?l] v.(发信号)通知、表示n.信号;标志adj.显著的

undeniable [??nd?'na??bl] adj.不可否认的;无可辩驳的









英语专业八级历年作文范文 专八历年作文题目及范文















