剑6test3 剑桥雅思阅读高频词汇 精心整理版


剑6 test 3 —— Tiffany

Stunned 惊到的 Thrilled 兴奋的 Routine 常规的 Initial 最初的 Dynamic 充满活力的 Panic 恐慌 Crush 粉碎 Confusion 困惑 Embrace 拥抱 Objective 客观的 Capture 捕捉

Overwhelmingly 压倒性地 Intimately 很熟悉地 Preceding 先前的 Consequence 结果 Magnified 扩大的 Legacy 遗产 Novelty 新颖 Wear off 消退 Scarce 稀少的 Narrative 叙述 Convention 惯例

Motivate 激励 Optimism 乐观 Be prone to 易于 Option 选择 Redundant 冗余的 Moderate 温和的,适中的Feedback 反馈 Incongruous 不协调的 Appraisal 评估 Contingent on 取决于 Allocate 分配 Equity 公平 Molecular 分子的 Intervention 干预 Prolong 延长 Intake 摄入 Mortal 凡人的 Postpone 延迟 Retain 保留 Hormone 荷尔蒙 Toxic 有毒的 Emission 释放

剑6 test 3 —— Tiffany

Stunned Thrilled Routine Initial Dynamic Panic Crush Confusion Embrace Objective Capture

Overwhelmingly Intimately Preceding Consequence Magnified Legacy Novelty Wear off Scarce Narrative Convention

Motivate Optimism Be prone to Option Redundant Moderate Feedback Incongruous Appraisal Contingent on Allocate Equity Molecular Intervention Prolong Intake Mortal Postpone Retain Hormone Toxic Emission



Abandon ability Abnormal Abnormally Absence Absolutely Absorb Abstract Abundant Abuse Academic Academy accelerate accept

Acceptability Acceptance Access Accessible Accident Accommodate Accommodation Accompany accomplish accomplishment according to account account for accumulate accuracy accurate accurately Achieve

achievement Acid


Acquire action Activate Active activity Actual Actually adage Adapt

Adaptable Adaptive Add

addition Additional address adequate Adjust Administer

administrator Admit Adopt Adoption adult Adulthood Advance Advanced advantage Advantageous Adventure Advertise Advertising Advice Advise affect afford

affordable against agency agent Agreement Agriculture aim

allocate Allow alter

alternative although altitude Amount Amuse Analyse Analysis Ancestor Ancestral Ancient Announce annual anxious Apart Apparent Appear appearance application Apply

appreciably appreciate approach Appropriate Approve approximate

approximately area arena argue argument arise

arrangement arrive artifact artificial as well as ashamed aspect assess assessment asset assign assist assistance assistant associate association Assume athlete atmosphere attach attack attain attempt attend

attendance attention attitude attract attraction attractive attribute audience authority automatic autonomous available average avoid award aware

awareness Back

background backward bait

balance ban barely Base Basic Basis bear beat Become begin behave Behavior Belief Believe Belong Below bend

Beneficial Benefit bent Besides Biological Biologist blame Blind block boost bottom Brain Brake branch breakdown breakthrough Breed budget Bully bump Burden calculate Calculation caloric Canal cancel cancer candidate capability capable capacity capital capture care cartoon case casual Category cause caution celebration Center Central Century Certain Chain

challenge Change Channel

Characteristic Charge check Chemical Childhood Choice choose Chronic Circle Circulate Circumstance cite

Civilization Claim Classic

classify clerk clever click climate Climatic clinic clue coach coastline cognitive coincidence Collapse Collate colleague collect collection colony colossal combat

combination combine comfort comfortable comment commercial commit commitment common commonly communicate communication community comparable compare comparison compensation competition competitive complaint complement complementary complete complex complexity complicated component compound comprehend

comprehensive compulsory concentrate concept concern conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confine confirm conflict confront confuse confusion congestion connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservation conservative conserve consider considerable consist consistent constant constitute construct construction consultation consume consumer Consumption contact Contain

contemporary content context continent continue continuous Contract contradict contrast contribute contribute to contribution control convenience convention conventional conversation converse convert convey convince cooperative coordinate cope copy core

corporation Correct Correction correspond cost count couple courage course cover coverage crash create creative creativity

creature crime crisis criteria critic critical criticise crucial cultivate cultural culture cure curious current curriculum curve cushion custom cycle damage damp data dawn

deadline deal

deal with debate decade decide decision declaration declare decline decrease dedicate deduce deem

defensive deficiency define definition degrade degree delay deliver delivery demand demanding demonstrate density deny

department depend dependent deposit depress deprive depth

derive from descendent describe description deserve design desire desire despite destination destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine devastate develop development device devise devote diet differ difficult digest digitize dimension diminish direct direction directly disable

disadvantage disagree disappear disappoint disaster discharge discipline discourage discover discovery discuss discussion disease disillusion disorder dispense displace display distance distant distinguish distribute distribution district disturb diverse diversity divide domain domestic dominant dominate double doubt dramatic dramatical dramatically draw drawback drive drop

due to duplicate durable duration dwelling dynamic echo ecologist ecology economic economy ecosystem edge

education effect effective efficient efficiently effort elaborate electricity electronic element elementary elevate eliminate elusive

embarrassment embrace emerge emission emit emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employment enable encounter encourage end up endanger endurance energy engage engage in engineer engross enhance enjoy enormous enquiry ensure entire

environment environmental equal equally equator equip

equipment equivalent error escape essence essential essentially establish

establishment estimate ethical evaluate even evenly event

eventually evidence evidently evitable evolution evolutionary evolve exact exactly exaggerate examination examine excavation exceed except exception exceptional excess exchange excite

excitement exclude exclusive exemplify exhausted exist

existence expand expansion expect

expectation expenditure expense experience experiment experimental expert explain explanation explore explosion export expose express expression extend extension extensive extensively extent external extinct extinction extra extract


extreme extremely facial facility fact factor fade fail

failure faith fall

familiar famous fascinate fasten fault favor fear feature federation feed

feedback female fertilize fertilizer field fierce fight figure fill final finally finance financial finitude firm

fitness fix flat

flexibility flexible flight flourish fluctuate fluent focus follow following for instance for the sake of force foreign form formal format former formulate fortunately fortune foster found fragment framework freedom freeze frequency frequent frustrating fuel fulfill function fund

fundamental further furthermore future gain gather gene general generally generate generation genetic genius geographic geography gesture giant

given that global

globalisation globe goal

good-quality government grade gradual gradually grant graphic grasp growing growth guarantee guess guidance guide habit habitat hand handle happen harbour harm harsh healthy height herbal heritage hesitation hidden highlight highly hinder hold

horizontal hospital host

humanistic hundredth hunt


hypothesis ideal identity ignorance ignore illegal illness illustrate illustration image

imagination imaginative imbalance immediate immediately immense immune impact implement implication import importance important impose impress impression impressive improve improvement in addition in general in terms of inadequate incentive incidence incidentally include income

incompatible incorporate increase increasingly incredible indeed

independence independent indicate indication indicator indigenous indirect individual industrial industrialize industry inevitably infant infection influence informal information inhabitant inherit initial initially initiative injury innovative input insect insight insist inspect inspection install instance instant instantly instead instead of instruction instrument insurance intake integrate intelligence intelligent intend intense intensely intensive interact interaction interest interfere internal

international interpret

interpretation interruption interval intimate introduce introduction introspection invention invention invest

investigate investigation investment invoke involve involvement ironical irony irregular irresistible irrigate island isolate isolation issue join joint journal judge judgement juvenile keen key

knowledge knowledge label

laboratory labour

labour-intensive lack largely large-scale last lately latest lead leading learn least leave lecture leisure length level lifestyle likely to limit limitation linguist linguistic link link to literacy literal literature load loan local locate location lock log

logically long-term loose loss loyalty machinery magnificent magnify main mainly mainstream maintain maintenance major majority make up mammal manage manifest manipulate manner

manufacture marathon mark market mass

mass media massive master

masterpiece match mate

material math

mathematical maximum mean means measure measurement mechanical media medical medicine medium melt member memorable memorise mental mention mere merely message metal method

methodology micro migration military mimic minimal minimize minority minute

misconception mislead mistake mistaken mobility model modern modest

modification modify moment monitor mood moral mortality mostly motion motivate motivation motive mould movement multiply narrow native natural nature necessary

negative negatively neighbour nervous network

nevertheless noise

non-specific non-verbal normal normally notable note notice notion nourish nutrient nutrition object objection objective obligation observation observe obstacle obstruct obtain obvious obviously occasion occupy occur ocean odd odour offender offer

operation operator opinion

opportunity oppose opposite opposition optimism optimistic optimum option oral order

ordinary organic organise

organization organize origin original originality originate otherwise outcome outline outlook output overall overcome overlap overlook oversee overtake overview

overwhelmingly own oxygen pace

painstaking pair

participant participate participation particular particularly partner passion past

patient pattern pay peak peer

perceive percentage perception perfect perform

performance perhaps perimeter period permanent permission permit persist persistent personal personality personnel perspective persuade pessimistic pesticide phase

phenomenon photograph physical pioneer planet plant plenty of plight plot

polymeric policy political pollute pollution popularity population portion pose

positive possess

possibility possible postpone potential potentially pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice precaution precise predation predict predictable predominate prefer preference premature preparation prepare prescribe presence present

preservation preserve press pressure prevent preventable prevention previous previously prey price primary primitive principle prior to priority private probable procedure proceed process produce producer product production productivity profession professional profit program progress project prolong promising promote promotion prompt property proportion proposal propose prospect protect protection protein prove provide

psychological psychologist psychology public publish pump punish pupil pure purify purpose pursue pursuit puzzle qualify quality quantity

questionnaire quite quotation race

rainforest raise random range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate raw

raw material react reaction readily realise realistic reality rear reason reasonable recall receive recent recognize recommend record recourse reduce reduction refer refer to reference refine reflect refuse Regard


regardless of region register regular regularly regulate regulation rehearsal reject relate relate to relation

relationship relative relatively release relevant reliable reliance relief religious rely remain remark remarkable remedy remember remote removal remove renewable rent repair repeat repeatedly replace replicate report represent

representation representative reproduce reproduction reputation require requirement research resemble reservation reserve resist resistance resolution resolve resource respect

respectively respond response

responsibility responsible rest

restrict restriction result retain return reveal review revival revolution

revolutionary reward rise risk robust role root roughly routine rule run-off rural

sacrifice salary sample

satisfactory satisfied save scale scan scarce sceptical schedule scheme scholar science scientific scientist scope score search season secondary second-hand section secure seek

seemingly select selection selective semi sense sensible sensitive separate series serious serve service set up setting settle several severe severely severity shade shadow shake shallow

shame shape share shift shifting show shrink sight sign signal

significance significant signify similar similarly simply

simulation single situation skill slave slight slightly slowly

small-scale smooth soar

so-called social society soft soften software solar solid solution solve

sophisticated sort source space spacious span special specialist species specific specifically spectrum speed spin spot sprawl spread stability stable staff stage standard startling starve statement stationary stay

steadily steady stimulate stimulation stimulus storage store storey storm straight strategy strength strengthen stress strike structure struggle style

subdivide subject subjective substance substantial substitute succeed success successful successive sudden suffer sufficient suggest suicide suit suitable sum

supervision supplement supply support suppose surface surge surprise surprising surround surrounding survey survival survive suspect suspend sustain

sustainable sway sweep swiftly symbol

sympathetic system systematic systematically tackle take place take up Talent target Task

technical technique technology temperature tend

tendency tenfold tension term

thanks to theoretical theory therapy therefore thoroughly thought threat threaten thrive through throughout

time-consuming tiny

tolerant tool tooth topic totally touch tour tourism tourist track trade tradition traditional train transfer transform translate transmit transport trap

treasure treat

treatment tremendous trend trial trigger tropical troublesome trust truth tuition type

typical typically ultimate ultimately unavoidable unbiased

undergraduate undermine understand unemployment unexpected unexpectedly unfair unfamiliar uniform unique universally unlike unlikely unnecessary unorthodox unpleasant unpopular unpredictable unusual update urban urgent usage useful useless usual Valuable value Vanish variable Variation variety Various Vary Vast Vehicle Verbal Victim view violence violent Virtually Visit Visual Vital Vivid

vocabulary voluntary volunteer vulnerable warming warn warning waste wave wavy weakness wealth wealthy weapon weight weird

well known wet Wheel Whereas whether while whole wide


widespread width win wisdom withdraw wonder worksheet worthwhile yield Zone

雅思阅读范文下载之Matching Tempos























