





听力方面:《IELTS考试技能训练教程听力》又叫“黑眼睛”,是一本不可或缺的好材料。这本书对听力考试的各个题型进行分类,使学生能各个击破不同类型的听力题型。 阅读方面:《无词阅读法》对于英语基础较弱,想在短期内阅读拿到6分的学生来说是一本不错的书。这本书的好处的是,让学生在词汇量不够的情况下,通过一些技巧来达到选对答案的目的。然而最重要的还属剑桥系列上的阅读题。对于阅读想拿高分的学生来说,做透剑桥系列的阅读是必须不可少的。当然,基础是具备一定的词汇基础。








IELTS Sample Articles (4)


Some people think that it is better for children to go to boarding schools, while others think that they should go to day schools and stay with their parents. Discuss these arguments and express your own opinion.

There has been much disagreement over children’s education in recent years. One of the questions under debate is whether children benefit more from boarding schools or from going to day schools and staying with their parents after school. This issue is becoming a matter of concern for more and more people, especially for parents with only one child.

Those who are against children going to boarding schools argue that such schools are usually much more costly than ordinary day schools. As a result, it tends to be children from rich families who attend them may gradually develop a sense of superiority towards those from other families, while the latter may feel resentful. We also have to take into account the fact that many families cannot afford to send their children to boarding schools. Again, children attending boarding schools have less time to communicate with their parents, which may eventually create a gap between them, and weaken family ties.

On the other hand, the people who are in favor of children going to boarding schools point out that a boarding school is an ideal place for cultivating children’s independence, which they seldom learn from their parents at home. Children who have the experience of going to boarding schools tend to come up with their own solutions to problems they encounter instead of turning to their parents or other people for help. What’s more, these children usually show a more cooperative attitude towards others in case of team work than the little emperors’ in many one-child families. Finally, they are generally more used to competing with others and will find it easier to adapt to modern society, which is full of competition when they grow up.

Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I’m inclined to agree with the latter point of view. For one thing, it seems to me that there is more to education than merely learning from teachers and textbooks. The experience of living with other children and taking care of themselves can give children valuable lessons about how to behave properly, how to overcome difficulties and, most important of all, how to think rationally. I believe that children sometimes learn more from other children than from adults. For another, many parents are too busy with their work to pay enough attention to their children’s growth even if their children go to day schools, not to mention the fact that there are still some parents who are mot qualified to instruct children and impose more negative influences than positive ones.


Nowadays there are more and more advertisements. Some people think that they exercise a negative influence on youth, and therefore should be restricted.

Do you agree or disagree?

At present the mass media, including print, TV and radio, are flooded with advertisements. There is a growing worry among some people who believe that youngsters are adversely affected

by them and advocate that something must be done to place restrictions on them. Personally, I share these people’s point of view.

My first reason for this is that advertisements interfere with the healthy development of young people’s characters. The majority of advertisements are targeted at adults. Therefore, there is often something exclusively for adults involved in them, such as the adoption of provocative language and sexually appealing scenes. However, the opportunity for adults and youth to be exposed to advertisements of this kind is equal. As we know, young people are susceptible to bad influences. Their characters are likely to be warped due to constant exposure to such advertisements.

My second reason is that advertisements often mislead young people in choosing their lifestyles. Advertisers try every means possible to attract people’s attention, so they tend to give advertisements a loud and gaudy touch. A common practice is that movie stars and singers are invited to promote products in advertisements. It is always tempting for young people to follow the fashion blindly without realizing that real life is quite different from the dreamy one that advertisements offer.

From what been discussed above, we can see that young people are subject to the negative influences of advertisements. The time is tight for us to restrict advertisements by eliminating their unhealthy parts and by reducing their appearance, say, in media channels designed for young people.


As part of a class assignment you have been asked to write about the following topic.

In many school, courses like maths and science have displaced physical exercise.

Give your opinion on the importance of physical exercise. What do you think is the most suitable amount of exercise a student should take?

Nowadays physical education courses are disappearing from many schools’ curriculums, while science or maths courses are taking their place. This phenomenon, in my opinion, should be a cause for alarm for both teachers and parents.

As we all know, physical exercise is of great importance for students. First of all, physical exercise stimulates students’ power to think. One cannot be mentally sound without physical health. It is hard to imagine a student coming up with any creative ideas or thinking of useful solutions after sitting for eight hours in a boring classroom. In the second place, physical exercise helps students grow. School students are teenagers who are undergoing fast physical development.

A reasonable amount of exercise guarantees a good appetite and sound sleep at night. On the other hand, lack of physical exercise leaves the body sluggish and the mind dull during the day. At night one is unable to rest properly and the mind remains excited. Physical exercise helps students learn. Any exercise, whether it is indulged in by one person or by a group of people, is to some extent a challenge to both the physical and mental abilities of a student.

However, it must be noted that too much physical exercise can do more harm than good. The key point is to find a balance between physical and mental activities. So I think the most suitable amount of exercise for school students is 40 minutes a day. Students can become fully relaxed during this period of time without getting too tired.

In conclusion, the advantages of physical exercise outweigh its disadvantages. Schools

should take this into account when readjusting their curriculums.


Poor countries have realized the importance of health care, education and trade for their development. Many people think that rich countries should give them more support. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that health care, education and trade play a vitally important role in the development of a country. This is especially true of poor countries, which have come to a full realization of the fact. In the view of many people, developed countries have every reason to lend support to them in these fields. I agree with their opinion for the following reasons:

From the historical perspective, blame should be laid on the developed countries for the poverty of the developing countries. Many countries in Asia and Africa suffered under the colonial rule of western powers for centuries when their resources were plundered and their people enslaved. As a result, they stood no chance of developing themselves. It is a fact that through impoverishing their colonies, developed countries accumulated great wealth. In this sense, they are morally bound to support the country still struggling in misery.

With economic globalization, the further development of rich countries is dependent upon the prosperity of developing countries. For one thing, developing countries abound in natural resources, which are what rich countries are crying out for. For another, it is far from enough for rich countries to merely tap their domestic markets, and developing countries offer a vast potential market.

Finally, the sustainable development of poor countries contributes to regional stability and world peace as a whole. Needless to say, poverty begets dissension and turmoil. Just think of the situation in some parts of Africa. Unrest resulting from privation has become a major restraining factor in the promotion of world peace. So, it should be the first order of business to help these countries shake off backwardness.

Therefore, I firmly hold that rich countries are under an obligation to give poor countries a helping hand in improving health care, enhancing education and developing their economies.





















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