










判断题有诸如世博会主题等等的,也有会计准则啊,商业银行这样的专业的,时间很紧。 单选都是专业题目,货币银行,国际结算,商业银行都有涉及;

多选最搞,乱七八糟,时事新闻,专业知识等等都有,好不容易做完。 第二部分:数理逻辑,一共76道题目,30分钟限时,到点上传。



再比如:256*78=多少 四个选项都是很接近的,想通过猜最后一位是决计行不通的。

还有排列组合问题,没有计算机简直是天方夜谭,高中的乘方公式都忘记了,还好题目不多。 智力题也有,不过不难。

第三部分最最变态:叫做明尼苏达多相性格测试,35分钟,399道选择题。做得死去活来 三个选项:是,否,放弃。

绝对不要撒谎,里面重复的题目,或者颠来倒去来问你的很多,所以一定要如实地回答, 但是我觉得我这个人本来性格就有点分裂的,所以结果基本上也就扑朔迷离了,嘿嘿。


Part I Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C. and

D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

If the salinity of ocean water is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation—conversion of liquid water to water vapor. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salts stay behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white crystals of salt would be left behind; this, by the way, is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained.

The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation or runoff.

Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.

A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts, it well tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.

In the Weddell Sea, off Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portions of oceans of the world.

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Where do we get our table salt?

B. Oceanic salinity in tropical regions

C. Three basic processes that alter oceanic salinity

D. Variations of salinity in different parts of the ocean

2. According to the author, the oceanic salinity is usually lower in _____.

A. tropical regions

B. coastal regions

C. places in which warm currents and cold currents meet

D. the Antarctica

3. All of the following are processes that decrease ocean salinity except _____.

A. precipitation B. runoff C. melting D. evaporation

4. What does the word “subtraction" in the fourth line of the first paragraph mean?

A. reduction B. influx C. transformation D. freezing

5. Which of the following is NOT a result of the formation of ice in oceans?

A. The surrounding water sinks.

B. The water becomes denser.

C. Water salinity decreases.

D. The surrounding water becomes colder.


Part I Reading Comprehension

1. D。文章的主要内容是在不同的地区和地理、温度、气候条件下海洋的盐度。

2. B。根据文中信息,在沿岸地区,因为有淡水河流的注入,所以盐度较低。

3. D。文中第一段指出,蒸发使海洋失去水分,留下了盐分,盐的浓度就此增加。降水、径流、溶化都是减少盐分的过程。

4. A。subtraction的意思是“减少,抽走”。

5. C。文中很明确指出,海洋中冰的形成会引起盐度的增加。所以C显然不是海水结冰的结果。

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

More than a century ago, the relationship between glacial ice and the amount of water in the ocean basins was first seen. When the great ice sheet covered vast land areas, the sea level was lowered because the normal return of water from land to the ocean was reduced. As a result, the sea level rose as Ice Age glaciers melted allowing the melted waters to flow into the ocean. If all the glacial ice on the surface of the earth today should melt, the sea level might rise by more than 150 feet. Shoreline variations are also produced through elevation or depression of the land. During times of glacier formations the great weight of the ice slowly depressed the earth's crust. Removal of the weight through glacier melting allowed the slow return of the crust to its former position. Changes in the Great Ice climates from cool and wet to warm and dry produced climate changes far from the glaciated area. For example, at times of cool-wet glacial climates, levels of inland lakes rose, in contrast to the depression of sea level. During the warm-dry interglacial climates, lake levels were lowered. The ancient lake Bonneville, largest of the glacial lakes in Western United States, once covered more than 20,000 square miles. It had a maximum depth of more than 1,000 feet. Great Salt Lake in Utah is the shrunken remnant of this once large lake.

Although the first time that early man walked on the earth is uncertain, he is largely a product of the Great Ice Age. Present information shows that during this time he evolved rapidly both physically and culturally. His most primitive tools and skeletal remains have been found in some of the oldest deposits contemporary with the Great Ice Age in Africa, Asia and Europe. These are often associated with remains of extinct animals. With the disappearance of the great ice sheets, the Bronze and Iron Age

cultures evolved. About this time many animals suited to cooler climates died.

Although much remains to be learned, the story of the Great Ice Age is being unfolded through the efforts of specialists in many fields. Recording field observation, new theories and methods, and worldwide studies of existing glaciers are bringing a clearer understanding of the Great Ice Age.

6. Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?

A. Man has a lot more to learn about the Great Ice Age.

B. The art of making tools was instrumental in bringing about the evolution of human brain.

C. Many species were not suited to the warmer climates of the Bronze and Iron Age.

D. The relationship between glacial ice and the amount of water in the ocean basins was not seen until more than a hundred years ago.

7. According to the article, which of the following will induce the depression of sea level?

A. formation of great masses of ice sheet on the land

B. precipitation

C. shoreline variations

D. the advent of warm-dry interglacial climates

8. Why does the author cite the example of the Great Salt Lake in Utah?

A. to show that it is a lake created in the Great Ice Age

B. to show that it once was the largest lake in the United States

C. to show that it evolved from the Bronze and Iron Age

D. to show that it is what remained of the once large lake Bonneville

9. Which of the following can be learned about early man based on the information provided in the passage?

A. The exact time of his appearance on the Earth is uncertain.

B. He evolved rapidly physically and culturally during the Bronze and Iron Age.

C. The ability to make primitive tools distinguished man from other animals.

D. Early man lived mainly on animals hunted.

10. The best source of information about the Great Ice Age is obtained from _____.

A. rock formations

B. fossil remains

C. primitive tools used by early man

D. Antarctica's ancient glacier


6. B。工具的制造对人脑的进化起到了至关重要的作用,这一点并未在文中提到。

7. A。文中开头提到当大片的陆地面积被冰所覆盖时,因为注入海洋的地表径流量减少,使得海平面下降。

8. D。作者在第一段的结尾处举大盐湖的例子是为了说明它是一度覆盖2000平方英里的波那维尔湖因为在间冰期的温暖干燥时期湖面下降而逐渐缩小面积而形成的。

9. A。文中第二段的开头指出,人类最初出现在地球上的时间还不能最后确定。

10. C。文中第二段指出,发现的人类在冰河时代的工具和人骨可以帮助人们对冰河时代的情况有更多的了解。

Questions 15 to 20 are based on the following passage:

Although we already know a great deal about influenza, and although the World Health Organization is constantly collecting detailed information from its chain of influenza reference laboratories throughout the world, it is extremely difficult for epidemiologists (流行病专家), who study infectious disease, to predict when and where the next flu epidemic will occur, and how severe it will be.

There are three kinds of influenza virus, known as A, B and C. Influenza C virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. The A and B types are unstable, and are responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. Following any virus attack, the human body builds up antibodies which confer immunity to that strain of virus, but a virus with the capacity to change its character is able to by-pass this protection. Variability is less developed in the influenza B virus, which affects only human beings. An influenza B virus may cause a widespread epidemic but will have little effect if introduced into the same community soon afterwards, since nearly everyone will have built up antibodies and will be immune. The influenza A virus, which affects animals also, is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease, such as the unparalleled pandemic, or world epidemic, of 1918-1919, when about half the world's population were infected and about twenty million people died, some from pneumonia caused by the virus itself and some from secondary complications(并发症) caused by bacteria.

Accurate prediction is difficult because of the complication of the factors. A particular virus may be related to one to which some of the population have partial involved immunity. The extent to which it will spread will depend on factors such as its own strength, or virulence, the ease with which it can be transmitted and the strength of the opposition it encounters. Scientists, however, have a reliable general picture of the world situation. Influenza A attacks us in waves every two or three years, while influenza B, which travels more slowly, launches its main assaults every three to six years. The outbreaks vary from isolated cases to epidemics involving a tenth or more of the population. We may confidently prophesy that sooner or later large numbers of people will be feeling the unpleasant effects of some kind of influenza virus.

15. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?

A. Symptoms of Influenza

B. Man Versus Virus

C. World Health Organization: Forefront against Influenza Virus

D. Variability of Influenza Virus

16. According to the author, which of the following is NOT true about influenza?

A. Man has obtained a great deal of knowledge about influenza.

B. The occurrence of influenza is still unpredictable.

C. Influenza is being studied extensively and systematically in many countries in the world under the guidance of World Health Organization.

D. No reliable treatment of influenza has yet been found.

17. What does the author say about the influenza B virus?

A. B virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population.

B. B virus is unstable, and is responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern.

C. B virus is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease.

D. B virus has a very developed variability, and it affects only human beings.

18. Which of the following is the most dangerous virus according to the passage?

A. influenza A virus

B. influenza B virus

C. influenza C virus

D. it cannot be determined by the information provided

19. What does the word “assault” in the eighth line of the last paragraph mean?

A. influence B. attack C. symptom D. damage

20. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the extent to which a virus spreads?

A. the strength of the virus

B. the strength of the opposition the virus encounters

C. the ease with which the virus can be transmitted

D. the immunity the virus can induce


16. D。文章并没有提到人们还没有找到任何治疗感冒的良方。

17. B。文章第二段开头指出,B型病毒不稳定,而且往往会引起大范围的传染病的传播。

18. A。通过文章的介绍,可以看出,A型病毒是这三种病毒中对人类危害的一种,因为它不稳定,并会造成危害性极大的流感的传播。

19. B。assault的意思是“袭击”。

20. D。文章最后一段说明,病毒传播的程度和它本身的强度,它遇到的抵抗力,和它传播的难易程度都是密切相关的。但是文章没有提到病毒能带来的免疫力。

Text 1

Two related paradoxes also emerge from the same basic conception of the aesthetic experience. The first was given extended consideration by Hegel, who argued roughly as follows: our sensuous attention and that gives to the work of art its peculiar individuality. Because it addresses itself to our sensory appreciation, the work of art is essentially concrete, to be understood by an act of perception rather than by a process of discursive thought.

At the same time, our understanding of the work of art is in part intellectual; we seek in it a conceptual content, which it presents to us in the form of an idea. One purpose of critical

interpretation is to expound this idea in discursive form—to give the equivalent of the content of the work of art in another, nonsensuous idiom. But criticism can never succeed in this task, for, by separating the content from the particular form, it abolishes its individuality. The content presented then ceases to be the exact content of that work of art. In losing its individuality, the content loses its aesthetic reality; it thus ceases to be a reason for attending to the particular work and that first attracted our critical attention. It cannot be this that we saw in the original work and that explained its power over us.

For this content, displayed in the discursive idiom of the critical intellect, is no more than a husk, a discarded relic of a meaning that eluded us in the act of seizing it. If the content is to be the true object of aesthetic interest, it must remain wedded to its individuality: it cannot be detached from its “sensuous embodiment” without being detached from itself. Content is, therefore, inseparable from form and form in turn inseparable from content. (It is the form that it is only by virtue of the content that it embodies.)

Hegel’s argument is the archetype of many, all aimed at showing that it is both necessary to distinguish form from content and also impossible to do so. This paradox may be resolved by rejecting either of its premises, but, as with Kant’s antinomy, neither premise seems dispensable. To suppose that content and form are inseparable is, in effect, to dismiss both ideas as illusory, since no two works of art can then share either a content or a form-the form being definitive of each work’s individuality.

In this case, no one could ever justify his interest in a work of art by reference to its meaning. The intensity of aesthetic interest becomes a puzzling, and ultimately inexplicable, feature of our mental life. If, on the other hand, we insist that content and form are separable, we shall never be able to find, through a study of content, the reason for attending to the particular work of art that intrigues us. Every work of art stands proxy for its paraphrase. An impassable gap then opens between aesthetic experience and its ground, and the claim that aesthetic experience is intrinsically valuable is thrown in doubt.

21. Hegel argued that .

[A] it is our sensuous appreciation that gives peculiar individuality to the work of art [B] it is the content of the work of art that holds our attention

[C] the work of art cannot be understood without a process of logical thinking

[D] the form of the work of art is what our sensuous appreciation concentrates on

22. It can be inferred from this passage that .

[A] the paradox that it is both necessary to distinguish form content and also impossible to do

so cannot be resolved by rejecting its premises

[B] both content and form of the work of art are illusory

[C] the content and form of the work of art are separable

[D] aesthetic experience is not intrinsically valuable

23. Which of the following is NOT what Hegel believed?

[A] The content and form of the work of art cannot be separated from each other.

[B] The content of the work of art is always the true object of aesthetic interest.

[C] The content presented without any individuality is not the content of the work of art.

[D] The content understood by means of a process of discursive thought is no more than a husk.

24. Premises that are related to each other seems to be dispensable because .

[A] Kant thinks they are indispensable

[B] either of them can resolve the paradox

[C] the premises are separated

[D] the premises can account for the theory

25. This passage is mainly about .

[A] the sensuous appreciation of art

[B] the basic conception of the aesthetic experience

[C] how to appreciate the work of art

[D] the relationship between form and content of the work of art


Text 1

21.D本题的答案线索可以在第一段的最后一句话中找到。A项应该是sensuous attention. B项没有提到,C项正是黑格尔所反对的。












Text 2

Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market in which dealers in bills, notes, and other forms of short term credit can buy and sell. The“money market” is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short term credit. The need for such facilities arises in much the same way that a similar need does in connection with the distribution of any of the products of a diversified economy to their final users at the retail level. If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers, he must have active contacts with others who specialize in making or handling bulk quantities of whatever is his stock in trade. The money market is made up of specialized facilities of exactly this kind. It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial services—commercial banks, savings institutions, investment houses, lending agencies, and even governments—to do their job. It has little if any contact with the individuals or firms who maintain accounts with these various retailers or purchase their securities or borrow from them.

The elemental functions of a money market must be performed in any kind of modern economy, even one that is largely planned or socialist, but the arrangements in socialist countries do not ordinarily take the form of a market. Money markets exist in countries that use market processes rather than planned allocations to distribute most of their primary resources among alternative uses. The general distinguishing feature of a money market is that it relies upon open competition among those who are bulk suppliers of funds at any particular time and among those seeking bulk funds, to work out the best practicable distribution of the existing total volume of such funds.

In their market transactions, those with bulk supplies of funds or demands for them, rely on groups of intermediaries who act as brokers or dealers. The characteristics of these middlemen, the services they perform, and their relationship to other parts of the financial vary widely from country to country. In many countries there is no single meeting place where the middlemen get together, yet in most countries the contacts among all participants are sufficiently open and free to assure each supplier or user of funds that he will get or pay a price that fairly reflects all of the influences (including his own) that are currently affecting the whole supply and the whole demand. In nearly all cases, moreover, the unifying force of competition is reflected at any given moment in a common price (that is, rate of interest) for similar transactions. Continuous fluctuations in the money market rates of interest result from changes in the pressure of available supplies of funds upon the market and in the pull of current demands upon the market.

26. The first paragraph is mainly about .

A. the definition of money market

B. the constitution of a money market

C. the basic functions of a money market

D. the general feature of a money market

27. According to this passage, the money market .

A. provides convenient services to its customers

B. has close contact with the individuals or firms seeking funds

C. maintains accounts with various retailers of financial services

D. is made up of institutions who specialize in handling wholesale monetary transactions

28. Which of the following statements concerning money market is not true according to this passage?

A. Money market does not exist in planned economies.

B. Money market has been established in some socialist countries.

C. Money market encourages open competition among bulk suppliers of funds.

D. Money market relies upon market processes to distribute funds to final users.

29. The author uses the example of middleman to show .

A. market transactions are important in different countries

B. dealers are needed in doing business

C. middlemen can play great role in different transactions and different countries.

D. middlemen in different countries have different actions in business.

30. According to this passage, .

A. brokers usually perform the same kinds of services to their customers

B. brokers have little contact with each other

C. open competition tends to result in a common price for similar transactions at any given moment

D. changes in the pressure of available supplies of funds upon market tends to maintain a common price for similar transactions


Text 2


27.D关于“货币市场”的定义,可以通过第一段第二行的后半句话可知“money market is a set of institutions or arrangements?”该句的意思与D项符合。


29.C三段中,对这些middleman 的作用进行了阐述,从中我们可以看到他们在不同的国家都起到了重要的作用。






Text 3

Environmental issues raise a host of difficult ethical questions, including the ancient one of the nature of intrinsic value. Whereas many philosophers in the past have agreed that human experiences have intrinsic value and the utilitarians at least have always accepted that the pleasures and pains of nonhuman animals are of some intrinsic significance, this does not show why it is so bad if dodos become extinct or a rain forest is cut down. Are these things to be regretted only because of the loss to humans or other sentient creatures? Or is there more to it than that? Some philosophers are now prepared to defend the view that trees, rivers, species (considered apart from the individual animals of which they consist), and perhaps ecological systems as a whole have a value independent of the instrumental value they may have for humans or other sentient creatures.

Our concern for the environment also raises the question of our obligations to future generations. How much do we owe to the future? From a social contract view of ethics or for the ethical egoist, the answer would seem to be: nothing. For we can benefit them, but they are unable to reciprocate. Most other ethical theories, however, do give weight to the interests of coming generations. Utilitarians, for one, would not think that the fact that members of future generations do not exist yet is any reason for giving less consideration to their interests than we give to our own, provided only that we are certain that they will exist and will have interests that will be affected by what we do. In the case of, say, the storage of radioactive wastes, it seems clear that what we do will indeed affect the interests of generations to come.

The question becomes much more complex, however, when we consider that we can affect the size of future generations by the population policies we choose and the extent to which we encourage large or small families. Most environmentalists believe that the world is already dangerously overcrowded. This may well be so, but the notion of overpopulation conceals a philosophical issue that is ingeniously explored by Derek Parfit in Reasons and Persons (1984). What is optimum population? Is it that population size at which the average level of welfare will be as high as possible? Or is it the size at which the total amount of welfare—the average multiplied by the number of people—is as great as possible? Both answers lead to counterintuitive outcomes, and the question remains one of the most baffling mysteries in applied ethics.

31. The first paragraph is mainly about .

[A] the intrinsic value of human experiences

[B] the intrinsic value of the experiences of nonhuman animals

[C] the intrinsic value of ecological system as a whole

[D] an ancient ethical question about the nature of intrinsic value

32. , we owe nothing to the future generations.

[A] In the author’s opinion

[B] From a social contrast view of ethics

[C] For a utilitarian

[D] For most environmentalists

33. Population policy we take should be considered .

[A] positive [B] negative [C] complex [D] reasonable

34. According to this passage, optimum population .

[A] refers to the population size at which the average level of welfare will be as high as possible

[B] refers to the population size at which the total amount of welfare will be as great as possible [C] is a difficult philosophical issue which remains to be resolved in the future

[D] is a difficult philosophical issue which Derek Parfit has successfully settled in Reasons and Persons

35. The proper title for this passage should be .

[A] A Mystery in Applied Ethics

[B] Our Obligations to Future Generations

[C] Environmental Ethics

[D] Environmental issues


Text 3

31.DD 前三个选项在第一段中都有提到,但并不是主要问题的所在,而第四个选项,在第二句话中就点了出来,前三个选项是第四个选项的展开说明。故D是正确答案。






环境问题引起很多其他严重的道德伦理问题,包括内在固有的价值本质之一。虽然很多过去的哲学家认为人类经验是具有内在固有的价值,而且功利论者至少认为非人类动物的快乐和痛苦具有某些内在价值,但是并不足以解释我们为什么认为渡渡鸟灭绝或者热带雨林被破坏是非常糟糕的。这些事物仅仅被视为对人类或其他具有感情物种的一种损失吗? 或者其他什么原因呢?一些哲学家开始准备为某些观点进行辩护,即树木、河流、物种和其他生态系统整体上具有一种独立于功能主义的价值,所谓的功能主义是对于人类或其他感情物种来



但是当我们考虑到,我们所采取的人口和家庭政策,将会影响下一代的人口数量时,问题就变得更加复杂了。大部分的环境学家认为世界拥挤程度已经非常危险了。这也许还不那么糟糕,但是这种人口过剩的观念隐蔽了一个哲学问题,这个哲学问题由Derek Parfit 在Reasons and Persons 这本书中提出的。什么是最佳人口数量?是平均福利水平最好时候的人口吗?还是总体福利水平最高的时候,即把平均水平按照人口数量翻番?两个答案都会导致违反直觉的结果,而且这个问题成为应用道德中最令人费解的一个谜。

Text 4

Perhaps only a small boy training to be a wizard at the Hogwarts school of magic could cast a spell so powerful as to create the biggest book launch ever. Wherever in the world the clock strikes midnight on June 20th, his followers will flock to get their paws on one of more than 10m copies of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”. Bookshops will open in the middle of the night and delivery firms are drafting in extra staff and bigger trucks. Related toys, games, DVDs and other merchandise will be everywhere. There will be no escaping Pottermania.

Yet Mr Potter’s world is a curious one, in which things are often not what they appear. While an excitable media (hereby including The Economist, happy to support such a fine example of globalisation) is helping to hype the launch of J.K. Rowling’s fifth novel, about the most adventurous thing that the publishers (Scholastic in America and Britain’s Bloomsbury in English elsewhere) have organised is a reading by Ms Rowling in London’s Royal Albert Hall, to be broadcast as a live webcast. Hollywood, which owns everything else to do with Harry Potter, says it is doing even less. Incredible as it may seem, the guardians of the brand say that, to protect the Potter franchise, they are trying to maintain a low profile. Well, relatively low.

Ms Rowling signed a contract in 1998 with Warner Brothers, part of AOL Time Warner, giving the studio exclusive film, licensing and merchandising rights in return for what now appears to have been a steal: some $500,000. Warner licenses other firms to produce goods using Harry Potter characters or images, from which Ms Rowling gets a big enough cut that she is now wealthier than the queen—if you believe Britain’s Sunday Times rich list. The process is selfgenerating: each book sets the stage for a film, which boosts book sales, which lifts sales of Potter products.

Globally, the first four Harry Potter books have sold some 200m copies in 55 languages; the two movies have grossed over $1.8 billion at the box office. This is a stunning success by any measure, especially as Ms Rowling has long demanded that Harry Potter should not be over commercialised. In line with her wishes, Warner says it is being extraordinarily careful, at least by Hollywood standards, about what it licenses and to whom. It imposed tough conditions on Coca

Cola, insisting that no Harry Potter images should appear on cans, and is now in the process of making its licensing programme even more restrictive. Coke may soon be considered too mass market to carry the brand at all.

The deal with Warner ties much of the merchandising to the films alone. There are no officially sanctioned products relating to “Order of the Phoenix”; nor yet for “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, the film of the third book, which is due out in June 2004. Warner agrees that Ms Rowling’s creation is a different sort of commercial property, one with long-term potential that could be damaged by a typical Hollywood marketing blitz, says Diane Nelson, the studio’s global brand manager for Harry Potter. It is vital, she adds, that with more to come, readers of the books are not alienated. “The evidence from our market research is that enthusiasm for the property by fans is not waning.”

36. When the author says “there will be no escaping Potter mania”, he implies that .

[A] Harry Potter’s appeal for the readers is simply irresistible

[B] it is somewhat irrational to be so crazy about the magic boy

[C] craze about Harry Potter will not be over in the near future

[D] Hogwarts school of magic will be the biggest attraction world over

37. Ms Rowling’s reading in London’s Royal Albert Hall is mentioned to show .

[A] publishers are really adventurous in managing the Potter’s business

[B] businesses are actually more credible than media in Potter’s world

[C] the media are promoting Pottermania more actively than Hollywood

[D] businesses involved with Potter are moving along in an unusual way

38. The author believes that .

[A] Britain’s Sunday Times rich list is not very convincing as it sounds

[B] Time Warner’s management of licenses is a bit over commercialised

[C] other firms may produce goods using Harry Potter images at will

[D] what Ms Rowling got in return for her offering to Warner is a real bargain

39. Paragraph 4 intends mainly to show Warner’s .

[A] determination to promote Potter

[B] consistence in conducting busines

[C] high regard for Ms Rowling’s request

[D] careful restrictions on licensing to Coco-Cola

40. It can be concluded from the last paragraph that .

[A] products of Potter films have brought enormous profits to Warner

[B] current Hollywood’s marketing of Potter may damage its potential

[C] readers could get tired of Ms Rowling’s writings sooner or later

[D] Warner will maintain the same strategy with Potter in future


Text 4

36. A这是一道句意题。第一段描述了波特迷们的世界性狂热,没有人能躲过哈利波特狂潮,暗示哈利波特的吸引力不可抵挡,所以A项为正确答案。

37. D这是一道例证题。文章说到Rowling应邀朗读一事是为了说明此次商家的行为比较低调,这种举措并不常见。故此答案为D。

38. D这是一道作者观点题。依据“in return for what now appears to have been a steal: some $500,000.”,作者称之为steal,可知答案为D。

39. C这是一道主旨题。段落的主要意思是华纳按Rowling的要求做了,严禁过分的商业化。故答案为C。

40. D这是一道推论题。A项可以从上面推测到,但并不是最后一段的引申,B项,本文对华纳采取的政策时予以肯定的,C项与本文内容相反,前文说华纳不想过分商业化Potter,最后一段重申这种做法的正确性,并说市场调研表明Potter迷们的激情未减,可以推论,公司在未来还将保持这一策略。故答案为D。


也许只有在Hogwarts魔术学校受训并成为魔术师的小男孩才能产生如此大的魅力,造就有史以来最大的销书狂潮。6月20 日,无论在世界的什么地方,午夜的钟声一响,他的追随者就蜂拥而至,抢购1000万册《哈利波特和菲尼克斯命令》中属于自己的一本。书店半夜开门,送货公司招募更多的雇员、租用更多的卡车。相关的玩具、游戏、DVD及其他商品处处皆是。哈里波特热潮无所不在。

然而,波特的世界很奇怪,事情与往常不一样。尽管易于激动的媒体(包括《经济学家》杂志也乐于宣传这样一个全球化的经典之作)帮着鼓吹J.K. Rowling的第五部小说的发行,出版商所做的最大胆的宣传不过是请Rowling小姐到伦敦皇家阿尔伯特大厅朗读一段,并在网上实况转播。拥有除出版权之外与哈里波特有关的一切的好莱坞,动作也不多。真是不可思议,商标的拥有者说,为了保护与哈里波特相关的权利,他们正试图保持低姿态,真的够低。

Rowling小姐于19xx年与华纳兄弟,美国在线时代华纳的一部分,签订了合约,赋予电影厂独有的许可及商品开发权,而她所得到的现在看起来十分廉价:约50万美元。华纳许可其他公司使用哈里波特的人物形象生产产品,Rowling小姐也从中分得一大块,使她比女王还富有——只要你相信英国Sunday Times所列的富人名单。这是一个增值的过程:书籍为电影搭建平台,电影促进书的销售,书的销售又带动哈里波特产品的销售。

从全球来看,哈里波特的前四册已被翻译成55 种语言的文字,并销售2亿册;两部电影的票房也达到18亿美元。怎么说,这也是令人震惊的成功,尤其是Rowling小姐还一直要求不要将哈里波特过于商业化。与她的要求一致,华纳说他们一直很小心,至少按好莱坞的习惯标准来说是这样,无论是发放哪类许可还是发放给谁都这样。华纳对Coca-Cola实施了严格的要求,坚持哈里波特的形象不能出现在易拉罐上,而目前正将许可的发放进一步严格化。Coca-Cola太大众市场化了,不能持用波特商标。

与华纳的交易使得商品的开发多系于电影本身。还没有官方认可的与《哈利波特和菲尼克斯命令》相关的产品出来,《哈利波特和阿兹卡班囚徒》也没有,后者是第三部书的电影版,电影将在2004 年6月发行。华纳也认为,Rowling小姐的创作是一种不同的商品,它具有长期的潜力,用好莱坞的闪电式营销方式会破坏它的前景,电影厂的哈里波特全球商标经理Diane Nelson就这么认为。她还说,由于更多的系列还未出版,不能将读者疏远很关键。“市场研究表明,波特迷们对波特的激情并没有消减”。
























