



































企业必须在准确地分析、判断特定的市场营销环境、企业资源及目标市场需求特点的基础上,才能制定出最佳的营销组合。所以,最佳的市场营销组合的作用,决不是产品、价格、分销、促销四个营销要素的简单数字相加,即4Ps ≠ P + P + P + P,而是使他们产生一种整体协同作用。就像中医开出的重要处方,四种草药各有不同的效力,治疗效果不同,所治疗的病症也相异,而且这四种中药配合在一起的治疗,其作用大于原来每一种药物的作用之和。市场营销组合也是如此,只有他们的最佳组合,才能产生一种整体协同作用。正是从这个意义上讲,市场营销组合又是一种经营的艺术和技巧。





The Use of Decision Making Styles as a Market Segmentation

Variable: A Study in Turkey

Dr. Duygu Firat, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey


In today’s world, consumers are faced with many messages. In the pile of these messages, the consumer decision-making process is getting more complicated than ever before. For this reason, this study attempts to define and segment consumers into sub-groups according to their decision-making styles. To realize the objective of study, the consumer decision-making style inventory developed by Sproles and Kendall (1986) was used. Factor and cluster analysis were used to test the data that was obtained after the survey. The study has shown that consumers are divided into three sub-groups: enjoy shopping consumers, undecided consumers, and non-conscious shopping consumers. The results of the study cannot be generalized to all real consumers in Turkey, but they can serve as a basis for future studies done for real consumers.


Marketing management that analyzes consumer behavior with the aim of satisfying consumer demands and needs is faced with two fundamental challenges (Islamoglu, 2006). The first of these is determining the market or markets that will be activated. The second includes improving and applying appropriate marketing components to selected markets.

Determination of the market or markets to be activated is called the designation of the target market. Before this can occur, the market must be separated into segments. Market segmentation is defined as a marketing technique that segments customers into homogenous groups with specific characteristics like needs, wants, demographics, lifestyle, etc. There are many variables used to segment markets: demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Decision-making style is another segmentation variable used in market segmentation.

There are two different opinions about whether it is necessary to segment the market. One group argued that it is not necessary to segment the market (Roostal, 1963; Buzzel, 1968; Levitt, 1983), while the other group suggested that it is important to segment the market according to a variety factors based on the fact that consumers who have different characteristics are satisfied by different market components (Smith, 1956; Blattberg & Senn, 1976; Green, 1977; Kotler, 1986; Islamo?lu, 1993; Hoek, Gendall, & Esslemont, 1996; Mooij, 2000; Dibb & Simkin, 2001; Altunisik, 2001; Bock & Uncles, 2002; Solomon, 2003; Bijmolt, Paas, & Vermunt, 2004; Palmer & Millier, 2004).There are many samples that support this position.

Consumers have to access all the information about products/services they want to buy. However, looking at products consumers have used shows that their choices differed from each other. Despite potential findings in the future, it is currently too early to say that it is not necessary to segment markets.

Consumers are faced with information that is transmitted by advertisements, the news media, and direct messages. At the same time, they are faced with increasing numbers of products, stores, services, etc. As a result of this combination, consumer decision-making has become more difficult and more important than in past. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to define and segment consumers into sub-groups in terms of decision-making styles.


Consumers are affected by many factors when they buy products; thus, there are a variety of decision-making styles like fashion oriented, impulsiveness, quality-oriented, brand-oriented, hedonism-oriented, etc. (Sproles & Kendall, 1986; Sproles, 1983; Darden & Reynolds, 1971; Stone, 1954; Lumpkin, 1985; Sinha 2003; Unal & Ercis, 2006(a)). Consumer literature suggests that there are three types of consumer style approaches:

1. Lifestyle approach 2. Consumer type approach 3. Consumer characteristics approach

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The lifestyle approach is defined as a way of life that consists of people’s interests, activities, and opinions

(Plummer, 1971; Wells & Tigert, 1974). The consumer type approach is an approach that attempts to define general consumer styles (Stone, 1954; Sproles & Kendall, 1984). The consumer characteristics approach is focused on the cognitive and affective orientation of consumer decisions (Sproles, 1983; Sproles & Kendall, 1986).

Consumer decision-making style is defined as “a mental characterizing a consumer’s approach to making

choices” by Sproles & Kendall (1986). They have suggested that “it has cognitive and affective characteristics” (Sproles and Kendall, 1986). Quality consciousness is given as an example of cognitive characteristics and fashion consciousness is given as an example of affective characteristics. At the same time, they have expressed that consumer decision-making is equivalent to the concept of personality in psychology.

Much research related to consumer decision-making styles has been done, and many different groups have

emerged as a result of this research. Consumers have been divided into several groups by using decision-making styles.



Sproles and Kendall (1986) developed the Consumer Style Inventory (CSI) to segment consumers according to consumer decision-making styles. The CSI consists of eight dimensions. Eight dimensions in the CSI were listed below (Sproles & Kendall, 1986).

1. Perfectionism or high-quality consciousness

2. Brand consciousness

3. Novelty-fashion consciousness

4. Recreational, hedonistic shopping consciousness

5. Price and “value for money” shopping consciousness

6. Impulsiveness

7. Confusion from over choice

8. Habitual, brand-loyal orientation toward consumption

Features of CSI factors were identified in Table 2.

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Some of these studies have investigated whether the dimensions of CSI differ by gender (Yang & Wu, 2007; Bakewell & Mitchell, 2004).

Nation and Validity Differences

Other research has examined the validity of the CSI for different nations and whether the dimensions of the CSI differ between nations (Hafstrom, Chae, & Chung, 1992; Durvasula, Lyonski, & Andrews, 1993; Fan & Xiao, 1998; Walsh, Mitchell, & Thurau, 2001; Hiu et al., 2001; Walsh et al., 2001; Canabal, 2002; Yeung & Au, 2004; Radder, Li, & Pietersen, 2004; Tai, 2005; Gonen & Ozmete, 2006; Hau & Lin, 2006; Kavas & Yesilada, 2007; Chan Hai Yee, 2007; Mokhlis, 2009).

Relationships between Factors

Some research has investigated the affects of written and visual media on CSI (Shim, 1996; Kamaruddin & Mohklis, 2003). Some of the research has examined the relationships between the CSI and online shopping for and purchasing of imported and exported products (Zeng, 2008; Wang, Siu, & Hiu, 2004; Cowart & Goldsmith, 2007).

Another study intended to investigate relationship between the CSI and mall shopping behavior (Wesley, Lehen, & Woodside, 2006). One study tried to explore Chinese consumer decision-making styles regarding casual wear and then tried to investigate the relationship between consumer decision-making styles and clothing choice criteria’s towards casual wear (Kwan, Yeung, & Au, 2004).

Other research investigated the impact of personal values on the CSI (Unal & Ercis, 2006 (b)).

Revision of the CSI

Some research tested the CSI’s reliability and validity. Researchers developed a new survey to determine consumer decision-making styles, then investigated the relationship between new decision-making styles and product involvement (Bauer, 2006).

Using the CSI as a Segmentation Variable

Some studies tried to segment consumers using the CSI (Chaissitthiraj, 2007; Walsh et al., 2001; Bakewell & Mitchell, 2004).


There are four studies that have been done focused on Sproles And Kendall’s (1986) CSI (Kavas & Yesilada, 2007; Unal & Ercis, 2006(a); Unal & Erci?, 2006(b); Gonen & Ozmete, 2006).

One of these studies intended to identify the decision-making styles of Turkish consumers and to test the reliability of the CSI for Turkish consumers. University students were used as a sample, and the sample area was in Izmir, which located in Turkey. The results of this study partially supported the CSI (Kavas & Yesilada, 2007).

A second study was done in Erzurum, and real consumers were used as a sample. This study tried to divide consumers in terms of their values and the CSI. The results showed that consumers are divided into five distinct and meaningful segments (Unal & Ercis, 2006(a)).

Another study aimed to investigate the effect of values on the CSI. The study was administered using real consumers who lived in Erzurum. The study’s results showed that values affected the CSI significantly (Unal & Erci?, 2006(b)).

The other study on consumer decision-making styles investigated the decision-making styles of young Turkish consumers using CSI. It determined that the CSI was partly supported and that only five factors (brand consciousness, time consciousness, high quality consciousness/ perfectionist, price consciousness, information utilization/ confusion by over choice) were important for young Turkish consumers (Gonen & Ozmete, 2006). The current study intends to segment consumers into sub-groups in terms of the CSI and to identify these groups.

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Model of Study

Decision-making styles were measured using the same 40-item scale used in Sproles and Kendall’s study

(1986). The items were in a Likert Scale anchored with “Always True (5)” and “Never True (1).” The items were adopted by Turkish people, and the final version of the survey was given to a small group.


The questionnaire was administered using easy sampling to 200 subjects who were living at Kocaeli

located in Turkey. The subjects were given as much time as needed to complete to the questionnaire. Sixty percent of the respondents were male, the median family income was TL1500-2249, the majority of respondents had graduated from high school and university, and the majority of respondents were aged 25-44 age. Table 3 provides a general look at the subjects’ demographic characteristics.



The analysis was done in three stages. In the first stage, factor analysis was used to examine items that

constituted the CSI. In the second stage, a reliability analysis was applied to factors. In the third stage, cluster analysis was applied to factors for segmenting consumers according their decision-making styles.

Factor and Reliability Analysis

In the first stage, factor analysis was used to determine how many of the variables had been reduced to a

factor. Because of their value in the anti-image matrix and factor loadings, 12 variables were removed from analysis (The values in the anti-image matrix and factor loadings were 0.50 less than is recommended for removal from the analysis.). Then reliability analysis was then applied to factors. The findings of both the factor analysis and the reliability analysis are summarized in Table 4.

As seen Table 4, all factor loadings are above 0.50 and Cronbach α is above 0.70. This means data is

available for other analysis. The data also shows that the CSI differs from the original study (Sproles and Kendall, 1986). In Sproles and Kendall’s study (1986), eight factors emerged. In this study, seven factors emerged, and some items were loaded to different factors. These differences may have been caused by the different nations used in each study.

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Cluster Analysis

At first, hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to the seven factors. Then, the percentage increase in the

agglomeration schedule was examined. This resulted in the conclusion that consumers can be divided into two or three groups. Discriminant analysis was applied to groups to decide between two or three clusters, and this showed that three groups discriminate with a maximum separation power of 85 %. Eventually, the cluster number was identified as three groups.



Then, K-means cluster analysis was applied to the data to determine the features of the groups. The final

clusters that emerged are shown in Table 5. The total number of clusters is shown in Table 6.


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Enjoy Shopping Consumers: In this cluster, there were 77 respondents (38.5%). They are perfectionists. They make plans for shopping and see it as an entertainment. Their brand loyalty is high. The lower prices of products are not important to them. Any new information they learned about the products was not important to them, and their minds were not confused by new information. They gave importance to fashion and buying new items.

Undecided Consumers: There were 56 respondents (28%) in this cluster. Consumers in this cluster do not know what to do. They are undecided people. They had an average score on all the factors.

Non-Conscious Shopping Consumers: There are 67 respondents (33.5%) in this cluster. Consumers in this cluster do not care about shopping. They are not perfectionists, and they make unplanned shopping trips. Fashion is not important for them, and any new information about product confused their minds. They are not loyal to brands, and they are price-conscious people who try to buy lower-priced products. Shopping is not a funny for them.


The results of study show that the study’s respondents were 25-44 years olds who earned a TL1500–2249 average income. The majority of them had graduated from high school and college, and most of them were single males and also single. The findings of this study indicate that the CSI applied in this study differed from Sproles and Kendall’s (1986) original CSI. In that study, eight factors emerged, but in this study only seven factors emerged, and some items were loaded to different factors from the original study. This difference could derive from the different cultures, demographic features, values, and purchasing factors of countries than those originally applied to the CSI. This means the CSI needs some modifications for different nations before further use. It may be useful to add some additional factors to determine consumer decision-making styles.

As seen from the results of study, consumers are divided into three different market segments according to their decision-making styles. If the number of sample and segmentation factors increased, consumers could be divided into more market segments. The study has some limitations:

The complementarity of information obtained through research depends on more sampling and different variables for analysis. If the

number of samples increased, different and more reliable results could be obtained.

Because of the sampling method, results of the study may not be generalizable to all consumers in Turkey. Its results are valid only for

Kocaeli located in Turkey.

Consumers show different perceptions for different product categories. As a consequence, it can be said that the CSI and its variables

may differ for different product categories. This may produce different market segments for product categories.

However, it is possible to make comments in the light of findings.

Decision-making styles can be used for market segmentation when considering the numerous products and messages that consumers face in making decisions. Marketing managers can develop marketing strategies for these segments. This kind of segmentation leads to effective differentiated marketing programs. Thus, consumers’ behavior is evaluated more correctly. Segmentation may be more useful and accurate when different factors are used not only with one factor but also together. This study and its findings could guide enterprises and researchers who want to study decision-making styles and/or market segmentation.


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