



( 2014届 )

学 院 外国语

专 业 英语专业

班 级 2010级6班

姓 名 张婷

学 号 201040210631

研究方向 英国文学

Innovation of Gothicism in Wuthering Heights 论文题目

20xx年 12月 25日



长时期以来, 人们视艾米莉?勃朗特为英国文学中的“斯芬克斯”。关于她本人和她的作品都有很多难解之谜, 许多评论家从不同的角度、采用不同的方法去研究, 得出了不同的结论, 因而往往是旧谜刚解, 新谜又出, 解谜热潮似永无休止。

本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉?

勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。


各民族的文学中都有许多惊险、恐怖的故事, 但似乎没有哪一种文学像英美文学那样不仅创作出数量众多、质量优秀的恐怖文学作品, 而且还形成了一个持续发展、影响广泛的哥特传统( Gothic tradition) 。哥特文学现在已经成为英美文学研究中的一个重要领域。对哥特文学的认真研究开始于20 世纪二三十年代, 到70 年代以后, 由于新的学术思潮和文学批评观念的影响, 该研究出现了前所未有而且日趋高涨的热潮。根据在国际互联网上的搜索, 到2000 年9月为止, 英美等国的学者除发表了大量关于哥特文学的论文外, 还至少出版专著达184部, 其中1970 年以后为126 部, 仅90 年代就达59 部, 几乎占总数的三分之一。当然,近年来哥特文学研究的状况不仅在于研究成果迅速增加, 更重要的是它在深度和广度方面都大为拓展, 并且把哥特传统同英美乃至欧洲的历史、社会、文化和文学的总体发展结合起来。



研究的基本内容:本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉?

勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。


1.A Survey of Gothic

1.1 Definition of Gothic

1.2 the Origin of Gothic Novels

1.2.1 Historical Reasons Folklore in Germantic Nationality Drama in the Renaissance the Bible and Legends in Christianity 1.2.2 Development of the Novel Itself Challenge of Romanticism to Rationalism Sublime and Beautiful

2. Emily’s Gothic Heritage

2.1 Theme

2.1.1 Good and Evil 2.1.2 Revenge

2.2 Characters Description 2.2.1 Villain-hero 2.2.2 Delicate Young Girl

2.3 Atmosphere, Environment and Plot 2.3.1 Terror

2.3.2 Mystery 2.3.3 Supernatural

3.Emily’s Gothic Innovation

3.1 Combination of romanticism and Realism 3.1.1 Change of the Background 3.1.2 Use of Symbolism

3.1.3 Stream of Consciousness 3.1.4 Illusion and Subconsciousness

3.2. Description of Figure Emotion and Psychology Reference







(2) 由于个人的观点和能力,使对研究对象分析不够全面和深入。

四、 参考文献

[1] Bronte, Charlotte. 1907. Charlotte Bronte’s preface to the second edition, Wuthering Heights. London: J. M. Dent Sons Ltd. p. 20.

[2] Gerin, Winifred. 1971. Emily Bronte [M]. New York: Oxford University Press.

[3] Marie, Mulvey-Roberts. ed. 1998.The handbook to gothic literature [A]. New York: New York University Press. p. 83. [4] Punter, David. 1980. The Literature of Terror [M]. London: Longman. p. 6.

[5] 方平. 1993 .希望在人间—论〈呼啸山庄〉(《呼啸山庄》译序) [M]. 上海译文出版社. 第24页.

[6] 盖斯凯尔夫人. 2000 .夏洛蒂?勃朗特传[M]. 张淑荣等译. 北京: 团结出版社. 第11—12页.

[7] 肖明翰. 2001. 英美文学中的哥特传统[J]. 外国文学评论第3期.

[8] 鲜于静. 2003. 神秘和怪诞的魅力——福克纳小说《八月之光》的哥特艺术研究[MA]. 中国学位论文全文库.


Emily Bronte ---a Great Novelist Towering over Her Own Age


Emily Bronte is an outstanding female writer in Britain in the 19th century. In the history of English literature,even in the history of world literature, Emily Bronte can be recognized one of the greatest novelists.She is best known for her romantic novel Wuthering Heights which is one of the English language’s greatest novels.This novel is not only the romantic novel,but also exist realism and gothic.what’s more,we can see the author towers over her own age through the Wuthering Heights.The novel is also distinguished that exceed the other romantic novels in the 19th century.


Emily Bronte is one of the most important writer in the nineteenth-century English literature. Although she leads a brief and circumscribed existence, spending most of her life in relative isolation in a parsonage on the Yorkshire moors, she has left behind a literary legacy that includes some of the most passionate and inspired writing in Victorian literature. Early critics did not like the work, citing its excess of passion and its coarseness.Also having written much poetry, Emily Bronte’s works did not receive wide acclaim until after her death at the age of thirty. Today Emily’s poems are well regarded by critics, but they receive little popular attention, and her overall reputation rests primarily on her only novel---Wuthering Heights. The novel is first published under Emily’s pseudonym Ellis Bell, the combination of its structure and elements of passion, mystery and doomed love as well as social commentary have made Wuthering Heights an enduring masterpiece. A second edition was published in 1850, two years after the author’s death. And Wuthering Heights is still in print today.

A brooding tale of passion and revenge set in the Yorkshire moors, the novel has inspired no fewer than four film versions in modern times. As with most of the Bronte sister’s popular novels, people have tried to find biographical parallels in them. Emily has been characterised to mythic proportions as deeply spiritual, free-spirited and reclusive as well as intensely creative and passionate, an icon to tortured genius. Sympathetically prefaced by her sister Charlotte, it met with greater success, and the novel has continued to grow in stature ever since.

Many researchers are making researches on the theme of Wuthering Heights. There is now an implacable conflict between passion and society, rebellion and moral orthodoxy. It can be said that Emily’s great novel is rare phenomenon, but is a tragic novel in the epoch of high realism.But Victorian reviewers of Emily Bronte’s classic Wuthering Heights find it to be far too harsh and dreary for their tastes. Some of them compare Wuthering Heights with Jane Eyre and say that “Wuthering Heights casts a gloom over the mind that is not easily dispelled while Jane Eyre manages to provide some cathartic elements that offers its reader a release.” Some criticize that the novel lacks of realistic elements and that “a few glimpses of sunshine would have increased the reality of the picture and given strength rather than weakness to the whole.” They consider that Wuthering Heights is a strange, inartistic story. It seems that early critics find this novel baffling in its meaning----they each agree separately that no moral value exists within the storyand therefore it is deemed to have no real literary value. The original critical reviews have very little in the way of praise for the unknown author or the novel. The critics acknowledge begrudgingly that the elements of Wuthering Heights could be considered strengths---such as “rugged power”, “unconscious strength” and “purposeless power”. Strange and powerful are two recurring critical interpretations of the novel. The critics do not attempt to provide in depth analysis of the work, simply because they feel that the meaning or moral of the story is either entirely absent or seriously confused. Contrarily, the relationship of nature, culture and society is the theme of the main difference from other romantic novels.

Wuthering Heights also stands out when compared with other novelist about her time. Female writers like Jane Austen often aimed at daily business such as social visits and matchmaking that happened in country villages. And other well-known writers works at that time such as Dickens.The Tale of Two Cities or David Copperfield were almost set against the great events like French Revolution and the general social phenomenon posed by those events.

At first glance, this novel may seem just like a story about love and revenge which is nothing more than a fictional work. However, after a close study, we can find Wuthering Heights is actually an expression of the struggle between the traditional

value about social status and personal inward passion. And it is these conflicts that Emily used to create the vivid characters and entangle love, which was quite unique in her times.

The novel is a riddle which means different things to different people. From the social point of view, it is a story about a poor man abused, betrayed and distorted by his social betters because he is a poor nobody. As a love story, this is one of the most moving: the passion between Heathcliff and Catherine proves the most intense, the most beautiful and at the same time the most horrible passion ever to be found possible in human beings.

The novel has a unique structure: the story is told through independent narrators unidentical with the author, whose personality is therefore completely absent from the book. The story is told mainly by Nelly, Catherine's old nurse, to Mr. Lockwood, a temporary tenant at Grange. The latter too gives an account of what he sees at Wuthering Heights. And part of the story is told through Isabella's letters to Nelly. While the central interest is maintained, the sequence of its development is constantly disordered by flashbacks. This makes the story all the more enticing and genuine.

It seems that there are several elements that make Wuthering Heights so unique from other novels. Bronte’s environment shaped her life and her work. The village of Haworth was isolated and surrounded by moors. Thus, the one world she knew and lived in became the setting for her only novel. Paralleling her own life, she creates motherless characters in Wuthering Heights. Like most authors, Emily Bronte was a product of her environment, and this directly influenced her writing. During her life she had no close friends, was interested in mysticism, and enjoyed her solitude outdoors. All of these elements grace both her poems and Wuthering Heights. In fact, many contemporary critics praise Emily Bronte first and foremost as a poet, marveling at the poetic nature of Wuthering Heights.

Set in 18th Century England when social and economic values were changing and land ownership did not always the man make, it is a world of patriarchal values juxtaposed with the natural elements. Bronte explores themes of revenge, religion, class and prejudice while plumbing the depths of the metaphysical and human psyche. Bronte’s own home in the bleak Yorkshire moors provides the setting for the at-times other-worldly passions of the Byronic Heathcliff and Catherine.

So the aim of this paper is to analyze the blackgrounds the author writing the novel and see Emily Bronte towers over her own age through the Wuthering Heights. 参考文献:

[1]Bronte, Charlotte. Charlotte Bronte’s preface to the second edition, Wuthering Heights[M]. London: J. M. Dent Sons Ltd.1907, 20-25.

[2]Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2005,50-52.

[3]Guo Qunying. British Literature(1)[M]. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press..2001,35-38.

[4]Murray, Andy. Into the Unknown: The Fantastic Life of Nigel Kneale [M].London: Headpress. 2006,53-58.

[5]Punter, David.The Literature of Terror [M]. London: Longman.1980, 6-8.

[6]Smith, Angela. York Notes Wuthering Height [M].London: Longman York Press.1984,22-23.



[9]李满. 论《呼啸山庄》的爱情及爱情哲学[J], 南昌职业技术师范学院学报, 1997, 第2期, 36-37.

[10]张同乐,毕铭. 爱和恨都是生命在燃烧[J]. 外国文学研究, 1999,第1期,66-67.
























