





研究和发展清洁高效燃煤发电及先进环保技术,对于我国可持续发展和应对全球气候变化具有十分重大的意义。我国掌握了600 MW超临界机组的设计制造技术,已有制造1000 MW超超临界发电机组的业绩和能力并有初步的设计能力;已掌握300 MW循环流化床锅炉的设计制造技术,且已接近世界先进水平;能设计制造600 MW等级的热电联产和空冷机组;正在建设具有自主知识产权的气化工艺和自主设计的250 MW IGCC发电机组;研究了多种富氧燃烧技术并在小型装置上进行了实验;在大规模利用生物质发电方面进行了有益的探索(如在大机组上生物质和煤混烧);掌握了电除尘、布袋除尘,以及电袋复合除尘技术设备设计制造能力,并接近国际先进水平;掌握了石灰石—石膏湿法、循环流化床半干法、氨法、海水法以及活性焦(炭)法等脱硫技术的设计制造能力,循环流化床半干法烟气脱硫技术已达到国际先进水平;掌握了SCR脱硝催化剂设计制造技术;利多种污染物联合控制技术进行了大量工程应用;在烟气中CO2的捕集、合成共聚物等再利用技术方面也取得了突破,并建立了示范工程。





深入研究现代输变电新技术,对于提高电力系统运行稳定可靠性、促进社会发展和经济建设具有积极的作用。20xx年1月6日,1000 kV晋东南—南阳—荆门特高压交流试验示范工程顺利完成168小时试运行,投入商业运行,这是目前世界上在运行电压等级最高的输变电工程。20xx年底,±800 kV云南小湾—广州特高压直流输电工程成功送电;向家坝—上海±800 kV特高压直流示范工程全线带电成功。这是世界上输送容量最大、送电距离最远、技术水平最先进、电压等级最高的直流输电工程,标志着我国直流输电技术、装备制造以及电网建设管理进入了世界领先行列。

电力电子装置在实际工程中得到应用。我国已在6座500kV变电站成功投运容量为105~170 Mvar的SVC装置。20xx年,我国第一个国产化可控串补工程(TCSC——甘肃碧口至成县220 kV可控串补投运。


我国在数字化变电站设备领域的研究取得了长足进展。110 kV及以下的数字化变电站技术已经基本成熟,220 kV数字化变电站技术正在试点过程中。








在核反应堆技术方面,我国已经对二代、三代和四代反应堆以及聚变堆进行了相应的研究。在第四代反应堆技术方面,中国实验快堆(CEFR)预计20xx年实现首次临界及并网发电。高温气冷实验堆 (HTR10)已经于20xx年完成。两种具有200兆瓦输出的高温气冷实验堆正在建设中。“973”计划“超临界水堆关键科学问题的基础研究”项目正在进行中,取得很多技术上的突破。在聚变堆技术方面,国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划正式启动,我国为参与成员之一。新一代热核聚变装置——“实验型先进超导托卡马克”已于20xx年投入运行。




我国高压开关设备的研发技术与国外无太大差距,产品可靠性还有待进一步验证。国产220 kV及以上电压等级变压器运行的可用系数要优于从国外进口的同类产品。国内套管、避雷器、互感器、电力电缆等制造技术发展整体水平与国外发达国家知名跨国公司仍有一定的差距。


整体煤气化联合循环发电关键技术取得突破,20xx年6月采用自主开发的气化工艺和自主设计的华能天津IGCC项目(250 MW)开工建设,以后将进行示范运行。在CO2捕集



我国制订了智能电网的总体建设路线、关键技术研究框架和实施方案。在PMU技术领域的研究和应用非常迅速,装置实现国产化。自主开发的CC2000A、 OPEN3000电网调度自动化系统均获得了国家级科技进步一等奖,应用了先进的三维、动态、可视化电网调度自动化技术和先进的保护和控制、模型和模拟工具;“基于行波原理的电力线路在线故障测距技术”获得国家技术发明二等奖,在世界上率先利用故障电流行波实现了线路故障的精确定位。


在FACTS技术中,SVC、STATCOM、TCSC、TSSC已在实际工程中得到应用,并可商用供货。开发成功Bi系高温超导带材,高温超导限流器投入试验运行,研制成功35 kJ/7kW直接冷却高温超导磁储能系统,研制成功26 kVA/400 V/16 V高温超导变压器样机和630 kVA/10.5 kV/0.4 kV三相高温超导变压器。我国着眼于国际主流风力发电机组产品和风力发电机组设计、制造关键技术。光伏并网逆变技术研究进展较快。

先进超导托卡马克实验装置EAST于20xx年9月28日首次投入运行,是世界上第一个同时具有全超导磁体和主动冷却结构的核聚变实验装置。目前,中国实验快堆已完成安装,于 20xx年10月实现首次临界。大型先进压水堆核电站重大专项示范工程——CAP1400核电站预计于20xx年开工。高温气冷堆商用示范电站预计20xx年正式开工建设。中国先进研究堆完成综合调试工作,预计20xx年达到临界。


虽然我国在超(超)临界机组的设计制造技术上已有长足进展,但在超超临界机组设计方面还有一定差距,在关键材料方面差距较大。600 MW超临界CFB锅炉尚处于研制开发过程中,CFB锅炉的整体技术研发和设计水平已接近世界先进水平。20xx年自主设计制造

首座600 MW级空冷岛主要设备,但在直接空冷技术方面还有差距。我国在IGCC发电技术的研究和开发上取得了重要进展(如开发了有自主知识产权的气流床气化工艺),但在关键设备——燃气轮机上存在很大差距。富氧(O2/CO2)燃烧技术研究起步稍晚,主要在进行基础研究和比较小型的工业试验研究。传统燃煤机组混燃生物质已在欧美各国进行了大量试验研究并已得到应用,我国虽已在一台300 MW机组上成功进行了生物质和煤的混烧试验,但应进一步研究、推广大规模生物质发电技术。









我国高压开关设备、变压器的研发、制造技术方面与国外差距不大,但1100 kV套管跟国外相比依然存在很大差距。我国目前电线电缆生产水平,产品质量无法与先进工业国家竞争。在高端技术上与国外的大厂商仍有较大差距,产品技术将成为制约我国电线电缆产品发展的一个瓶颈。










为应对我国一次能源和发电能源以煤为主所带来的严峻挑战和促进可持续发展,国家应加大支持力度,积极推进清洁高效燃煤发电技术和先进环保技术的发展。需要开展超(超)临界机组关键部件材料、检测方法和老化规律以及运行技术研究,大容量以及更高参数的燃用劣质煤和褐煤CFB锅炉的研制和关键技术研究,250 MW等级IGCC机组的建设和示范,O2/CO2燃烧技术的基础研究,生物质在大容量机组混燃对燃烧排放的研究,污染物的系统化脱除技术、资源化利用技术、联合脱除技术研究。















加快整体煤气化联合循环电站(IGCC)的设备研制和关键技术攻关。发展大容量燃气轮机。研制百万千瓦级混流式水电机组、大型高水头混流式水电机组。开发大容量高水头冲击式水电机组。发展大容量(例如100 MW级以上)、高水头的灯泡贯流式机组。发展大容量(例如500 MW~600 MW)的抽水蓄能机组。研发智能特高压开关设备。实施特高压和直流套管的研制并全部国产化。加强高温超导电缆的研究和产业化应用。


Power and Electrical Engineering

Power and electrical engineering is a discipline to research and solve the scientific mechanism, key technology, engineering method and technical approach involving the generation, transmission, distribution and control of electric power. Entering into the 21st century, with a

further growth of energy demand resulted from China’s rapid economic development, redistribution of the world's energy structure and the worsened ecological situation on earth, power and electrical engineering is now facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.

Firstly, the coal is the primary energy source and generates large amount of energy for China; furthermore, this situation will not be significantly changed in the long run. There is a certain gap between coal consumption in China and that of the advanced level in the world. And the overdependence on the coal has led to serious environmental problems. Now, the climate change has become a hot global issue. The per capita installed powergenerating capacity in China is only the onefifth of that in U.S.; furthermore China’s per capita hold of freshwater resources is far below the world’s average level. Therefore, the development and adoption of clean and efficient coal fired power generation technology and advanced environmental protection technology are the significant strategic needs and extremely important. In recent years, a positive progress has been made in clean and efficient coal fired power generation technology, China has become one of the countries in the world where most supercritical and ultrasupercritical power generation units and Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler units are adopted (including several 1 000 MWclass ultrasupercritical power generation units which are in operation or under construction). The design and manufacture technology for 600 MWclass supercritical power generation units and 300 MWclass CFB combustion technology have been mastered; the heat and power cogeneration technology and the air cooling generation technology have got the further adoption and development, and 600 MWclass cogeneration and air cooling generation units can be independently designed and manufactured. The CFB combustion technology has approached the international advanced standard and more technologies with independent intellectual property rights and core technologies, such as design of air cooling island, have further grasped; units with the capacity above 300 MWclass account for more than 60 percent of total thermal power unit capacity. The 250 MW Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power generation units that are equipped with gasification process and possess independent intellectual property right and design are under construction. Many kinds of oxygen enrichment combustion technologies are researched, and the experimental study in the small scale experimental platform is carried out. A large scale biomass power generation technology with multifuel combustion of biomass and coal has advanced, and multifuel combustion experiments on a 300 MW unit have succeeded. A clean and efficient coal fired power generation technology is moving further toward the direction that requires high parameters, highcapacity, pollutants emission reduction, resource utilization rate improvement, and so on. However, there is still a gap between the China and the international advanced standards in some respects, such as the key component material for ultrasupercritical units and key devices (such as gas turbine) in IGCC technology. Some positive progresses have also been made in the advanced environmental protection technology; China has become one of the countries in the world where most coal fired pollutants removal technologies and equipments are adopted, and some technologies and equipments have been exported to the foreign countries. The design and manufacture capacity of ESP for 1000 MW units, baghouse filter for 600 MW unit and electrostaticbag dust collector for 660 MW unit are mastered, it is indicated that the dust collection technologies have approached the international advanced standards. The design and manufacture capacity of desulfurization technologies, such as limestonegypsum wet Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) for 1000 MW unit, CFB semidry FGD for 600 MW unit and ammonia

FGD technology for 350 MW unit, seawater FGD for 1,000 MW unit and activated coke (carbon) FGD technology are grasped, moreover, the CFB semidry FGD technology has reached the international advanced standards. A low NOx combustion technology has got a universal use in large and medium scale boiler units. The design and manufacture technologies for Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) denitrification catalyst which is fit in with the characteristics of coal fired flue gas in China are mastered; the catalyst production capacity of 60500 m3 per year are formed and these catalysts are used in several 600 MW units. The multipollutants removal technologies based on the existed dust collection and desulfurization device are in the engineering application; the capture technology of CO2 in flue gas and the CO2 reclamation technology, such as the polymer composition also make breakthroughs and a demonstration project has been built. The prospects for related technologies and goals, as well as strategy are briefly discussed later on.

Secondly, in recent years, “smart grid” has become a worldwide hot topic related to the future power grid’s development trend, which has been successively denominated by United States (using the term of “IntelliGrid”) and Europe (using the term “of Smart Grid”) early in this century. However, there is not yet a unified and clear definition on smart grid in the world. In China, at present, it could be defined as a high integration of advanced sensing and measurement technology, advanced information technology, advanced communication technology, advanced analysis and decisionmaking technology and automatic control technology with physical power transmission and distribution grids in order to form a new type power grid.

It possesses lots of advantages, such as meeting the elevation demand of electric power caused by social development, solving the lack of primary energies, improving the reliability, safety and capability of power supply and power quality, speeding up the utilization of renewable energy and reducing the dependence on nonrenewable energy, better protecting environment and lowering the impact on environment, mitigating the impact of greenhouse gas on climate, improving energy efficiency and reducing power losses in power grid, opening power market further, realizing more interactive activities with customers and providing valueadded service for customers. Smart grid has following characteristics, that is, robust, selfhealing, compatible, economical, integrated, and optimized.

The smart grid technology involves power generation, transmission, distribution and customer power utilization. Its main development directions and focal points are as follows: ①advanced Pharos Measurement Unit (PMU) and Wide Area Measurement System(WAMS), ②advanced dynamic, visualized power grid dispatching automation system, ③smart (digital) substation, ④advanced grid components and equipments for transmission, ⑤advanced distribution operation automation, ⑥advanced grid components and equipments for distribution, ⑦advanced custom power, ⑧advanced outage management (real time) system for distribution and fast fault treatment, ⑨distributed energy resources and micro grid operation, ⑩energy storage, advanced distribution management system, charging and discharging technology for electric vehicles and construction of charging stations, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), demand response, Home Area Networks (HANs) and smart home, optimal asset management and utilization for transmission and distribution, condition and reliability based maintenance,information and communication (information integration and

sharing), smart grid interoperability standards, etc.

Comparing with advanced developed countries in the world, the technical level of smart grid technologies in China is as follows: in the areas of ①,②,④,⑦ China is at a leading or cutting edge level, in the areas of , , China is keeping the same pace with the international advanced level, in the areas of ③,⑨,⑩,,, China is just started implementing, in the rest of areas, China is lagging behind or has implemented the capability technically, but the implementation conditions are not mature. In general, the smart grid technologies in the transmission field are not lagging behind and the R&D work of smart grid technologies in the distribution and utilization field should be strengthened and the implementation should be speeded up.

The development of smart grid technology is a long and gradual process, but the technology changes are very fast; therefore, it should be closely traced and studied in depth. In view of the practical situation of power transmission and distribution grid constructions in China, the smart grid technology for transmission should be one of the focal points in the development, but a lot of smart grid technologies are at distribution and utilization sides which are closely related to the customers, thus they should be implemented step by step according to the need and planning. Implementation is a long journey and it should be carried out gradually based on practical possibility. Key technologies must be first demonstrated and then disseminated. Largescale blind investment should be discouraged. Technologies should be implemented distinguishingly based on the different regions and situations. The research and establishment of smart grid standards should be strengthened and in line with the international standards. The laboratory construction for simulation and testing should be strengthened. A cyber security protection system should be built. It is very important to avoid overlooking the construction of physical power grids for the overall development of future modern grid technology.

The smart grid is a key enabler to the modern grid. Currently, a lot of countries in the world, including China, are actively starting their smart grid constructions due to the various challenges from the power grid in the 21st century.

Thirdly, entering into the 21st century, along with the economic and social development, the demand for electricity as well as the power system stability and reliability is gradually increasing. In recent years, in order to meet the needs of social progress, a number of modern new transmission and transformation technologies have emerged, such as Ultra High Voltage (UHV) AC/DC transmission technology, FACTS technology, new communication technology based power system dispatching system, digital substations, and superconducting electric power technology. These technologies are being or about to serve power systems, and thus play active roles in the economic and social development.

China’s power grid will become stronger with the development of smart grid. The ultra highvoltage power grid is the basis for building a strong smart grid, and the reason for developing an ultra highvoltage power grid as the backbone network is quite simple. According to China’s national conditions, the development of UHV power grid is the correct decision for implementing the scientific view of development, carrying out the national energy policy, and

ensuring that the power industry undergoing a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, and eventually achieving a wider range of optimal allocation of resources to meet future China’s economic and social development and the increasing electricity demand accompanied with the economic and social development. In a word, it has great political and economic significance, as well as technological innovation significance.

In recent three years, with lots of HVDC transmission project constructions, China has realized the great development in the field of HVDC transmission project construction, equipment manufacture, and technical research. The construction scale in HVDC transmission, application level of HVDC, and design/operation/ test technology, as well as the research on and control over acdc system interaction are all leading the world. China has also made great progresses on the localization of main HVDC equipments as well as control and protection equipments.

In the developing process of electric power system, the most important task for constructing power networks is to ensure secure and stable operation of the power grid. In order to realize the goal of building an adequate, reliable, highquality, economical feeding and operation of the power grid, a flexible and reliable AC control technology is called for. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) is a kind of technology which applies hightechs, such as power electronic technology, microcomputer technology and control technology, to the high voltage transmission system in order to improve the system reliability, controllability, operation performance, and power quality, as well as to obtain large amounts of new synthetic technologies for the benefit of energysaving. The technology will augment the conveyance capacity of transmission lines, optimize the operational conditions for power transmission network, expand power network operation and control technology, and change the traditional application scope of AC transmission, etc.

The electric power dispatch automation is the core and key technology for the automation system,and plays an important role in quality and stability of automation system. Improving the efficiency of power dispatch system is an essential way to ensure reliability and safety operation of the power system. Firstly, to improve network’s stability and reduce the data loss rate, the power network should be optimized; secondly, to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of dispatching work, the data instantaneity should be improved and data exchange time should be cut down.

With the popularity and development of information technology, the research realizing digitization of information, communication, decisionmaking and management for digital substations and networks is received more and more attentions. By using the optical fiber communication in digital substation instead of the conventional cable pointtopoint communication mode, the instantaneity and redundancy of various electrical quantities has been greatly improved.

As the development of power source construction, especially largescale hydropower projects’ construction, the transmission voltage level and gird size are gradually increasing in China. After many years’ rapid development, China has experienced the progress from 220 kV,

500 kV(330kV), 750 kV and even to 1000 kV in AC transmission system, got fully hold of the technology of extrahigh voltage power transmission, and also grasped the ±500 kV HVDC technology, meanwhile, the ± 660kV and ± 800kV HVDC projects are recently under construction.

Superconducting technology is a hightech with the strategic significance, and is considered as a key point of the future technology competition. It mainly uses the unobstructed highdensity currentcarrying capacity of superconductor and the superconductingnormal state transition characteristics. It requires a close integration of superconducting materials, low temperature engineering, power electronics, and intelligent control. The main research contents for superconducting power technology include the electrical and magnetic properties of applied superconducting materials, the study and development as well as application of superconducting power devices, superconducting power device’s transient characteristics and its interaction with power system, characteristics, planning, design, operation, control, and protection of power system with superconducting devices, and so on. Now, the superconducting power technology not only has become an important pillar for the future superconducting industry, but also is considered as an important frontier development direction for advanced power technology in the 21st century.

Fourthly, wind energy has rapidly developed all over the world in the past 10 years, and the total installed capacity increases by 30% each year. China has the resourceful wind energy, and wind energy reservation which can be estimated and utilized is about one billion kilowatt. By the end of 2008, the total installed capacity reached to 12152.8 thousand kilowatt.Based on the analysis of the wind power technology actuality and the comparison between China and aboard, the future development and strategy of the wind energy in China is pointed out.

In recent years, the photovoltaic technology, as a clean and renewable energy power generation mode, is rapidly developing. The range of applications unceasingly widens and the system integration technology continue to be improved. Application forms include offgrid PV system, BI(A)PV, large scale PV, and PV MicroGrid system. Application fields include communication, railway, meteorology, petroleum, rural electrification, PV application products, distributed power generation systems, and largescale PV. All over the world, a lot of countries are committed to the photovoltaic technology research.

The solar thermal power generation technology is relatively mature, low cost with small impact on the grid. It is considered as one of the most promising ways of renewable energy power generation in competition with the wind energy, hydroelectric power, and fossil fuels in power generation. The status quo of China’s solar thermal power generation technology is reported and a comparative analysis on the foreign technology is also given. Finally the prospect and strategy of the technology development are put forward.

Moreover, the nuclear power is a kind of safe, clean, stable, and economical energy which can be supplied at large scale. For the sustainable development of China society, it is a strategic choice for the Chinese government to develop more and more nuclear power plants, while the closed nuclear fuel cycle is adopted by the Chinese government as a principal policy.

The present status and prospects on the technology development of advanced nuclear energy and power engineering in China are summarized from three aspects, i.e. the front part of the nuclear fuel cycle, the reactor engineering, and the back parts of the nuclear fuel cycle.

In the aspect of front parts of nuclear fuel cycle, China has already developed a completed industry system for the uranium exploring, mining, refining, enriching and fabrication of the nuclear fuel assembly. The R&D on advanced uranium separation technology, such as centrifugal machine, the advanced nuclear fuel assembly with high performance, and the advanced MOX fuel are conducted.

In the aspect of reactor engineering, the R&D is extensively performed on the Gen.Ⅱ, Gen.Ⅲ and Gen. Ⅳ, as well as the fusion technology.

Based on the M310type PWR, a French Gen.Ⅱ technology, China has developed its own CPR1000type PWR. On the basis of AP1000 technology transfer, China now is developing its own advanced PWR with even more large output.

In the field of Gen.Ⅳ, China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) is expected to reach its first criticality in 2010; China experimental high temperature gas reactor (HTR10) has been completed in 2002, while two prototype high temperature gas reactors with 200 MW output in total is under construction; the fundamental researches on Super Critical Water Reactor (SCWR) are also performed with the support from a national fundamental science and technology program named “973”.

In the field of fusion technology, it is well known that China became a member of the ITER program in 2003. The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) facility has been put into the operation in 2006.

In the aspect of back parts of nuclear fuel cycle, China has already developed a completed industry system for the spent fuel processing, solidification of the radioactive liquid, and the disposal of the high level radioactive waste. A pilot factory for the spent fuel processing is nearly completed. The R&D on the geologic disposal of the high level radioactive waste is performed.

At last, after hard struggling for 60 years, especially the fast development for 30 years after reform and opening up, the largescale power generation equipment manufacturing industry in China has made some remarkable achievements. The Chinese manufacturing capacity of largescale power generation equipment ranks No.1 in the world and some of the power generation equipment manufacturing technologies of China have already reached the world advanced standard.

The largescale power transmission and transformation equipments are key equipments of power system; their manufacture technology level will influence the safety and reliability of power system significantly. With the development of science and technology, the design and manufacture technology of international largescale power transmission and transformation

equipments have obtained a rapid development. However, restricted by the whole mechanical manufacture technology, new material technology, the largescale power transmission and transformation equipments, especially extra and ultra high voltage equipments, need to be urgently improved.

The improvement of design and manufacture technology of largescale power generation, transmission and transformation equipments in China need a concert effort that coordinates related manufacture factories, research institutes, colleges, and guilds. By using the organization function of guild, the scientific research and innovation ability of research institute and college, and the design and manufacture ability of manufacture factory, solutions to the difficulties existing in the design and manufacture of largescale power generation, transmission and transformation equipments are gradually provided.

To sum up, the development process involving manufacturing technology of generation, transmission and transformation equipments in China is reviewed. Secondly, the comparison with international advanced levels is made and the gaps are found out. Finally, the future for the largescale generation, transmission and transformation equipment manufacturing technology in China is forecasted and some good advices and suggestions are put forward.
























