



之前是中国政府组织,对外推广是作为国礼赠送给其他国家,而非经济效益。但《明清小品文》(The Short Essays of the Ming and Qing Dynasties)(全英文国际版)由英国帕斯国际出版社(Paths International Ltd.)正式出版并在全球发行。王宏教授按作家年代先后顺序,选译了明清两代百余作家的各类小品文名篇佳作共127篇,其中明代小品文82篇,清代小品文45篇,较为全面反映了明清两代小品文的总体成就及发展历程,填补了明清小品文对外传译的一个空白。

在翻译期间也遇到了许多问题。特有的,只有中国文化能表达的,外国所没有的词语,没有办法表达,这就是文化缺省,英文称为“culture different 。”主要办法是音译加注。但明清小品文具有多样的体裁,广泛的题材,既有游记、回忆录,又有书信、书序、笑话、杂说等,这就决定了不同类型的小品文在词汇、句式、句子结构和语篇结构的有所不同。在翻译不同类型的明清小品文时,与合译者苏州科技学院张顺生教授针对文本不同内容,选择不同翻译策略,力求使译文既达意又得体。比如写景,每一个文本,都有一个相应的翻译特点。都有一定程度的改写“rewriting。”





王宏教授下一步您的打算是《中国典籍音译史》,是把整个从250年前到现在所经历的 重要的事件,流派,人物,进行梳理。为以后中国典籍音译作出一








Q1. Do you think that flexible production has dominated the production of urban space in the world? If so, what are the implications for urban forms and social structures of cities?

问题1. 您认为灵活生产已经在当今世界的城市空间生产中占据绝对优势了吗?如果是,它对都市的形态和城市的社会结构意味着什么呢?

Allen J. Scott: Flexible production is the term that came into existence as the Fordist mass production system was beginning to go into crisis.


What it signifies is the opposite of mass production in that flexible production,

especially flexible specialization, usually involves the production of small batches of output with changing design specifications in increasingly competitive and uncertain markets.


At the same time, flexible production is associated with vertical disintegration of production processes.


There have always been forms of flexible production through 19th century and 20th century capitalism, but of course the leading edges in the greater part of the 20th century were the mass production industries, not the flexible industries at all.


Flexible production is marked by rapidly changing design specifications, vertical disintegration, transactions intensive inter-relations between firms, and a relatively unstable set of labor relationships. These forms of production are quintessentially given to locational agglomeration so that as flexible production has risen in the contemporary era we have also seen new industrial spaces appearing, new

agglomerations in various parts of the world, and the resurgence of urban growth in the more advanced capitalist countries and the less advanced countries as well. I actually now would prefer the term “cognitive-cultural economy” to flexible

production, because I think it captures more substantively what is the stake in the new economy. This form of production has now moved to the leading edges of capitalism in terms of employment expansion and innovation. That is not to say that mass

production has disappeared. Mass production is still with us, but mass production is no longer -- as it once was -- the dynamic leading edge of contemporary capitalism. Nor do we have now anything like the immense growth poles driving that peculiar .cn

version of metropolitan growth characteristic of northeast United States in the postwar years.


Xu Wei: do you mean suburbanization, the decline of urban centers…?

Xu Wei:您的意思是指郊区化,城市中心的衰落…?

Allen J. Scott: No, I was actually thinking the growth of the large metropolis

including Detroit, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago. Eventually they did decline or stagnate with the demise of Fordist mass production.


Wei: So, this decline can be interpreted as a shift towards flexible or cognitive cultural economy?


Allen J. Scott:. The shift is part of what happened. The demise of Fordist mass production was a complex phenomenon, at least in North America, of increasing competition from Japan and newly industrializing countries and the saturation of markets for mass produced goods. In the space provided by this crisis and in the context of technologies that were appearing, flexible production and the cognitive cultural economy started to appear. It is a very complex history that no-one has even yet fully worked out.


Q2.. Some scholars argue that American or advanced capitalist Fordism has been exported to the developing countries, and China as a World Factory has been the test site indicating that the “old or obsolete” Fordism or mass production is very much alive and is affecting urban change a great deal. How do you see this line of argument .cn

in relation to globalization? How do you see or characterize the interplay between Fordism and flexible production in different parts of the world?(29:00)


Allen J. Scott: I don’t think the more advanced capitalist countries are still exporting a Fordist model. They did export a Fordist model in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s in the form of very standardized branch plants into the less developed countries. There is no doubt quite a bit of standardized branch plant development still going on, but recent research on the multinational corporations suggests that they are no longer exporting outmoded fordist technologies and labor processes, because even in less developed countries the new branch plants that are being established are of a high technological and skill level and are marked by significant internal flexibilities. For example, in the American owned car industry in Mexico, many of the plants are more efficient than some of the plants in US. There is also a phenomenon of the exportation of low wage packages of work from the US, Japan, and Europe to these countries, but this very much involves things like clothing, shoes, leather goods, and these kinds of industries – while being often highly exploitative – are not really fordist in the classical sense if only because they are not organized around large-scale capital

intensive assembly lines with huge internal economies of scale. The technologies now are much more advanced, the labor processes much more flexible, and so I would argue that the old Fordist model of the international division of labor is not so much on the cards anymore. Also, what we have now are highly organized international commodity chains linking independent producers in low wage countries and firms in high wage countries, with an enormous amount of technological and marketing information flowing backwards and forwards, and there is accordingly a lot of upgrading going on in the Third World countries. So the old model of peripheral Fordism is no longer the major element of the new international division that it once was.

阿兰.斯科特:我不认为发达资本主义国家仍然在输出福特主义模型。在20世纪50、60和70年代,他们确实把福特主义模型以非常标准化的分厂的形式输出到了欠发达国家。无庸置疑,还有很多标准化的分厂开发仍然在进行中,但是关于跨国企业的一项最近的研究表明他们已经不再输出过时的福特主义技术和劳动过程,因为即使在欠发达国家,正在建设的新分厂也具有高技术和技能水平,具有显著的内部灵活性。例如,在墨西哥的美国所属汽车工业,很多工厂比美国本土的一些工厂效率还高。还存在一个现象,从美国、日本和欧洲向这些国家输出低薪工作包,但是这主要涉及服装、鞋类、皮革制品,在传统意义上,这些行业――虽然通常剥削程度很高――不属于福特主义的范畴,只因为他们不是建立在大规模资本密集的组装生产线上,具有巨大的内部规模经济效应。现在技术更先进了,劳动过程更灵活了,因为,我认为国际劳动分工的旧福特主义模型已经不再盛行了。而且,我们现在所拥有的是具有高度组织性的国际商品链,把低薪国家的单 .cn


Q3. How do you assess the major contradictions that are embedded in the mode of production in contemporary capitalism and what are the implications for the urban development in the developing world? (36:20)

问题3. 您如何评价当代资本主义生产方式的内在主要矛盾,对发展中国家的城市发展意味着什么呢?

Allen J. Scott: The biggest urban problem of the new economy is the polarization of urban society, because the new economy is producing a very large number of highly skilled and trained workers, the creative class, but on the other hand, it is also pulling into major cities very large numbers of unskilled immigrants, often illegal workers, from the countryside in the case of China, or from other countries in the case of the US. This pattern of social segmentation in cities means that cities are full of social tensions and political predicaments of which the most obvious one is the potential for social explosions of various kinds, a phenomenon that we see from time to time in Europe and in the US. Spontaneous revolts of the underclass are part of this

configuration of urban life. The other problem, of course, is that this underclass is not only an underclass economically, but is also outside of the mainstream of political life – these people are not brought into the mainstream of political life. They have limited rights of citizenship, and many barriers exist to their full participation in the social and political life of the city, and hence there is an enormous problem not only of income inequality, but also of social integration of these immigrants into

contemporary cities. The new cognitive-cultural economy in the US and UK seems to have been associated with an overall declining sense of community at all levels. Many books have been written recently about the decline of community, especially in US cities. See, for example, publications by Sennett or Putnam. Christopher Lasch in an early work called The Culture of Narcissism points to the self-obsessed individual as a distinctive figure of contemporary American society.


外――这些人没有进入主流政治生活。他们的公民权受到限制,在他们完全参与城市社会和政治生活上存在诸多障碍,因此,不仅存在收入不平衡的严重问题,还有这些移民进入当代城市的社会融合问题。美国和英国的新的认知-文化经济似乎与各个阶层社团概念的整体丧失有关。最近有很多书论及了社团的沦陷,尤其是在美国的城市。比如,看一下Sennett 或Putnam的著作。Christopher Lasch在早期名为《自恋文化》中指出,自恋的个体是当代美国社会的一个显著特征。 .cn

In the developing world, the same contradictions are present perhaps in an even more extreme form: the tremendous polarization of social life in the cities of the Third World, and again the decline of community. For example, in Brazil, the so called creative class increasingly retreats behind barricades represented by private gated communities, which itself is a sort of symptom of the breakdown of urban life.












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